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Fantasy Family Buisness' Suck!

Oxford's eyes widened at Cara addressing him with a certain nickname he hadn't heard for at least 20 years, making the vampire feel like he was just some young man harboring a crush for a fair lady. His cheeks turned the faintest of reds as he raised an eyebrow at Cara, smiling at her and earning themselves a roll of Tamara's eyes and a playfully disgusted grimace.

"There are children present, you can swoon over each other after we've cleared things up...This begs the question though, do we have to call you 'Dad' from now on?" The pierced vampire asked with a raised eyebrow, grinning that signature toothy smile of hers as she turned towards Sky and Iris.
"What a sight to behold, a nest of bloodsuckers, a little cult of Nosferatu." Tamara joked, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she turned to Oxford.

"Mind if I tell 'em what we've learned the past month?" Tamara asked, her claw coming to rest on her pointed chin as Oxford nodded, his fingertips brushing over Cara's palm.
"Very well, young lady."

"Splendid! So, hate to break it to you guys but seems we chose the wrong year to join the dead. Turns out there's an increase in coven activity in this city as a new one's starting to rise to power...And let's say they're not really fond of the other's etiquette and will to remain hidden and not bother mortals. These nasty nightprowlers want to turn this entire city into Vampire heaven and, well, they also need Oxford's research to get themselves a few genetic vampire lackeys to keep the humans at bay. And well, Hank and his friends got tipped off and now they prepare to raze this city to the ground if they don't manage to stop the new coven, it's a mess really and I would have suggested to just keep out of this....buuuuuut my conscience got the better of me, funny how dying kinda gives you a perspective for the future, no?"

Waiting for the information to sink in and let the others process it all Tamara took a seat on the couch, narrowly avoiding sitting in a puddle of Cara's own blood.

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Things didn’t improve as Tamera explained the situation. Even after she did, Sky didn’t respond, Iris moving to stand beside where she sat, sending her an apologetic and overwhelmingly glance. “I’m not mad at you…” She’d murmur before clearing her throat slightly, pausing before speaking due to another wave of nausea unleashing a powerful pounding in her skull. “Why do they need genetic vampires exactly? I know I can go outside during the day but that’s going to change soon, right? Once the infection finishes I’ll be as dead as you four.”

With that she’d lean back in her seat beside Tamera, waiting for a response.

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With Sky taking a seat right next to her Tamara couldn't resist the temptation to playfully poke her sister's arm, grinning a sheepish grin at her before crossing her arms behind her back and letting go of a sigh.
Waving around with her hands she then continued with a very nonchalant tone.

"Well, seems they're planning for the future, having humans with dormant Vampire dna just waiting to awaken and turn the city into a freakshow seems like the best way to gain an advantage over the hunters and slowly bring the cities under their control. It would take them only about two generations to turn almost every small city in the states into a vampire ghost town with 'human' citizens being ticking timebombs. This is why Hank had been mobilizing every hunter he could find. Downside to his plan is that we'll all die in the process because for some reason he thinks only a dead vampire's a good vampire. I personally think that's a half truth, the best one's are all UNdead anyways."

Earning herself a disappointed groan from Oxford Tamara eyed him while dramatically pouting.
"Hey, can't expect everyone to have your lack of humor, that's the one thing that will survive the ages, and all of you are going to be able to enjoy it on the way."

Rolling with his eyes Oxford coughed, drawing the attention back to him.
"So, in short, we have to stop a renegade Coven with their fanatical leader AND your now Ex-Husband before their quarrel is going to tear this entire city apart." The Brit remarked with a sigh as he turned towards Cara.
"Seems it'll take a while until we can actually enjoy some peace and quiet." The pale-eyed vampire remarked with a smile, his finger entwining with Cara's own and making Tamara grimace, baring her pierced tongue.

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"Lovely." Sky would grumble, Cara having been swooning over Oxford enough for her too roll her eyes. "I thought it was bad when you were older, but this is just..." At this she would sigh before glancing down at her blood-drenched clothing. "I need to shower and change... mind showing me where that is?" She'd give the old Brit a smile as they would leave the room, he practically carrying her.

