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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

She nodded and smiled a little "They're doing good, Keaton's been sleeping in our bed, only thing he likes about you being away. I gotta go love, but call me after the show tonight okay? Just for a few minutes." She told him, "I love you." She told him, waiting til he responded and she finally hung up, going back to Max and sat down again "He's coming home... I'm just so worried about him. They're gonna finish out the week and head home." She mumbled, breathign a sigh of relief though "So who is this guy you've met?"
Max gave a small frown and nodded "You think he should maybe go back to being behind the scenes? Less of the traveling stress." She murmured but soon broke out into a smile when she mentioned her new guy "Uh his name is Jey, and to answer your question from before he hasn't met the kids yet. We haven't had an offical date yet, just kind of talking. I met him with Chris backstage at a wrestling event. He's one of the performers, but I don't know if I should accept his offer to a date." She explained giving a small sigh "A part of me feels kind of guilty for wanting to move on ya know?"
She frowned and shook her head "You don't need to... Ricky always wanted you to be happy. But you gotta do what you need to.... Maybe you just take it real real slow but then again, if you say no, you might be turning down a really good thing. Say yes, give it a go." She suggested, hearing the kids yelling downstairs and stood up, "Come on, let me show you what we did with the basement." She smiled, taking her down to show her the play room they'd turned it into.
Max gave a small nod and smiled some "Yeah you have a point, I think I will go ahead with it." She said happily before standing up and following her downstairs "Oh wow this is amazing! I love all the space and colors." She said but frowned a bit when she heard Rory ask why they couldn't have a house like this.
Carmen shook her head. "Hey guys, you wanna go for a swim? I'll get the cover taken off and you can have some pool time before dinner." She suggested, smiling as they quickly got distracted and ran upstairs to get changed, "Keaton baby come here we gotta do your medicine real quick then you can go swimmiing okay?" She smiled, picking him up and taking him upstairs, "Does this guy know you have kids?" She asked her while she sorted out Keaton then let him go get his swim clothes on.

Nick was stood backstage that evening watching Noah and frowning. He was glad that they were going home. Folio had been sick a fair bit this tour, him and Jolly were exhausted but he could see just how ill Noah had got, glad Carmen had finally got through to him. "Noah.... you alright?" He asked, seeing the way he was swaying on his feet and not liking how pale he'd gone in the last ten minutes, "Dude you're sweating real bad." He frowned, setting his guitar down to go over and help him sit down, "Noah.... breathe." He coaxed "Matt! Matt! We need some help in here!" He yelled
Max gave a nod and smiled some "Yeah he does, he's got two boys of his own. One of them is grown, he had him when he was young and his other is I think a year or two older than Rory." She explained helping Iris when she came down needing her floaties aired up "Rory you make sure to keep an eye on your sister!" She called as they all ran outside.

Noah panted quietly trying to talk to Nick but soon enough his eyes rolled back and he collapsed onto the floor starting to seize up. He came to a few hours later and groaned quietly when he saw what he guessed where hospital walls "What happened?" He groaned seeing Nick beside him.
She smiled and nodded, heading out there with them to keep an eye on them all, getting the towels out of the pool house ready for them. "How's his parents doing?" She asked her, enjoying the afternoon and eveningg with them until she got a call from Nick while she was putting Eden to bed "Hey, give me two minutes, just getting Eden settled." She told him but froze when she heard his next sentence, "Eden baby, if you wanna read for a bit before sleep go ahead okay?" She murmured, kissing her head and stepped out "A heart attack?! Is he okay? What... What happened?!"

He spoke with her for a minute before hanging up and looked over at Noah frowning. "Thank God we're only in Nevada..... You had a heart attack man.... How you feeling?" He asked him gently, helping get the bed raised up. "You collapsed after the show." He told him frowning.
Max was stepping out of the room that the boys were sharing when she heard Carmen on the phone. She frowned deeply and went over to her "Hey everything okay?" She asked her gently

Noah frowned deeply and ran a hand over his face "A fucking heart attack? I feel like I got hit by a bus." He muttered
She shook her head and frowned "No he... shit. That was Nick, he said Noah got really sick after the show tonight. Had a heart attack. He's alright but obviously not great." She told her quickly, looking down as her phone rang again with Nick's number, answering "Hey, what's going on?"

