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Fandom Fallen Down- An Undertale RP CHARACTER THREAD

Name: Selma
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Species: (Would Angel count as Human?)
Physical description:

Personality: Cheerful, Friendly,
Other: Selma is a loving angel with a Red Soul. She doesn't remember how she got to the Underground, but she prefers to talk out her problems rather then use violence to solve them
Name: Frisk
Age: 10
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Physical description: Frisk isn’t very tall, but that’s normal for a child of his age. He often wears a blue and pink striped shirt, plain blue pants, and black boots. Besides the yellow skin tone and being a human in the underground, frisk doesn’t stand out very much.
Personality: Frisk is happy and upbeat most of the time and caring to other’s, despite how unfriendly they might be. He often tries to solve his problems without violence. Though, don’t let that fool you, as he has plenty of DETERMINATION. Once he sets his mind to something, almost nothing can get in his way.
Other: Has the ability to SAVE and RESET.
Soul Color: Red (Determination)

(Sorry for taking so long to post this, got a little busy.)
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My apologies for the lateness!

*Dr. Alphys, as she can go by.*


Alphys is female

Alphys is a yellow dinosaur-looking creature, perhaps a reptilian monster.

Physical Description:
Alphys is rather short, the actual height being unknown, however she's probably 5''0 at least. She weighs somewhere between 100-150 pounds, not being too thin or thick. Though, she does have a more round-ish body, perhaps because she's hunched over most of the time. Her skin is scaly and a golden yellow color, with claws for hands and feet. She has a large tail as well. Her face is oval, with her teeth being a bit big and with a snout-like nose, and big black eyes. She wears glasses, and without the, she'd be as blind as a bat. Large bumps on her head could resemble hair.
Alphys always wears a large lab coat that covers most of her body.

Alphys is a nerdy, shy recluse with a fondness for human anime and manga. She is very insecure, worrying about what other monsters think of her. Her failed experiments with Determination that involved the creation of the amalgates definitely contributed to this, as she was filled with guilt, told nobody and became depressed. She has crush on multiple characters (some mild, others more serious), but struggles to communicate her feelings. She deeply cares for other monsters, as evidenced if Frisk follows a Genocide Route but aborts it in Hotland; after hearing Undyne's last words and evacuating the monsters, Alphys, whose resolve is strengthened, becomes their ruler. Even after people discovered her failed experiments with determination, they treated her as a hero, much to her surprise. She mourns the loss of her friends, then says that she really should have killed Frisk when she had the chance.

Alphys loves human manga and anime.

Alphy's spends most of her time in her lab, where she works on experiments or fixing past failed ones.
File @#$%^&@*(!$!4267815621

Name: Elysium

Gender: Identifies as female, but occasionally male (Or genderfluid, whatever. She doesn't commonly use that term.)

Age: 15

Species: Oh boy, this is where things get complicated. Is she a human? A monster? You can read about it in the backstory.

Appearance: Rather pale-skinned with dark gray hair, light gray and dark red stripes cutting through. When she blushes, it's not red, but gray. She has dark red daimon wings tipped with black spikes and horns of the same color, lined with black. Behind her is a spiked tail. Her eyes are black and teal, which she is sensitive about. She has shackles that appear around her hands when she's frustrated, to avoid punching people in the face, which happens rather frequently. She wears long sleeves 24/7 and black pants.

Demeanor: Usually a sarcastic and witty little sh**, but when she's angry, she's an even more sarcastic and witty little sh**.

Home: Where no one can notice her.

Backstory: You know, I was never a quiet kid. Even in shackles, I never shut up. At least, not until they threw me down Mt. Ebott, 'cause I was screaming. But I'm getting too far ahead of myself: hiya, I'm Elysium. A kid born in a living hell, who looks like a living hell, and adapted to act as a living hell. I was born in a strange way. You know the original story: Humans get scared of monsters, they kill and trap the monsters underground, yadda, yadda, yadda. Well, I was born quite a while after that, you see, when the first generation of monsters began to die of old age. The dust managed to get to the surface sometimes. The dust, seeking life, was, er, "absorbed" somehow by pregnant ladies. Yes, I know, it's weird. Just deal with it. Anyways, this would affect their offspring in curious ways. They were usually born with monsterish characteristics: tentacles, single eyes, and pointy ears. They usually died within four minutes. The humans didn't know how to handle it, they thought the parents were cursed and persecuted them. If you accidentally gave birth to a monster kid, too bad! The next day they decided to impale your arms and legs to the ground with iron stakes, douse you in lighter fluid and say goodbye as they drop a match on your face. Well, I was different. I survived. Because I didn't die, the village forced my parents to take care of me, more or less. The were told that if I survived for 13 years, they would throw me down the mountain to the Underground. THEN they would kill my parents. They treated me like a dog, eating raw food. So I stole sweets from shops. I was only allowed to show my face at dawn and sunrise, but then I was locked in a basement. My actions later led to me being sent to the Underground a year earlier, which also meant my parents were sent to hell a year early too. I managed to sneak past Toriel... In fact, to this day she doesn't know who stole a whole pie from her counter. I think that small skeleton with the blue eye sees me here and there, but otherwise I'm pretty sneaky.

