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Fantasy FAkE LoVERs - Settings/Locations


New Member



-This tab will not only include each and every main location for this role play, but it will also be holding very important details involved with some main notes on this role play, so look close and don't skip over anything!

-For this role play, everyone who is beta testing the website lives in the same area, there are different servers from different cities but this one will take place in a city called Osbyry. It's a small, not at all famous location but it still packs quite a few people. It contains modern day technology and is located on a large island that surface not far off from Japan. But Osbyry is just one of the smaller cities on this island and there are plenty more.

-Barely any houses are in Osbyry and in order to live in one you have to either be the owner of a business or very wealthy. Osbyry is filled with small shops and shrines that fit towards many different religions. Houses and apartments scatter somewhat in between these areas. Then there's also the beautiful scenery that finds its way into Osbyry when the day is at it's most beautiful. Most of the people in the city are friendly, and because it's so small everyone is bound to know one another. Then again, there are others to tend to keep themselves a little secretive...
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