Iris would've then taken a seat on one of the chairs adjacent from the couch. "You don't need to look so guilty..." Sky replied, the woman taking an unnecessary breath. "But... that isn't the only thing you don't know about me..." Confused she would gesture for her to continue. "I was bit when I was 23, but that was... 80 years ago..." Sky just blinked as she continued. "It's the main reason why you haven't met my family or why I wasn't comfortable being around your dad." Giving a shrug, she wasn't sure she could be phased by anything anymore. "Seeing as we're now in the same boat I don't really have a reason to judge or whatever, but if you start drooling me like those two, I'll personally buy some silver." She gave a small smile as her girlfriend continued. "So are you involved with a coven?" "The older you are the more powerful you are, and if you aren't of the ruling bloodline, then they try their best to keep you under their lock and key. Essentially being their personal blood starved juggernauts. It's why Oxford isn't aligned with one either." "What about younger vampires?" Iris seemed to grimace as she asked this. "Brainwashed most of the time. They try to make sure they are all their obedient servants until they get old enough to be worth something. Only those apart of the desired bloodline are treated like royalty." Sky's eyes would widen never having heard her be so vocal about something especially in such a tone. "But if you're a genetic vampire... you're valuable like Tamera said. You two and your mom might be vampires, but the large difference is still being able to produce naturally which is why you exist." "And that spreads the infection through genetics..." Sky sighed, glancing towards Tamera. "Did you learn anything else?"

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"Apart from there already being bounties on our heads and every coven that's considered somewhat influential wanting a piece of us? Hell, we've gotten formal invitations as well, promising power and influence. Or rather just big, fat lies in order to lure us in, these decrepit old bloodsuckers only care for their own position and want to expand their own territory, so we'd just be another bloody pawn in that sick game. Even Oxford got some rather interesting offers." Tamara continued, her pierced tongue flicking over her sharpened canines.

"All of which he 'respectfully' declined. Or rather having told them to fuck off in ways I did not deem possible. The old man's got quite the vocabulary." Tamara chuckled, raising an eye at Iris.
"The thing is, with more and more younger vampires becoming independent the old ways are starting to fade and the coven leaders are desperate to still keep every other bloodsucker on a leash, quite hard in this day and age, seems that haunting ol' castles isn't as effective anymore as it used to be. Anyways, it does mean this is their last big effort to become a guiding force in the world once again and if we don't hit 'em where it hurts and get them off our asses they'll be turning most of this world in their little vampiric paradise. Wouldn't want that to happen, it would quite literally suck..." Sky's sister added as she put her heavy boots on the small table in front of the couch.

"But we got a few friends in high places that whispered some rather interesting news. Like the location of the council of elders, all of which I'd best describe as ol' Nosferatu, but uglier. We know where they are, but the hunters would rather just raze the entire city, so keeping them from doing just that while we get rid of these ugly bats we should potentially get rid of them forever. But it does sound way easier than it'll be, as oh so many things. Like actually getting there is easy, we all got invitations, but applying all Hank taught us to the biggest, baddest vampires on earth will be quite tricky." The raven-haired vampire remarked with a click of her tongue, her eyes wandering from Sky to Iris and then back.

"I already know the answer, but are you in for this little prank, sister mine?" Tamara asked with a raised eyebrow, her eyes glimmering a dramatic shade of crimson as a mischievous grin spread across her pale visage.

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"Aren't we special." Sky sighed before nodding. "Yeah, I'm in seeing as I really don't have a choice." With that she would stand and stretch before asking "Is there a bed around here I could fall into? I'd like to get a bit of sleep as feeling like shit constantly isn't something I'd prefer to be doing at the moment." Iris would think for a moment, studying her carefully. "It should pass in a few hours, although since you haven't drank from a human... or vampire, it'll still be awhile." "How wonderful." She grumbled, off to find the nearest vacant bedroom.

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After those oh so peculiar events the entire ragtag group of Vampires was more than happy to help themselves to some rest, spending most of the day's sunlit hours in their loft, with Cara and Oxford having to share their room in order to accommodate for the three juvenile vampires.

But even then Sky didn't get to sleep in as soon after nightfall her sister's cold claws shook her from her dreams, flashing her a crooked grin.
"Get up sleepyhead, rest is for the living." Tamara chuckled, tossing her sister one of her father's silver hunting knives, hoping that they would not really need it all that much on this fateful night.

Stretching her slender form and shooting Sky an amused glance at her not really being used to being up this late, or rather early.
"Oxford 'accepted' the coven's deal, meaning we're going to waltz straight into that vampire nest. Hope you're not rusty, it's enough of a hassle to keep myself from screwing up." The vampire remarked with a smile.

"We'll get breakfast on the go."


Being crammed up in Oxford's oldtimer the bloodbank on wheels made its way downtown, with the three younger vampires sitting in the back, slurping on lukewarm blood bags as Oxford drove his car into the heart of the city.
"So, Oxford, I hope you know what we're getting ourselves into, right?"

Gazing into the rearview mirror the older vampire raised an eyebrow.
"Certainly. There's a meeting with the four elder vampires planning their coup de grace that would mark the new age for vampires. Meaning if we manage to destroy this rat's nest the younger vampires would have to fend for themselves and more importantly...Think for themselves. There's no future trying to enslave humans. That I learned." Oxford mused as they arrived at a huge, seemingly abandoned theater, the large entry arc barely lit and the huge oaken door with wicked wood carvings staring at them like the door to the underworld.

