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Fairy Tail RP: Genon, Salt Lord, and Britt-21 (IC)

"Well you have lost someone who shares the same blood as you. I would do anything with all my power to help you find her. Losing someone who shares the same blood is a horrible feeling. I just hope that she is okay and not in the wrong hands." pointing her key out towards the same open space that Hercules was standing at, she spoke "Open, Gate of the flying Horse, Pegasus." again, a doorbell had gone off and a flash of light went off, revealing a horse with wings standing. The horse huffed but then nuzzled Lavender who smiled "Hello Pegasus." Lavender said as the horse bumped his head lightly into hers, quietly talking with her. She spoke aloud as he gave the information "He has spoken to her many of times when she had been around. He actually began to notice that your sister had grew a liking to him. Though, she's been missing for longer periods of time. Last time Pegasus had seen her was after she went missing. Hasnt returned since.." her eyes moved to the boys as she petted the horse's muzzle "I am going to guess that the person who had taken her key is keeping her in Earthland more than letting her go back to the celestial world."

Adrian's eyes widened. "Oh gods..." he said, as he listened to the information. "One of Charlotte's spirit abilities is to multiply her contracted partner's power by a specific value. Whoever stole it must be using her to multiply their power to force her to stay here! Does he know who she's contracted to? Past or current?" Adrian's eyes were desperate as he waited for Lavender's (and Pegasus') response.
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Lavender nodded and listened as Pegasus had responded. "All he knows is that it is a Male she is contracted to." the warrior said "He doesnt know what kind of male. Weather he's horrible or nice." Lavender looked at the horse "Thank you.." she said, kissing his muzzle before asking "Do you think you can find her from your world?" the horse shook his head but what he had telepathically said to her made her smile "Please, do try your hardest. Is there anything else you would like to ask, Sir Adrian?" her golden eyes went back towards the worried brother "He plans on trying to find her from the celestial world but he cannot garentee he'll find anything."
[QUOTE="Britt-21]Lavender nodded and listened as Pegasus had responded. "All he knows is that it is a Male she is contracted to." the warrior said "He doesnt know what kind of male. Weather he's horrible or nice." Lavender looked at the horse "Thank you.." she said, kissing his muzzle before asking "Do you think you can find her from your world?" the horse shook his head but what he had telepathically said to her made her smile "Please, do try your hardest. Is there anything else you would like to ask, Sir Adrian?" her golden eyes went back towards the worried brother "He plans on trying to find her from the celestial world but he cannot garentee he'll find anything."

"Yes, actually." He then looked at Pegasus. "Did she ever tell you what kind of work she engaged in with her partner? Did she talk more about combat missions or more about research and servant work?"
"He says that he does not know know. Once she had went missing today, she never came back. His knowledge of her whereabouts or health is unknown." Lavender frowned "I'm sorry, Sir Adrian." the wizard said as she closed her eyes and bowed softly "I'm sure we can find her if she is forced to stay on earthland." standing the proper way from her bow she put Pegasus's key on the ring as he continued to stand there "She couldnt have been brought far. Not in only a few hours."
"He says that he does not know know. Once she had went missing today, she never came back. His knowledge of her whereabouts or health is unknown." Lavender frowned "I'm sorry, Sir Adrian." the wizard said as she closed her eyes and bowed softly "I'm sure we can find her if she is forced to stay on earthland." standing the proper way from her bow she put Pegasus's key on the ring as he continued to stand there "She couldnt have been brought far. Not in only a few hours."

"Well, that's the thing. Her key hasn't worked in years. Every time I've tried summoning her, since I was 17, she hasn't appeared. And before you tell me that I'm not a Celestial Wizard, I spammed Chaotic Mimicry until I got the knowledge of that school before trying to open the gate. Pegasus, when she spoke to you, was her magic power low? Was her life force at healthy levels?"