I wonder if my village knows I'm alive or not.


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(Almost finished as I plan on drawing him out before I fill in the remaining information)
Name: Roman Spires
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Cat Monster
Physical description: I'm working on this, just been unsatisfied with my current drawings and getting the computer is really hard D:
Personality: Curiosity is one of his biggest advantages and disadvantages as a monster as he often goes exploring out in dangerous territory in search of action and new discoveries so much so that he's completely under the radar when it comes to the underground's population as his interactions as of late has always been widespread throughout several weeks to nearly two months. However, despite his mysteriousness the friendly folk that do know him range from the skeleton bros, the dog knights (Dogamy & Dogaressa), Temmie, Aaron, Napstablook, straight to River person. Being that he's very active even when not wandering for the uncharted hills he found himself in certain situations allowing him to make these few friends and pick-up a few things from them. Roman is a lover of puzzles thanks to Papyrus, an abuser of ketchup and barbecue sauce due to Sans, somewhat a singer due to the river person, values naps and breaks a lot more because of Napstablook, intends to join the Royal Guard due to good influences from the lovely couple of dog knights, and he's brimming with loads of confidence thanks to Aaron. Majorly thankful for these lovely peeps and all they've done for him he values them all highly and has become really attached to them, vowing to protect them from all harm and danger if possible so keep your head on straight and you won't get on his hyper aggressive side.

Affinity For Magic- Long ago he invoked his magic into a blade of grass by accident giving it sword-like properties and since then he trained especially hard with it making it his main way of defense. Not to mention he evolved it somewhere down the line and learned a few new skills himself.
Items For Grabs- On his person at all times he has a mini book with "spells" and other personal information, a sheathe meant for a Katana, and a small case believed to contain leaves.
Brawler By Blood- A courageous and brave fighter that can adapt to many a situation and survive in the harshest of ordeals.
Homeland?- Hails from Snowdin. Origin unknown.

Name: Enigma
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Species: Higher Cosmic Sprite
Physical description:
Personality: N/A
Other: TBR.

Name: Saint
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Physical description:
Other: N/A

Name: Flowey
Age: N/A
Gender: Male
Species: Flower
Physical description:
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Name: Toriel
Age: Hundreds of years old (most likely??? Idk)
Gender: Female
Species: Goat Boss Monster/ Goat Mom
Physical description: A white goat-woman with a purple and white tunic with the kingdom’s symbol on the front.
Personality: Goat mom. All I have to say, lol
Other: Loves snails, loves to read, knows how to knit and sew, lives by herself, best Goat mom.​
Name: Nellie Rose VixBone
Age: 1 yr younger than Papyrus
Gender: Female
Species: Skeleton/Kitsera(Fox Monster) hybrid
Physical description: Blonde, tall, fox ears/ tail pink/ turquoise soul(Generosity/Laughter)
Personality:Kind, smart, dislikes puns, loves spaghetti and tacos
Other: Likes Papyrus. A LOT. Also eats a LOT of bacon... <3<3^33^^33^^33^^33^^33^^33^^33^
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Human OC!

Avianna Muergo De La Fuerga

Avianna is 15

Avianna is a female.

Avianna is a human of Mexican decent.

Physical description:
Aviana is a girl standing at five feet four inches, short for a female her age. She weighs around one hundred and two pounds, and can be easily lifted. Her skin is fair, and tends to lighten in color in the sun. It is so smooth when touches, like a newborn babies smooth skin. She has a small structure, with B-Cup breasts and only a slight waist. She has curvy features that only few women could pull off, and a flat stomach and an innie belly button. Her legs are thin and curvy, while her arms are thin. Only on her right arm is the skin not smooth. She has burn scars all over her arm, starting on her shoulder and ending on her hand. Her fingers are slim, and her nails are fairly short with a natural pink tint. Her face is round and slim. Her chin has a slight point to it, though it is mostly round, and her cheeks are oval, normally with a red tinted blush. She has thin, light pink lips which curve slightly, and pure white teeth. She has a small button nose and round shaped eyes. Her eyes are a dark, mysterious blue which shimmer in the light, and she has long eyelashes. She does have a slight purple tint under her eyes due to lack of sleep and stress. She has small, round ears on the side of her head. Her hair is light blonde, so light it could pass for white. She has sharp bangs which are normally parted to the left, and her hair falls short at the end of her chin, and is usually messy. Aviana normally wears long sleeved button up shirts, with the sleeves covering her whole arm and hand. She likes to wear long black skirts, falling to the end of her knees, or pants with suspenders. Normally, she hides her burn marks under white bandages, even though her sleeves hide most of the burns. She's just extremely self conscious about them, so she wants to make sure it's unseen.