"Sheesh, they really have a knack for the dramatic stuff, huh?" Tamara remarked, crossing her arms in front of her chest as she gazed over to Sky.

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And while her sister was wide away at such an hour, Sky wasn't. She was deeply asleep when she decided to shake her awake, the woman still half asleep as she mumbled something about 'a few more minutes.' But the silver knife being tossed onto her was enough to pull her from her sleep, the weapon small but having a bit of weight to it. Sitting up with a grumble and grabbing the handle, she'd crawl out of bed, her jaw in enough pain to thankfully render any more complains she could've had mute.


The blood bag she had been given was a bit difficult to manage when she still wasn't exactly equipped to deal with such things yet, so removing its contents took a bit more time than it did for Tamera, but it was worth the struggle. "Ready?" She asked after a moment, rolling her eyes. "To walk into a vampire's lair and try to strike them in their undead heart? Not really, no." With that she'd sigh, shoving the bag back into her mouth to try and get its remaining contents down her throat.

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"Well, we didn't really sign up for this, did we?" Tamara joked, putting her cold hand on Sky's shoulder as they made their way over to the large oak door, Oxford following suit, his tall frame looming over the two younger vampires as he raised an eyebrow at their banter.

"Just...play it cool? That's the saying, yes?" The Brit asked, a faint smile adorning his pale face as they came to a halt at the carved piece of wood, more akin to a sculpture than an actual door, the wicked faces of creatures of the night and almost nude figures staring at them.

"Damn, I'm always amazed how idiotic these vamps have to be to consider this an inconspicuous lair. Clearly not up to date with current fashion and standards, huh? And they want to rule the world?" Tamara remarked with a chuckle as she raised her clawed hand against the wood, intend to knocking....

Only for the door to cave inwards, allowing them to gaze into the abyssal black of a dimly lit hallway.
"As I said. Overdramatic as hell!" The punk vampire mused, her tall heels carrying her over the doorstep, resting her hands in her pockets, as she made her way into the lion's den, not even hesitating.

Step by step the trio would get closer to the throbbing heart of vampiredom, being able to observe shadowy figures dance around the blackened corners, glowing eyes staring holes into their souls as soon they would be followed by a whole entourage of vampires, curious about where the three of them were headed to...

Just for them to arrive at another set of doors, chatter, piano and violins reaching their ears from behind the gate.
And with one swift move of her hands Tamara opened the door, revealing what lay beyond.

A lounge decorated in rich shades of purple and crimsons, with masked figures slithering around luxurious couches and armchairs, sipping suspicious red essence from fine crystal as their eyes fell on the three newcomers, making their vampiric followers whisper under their breath before disspering into the darkness once again.

Taking a step into this world of red the door would slam shut behind the three of them as the music resumed, albeit sounding a bit more sinister and slower....
"Oxford, my brother! Oh how your presence delights me!" A woman cloaked in pure purple, her features hidden behind an intricate mask of the same colour and gold ornaments, would approach the three of them, a smile adorning her face.

"It's been too long. It's good to have you back, how I've missed your wits in this hive of yes-sayers!" The woman continued, her green eyes coming to rest on the two sisters as her lips curled into a sinister smile.
"Oh and you've been oh so productive yourself! Two fine specimens you've brought us! Your bloodline I presume, yes yes?"

Earning herself a sour stare from Oxford, the Brit coughed politely, raising a hand.
"Amanda, It's truly delightful to see you again, I thought you were still in Neuchâtel, enjoying the old world."
His eyes wandering over to the sisters, Oxford continued, adjusting his suit's tie.
"Nothing seems to get by your, does it? Yes, they are both borne of my blood."

"Ah wonderful!" The vampiress exclaimed, smiling wider and clasping her hands.
"How cute, not even a whole year old, are they? And already so pale? My, it's a shame you do not share your blood with more of the fledglings like others do, the world would be better for it. So, what's your name, Darling? Oxford forgot to mention yours." Amanda remarked, glaring over to Sky with those bright green eyes of hers.

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"No we didn't..." Sky replied with a mumbled as they made their way up to the door, it creaking open as they neared, the act reminding her of something out of a horror movie. But still they entered, the eyes on the small group causing her to try and pick up her pace to match with Tamera's, the room before them surprising her somewhat.

The conversation that ensued was... strange. The woman speaking about her and her sister as if they were children (although in a small way they could've been considered as such.) Regardless of that fact, she still found it odd and almost as cold as Amanda's ancient gaze, but that wasn't the only thing she wasn't clear on. Oxford had mentioned they were both borne of his blood, however only Tamera had while she was most likely the most human one in the room much less the entire building. It caused her to frown slightly, wondering if they were lying simply to gain their trust.

