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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

She nodded and frowned, “yeah I’ll be right back.” She told him, heading up to Edens room and gently woke her up, smiling as she grumbled a little. “It’s okay baby. Just me. Just mommy…. I’m home okay, I wanted to come see you and let you know I’m home baby.” She murmured, kissing her head.
Eden grumbled but woke up a bit when she heard her mom's voice. She wrapped her arms around her and yawned "Yay....I love you Mommy." She whispered in a sleepy voice before falling asleep against her.
She smiled a little and kissed her head again, tucking her in a bit and went back down to Noah, wrapping her arms around him tightly and burying her face into his chest. “I love you, you gonna go up there or me?” She asked him quietly.
Noah held her to him for a moment before handing her the wine he'd made for her "I'll go up there, I don't want you getting too worked up." He murmured knowing she was better for sure but still not 100% and he did not want her falling back.
She nodded and frowned, leaning into him a little and set the wine down for a moment, just holding his face gently, "Just... just give me a minute." She murmured, staring at him and kissed him gently, "I don't know how Max is doing it or how she's gonna be. Said she was gonna go stay with his parents for a few weeks but don't ever let me lose you cause I wouldn't be able to cope." She told him quietly.
Noah stared at her lovingly and gave a small nod "I've been through a lot of shit in my life, but I've never been as scared as the moment they told me you probably wouldn't make it." He told her seriously shaking his head some "How was Rory? Did he understand anything?"
"So you should've been, who's gonna put the pillow cases back on the pillows if I'm not around?" She smiled a little, kissing him once more and just held onto him shaking her head "He kept asking when Ricky was coming home. He thinks he went away for work and he was... he was crying thinking his Dad shouldn't be working when he's not well.... I just hope he's gonna be alright once he realises." She sighed quietly, finally taking her drink and went to the lounge, pulling up some anime to put on for a little bit until they were tired enough to go to bed
Noah went to sit with her and gave a small sigh "Poor kid...hopefully they'll be okay." He murmured before pulling her in close to him and kissing the top of her head repeatedly.
She nodded, sighing quietly and spending the rest of the evening cuddled up to him except when Keaton was up and wanting to be fed, eventually going up to bed with him but woke up in the morning to Eden sat with Noah while he changed Keaton's diaper "Oh it's a meeting." She mumbled tiredly, rolling over and stretching out a little.
Noah chuckled softly and smiled some "Morning to you too." He murmured smiling as Eden went over to cuddle her mom "You sleep alright?" He asked her quietly.
Carmen smiled and pulled Eden in close, kissing her head "Hey baby, you sleep good?" She asked her quietly, "I think you need to go say something to your Daddy though. Cause I know you were dealing with some real big feelings yesterday but breaking daddy's glasses wasn't okay was it? So maybe we need to apologise to him?" She told her gently, sitting up a little and reached for Keaton as Noah finished changing him, cuddling him close to her and kissed his head too "Oh my little stink butt I missed you."
Noah gave a small smile as he handed Keaton over "She already apologized. I found her trying to tape them together this morning." He explained before pulling Eden in close to him "You want anything specific for breakfast?"
She shook her head a little and smiled "Not hungry." She told him yawning some, "Eden why don't you and I go down to the park this morning? Daddy's gotta go down and talk to your school." She suggested, getting up to go get Keaton dressed for the day, "If they're difficult, don't hesitate to remind them who her grandfather is." She muttered, shaking her head.
Noah gave her a salute before he got up and ready for the day. It was about an hour later when he found himself at the school asking to see the principle immediately.
She sat on the bench, keeping an eye on Eden while she played, gently rocking Keaton's buggy at the same time until Eden came over for a juice break "So you understand that you gotta go back to school once we got you a new teacher don't you?" She asked her, redoing her hair for her so that it was out of her face again
Eden pouted and shook her head as she sipped at her juice "Uh uh I don't wanna. They all mean Mommy." She said before sipping her juice "Ms. Harris tell all her teacher friends at recess that I a headache." She said sadly
She frowned and shook her head. “No baby look at me, daddy is sorting that out right now okay? But you gotta go to school. You won’t see Grace otherwise. Or Lilly.” She frowned glad she at least had two good friends that would hopefully make her wanna go back.

The principal gestured for Noah to take a seat and frowned. “What can I do for you Mr. Davis?” He asked him. “I understand Eden didn’t make it into school this morning.”
Eden gave a small nod and sighed softly "Yeah I like them." She murmured cuddling her for a minute before running off to go play again.

Noah nodded as he sat down across from him once they were in his office "That's correct. It's been brought to our attention that Eden is having problems in her class with her teacher." He explained a frown stuck on his face.
He frowned and pulled up her file, "Well it looks like on our records that your daughter has been disruptive, doesn't do the work and as you likely recall was rude to her teacher last month." He told him, "You've been lucky that we haven't suspended her yet but if this pattern continues we won't have much choice." He told him
Noah shot him a glare and shook his head "Nope, uh uh you guys are not about to put the blame on a 5 year old. I clearly explained to Ms. Harris that my daughter is most likely autistic and that she would need a bit more guidance. I was then assured that her needs would be met and not only that but when we enrolled her here you and I both spoke and we were assured that her diagnosis would not be a problem. Yet here I am now having this kind of conversation because my child has been neglected the care we were told she would receive."
“Well we would need to do a proper investigation into the accusations that you are making here. And until that is finished she would still be in the same class.” He told him but paused when he mentions Carlos Sanchez. “And what about him?” He asked him. “I’m aware that he is a very large donator to the school.”
Noah frowned deeply and shook his head "He also happens to be her Grandfather and he would not be pleased to hear how she is being treated. So I suggest we get her into a new class and look into the accusations against Ms. Harris."
Carmen looked up from the couch where she had both kids cuddled up to her and sleeping while she continued watching the Disney movie she’d put on for Eden. “Hey… how’d it go?” She asked him quietly, smiling as he got his phone out and started taking photos of the three of them "Keaton went in the swing for like ten seconds. I think Eden got a couple photos of it." She told him.
Noah came in and immediately took photos of them chuckling some "He didn't like it?" He asked before sighing heavily "They said they'd need to do an investigation about our 'accusations' and she'd still be in her class. I name dropped your dad and atleast got her into a different class but I didn't like how they handled it. They were making it out to all be Eden's fault and said we were lucky they hadn't suspended her yet."
she frowned and shook her head. “I’m gonna take her in tomorrow and I’ll talk to her new teacher. No he loved the swing but he’s way too small for it still.” She told him, carefully passing Keaton over for Noah to go put down for a nap and Carmen woke up Eden gently, lifting her up and carrying her to take her up for bath time.

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