He frowned and nodded, getting him some water, "I've called Carmen, here..." He redialled her number after a minute and held the phone towards him on loud speaker
Noah sighed heavily and took the phone "Hey, hey I'm alright I promise. Feel really sore but I'm okay." He said quietly as he ran a hand over his face "No, no you don't need to come in. I'll make sure to be home as soon as they let me go okay?" He said quietly
She frowned and shook her head. “Noah that’s not… fine. But I told you to come home and now…. Just get home safe. Please.” She told him quietly. “I love you, call me tomorrow please.” She sighed and hung up looking to max. “Could you watch the kids tomorrow? Just for the day… I can’t… he said don’t go but I’m not listening to that bullshit.” She muttered

Nick sighed and hung up when she did. “She’s not gonna listen to that you know that don’t you?” He smiled some. “You want anything from your stuff? Your phone is on the side and your wallet but I can bring clothes and stuff back tomorrow.”
Max nodded and gave a sympathetic smile "Yeah girl go ahead. Anything specific for Eden and Keaton?" She asked softly

Noah sighed heavily and nodded "Yeah I know....yeah some clothes would be great...my switch too." He murmured
She nodded and pulled out keatons medicine “twice a day. Nine and four. He’s so good about taking it.” She told her, thanking her a hundred times over. “Just the day, with a little luck they’ll let him go home by the next.” She frowned, going to start packing her bag. “If they’re being too much, our baby sitters number is on the frodge, just call her and let her know what’s going on and ask her to come give you a hand for a bit.” She told her frantically, finally taking a minute to pause and breathe then carried on packing.
Max hugged her friend tightly and gave a small sigh "Breathe okay? You gotta do your best to stay calm." She murmured before she made her way to lay down in her room.
She left as early as she could at around 3 in the morning and finally got there around 9, going straight to his room after having called nick to find out where he was, sighing in relief as she saw him up and eating breakfast at least. “Oh my god you are not allowed to scare me like that.” She told him, walking over and hugging him tightly. “Have they talked to you yet?”
Noah groaned some as she hugged him and sighed softly "Not yet, they said they'd be in soon. My guess is it was stress induced." He said softly before squeezing her hand gently "I know I told you to stay home...but thank you for coming."
She pulled back a little to sit on the edge of the bed and squeezed his hand tight. “When have I ever let you tell me what to do?” She smiled, reaching over to smooth his hair out of his face “im hoping I can get you home as soon as tomorrow.” She told him frowning and took his hand, squeezing gently.
Noah smiled some and nodded a bit "How are the kids? Is Keaton doing good? I've been so worried about him." He said quietly
She smiled and nodded. “They’re good. They’re enjoying having Rory and Iris over.” She told him, “eat your breakfast.” She murmured, kissing his cheek and going to set her bag down on the chair next to the bed, frowning a little at the way his hand was shaking when he went to eat more of the fruit. “You want a hand?” She asked gently.
Noah gave a small nod and frowned as he tried his hardest to eat but he had no energy. "Yeah.....yeah I do." He said quietly feeling ashamed that he couldn't even feed himself at the moment
She frowned and nodded, kissing his cheek again, making sure he was comfortable first then helped him eat, “Have you caught up with me on Supernatural yet?” She asked him as they’d been watching it together but when he went away she just kept him up to date on what episode she was at.
Noah chuckled and shook his head some "I'm about 4 episodes behind. Been too tired lately." He murmured before he ate some of the food "I'm really exhausted right now, I couldn't get comfortable to be able to sleep last night."
She frowned and nodded. “Then we can catch up while you’re resting at home.” She told him, pushing the food away when he was done, about to try and help him get comfortable for some sleep when his doctor walked in. “What’s… what’s the damage?” She asked worried, holding his hand tight
His doctor looked over the charts real quick before nodding a bit "Right, well Mr. Davis you are a very lucky man. If your artery had been anymore clogged it would have been a widow maker. Right now we are going to keep you overnight and if your vitals stay good then you can go home tomorrow. We'll be setting up an appointment with a specialist for you so you can get more help at home. Any questions?"
She frowned and nodded, watching moah the whole time, thanking the doctor before he left and sighed quietly. “You okay?” She asked him, tracing circles in his palm. “Puppy you should get some sleep.” She told him quietly. “When you wake up we’ll see if you can talk to the kids.” She suggested.

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