But she was ripped from her thoughts as the older vampire asked for her name, her gaze causing her to flinch slightly, it being extremely intense. "Sky..." she slowly replied, unable to keep her eyes from darting about the room afterward, wanting to look at anything but Amanda.

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"Sky? What a pretty name, though I doubt you get to see it a lot." Amanda remarked, leaning closer to Sky as her finger came to rest on the young woman's chin, the ancient Vampire's eyes peering at her with utmost interest.
"So pale, you'll fit right in here. Maybe next time you should work a bit on your appearance, darling. You look like your common street urchin...Oooooxford, you should've taught her how to dress appropriately." Amanda mused with a pouty expression on her masked face.

"It's a waste. I can understand that you let the other sister..." Making Tamara raise an eyebrow and shoot Amanda a venomous glare.

"I have a name, thank you. And you're the one talking here, your outfit hasn't been in for centuries, if not millenias." The younger vampire remarked with a crooked grin, baring her many sharpened fangs in a mocking smile, earning herself a hurt gasp from Amanda who met Tamara's crimson glare with a green one of her own.

"Oh my, Oxford should have put you in place. That's the attitude befitting some mutt. Hide your fangs dearest, and rid yourself of all that metal in your face. It is a privilege to be allowed in our presence, you better come to realize that." Amanda hissed, exchanging glances with Oxford as she motioned towards an empty suite.

"I'll join you shortly, the elders are going to make their entrance in due time, enjoy the high live for once, you should get used to it again." Amanda cooed as she guided the three over to the crimson couch, taking a seat there with them as she called over a waiter.

"The usual." Glancing over to the others Amanda removed the mask off her face, revealing a pale face covered in a multitude of freckles framed by a mane of red hair.
"We all have our little imperfections, it's no shame, though the two of you have no excuse to appear in here dressed like that..." The ancient vampire remarked, crossing her long, slender legs as her hand came to meet Oxford's, winking at him.

"So, tell me. You're aware of what awaits you here, yes?" Amanda then asked, glancing over to Sky and Tamara as Oxford tried to escape her grasp, her slender fingers wrapping around his own in a vice-like grip.

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That was the big difference between the two sisters. While they both weren't exactly feminine, Sky knew when to hold her tongue, Tamera... not so much. And when standing in a room of vampires as old as they all were...

When Amanda leaned forward and rested a finger on her chin, she fought back an urge to pull away, remaining silent as she commented on her choice of clothing. But when she referred to Tamera, the younger woman not hesitating with a response, Sky sent her a glare of her own. They weren't here to get killed within five minutes of entering!

They sat together, Sky shifting her weight awkwardly as she spoke. Finally as Amanda ask her question, she was the first to respond, her voice a bit taught. "Oxford didn't really bother sharing any information..."

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"Oh, I thought he would have already told you of all the wonderful privileges you'll get to enjoy once you've officially joined our ranks. He used to be so much more invested in our little kingdom of the night, yes?" Amanda remarked, glancing over to Oxford with a raised eyebrow and a pouty expression on her pale face.

"That was a long time ago. And I didn't want to bore them or spoil their fun, this is best experienced on your own, wouldn't you agree, Amanda?" The Brit answered the female bloodsucker's accusations, resting his chin on his propped up palm as a very atypical smirk crept onto Oxford's face, his eyes coming to match Amanda's own as they turned his signature milky white.

"Well, he did mention something about becoming Emissaries or something, right?" Tamara interrupted, raising a clawed finger to her chin and earning herself an annoyed look from Amanda.

"Something like that, yes. You're both aware of your genetic condition, right? Well, the elders think it's of utmost importance to increase the numbers of your ilk. And they want Oxford here to oversee this while you two get integrated into this command chain. So you'll get to actually learn to respect authority." The green-eyes vampire spoke slowly as her fingers drummed against her leg, almost as if they were waiting for something...or rather someone.

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Sky had expected this to be glorified in a sense, make it out to be much better than it seemed. From how vague Amanda was explaining things to what Iris had explained to them earlier, it was painfully obvious. But before she could comment on it, the waiter had returned with someone following behind them. He passed a rather elaborate looking glass of a specific dark liquid to Amanda before taking his leave, revealing who had been following. It was a tall man, almost a spitting image of Oxford save for his taste in clothing and the dark crimson glow his eyes held. Giving a small grin towards them, a flash of elongated fangs glinting in the low lighting, he would set a few more glasses of blood down onto the table before them. “If it isn’t my beloved twin. How have you been, Leon? Finally coming to those senses of yours and bringing a few valuable gifts as well…” He would trail off, studying them for a moment until he hastily began speaking once more. “Oh! Where are my manners… Earnest Whitlock…” He’d give a small nod of his head after saying this, looking at Sky and Tamera expectantly.