Adrian turned to Alfie. "Also, Alfie, if you have anything to ask him, I'm not stopping you from chiming in."
Genon said:
"Well, that's the thing. Her key hasn't worked in years. Every time I've tried summoning her, since I was 17, she hasn't appeared. And before you tell me that I'm not a Celestial Wizard, I spammed Chaotic Mimicry until I got the knowledge of that school before trying to open the gate. Pegasus, when she spoke to you, was her magic power low? Was her life force at healthy levels?"
Adrian turned to Alfie. "Also, Alfie, if you have anything to ask him, I'm not stopping you from chiming in."
(Forgot to tag @Salt Lord)
Alfie shook his head at Adrian's question. "Not at all. I don't know the first thing about Celestial Wizard magic," he stated plainly before cupping a hand around his feminine chin. No, but maybe he could learn more about it... "I don't suppose there would happen to be more than one key for Hercules, would there, Mister Pegasus?"
Pegasus nodded at Alfie's question as Lavender giggled "Hercules has many keys." she said before looking at Pegasus who went back onto the topic "He says she looked healthy but her magic had seemed weak on its own. But he never told her anything because he knew that she would protest that she had been fine. He is sorry that he didnt mention anything sooner. At one time her Magic had been strong. But started to fade over time and become weak."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie shook his head at Adrian's question. "Not at all. I don't know the first thing about Celestial Wizard magic," he stated plainly before cupping a hand around his feminine chin. No, but maybe he could learn more about it... "I don't suppose there would happen to be more than one key for Hercules, would there, Mister Pegasus?"

"Hercules has a silver key, there's probably thousands of them scattered around the world. It's the Zodiacs, the ones with the gold keys, who have only one."

[QUOTE="Britt-21]Pegasus nodded at Alfie's question as Lavender giggled "Hercules has many keys." she said before looking at Pegasus who went back onto the topic "He says she looked healthy but her magic had seemed weak on its own. But he never told her anything because he knew that she would protest that she had been fine. He is sorry that he didnt mention anything sooner. At one time her Magic had been strong. But started to fade over time and become weak."

Adrian's face grew hard, and his fists clenched as he stared into his empty plate. "So, that's why I couldn't summon her. Whoever's contracted with her has been summoning her so often and keeping her in Earth Land for so long that she must have refused the summon request every time for her own safety. I can't imagine what her master's doing to her if she was never strong enough to brave the trip here."

"Well, I can't really think of anything else to ask...wait a minute! Alfie, you said that the boots were from someone who was highly fashionable, right? Well, there's an entire wizard guild known for their class: Blue Pegasus! I suggest we go to the store you mentioned that the boots were bought from, and ask if anyone from Blue Pegasus visited the store recently, wearing those boots."
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Genon said:
"Hercules has a silver key, there's probably thousands of them scattered around the world. It's the Zodiacs, the ones with the gold keys, who have only one."
Adrian's face grew hard, and his fists clenched as he stared into his empty plate. "So, that's why I couldn't summon her. Whoever's contracted with her has been summoning her so often and keeping her in Earth Land for so long that she must have refused the summon request every time for her own safety. I can't imagine what her master's doing to her if she was never strong enough to brave the trip here."

"Well, I can't really think of anything else to ask...wait a minute! Alfie, you said that the boots were from someone who was highly fashionable, right? Well, there's an entire wizard guild known for their class: Lamia Scale! I suggest we go to the store you mentioned that the boots were bought from, and ask if anyone from Lamia Scale visited the store recently, wearing those boots."
Had Alfie been able to, he would have drooled at the thought of having one... no, two of those massive, muscular men to do his bidding... Lab work would be so much easier with people do do all the heavy lifting! But his daydreaming was interrupted by the sound of Adrian's voice, the suggestion provoking a nod from the pink haired mage. "That's a wonderful idea! I would have never thought of it myself!" Probably because that's not what you were thinking about, Mister Roderick...
@Salt Lord[/URL]

The trio casually stroll into the clothing store Alfie pointed out. The place is filled with expensive jewelry, fine watches, and of course plenty of fashionable suits and party dresses. They stood in the lobby, and Adrian said to Alfie, "Hey, would it be possible for you to reconstruct the boots you found so we can show it to the employees?"
Lavender had decided to join the two boys on their trip to find Adrian's sister. Or at least find the celestial wizard who held her key. It still shocked the young wizard that the young girl managed to make herself a celestial spirit from being just a normal girl who knew about magic. Though from the sounds of it, Adrian made it seem like it had been a very dangerous magic. Arcane magic. Her golden eyes glanced around the place, many things catching her eyes but she knew how to resist the temptation of trying to buy many nice things.
Genon said:
"Well, uh...thank you for your time, Pegasus. If we need to ask you any more question, I'll have Lavender summon you again," Adrian said to the winged horse.

