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Nation Building Fall of Earth and the Dawn of Mars (Not accepting new players)


Recently Resurrected Divine Feline Entity.
The year is 2368, 268 years since the founding of the first Mars colony, "Aldrin" and 284 years since human colonization of the Red Planet began, and 30 years since Earth's fall.

Humanities fascination with mars began in the enlightenment era, when science and discovery began to flourish and the people of Europe began to question the teachings of the Church. The first astronomers who peered at mars through their primitive telescopes thought they saw great canals on the surface, and the "Martian" was born. People throughout the ages would theorize how these "Martians" survived the harsh environment and imagined a multitude of exotic plants and animals that must live there. These ideas and theories were ultimately crushed when the first probes sent back images if Mars. But rather than crush human interest in the Red Planet, it sparked a new wave. People looked to Mars and saw the potential it may of had to contain life un the past, and maybe even harbor some life now I its icy poles, or just below its red surface. The first rovers and probes sent back troves of information and liquid water was discovered in the surface of Mars. This fleeting and seasonal water spurred technological development, Landers and rovers were sent to the planet to trace this water and hopefully find life. This race to find the source led to the first human landing on mars and the first colony, even the first orbital station. But after years, decades even of search,no life was found and the search was abandoned. But yet again, new interest in the Red Planet was sparked.

The Earth was dieing. As hard as science tried to heal their home, all their efforts were for none. Earth simply couldn't support the number of people living on its surface. Some looked underground for the answer, while others looked to Mars. New colonies were formed, stations built and ships designed. Soon enough the first civilian colonies were founded. Humanity thrived in its new home and soon 100 million people lived on the planet.

All seemed bright for the future of the human race... At least until the Third Great War broke out. Tensions between China, Russia and the USA had been growing for years and this tensions sparked in an all out world war. Within minutes the planet was ni more than a smoldering radioactive wasteland. Mars and its people were left alone.

It's been 30 years since then and half of the colonies remain, roughly 50 million people. New Martian nations have been founded and wars have been fought. Life on Mars seems safe, humanity may even live on...maybe

The colonies are dieing. They were built hundreds of years ago with the theory that new parts and replacements were to come from Earth. But with Earths death this help will not come. Without these parts the Colonies will during within the next decade or so.

But there is still hope, there is always hope. Near the poles a land rich with resources has been founded, the resources needed to maintain and even expand upon the colonies. But there is not room for all in this land,the greedy Martian nations will fight for control, who will falls and who will rise? You decide, as the respective leaders of your nations. Go forth dear player, lead your Martian people to salvation... Or wither away in your dieing homes.


In this, DETAILED, rp you will play as a character from your respective nation. You will post primarily through their eyes. You will NOT be posting "command" style or in short one liners. I expect well.developed paragraphs that are enjoyable to read at the least.


Yes yes its the future I know. Future tech. But this ain't star trek. You don't have FTL, you don't have ion cannons, plasma cannons, rail guns, advanced AI mega robots, dark matter, super space battleship (space ships are the size of modern day navy ships), grab drives/generators, or anything like that.

Mars has a thin atmosphere, so no fighter jets. But you can have hover planes that use thrusters. You can have tanks, basic mech suits. You fire bullets, maybe even HE bullets, but nothing more.


Unlike my other RP, you do not have to wait for me in order to post. As soon as you get accepted you may start playing and interact with the other players.


This is mainly.player driven, but I will introduce story elements to advance the plot


1. No godmodding/metagaming

2. No super advanced technology

3. No super battle war ships

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