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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Achyls' eyes returned to normal, her body feeling heavy from the energy she used up. Her wings were sodden, and would most likely be useless for a good while. But Ward was safe, that's all that mattered.

"Thank you...Leo" she smiled, watching as Ward fired electricity into the water. Her head hurt from using premature magic, but she knew it was worth it, and could stand the pain. Getting to her feet, she stumbled a bit, eventually making her way to Nyr.

"Sister...you must stop...before you hurt yourself," she said calmly to her, putting her hands carefully on her shoulders. Bruin appeared more than subdued, and she couldn't stand to see Nyr's rage. Pulling her away, she brought her sister back to the others, a tired smile on her face.

Good job, Achyls, her mind told her, echoing through her head. The voice was a lot more distant, as if she would soon lose it, much like she had once she was a child. When the darkness rolled in, the voice went away, it was no different this time.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios
As the corrupted Bruin felt the power of the little raven envelop him, he let go of the griffon and watched as they swam to safety. The big bear, enraged by the act of defeat broke the emence power binding him and burst forth from the surface of the water with a deafening roar. His hammer had logged itself in the rocks of the broken bridge but were not going to keep him from his duty, dark as it was. He gripped the handle of the hammer and wrenched the hammer loose of the rubble. He followed through with the hammer and brough it up and over to hit the group on the bank, but suddenly felt the surge of electricity writhe through his being. If that wasn't enough he then felt the waves of the river growing more and more, toppling him over. His hammer fell from his hand, his spiritual energy was wavering, he had not expected such power from such little beings.

Leo looked over to the bear and his face was full of sorrow, to watch his mentor suffer like this was heart breaking. The large bear's form knelt down on one knee, its breathe ragged and shallow as the waves continued to batter against him.

@SilverFlight @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks

Otto watched as Kallin was ripped out of the dream and Otto began to grow concerned. He stood and looked to Luness and then back to where Kallin had just been. "I don't know, I hope everything is alright." He crossed his arms wondering if maybe he would just reappear but when he didn't he sighed. He nodded to Luness and closed his eyes to help wake himself up.

It felt just like waking up normally, he opened his eyes and stretched his arms and legs as he sat up in the moss. He looked around and found Luness hovering over Kallins huttled form. Otto remembered the concern and shifted as he walked over and sat next to Kallin. He looked up and Luness with a whimper and then tried licking Kallins ghostly face to try and wake him.

The wizard, Ylylore, fled to safety as quick as his legs could get him there, hiding behind the rocky environment. He held his staff high waiting for the furious pirate to step right into his trap taunting with insults regarding her life as a pirate. "You annoying little gremlin... You better pray that I don't find you!" came the bellows. Little did the wizard know that Leia's water elemental, Lee had Vinter's back. It swiftly turned around and froze Ylylore's feet and turned to the pirate, making noise to notify her of its presence and giving away the wizard's position. "What's that, boy? The despicable goblin is just around the corner, you say? Marvelous work, Lee. Thank you!"

It didn't take her long to approach the pillar Ylylore hid behind. In the blink of an eye, she turned around the corner and seized Ylylore's hands, making him unable to use his staff. "I got you, weasel! Now... guess who's not gonna get his little hands on our artifact? YOU!"

@divyansh @SilverFlight
Malachai bounded to the edge of the bank to help pull Ward further inland. He turned to Achyls relieved to see she was seemingly ok. He took a step towards her but had to stop when Bruin exploded from the water again. He growled menacingly as he turned to face the guardian, only to witness the onslaught of power assaulting the guardian. As he waited he tentatively reached out to Achyls. "Achyls? Are you ok? We went through the falls and I feel like I lost track of time, and who everyone was for a short while." In truth young Kai had just been following his instincts up until Bruin restored their power. With it he had restored to Kai some of his memories.