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Inhaling sharply through his gritted teeth Oxford's pale eyes met his twin's crimson, a similar shade of red as Tamara's own, eying him suspiciously.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were still terrorizing southern America. Last I heard of you was that Brazilian carnival affair." Oxford mouthed, his words cold and sharp enough to edge bone, making Tamara feel as if the temperature was dropping rapidly.

"Oh my, Earnest, don't embarrass your brother in front of the children." Amanda would exclaim in an amused tone, her arms wrapping around Earnest's arm as her eyes came to rest on the two juvenile vampires, causing Tamara's eyes to dart from the two elder bloodsuckers to meet her sister's eyes and back, the steel grey of them turning a rich crimson as she grinned at Earnest.
Blowing their cover would be the worst possible thing and Earnest did seem like someone who loved tormenting his brother, or anyone for that matter.

Her lips curling into a crooked grin, Tamara wrapped her arm around Sky's neck, raising a pierced eyebrow at Earnest and Amanda.
"Oh, Oxie never told us he had a brother, in fact, he didn't even tell us a lot about this place anyways." The punk vampire would speak, clicking with her pierced tongue as the crimson of her eyes met Earnest's own, pulling Sky closer as her cold arm rested around her neck.
"I'm Tamara, this is my sister Sky, glad to see not everyone of Oxford's family as prude and prissy like him." The vampire would talk, trying her hardest not to make her being intimidated by the whole situation become noticeable, especially not to the two Vampires who looked like they wouldn't hesitate to tear the trio's throats out.

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Earnest would scoff as Amanda’s request. “Oh please, dear, I would never do such a thing. And Leon, why I never knew why you decided to come up with that silly nickname, I had grown bored of my… business down there, especially with the locals. Rumors of my deeds still do exist, and-” He gestured towards Sky and Tamera. “When these two finally learn all you’ve been withholding from them, they’ll make themselves a name somewhere as well. I’m certain of it.” The man almost purred these last few words, making Sky increasingly uncomfortable.

As Tamera wrapped her arm around her neck tightly, pulling her in close and explaining who they were and how she felt about Oxford, his twin let out a small chuckle. “Yes, after knowing him a few centuries he tends to be quite the pain in the neck if I do say so myself.” His gaze would then shift towards Sky. “And you, Sky was it? Are you alright, dear? You haven't been speaking much and look as if you’ve seen ghost or two.” The younger vampire blinked a few times before averting her gaze, had her discomfort been that obvious? “Gah, whatever the reason I know what’ll fix it. Please, drink! You're in pleasant company. I'm sure Oxford wasn't very inclined to feed you two correctly.” He gestured towards the glasses that were on the table, they nearly full to the brim with a dark blood.

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Eyeing the dark liquid in its crystal container, Tamara raised an eyebrow as she slowly pulled the glass towards her, inhaling the metallic scent...refined with a sweeter, intoxicating one that made her body urge her to accept this oh so gracious offering.

Exchanging glances with Oxford the Brit nodded as he himself took a probing sip from the crystal and earning himself a chuckle from Amanda.
"Oh Oxford, lighten up. You're guests here, it's time you got around accepting that not everyone's out for your blood, in a very literal manner. D'Allard wanted us all to welcome you back with open arms, as he would, that sentimental soul. The oh so classic tale of a long lost son returning."

At the words of his maker, Oxford's lips would form a oh so faint smile, not going unnoticed by Earnest, who'd answer by rolling his crimson eyes.
"He always favored him Amanda, going on how he was the new era for our kind, seems it skipped a generation, didn't it?" The twin remarked, glaring over at Sky and Tamara.
"Come on, a toast to your health would be in order, and for the great things to come!"

With these words the heavy door swung open, making a chilly breeze flow through the vampire's den, making the red lights flicker and causing the masquerade to fall silent as a crypt, all eyes wandering over to who would make their entrance...

And they did not need any introduction, as several lackeys dressed in grey coats with rich ornaments gave way for their masters.
Allowing everyone to behold the very heart of Vampiredom, the remaining four Elders who ruled the world that lurked just below a human guise.

Four Vampires who had survived centuries, if not millennia, and who were out for the Sister's secret to finally step out of the shadow of man and rule the world, their pale claws wrapped around the neck of humanity.
Stepping from the Shadows into the vampire nest, the doors would slam shut behind them, cloaking the four elders in rich crimson light.

They were equally comprised of women and men, each and every one of them demanding respect by their sheer presence.
With one of the men's pale eyes wandering over the crowd, standing in contrast with his dark skin....