*one timeskip later*

@Salt Lord

The trio casually stroll into the clothing store Alfie pointed out. The place is filled with expensive jewelry, fine watches, and of course plenty of fashionable suits and party dresses. They stood in the lobby, and Adrian said to Alfie, "Hey, would it be possible for you to reconstruct the boots you found so we can show it to the employees?"
Alfie shook his head. "I could, but that would require years' worth of patience and no room for mistakes. By the time I was finished, I'd be 53," he stated plainly, deciding he would spare the other mages the details of how he would do it as it wasn't important.
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie shook his head. "I could, but that would require years' worth of patience and no room for mistakes. By the time I was finished, I'd be 53," he stated plainly, deciding he would spare the other mages the details of how he would do it as it wasn't important.

Adrian's heart sank. "Do you know the model information? Anything that would allow the clerk to identify it?"
Genon said:
Adrian's heart sank. "Do you know the model information? Anything that would allow the clerk to identify it?"
Alfie looked at Genon with a small frown. "Unfortunately not. With the atoms I scraped from your carpet, I was hardly able to rebuild a thousandth of the boot," he said, but suddenly, his frown was replaced with a small, hopeful smile. "But there's something about the boot that's different from the rest. It's atoms are arranged in the same way a diamond's would be, but it isn't made of carbon. I think the boots were specifically made for someone--probably another scientist. We could ask someone about that?"
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]Alfie looked at Genon with a small frown. "Unfortunately not. With the atoms I scraped from your carpet, I was hardly able to rebuild a thousandth of the boot," he said, but suddenly, his frown was replaced with a small, hopeful smile. "But there's something about the boot that's different from the rest. It's atoms are arranged in the same way a diamond's would be, but it isn't made of carbon. I think the boots were specifically made for someone--probably another scientist. We could ask someone about that?"

Adrian stroked his chin. "Interesting. We should probably get to asking the clerk, though." The trio walked up to the nearest clerk, asking the twentysomething, "Hey, have you seen a Blue Pegasus wizard enter this store recently?"
The big, muscled man of a clerk looked down at Adrian, Lavender, and Alfie, eliciting an inaudible swoon from the pink haired mage. "I haven't," he stated simply, stroking his slight, dark stubble. "Why do you ask?" He was glad that he was the one dealing with the three, because had it been Elise, they would have been turned away quickly. Why was he the only one who didn't judge by one's sense of fashion? Of course, he could admit that the people standing at the desk didn't have one, but he wouldn't say it to their faces! That would just be rude!
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]The big, muscled man of a clerk looked down at Adrian, Lavender, and Alfie, eliciting an inaudible swoon from the pink haired mage. "I haven't," he stated simply, stroking his slight, dark stubble. "Why do you ask?" He was glad that he was the one dealing with the three, because had it been Elise, they would have been turned away quickly. Why was he the only one who didn't judge by one's sense of fashion? Of course, he could admit that the people standing at the desk didn't have one, but he wouldn't say it to their faces! That would just be rude!