Avianna is described as a soft spoken sweetheart. She views the world as a peaceful place with it's ups and downs. Everything has flaws. She has a great curiosity for the world, and wants to explore it more, discover amazing and beautiful things. Avianna has a passion for a lot of stuff, and is not afraid to express that passion. She tends to be bubbly and kind, showing anyone and everyone friendliness and accepting people with open arms. A rather odd individual, however, when you get to know her. She's forgetful, mostly of her own needs. She's forgotten her own age, even. It can go as far as forgetting memories of someone important or special to her. Because of this she can be seen as dumb, or oblivious and naïve. Her forgetfulness is also why she tends to be slow, with both speaking and realizations. She has perks and tendencies that the normal person would not have, such as talking in different voices or accents, or going from totally immature and childish to an adult in a matter of seconds.
But she is very self conscious. She doesn't stand up for herself most of the time. She'll let people walk all over her, mostly because she doesn't realize she's being tricked. She's scared that if she confronts someone, and tells someone off, they'll not like her anymore and leave her. If she doesn't go along with their idea, then they'll not like her. She's gotten used tot his, and is rather accustomed to being used. That's mostly why she tends to overlook things like that and allow herself to be pushed around. But Avianna still tries to stay positive, and smile for everyone. While she doesn't stand up for herself, she will for others, and give them encouragement. She cares about other people's happiness far more than her own.

Aviana's home caught fire when she was eight, resulting in the death of her sister and father, and the burn scars on her right arm and hand.
Aviana writes with her left.
Aviana hasn't shown her right arm to anyone.
She fell down Mt. Ebott after wandering around and getting lost up on the hill.
I want to be the fabulous Mettaton but I cant be bothered to make a CS ;-;
It doesn't have to be much. Just a reminder that you're playing him XD

If you choose to play him (or a human OC, cause we still need a few of those, or both), just a simple character sheet will do. But do it quick, cause we will likely start ASAP.
Mettaton EX
Name: Mettaton EX
Age: Unknown
Gender: MALE (I did that in capitals cause some people think he's a female)
Species: Robot
Physical description: He's a robot with fabulous legs and stylish hair :D
Personality: Ehm.. he's fabulous?

Well that was my crazy character sheet, what can I say, mettaton's SO FABULOUS!

Name: Gabriella “Gabby” Stevens
Age: Six
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Physical description: Light brown hair, light brown eyes, olive skin-tone, about 3’4” tall, wearing a white dress and has her hair up in a ponytail.
Personality: Happy-go-lucky and bubbly. Loves meeting people and wants to be friends with everyone. However, her naivety does make her a target for people who want to take advantage of her. Always loves to talk and most likely won’t stop, unless she’s tired, scared, or sick.
*Knows Sign Language and will use it sometimes when she doesn’t have the English word for something
*Loves the colors green, orange, and blue
*Soul Color: Green (Kindness)​
Okay, just make her a character sheet so I have reference :)

Character form:

Name: Undyne

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Species: Fish monster

Physical description:
Bright blue scales, one yellow eye with an eye patch over the left, Bright long red hair, fins that make up her ears, a black tank top, blue jeans, and black boots

She’s very loud and boisterous with an enormous amount of energy. She’s ruff around the edges and likes to jump straight into things without thinking them through most of the time. Other than that she’s a very loyal monster you could trust almost all your secrets with. She’s protective of not only her friends but innocent lives as well, whether it be human or monster.

She loves to cook but she can get a bit too enthusiastic about it and tends to burn down her house.

Ref and her grew up together even though they both had different bloodlines.

Undyne adores Papyrus and wouldn’t want to see him hurt in any way, shape, or form.

Alphys is Undyne’s senpai, best friend, and lover. She’ll kill anyone who makes her cry.

Secretly Undyne is very insecure. Alphys and Ref are the only ones who know that though.