And coming to spy the three new arrivals, causing his lips to curl into a welcoming smile, stepping away from his fellow elders who looked more akin to corpses than actual living beings.
Opening his arms, D'Allard would wrap his arms around Oxford, making every vampire's eyes rest on the two...
Whispers and gasps making the vampire court's disapproval apparent as an Elder would converse with a lowly common Vampire, and even then without any reservations as D'Allard's strong arms would threaten to break Oxford's back.
"Lionel! What a delightful surprise! No one did seem to mention you accepting my invitation to me. And you brought your own fledglings too?" The dark-skinned Vampire remarked with a bright smile, resting his large hand on Oxford's slim shoulder, making the Brit reciprocate the gesture with a smile of his own...
All the while Earnest was witnessing the sight with a venomous glimmer in his crimson eyes with Amanda swooning over the dramatic reunion of Maker and "Son".

Finally turning to the sisters, D'Allard would bow politely.
"Pardon me, I usually do not need to introduce myself. I'm Garion D'Allard, the vampire who turned the man you know as Oxford, whose real name is Lionel Lawrence, and Elder of this court. A pleasure." D'Allard would introduce himself as every pair of vampiric eyes would rest on him and the sisters.
"And who are you who I'd find in company of my dear Son?"

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As Oxford gave a nod she would've also reached for the glass before her, the scent intoxicating. Sky was about to take a sip when the doors flew open, also losing her hold on it, abruptly setting it back down as she turned to see the cause of the commotio.

If being in the presence of Amanda and Earnest was intimidating, then being before the elders was outright terrifying.

Unconsciously shifting a bit closer towards Tamera, she watched mutely as one of them approached the old Brit, wrapping his arms around him before introducing himself as his maker. Sky would open her mouth but ended up not being able to speak, remaining silent as she hoped her sister could respond in a way that wouldn't get them slaughtered where they sat.

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Tamara's eyes darted to Sky, gazing at her with a mortified expression and a raised eyebrow before her crimson orbs slowly trailed toward D'Allard, his hearty smile not even wavering as her own lips curled into a crooked grin. Displaying the most awkward smile as it revealed an array of curved ivory fangs.

Letting go of an embarrassed chuckle Tamara's clawed finger came to rest on her chin, eyeing the ancient vampire with a curious glimmer in her crimson eyes.
"Erm..." Just for the entire room filled to the brim with vampires making her feel like she was sitting in a courtroom, which wasn't far from the truth as murderous, piercing glares rested on the two sisters.

Her smile widening into a hearty grin, mirroring D'Allard's own Tamara crossed her arms in front of her chest, raising an eyebrow at the Vampire who was far more than ten times older than her.
"I am Tamara Connors, this is my sister Sky. Nice to meet you, I think this makes you our Granddad, no?" Tamara spoke, gazing straight into the vampire elder's eyes without even flinching, making the entire room fall silent...Just for the common vampire's hisses to fill the void.

D'Allard's face seemed to darken, his smile weakening as he raised an eyebrow at Tamara, leaning closer towards the sisters as his tall frame loomed over them.
"In the past centuries as head of this court nobody has ever spoken to me that way..." The dark-skinned elder spoke slowly....

Only for his smile to return, even wider as the sound of his paw-like hand coming to rest on Oxford's shoulder echoed through the room.
"My, my, your daughters got Bite!" D'Allard chuckled as Oxford smiled relieved, almost having died from shock as Tamara had confronted the elder without any form of common vampire sniveling.

"This coven could use some fresh blood. We're too invested in our old ways, they've been holding progress back as we revel in aristocracy and luxuries." The elder added, his eyes wandering over to Sky as the remaining elders slowly slid into view again.

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As D’Allard’s expression fell and his voice lowered at Tamera’s response, Sky was convinced they were going to get their throats torn out… Until he almost immediately lightened up and give Oxford another friendly slap, clearly pleased with his “daughters.”

Sky tried to hide her look of relief, but did poorly as the elder’s eyes washed over her, the young woman averting her gaze from his almost instantly. This could’ve been seen as suspicious behavior, but it was certainly going to be chalked up as an expected response to the current circumstances, as it wasn’t everyday you were sitting in the middle of a room of vampires, some of which as old and as powerful as time itself.

Earnest wasn’t all that pleased by this display of affection, his dark eyes narrowing and almost glowing as they focused on the pair not too far from him. A fierce jealousy envy had consumed his features, the man doing nothing to hide it.

But before anyone could call him out for it, another one of the elders decided to join the little group. This time it was a woman who could’ve easily been mistaken for a corpse if one wasn’t careful enough. She lingered near where Amanda sat, passing her a brief glance. “Amanda dear, are you going to introduce me? I thought it would be best if some of us got rather acquainted with them.”

