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Fantasy Fairytale Land

LilyannaGaming said:

  • Name: Loy Finel

    Age: 17

    Gender: male

    Personality: Shy,Determined, Cautious


    View attachment 232840

    Story you are from: Rumpelstiltskin

    Extra information: I am a great Liar and Love to play tricks.






Story you are from:

Extra information:
Oooooooooooooh! A relative for Cherry!!
[QUOTE="Magical Squid Senpai]Oooooooooooooh! A relative for Cherry!!

They are not going to get along. Yours wants revenge and mine is happy her mother died. And if your her granddaughter..... That makes you lulas niece right?
LilyannaGaming said:
They are not going to get along. Yours wants revenge and mine is happy her mother died. And if your her granddaughter..... That makes you lulas niece right?
That's the whole fun of it!! Total opposites. We could try to get along, because we are related.

But I think yes, she is her niece?
[QUOTE="Magical Squid Senpai]That's the whole fun of it!! Total opposites. We could try to get along, because we are related.
But I think yes, she is her niece?

Okay. Not sure how I want to throw her in the RP. I know Loy can just run around in the woods. But I will have to think of something for lula.
LilyannaGaming said:
Okay. Not sure how I want to throw her in the RP. I know Loy can just run around in the woods. But I will have to think of something for lula.
Well cherry is just wandering around the forest.

But I have to go now!

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