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Fandom Fallout, Witcher, and more. Oh my!

Tempus Glacia

I haven't really made a group thing before, but I was asking myself this morning, "Does RPN have a section to search/advertise group stuff?" and BAM! Here it is!

First of all, I'm Glacia. Not that, that is really all that important. But hey.

Well, as stated, I've got my fingers into some things that need more people. There are rules of course, though not very many of them, the biggest one being: Be Literate. Now I'm not asking for you to be able to write a novel, or have perfect grammar. What I want is for people who can put good characters together, that aren't Mary/Gary Sues, God Moders, or anything other than awesome in their own way! If you can do those things, and are interested? Message Me! Can't message? No problem, drop a reply here saying as such and I'll message you instead~

Now then! Onto the interesting part, right?

Fallout - Its your typical Fallout setting in terms of how the world looks, however there are differences of course. For one, it's based in Europe, that way we have free range to do pretty much whatever we want. And we have new monsters, new antagonists, and new clans and such to deal with. There is so much ready to go and ready to explore, I just need people involved to do it!

Witcher - Now if I'm being perfectly honest, I'm not really involved in running this one, but I know the name pretty much says it all. Its already got plots geared and ready to roll, and it too is just waiting for people to come along, join our numbers, and getting it going.

More - Well you want to know what more consists of? Well you're just going to have to message me/reply to find out, aren't you?
For the fallout setting, will it be in a specific province/city of a European country? Or will it include the whole of Europe? The setting will be different I would think, if it were in a European country, depending which one, and whether they regressed like the USA to a sole focus on atomic energy.

Edit: I withdraw my interest.
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For the fallout setting, will it be in a specific province/city of a European country? Or will it include the whole of Europe? The setting will be different I would think, if it were in a European country, depending which one, and whether they regressed like the USA to a sole focus on atomic energy.

Well according to the lore, there wasn't really a whole lot done with Europe. They had a resource war with Arabia, but that ended quickly and there's really no details about it. So it's pretty much freeform in setting. Let me message you, and go from there.
Any chance this would be a discord RP? Interested in fallout and “more” but can’t message yet.

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