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Earnest's reaction didn't go unnoticed by Oxford, who in turn averted his gaze, knowing that they were approaching the point where his dear brother would snap, threatening to make things not go as smoothly as he had intended.
With D'Allard already having introduced himself and gotten to know the newest addition to his own bloodline, the eldest Vampire stepped forward, her thin, gaunt form more akin to a ghost than a vampire, with long, silky white hair hanging from her face with the sunken features like cobwebs.

Not even Amanda being able to hide the shivers that ran across the arch of her back as the elder's clawed hand came to rest on the younger vampire's exposed shoulder, making the redhead shudder oh so slightly at the feeling of terror, the elder's touch making her feel so much inferior to the ancient creature that looked like it founded vampiredom.

"Ah, yes Mistress!" Amanda mumbled, turning towards the sisters, her green eyes resting on the youngest vampires in the masquerade.
"This is Lady Desmodous, eldest of this court and mistress over the largest coven the world was ever allowed to witness." The green-eyed vampire continued as the crypt-crawler loomed over the sisters, her sunken, blackened eyes staring holes into what remained of their mortal souls.

"Enough of the pleasantries, D'Allard has failed to mention that his bloodline has been passed on on a third generation, we were not informed about the existence of two additional fledgling Vampires. Is this a coup of yours, D'Allard, do you intend to expand your influence or was this nothing more than a slip up from your own child?" Desmodous spoke slowly, her thin lips parting to reveal rows of sharpened, needle-like teeth.

Yet D'Allard did not waver.
"You're mistaken. And even then you were the one proposing we'd populate this world with more of their ilk. I did not intend to do so but I am but one digit of this hand, you decided to wrap it around the mortal's neck and so I'll follow." The dark-skinned vampire remarked as the ancient nosferatu turned towards Sky and Tamara.

"Very well. Are the two of you ready to accept the elder's gift and be taken under our wing? For as timeless as we are, the humans will not lie in wait for us to nudge them towards their true destinies." The monstrous vampire added as the crowd of vampires parted, revealing a free passage towards the center of the room, where four throne-like chairs rested on a stone plate with strange engravings running across its pale white surface.

"What is your answer, child?"

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The woman's presence was chilling, her voice that much more, and gaze to finish the look. Sky listened intently, although the sound she produced wasn't all that pleasant to listen to in an unsettling sort of way.

What occurred next felt as if it should belong in a novel or movie, the sea of vampires parting with the thrones revealed, the woman feeling a pit form in her stomach. There was very little they could to do get out of this at this point, the situation seeming to have been one sided from the start. Glancing briefly towards Oxford to see if he could give any indication of what was about to happen, Earnest was quick to interrupt this action, ushering the sisters to their feat. "Of course they will! They would be stupid to refuse." He would wrap an arm around Sky, it being a bit awkward due to their difference in height, but his grin purposely revealing his fangs rather clearly.

"It is their decision." The Mistress said sternly, the younger vampire's expression darkening even more but stepping back, allowing the two to decide.

And seeing as they were in a room full of vampires, not having much of a choice in the matter, they soon were inching their way up the isle, nearing the thrones.

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As the four elders slowly made their way over to their respective seat, each and every one of them tailored to represent the vampire's position in this society of nightstalkers while also having the distinct style of their corresponding elder.
With Desmodous' evidently being heavily egyptian in appearance, sandstone and carved hieroglyphs making for a simple, yet very imposing throne that radiated vile power.

Unlike D'allard's baroque style that spoke volumes about him, and where Oxford got his style from.
A seat that, in the blink of an eye, got occupied by the dark-skinned vampire, crossing his legs as he rested his chin on his propped up palm, piercing white eyes resting on the sisters as the other elders took their rightful places on the archaic carved stone pedestral.

Just for the rest of the vampire court to swarm around the elevated monument, chattering as all their eerie glowing gazes fell on Sky and her sister, Oxford nodding towards them affirmatively as he was dragged into the crowd by Amanda's clawed hands, leaving the two women on their own.

Her eyes wandering over the commotion of bloodsucker before meeting Sky's own, a familiar smile appearing on her pale visage as she tilted her head slightly to the side.
"Guess this is it, Sis." Tamara spoke slowly as she took a step towards the elevated pedestral, the room falling silent as a crypt as D'Allard smiled brightly at his "granddaughters" accepting this gracious gift of blood they were offered.

Wanting to stand up and hold a speech, the dark-skinned vampire was shot three venomous glares from his fellow elders, not wanting him to gain even more of a following that stretched over just his own coven.
This time the other elders wanted to make sure their authority would be recognized, and they'd use the sisters as an example.