"Well...I'll just come out and say it. We think he or she may be connected to my sister's disappearance. It's a bit more complicated than that, but we believe that he shopped at this store. Did a scientist type shop here once or twice? Regularly? Do you get any Celestial Wizards as customers?"
The clerk shook his head. Scientists didn't shop here, and if they did, they bought the weirdest items. But there was a Blue Pegasus member who ordered something... "Well, there was a Blue Pegasus member who purchased something through the mail... a purple sequin suit and a pair of diamond constructed boots. Is there anything more I can do to help on your journey to find who stole your sister?"
"But there's something about the boot that's different from the rest. It's atoms are arranged in the same way a diamond's would be," These were Alfie's words and they seemed to have clicked fairly quickly in her mind "The boots, Sir." Lavender said, looking at the large man "Could you tell us who ordered these boots?" her golden eyes seemed to have held some sort of puppy eyes but Lavender hadnt been trying. She was just naturally beautiful and had looks that can make others think otherwise. "Even if you are not allowed to look, please, do it for Sir Bell." she gestured to her friend "And his little sister."
He'd get in trouble so badly for this... Clark had already revealed enough information. Even something like a name could get him fired... but the customers' situation seemed so grave! It would break his heart to find out something bad happened to a little girl because of his own selfishness! With a sigh, the towering clerk decided to give at least a last name. After crouching down and sifting through a few files in the fancy, engraved oak wood drawer, he stood back up with a single paper in his hands. "Jin. The last name of the customer is Jin, but I'm unwilling to reveal any more in fear of losing my job. As much as I disdain my co-workers, this job is quite a high-paying one. I hope I could help..."
[QUOTE="Salt Lord]He'd get in trouble so badly for this... Clark had already revealed enough information. Even something like a name could get him fired... but the customers' situation seemed so grave! It would break his heart to find out something bad happened to a little girl because of his own selfishness! With a sigh, the towering clerk decided to give at least a last name. After crouching down and sifting through a few files in the fancy, engraved oak wood drawer, he stood back up with a single paper in his hands. "Jin. The last name of the customer is Jin, but I'm unwilling to reveal any more in fear of losing my job. As much as I disdain my co-workers, this job is quite a high-paying one. I hope I could help..."

"We understand your situation," Adrian said. "That should hopefully be all we need, since we know what guild he's in. In any case, we should probably be off. Thank you for your time." Adrian then turned to leave.

As the trio left the store, Adrian said to the others, "Well, I suppose we should try to contact Blue Pegasus' Guild Master. I can't imagine they'd tolerate criminal activity in their ranks, and having the cooperation of the guild we're investigating is far better than just showing up unannounced and asking for this "Jin." Do you two agree?"

"I do agree that we may have to contact Blue Pegasus's Guild Master but I also disagree because we cannot get thee attention of this 'Jin'. He may try to run off with your sister." Lavender pointed out "If this 'Jin' knows information from your younger sister, he may be expecting us." Lavender sometimes loved the element of surprise and this was a way to do it. "Why dont we do the Element of surprise and catch him off guard? It would be a little more efficent, no?"
"I do agree that we may have to contact Blue Pegasus's Guild Master but I also disagree because we cannot get thee attention of this 'Jin'. He may try to run off with your sister." Lavender pointed out "If this 'Jin' knows information from your younger sister, he may be expecting us." Lavender sometimes loved the element of surprise and this was a way to do it. "Why dont we do the Element of surprise and catch him off guard? It would be a little more efficent, no?"

"I suppose that's true, but what are the odds that he'll be there, at the guild, when we arrive? He's just as likely to be out on a mission. There's a lot of variables at play here. We have to consider whether his guildmates will mistrust us and try to protect him, whether he knows what I look like, et cetera. It's quite likely that we'll show up, the Guild Master will tell us he's on a mission, and then when we leave we end up getting his attention anyway. I'm reasonably sure the Blue Pegasus Master knows what kinds of information to keep from his underlings, so it would be safe for us to contact him directly."
Genon said:
"I suppose that's true, but what are the odds that he'll be there, at the guild, when we arrive? He's just as likely to be out on a mission. There's a lot of variables at play here. We have to consider whether his guildmates will mistrust us and try to protect him, whether he knows what I look like, et cetera. It's quite likely that we'll show up, the Guild Master will tell us he's on a mission, and then when we leave we end up getting his attention anyway. I'm reasonably sure the Blue Pegasus Master knows what kinds of information to keep from his underlings, so it would be safe for us to contact him directly."
(Forgot to tag @Salt Lord)

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