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Realistic or Modern Falling. Fading Away

Noah gave a small nod and sighed heavily as he sat with her "She said he was stupid in the car because he can't eat normal food." He explained quietly shaking his head "I'm starting to worry about it."
She shook her head "She'll be fine. It's the shock of going from being an only child to having a sibling.... I was the exact same when they brought my brother home." She told him quietly. "I hated him for taking up what little attention I did get." She told him "But I grew out of it, so will Eden.... With some luck she won't lose her brother as a teenager." She sighed quietly.
Noah gave a heavy sigh and nodded some "Yeah I'm sure she will." He said softly before kissing her temple gently "What do you want for dinner?" He asked her softly taking Keaton into his arms to burp him once he was done eating.
She shrugged and cracked open her drink. "I don't mind, whatever you feel like cooking." She told him yawning a little and got up to go take a shower and feel a bit cleaner.

Eden came back to get cuddles from her Dad and frowned seeing Keaton already there "Daddy I don't wanna go to school on Monday." She told him frowning "How come Keaton stay home?"
Noah opened his arm for her to come cuddle him and smiled as she curled into him "Well because he is so small. Babies this age don't go to school yet because they're babies. Once he is your size he'll go to school too."
She gave a dramatic sigh and nodded, snuggling in close though and watching Keaton, "Where's Mommy?" She asked him, pouting when she got told to stay downstairs and give her mom some time alone,
Noah held her close to him and frowned some "She is in the shower, stay down here with me okay?" He murmured before kissimg the top of her head.
She frowned a little and grumbled at him, continuing this trend the rest of the week and even after Carmen had gone away, almost worse while she wasn't there. Her grandpa had taken her out for a couple days out but the last day she was home with her Dad and Keaton. She'd been excited all morning because she'd been told uncle Nick was coming over with Nadine but once they'd arrived she realised that a lot of their time was being taken up with meeting Keaton and she ended up sneaking off to her parents' bedroom, finding her Dad's collection of glasses and snapping the arms off each pair before going back downstairs.
Noah sat with Nick and Nadine smiling but frowned at how quiet Eden had gotten "Eden? What are you doing?!" He called to her frowning more when she said she was playing in a hurried voice "Can you guys watch him a minute? I need to see what she is doing."
She had run back from their bedroom to hers and hidden under the covers the moment she heard him coming up the stairs, knowing she was bout to be in big trouble but she was upset and angry like crazy at the minute and no one had seemed to nnotice just how bad it was.
Noah frowned a bit seeing his bedroom door open. He went inside and went wide eyed seeing his glasses all over the floor "Eden?!" He called as he went into her room "Do you know what happened to my glasses?"
She stayed silent under her covers until they were pulled back and she started screaming and covering her ears, "I want my mommy!" She screamed at him, "I want my Mommy!"
Noah frowned deeply and pulled her covers back as he got into her room "No, I need you to tell me what happened to my glasses. Then maybe we can try and call your mother." He said calmly trying to not let his anger get the better of him right now.
"No! I want my mommy!" She screamed at him "No! You make me go bad place!" She continued to scream, "I want my mommy! I not go school no more!" She yelled, flailing her legs around and ended up kicking him in the jaw while she was flailing so he couldn't pick her up, "I want my mommy!"
Noah frowned deeply and tried to pick her up but fell back when her foot connected hard with his jaw. He stepped out of the room and called Carmen "Babe, babe I need your help. She is having a full blown meltdown....no babe she's broken all of my glasses and just kicked me in the jaw. Please talk to her, I'm really worried." He pleaded just wanting his little girl to be okay.
She frowned and shook her head "Hold on..." She put all of her stuff back in her bag from going through security and headed over to the side "Say all that again, I barely got a word..... Alright put her on the phone." She mumbled, frowning some, starting to think this was more serious than what they had initially assumed. "Hey baby, hey it's okay, it's Mommy..... Eden listen, big deep breaths okay, you gotta calm down for me." She coaxed. "Good job.... Why did you break Daddy's glasses baby? You know that was really really naughty... I'm gonna be home by tonight okay? You gotta let Daddy. help you though cause I can't come back til tonight." She coaxed her frowning, "Can you try and tell Daddy what's wrong?"
Noah explained everything to her again and went back into her room "Hey....Eden baby look its Mommy. I got her on the phone." He explained putting Carmen on video call and sitting on the edge of her bed letting her talk "Tell me whats going on Princess, we want to make sure you're happy." He explained quietly
Carmen stayed on the line for as long as she could until they were calling boarding and she had to hang up while Eden had finally calmed down and turned to face Noah "I'm not going to school." she told him, "I don't like it." She muttered, wiping her eyes and moved to sit in his lap, holding onto him tightly.
Noah frowned deeply and pulled her in close to him "Why not? What about it do you not like?" He asked her softly while he rubbed big soothing circles on her back.
She shook her head and held on tighter. “I not allowed to tell.” She mumbled, starting to cry again. “But she so mean! I don’t like it daddy!”
Noah frowned deeply feeling his anger start to rise at her words "Eden you can tell me or mommy anything understand? If someone tells you to keep a secret from us, you need to tell us immediately okay? We don't want you to be hurt. So who told you not to tell and what is it?" He asked her gently
she sniffled and tried to calm down but it took a few minutes and she finally looked up at him. “Miss Harris.” She told him, “she tell me I’m stupid and she always yell at me and she say that you and mommy no love me. She say you and mommy are… say… say tan?” She asked him not understanding the word satan “cause you have tattoos.”
Noah took in a sharp angered breath and shook his head some "No baby, you are far from stupid. I promise your mom and I will get this handled okay? You don't have to go back to that school." He told her seriously before kissimg the top of her head "Now come on, you wanna go see Uncle Nick? I'm sure if you ask him he'll give you cuddles and play."
Carmen got home late that night and stepped inside, setting her bag down next to a pile of boxes with her keys and went to find Noah, smiling when she found him on the couch with his laptop and a drink. “Hey… she in bed? What was going on?” She asked him, hugging him tightly when he stood and walked over to her.
Noah pulled her in close to him as she got home and took a deep breath relaxing a bit now that she was safe "Yeah they're both asleep. She's not going back to that school, or atleast she teacher. Apparently this entire time she has been yelling at her and calling her stupid constantly. Then called us Satan. And told her that she couldn't tell anyone about it." He explained shaking his head some. He went to the kitchen to make a glass of wine and sighed "You want one?"

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