@SilverFlight @SkywardSocks
Ylylore had been patient, waiting for the pirate to come in front of him. Ylylore had a plan, he would slam his staff right at the pirate girl's head and knock her unconscious. Then he would proceed to search for the treasure and maybe even conjure a helper to assist him. Finally he will take the treasure and would run off. It was a genius plan, everyone other than the pirate were distracted. No one would have realized when Ylylore sneaked out. ' Ha I am going to enjoy it ' Thought Ylylore. He could hear the girl's footsteps as they approached Ylylore. He was ready for it, ready to knock the girl unconscious. But to Ylylore's surprise, he didn't catch the girl off guard. Instead the she caught Ylylore off guard. Ylylore felt paralyzed for a moment, his hands were caught by the pirate and he couldn't move his leg. Ylylore couldn't comprehend what had just happened. He looked downwards and saw that his feet been frozen tot he ground. ' What! HOW! ' though Yylore. He looked back up, staring right into the girl's eyes. He listened what the girl said. ' Our artifact? IT IS MINE! '. Ylylore started to get angry but didn't show any sign it. He kept projecting his cold blue stare. Ylylore was confused to what he could do, he was bounded and couldn't escape and to make it worse the girl in front of him would have been happy to kill him. ' Think Lore! Think! Use that big brain of yours! '. Ylylore tried hard to think of something but nothing came up but then he realized something, something obvious. The girl in front of him was a pirate and pirates have their alliance to only one thing, money. Ylylore smirked. " Yes lass the artifact can be ours. Tell me what is your price? You are a pirate, aren't you? Don't all of you just care for money? "

@Aldur Forgehammer
Kallin sat up slowly, wincing at the stiffness in his muscles, remnants of the episode.

"I...I'm all right...what happened?" He tried to think quickly, but his mind was still sluggish. "I...guess I used too much magic to hold the spell in place...I told you I hadn't tried it with two people before..."

So much for the truth. He thought bitterly.

"Come on...the others might need us." He tried to get up slowly, using his staff as a walking stick. Once they passed through the mouth of the cave Kallin could feel the familiar pull of the youth spell working on him again. He bit back a curse as he hiked up his baggy trousers.

"I said I had a better way to get us down." He said with his high, boyish voice...damn.

"Watch this!"

The cliff side was slanted about half way down, not falling straight but at an angle. Kallin used a bit of magic to break off a large, flat slab of stone form a crumbling rock face, if they were children it would fit them all nicely. He laid the rock flat on the ledge they stood on, half of it jutting out into mid air.

"Everyone climb on behind me...and hold on tight."

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Leia turned to see Arianne disappear under the water. She called out as Tad spiraled about her, lifting her up with the new found power. She flew skyward, the ceiling rushing to meet her. Her hands went out instinctively as she raced past the chandelier. It was all Tad could do to slow her before she hit the top of the room. Leia fell back, catching herself amongst the arms of the chandelier. It seemed solid enough. The key, however was embedded solidly within the glass. Leia hit it several times, then asked Bob to toss a rock up to her. Arianne needed help. She had to act quickly, but there was no way she had the strength to shatter the section of glass in which the relic was contained. She kicked out in frustration and the chandelier swung a little. This gave her an idea. She began to rock back and forth, swinging with all her might. The chain creaked as the huge chandelier moved. Back and forth it swung, more and more fiercely. She could feel the structure beginning to vibrate on the pinnacles of the swing as the chain began to give way. At the last moment, at the top of a swing she had Bob shoot a rock right at the ceiling anchor, Tad accelerating it with a burst of wind. The rock struck the chain at its base and it snapped. Leia tried to jump at the last minute, kicking out and falling down as the glass structure sailed into the far wall. There was an almighty crash as its shattered but Leia did not hear more than that as she hit the water about the relic. Further down she could see Arianne and swam down to her, grabbing her arm. There was no way she was going to lose anyone today.

She couldn't see the creatures that had her, they blended into the water perfectly. Leia called out to Tad, her mind racing. The little spirit charged into the water, spinning as fast as he could. The water began to spin as well, creating a whirlpool. The funnel dipped lower into the water and suddenly turned into a funnel. The creatures screeched in anger as the water began to pull them into the twister. Oddly however a current of bubbles kept Leia safe and unhindered by the swirling torrent. She grabbed onto Arianne and held her tightly, trying her best to swim for the surface.


Ward leapt back as Bruin caught his breath. "Everyone get clear!" He looked to the other end of the corridor.

Come on...where are you?

"Leo...try talking to him...maybe we can break through!"

@andujarprime @SkywardSocks @zCrookedz
Luness frowned down at Kallin, her Alpha senses telling her that he was holding back on something, though she hadn't the faintest idea what it was.