Motioning them over to the middle of the platform, Tamara climbed on top of the pedestal, offering Sky her hand as she pulled her sister up, dusting off her jeans as she glanced over to the elders who awaited both of them to step into the center of their circle.

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Sky accepted Tamera’s help in getting up onto the pedestal, it being surprisingly tall, making the endeavor that much more awkward. How were they going to get out of this now? Or were they supposed to be going along with it the entire time? Uncertain of what was to come next, the eldest vampire would walk towards them, her throne sitting empty as she walked towards the sisters with a thin-lipped smile. “I’m glad you two made the correct decision.”

Not more than a moment later, another vampire of a much lower status would shuffle towards her, mumbling a soft “m’lady” as he passed her an ornate yet empty chalice. Nodding in thanks she would raise her wrist to her lips, tearing a large hole into her veins and allowing the pitch black liquid to slowly fill the glass.

Once it was satisfyingly full, she would lift her wrist, healing the wound on command, ignoring the blood staining the new skin as she walked directly in front of the sisters, holding the chalice by the bowl and offering it to them. “Drink.” She commanded, it being shoved into Sky’s hands first. Glancing around the room and seeing all vampiric eyes on her, she gripped the glass tightly before lifting it to her lips and taking a mouthful. It tasted awful, almost like a spoiled wine that hadn’t aged well. Scorching her throat as she forced herself to swallow, she grimaced, the burning sensation enveloping her before switching to a sharp pain.

Her smile staying put, the vampire would take the glass of her blood and then force it onto Tamera, having her drink as well. Yet once she would, she taking the chalice back, screams, hisses, and shouts could be heard coming from the entrance along with the scent of silver and the sound of gunfire.. Turning and facing the doorway with a frown, she passed off the chalice to another grunt, narrowing her eyes. “Such impeccable timing...” She growled before issuing another command. “Get these two out of here.”

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Unlike the time she had accepted Oxford's blood offering that had brought back her sanity, Desmodous' vile essence almost made Tamara throw up. A feeling of disgust painting her pale visage a contorted grimace as her body trembled, the elder's blood merging with her own as she felt a damp cloud settle over her sense of touch, seeping into every fiber of her being before returning to normal.

Leaving her wondering just how much Sky and her had gained in vampiric strength after having ingested the oldest vampiric blood still in this world. Hank and the Gang's timing couldn't have been better as then not sealing the pact with their own blood would leave it null and void, not allowing the ancient crypt crawler to assert any of her foul will unto the two.

But that would not go unnoticed by Desmodous, and the other elders, who nudged their vampiric lackeys to make for the back exit that would lead them out of their lair and leave the hunters to deal with the hordes of brainwashed fledglings, wanting to prove themselves in a pathetic attempt to gain their elder's recognition.

The Platform started to shake as the vampiric seal in the center opened like some twisted jaw, revealing a set of ancient, wound steps that lead deeper into the darkness.
From within the crowd the sisters would be able to spy Oxford fighting against the swarms of vampires trying to force their way out, pushing towards the door like a living wave of bloodhungry fiends.
Finding their gazes, Oxford would nod slowly before diving into the sea of vampiric lackeys, appear near the platform....

Just for Earnest's hand meeting his shoulder, halting his approach with a crooked smile.
"Dear brother, it's time you showed us where your loyalties really lie. The elders will leave to meet again, but it is OUR duty to keep these filthy mortals from trying to stop them. Amanda, you and I will stay behind. We'll live to tell of it an other night but the girls have to leave with them." Oxford's twin gazed over to Sky and Tamara with a wicked smile, Amanda joining the two, gleeful as her teeth were bared.

"Just like old times." The redhead cooed, smiling at Oxford as his thin lips twitched, revealing sharpened fangs.
"Don't be like that. You're overly protective of them. It's all in our common interest." The vampire lady spoke before D'Allard and the other elders started their descent into the pit, the dark skinned vampire nodding towards his protege before nudging the sisters to enter the darkness leading underground.

A few lackeys following the sisters, they were lead down the ancient steps as they soon entered an impressive set of underground corridors, an eerie blue glow illuminating the ancient architecture as the group of vampires slowly made their way through the cold stone halls.

Leaving Sky and Tamara to follow them, a few lowborn vampires close behind them, Tamara looked back, baring her teeth in a smile before turning to Sky, resting an arm over her shoulder as she pulled her closer.
"We need to get the hell out of here, but not before getting rid of some pests beforehand. Seems we've made it this far, now we only need to finish the job." Sky whispered, the elders engaged in bickering as they were discussing who would have the privilege to take one of them under their literal wing and shape into a fitting predecessor....and mindless puppet.

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