(Sorry this is a bit late, nobody would leave me alone long enough to finish it.)
Character form:

Name: Undyne

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Species: Fish monster

Physical description:
Bright blue scales, one yellow eye with an eye patch over the left, Bright long red hair, fins that make up her ears, a black tank top, blue jeans, and black boots

She’s very loud and boisterous with an enormous amount of energy. She’s ruff around the edges and likes to jump straight into things without thinking them through most of the time. Other than that she’s a very loyal monster you could trust almost all your secrets with. She’s protective of not only her friends but innocent lives as well, whether it be human or monster.

She loves to cook but she can get a bit too enthusiastic about it and tends to burn down her house.

Ref and her grew up together even though they both had different bloodlines.

Undyne adores Papyrus and wouldn’t want to see him hurt in any way, shape, or form.

Alphys is Undyne’s senpai, best friend, and lover. She’ll kill anyone who makes her cry.

Secretly Undyne is very insecure. Alphys and Ref are the only ones who know that though.

(Sorry this is a bit late, nobody would leave me alone long enough to finish it.)
Nellie won't hurt Papyrus ONLY if they're DATING!!!
Name: Barry Ashman
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Physical Description: Juri Karamazov Full.png
Personality: Barry is usually a calm, meek individual who is eager to please those in authority around him, especially his Father. When angered, Barry will ash out at those he perceives as the source of his frustrations and will not stop until someone comes and calms him down. Sometimes, when things get really stressful or sad, Barry will become extremely depressed and will not talk and try his hardest to surpress his emotions, especailly when the source of these emotions is his Father, due to a fear of looking weak.
Other: His Father is one of the wealthist men in town and is emotionally distant from his son, claming that he could never live up to his older Brother Hunter.
Barry is the Head of his High School's Football and Track Team's and is strong due to weight lifting.
Barry is not the brightest bulb. In fact, he lives up to the dumb jock stereotype due to the fact that he barely studied and focused solely on athletics in a attempt to please his Father.
Theme Song:
Natural Flavour Natural Flavour
Name: Barry Ashman
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Physical Description: Juri Karamazov Full.png
Personality: Barry is usually a calm, meek individual who is eager to please those in authority around him, especially his Father. When angered, Barry will ash out at those he perceives as the source of his frustrations and will not stop until someone comes and calms him down. Sometimes, when things get really stressful or sad, Barry will become extremely depressed and will not talk and try his hardest to surpress his emotions, especailly when the source of these emotions is his Father, due to a fear of looking weak.
Other: His Father is one of the wealthist men in town and is emotionally distant from his son, claming that he could never live up to his older Brother Hunter.
Barry is the Head of his High School's Football and Track Team's and is strong due to weight lifting.
Barry is not the brightest bulb. In fact, he lives up to the dumb jock stereotype due to the fact that he barely studied and focused solely on athletics in a attempt to please his Father.
Theme Song:
Natural Flavour Natural Flavour

Name: Barry Ashman
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Species: Human
Physical Description: Juri Karamazov Full.png
Personality: Barry is usually a calm, meek individual who is eager to please those in authority around him, especially his Father. When angered, Barry will ash out at those he perceives as the source of his frustrations and will not stop until someone comes and calms him down. Sometimes, when things get really stressful or sad, Barry will become extremely depressed and will not talk and try his hardest to surpress his emotions, especailly when the source of these emotions is his Father, due to a fear of looking weak.
Other: His Father is one of the wealthist men in town and is emotionally distant from his son, claming that he could never live up to his older Brother Hunter.
Barry is the Head of his High School's Football and Track Team's and is strong due to weight lifting.
Barry is not the brightest bulb. In fact, he lives up to the dumb jock stereotype due to the fact that he barely studied and focused solely on athletics in a attempt to please his Father.
Theme Song:
Natural Flavour Natural Flavour

Welcome to the Mettaton Photo Gallery!
Thanks. I will have my guy plunge Underground soon. Toriel is gonna be in for a surprise when a third, considerably larger child falls in. Also, what did you think of his theme?
Name: Luella GaBrielle
Age: 9
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Physical description: Luella have clear, blue eyes that reflected every image she gaze upon. Her snowy hair rode down her shoulder, compacted in two hairbands. She was considered short for her age, Luella was as short as a 7 year old child. Luella own a frilly dress that is the color of blue. She also wears a white capelet with a giant white bow with two small, blue bows attached to its ends that keeps her from being cold and surprisingly, doesn't burn her to death.
Personality: Luella doesn't talk much, considering her age. She think that she doesn't necessarily need to talk, since most of the time Luella can't really recall anything interesting to have a conversation with anyone. Though, she is sweet and caring, always trying to help everyone with their problem and lifting everybody's spirit up is her main job.
Other: No one knows where she came from, but judging by her appearance and clothing, she came from somewhere that is very cold. She might also be considered as a silver spoon, as her clothing can tell.

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