Deciding that now probably wasn't the best time to bring it up, Luness just shrugged and followed after Kallin, staying close to his side in case he needed aid since he appeared to still be shaken and a bit weak from his efforts.

Once they exited the grotto and left the Spring behind, Luness mewled in frustration, as she shrunk in size and became a kit once more. At least her ear wasn't mangled anymore, if that truly helped any.

Padding on all fours over to Kallin at the cliff, Luness then raised an eyebrow when she saw him seemingly effortlessly create a slide for them along with a slab for them to ride down on.

Glancing sideways at Kallin, Luness then muttered under her breath, "You recover quickly."

Sighing, Luness then climbed onto the slab and grabbed the nearest bit of stone that was sticking out, as her claws were useless in clinging to the stone slab itself.

Looking back at Kallin and Otto, Luness then said, "I'm ready!"

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Leandra frowned when Ward warned everyone to back up, as she then sarcastically muttered, "Yeah, about that..."

Watching Nyr barrage Bruin with her dark magic as well as Ward's electrifying spell take hold on him, Leandra found herself wincing in pain for the guardian.

Leandra had met dark people during her time of service back in the real world, but this was taking darkness to a whole new level, especially when Nyr began shouting for the guardian to suffer.

Furrowing her brows at the raven, even after Achyls dragged her away from Bruin, Leandra took note to avoid Nyr when possible. She made Leandra think of a time bomb just waiting to go off whenever. Leandra definitely didn't feel safe around her.

Following Ward's gaze down the corridor, Leandra wondered how the others were faring. Were they close to getting the artifact or the pendant itself?

Glancing back at Malachai nearby, Leandra then called out to him, "Hey, can you help me stand, Malachai?"

As much as Leandra hated asking for help, she knew when she needed it. She also knew that she wasn't about to sit around while the others fought against Bruin on their own. Injured or not, Leandra had to try and help.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @andujarprime
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Kai nodded and swung his tail over to her, holding it by her good arm and gingerly helping her to her feet. "Good, let's get you back before you break something else" He thought to her as he walked ever so slowly in case she buckled. He knew that trying to move with broken bones was no joke, and his respect for the human girl as a warrior grew by a healthy margin.

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Arianne did not struggle. She embraced the dark emptiness of the cold water as the hands of her unknown foes dragged the girl down into the swirling abyss. Her eyes closed as the last shed of light faded and she felt her air rapidly escaping from her lungs. She fully expected to be consumed by the icy waters, that this ruin which was so familiar for some reason to be her watery grave. At least she tried, she tried to help to the best of her abilities. Now that the task was done she closed her eyes and thought of her family one last time...

But then suddenly she felt something strange.

Some faint, angry screams beneath her signaled that something changed, but she could only see spots of colors as something banished the creatures back to the dark depths and someone grabbed her hand, pulling her back to the surface. This had to be some kind of miracle no doubt but Arianne could do nothing to help her savior - her strength completely abandoned her.

Then she gasped for air as her lungs cried out for the fresh oxygen upon resurfacing. Being dragged to the edge of the water she spat out a lot of water, gasping, breathing heavily. Next to her she saw the concerned face of Leia and the spirits. She blushed and bowed her head.

" Why... " she started " Why did you come for me, my lady? I have expended my powers, I was weak, I have outlived my usefulness. Still, you have risked your life to save me... "

She looked up, now words being more difficult as tears rolled down from her cheeks.

" Why did you endanger yourself, my lady? " she asked again, her tears now flowing as a river from her eyes. They were because of many things: fear, confusion, happiness and joy " I am but a little girl, someone who pretends to be a hero. You are a hero... you are more important than me. Yet you still came... Why? "


Nyr felt a gentle touch on her shoulder as she turned her wrathful gaze towards the one who dared to interrupt her. Her expression changed immediately as she saw her sister being the one trying to comfort her and her eyes reverted back to normal. As she was pulled away by the little raven she looked at her hands and Bruin being in pain and she started trembling.

" I have done it again then? " she whispered to Achyls as she went willingly " I have lost my composure, I have been engulfed by hatred again? "

She bowed her head, now fully remembering why she was feared back in the day. She was always a hothead, that combined with her formidable strength even in her youth made her a feared figure. And now reliving that nightmare was equal to total failure in her eyes: she had done somethign she had sworn never to succumb to again.

As she walked she saw the faces of the others: the distrust, fear and disgust on Leandra's expression, the pain and grief on Leo's face. She did not avenge Ward's injury - she just made things worse by showing her worst side to her allies.

She had failed them all, and they were right to despise her.

Walking up to Ward she knelt down and closed her eyes in concentration. A tiny bubble of light appeared in her palm which she placed on the gryphon.

" Here, this should help. " she said, turning to Achyls. Her smile was gone and instead she fought to hold back her tears. " And thank you sister. I knew I could count on you. "

Looking at the others on last time she sobbed.

" I will wait carefully until everyone returns. " she said " I need... a place where I can not hurt anyone else. "

With that she took wings and headed to the place where previous her sister sat and buried herself underneath her small wings, sobbing quietly. She did not expect that being a child would bring back nightmares of the past... and now she paid for her foolishness.

@SkywardSocks @Lioness075 @zCrookedz @SilverFlight
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Leia coughed and spluttered as she hauled herself and the drenched little Arianne up with her. The marble floor was frigid under her touch but she slid along it like a seal to pull them free of the water.

When she was done coughing and spluttering she turned to the young girl with a fierce expression.

"Why? Out-lived your--do you even hear yourself?! Your a kid! Stop acting like a martyr!" She was yelling. Yelling at a kid. Way to go Leia. She chastised herself, but what this young girl was saying, how the heck did her parents raise her if she was this young and already believing she was expendable?!

"You're supposed to be selfish, demanding...you're not supposed to know what danger is! What death is!" Tears? Why was she crying? Maybe it was because she had been scared for Arianne, so scared for her, and for herself, but at least she was close to an adult and for Pete's sake she had super powers! Arianne didn't have those!

"Y-you're supposed to be a kid and....and I'm supposed to look after you!" Suddenly a memory pushed its way to the surface of her mind. She had been biking with her brother, he had fallen off on a steep forest trail and broken his leg. It was Leia who had thought to bring the first aid kit. She was twelve. She had also been taught in her scouts club how to splint a leg. As she worked her brother said something through tears of pain.

'You're supposed to be the kid...and I'm the one who's supposed to look after you.'

This memory broke a damn in Leia's mind and she hugged the girl tightly, sobbing into her sodden clothes. "Don't you ever talk like that!" She cried, tears warm on her cheeks.

In another moment there was a loud bang and they were both drenched with water again. Tad had spun the pool so fast that when he collapsed the funnel the water shot upwards and out of the pool. Leia ordered him and he collected the amulet in a gust of wind, sending it spinning to slide right before Arianne. They had the amulet...and the relic was in a pile of broken chandelier. Bob was rooting through the shards, the sharp glass having absolutely no effect on his rocky hide. He pulled the small object from the wreckage and held it up proudly.

"Good work Bob." Leia smiled weakly and the spirit growled his approval.

"We should get back to the others. I didn't like leaving them with the odds against that bear."

She got up, trying to wiper her eyes on her soaked tunic sleeve and offered to pull Arianne up as well.

@Aldur Forgehammer @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks @Hel @divyansh @Lioness075
Hearing Kallin's quick warning, Luness nodded, but soon let out a surprised yelp, as they lurched forward and were suddenly sliding down the cliff face far faster than Luness had been prepared to be going.

Eyes wide, it was all Luness could do to hold onto her small, jutting rock, as she went completely rigid with surprise and fear as a kit. Even her fur was sticking up on end.

By the time they reached the bottom and Kallin casually jumped off as if nothing had really happened, Luness was stiffly jumping off of the rock.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, Luness then shook herself like a dog, as her fur then settled back down to its normal look.

Nodding at what Kallin said next, Luness then bounded after him, annoyingly stumbling a few times since she was a kit again.

With her sensitive hearing, Luness could hear someone roaring just beyond and she didn't recognize the voice at all. Who or what were they fighting out there?

Shouting over her shoulder at Otto, Luness said, "Otto, stay close to me! We don't know what's out there!"

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz


Leandra had just gotten up with Malachai's help, albeit she was still in immense pain regardless of what she did or didn't do. As she'd stood up, Leandra had slung her knapsack over her good shoulder so as to ensure that she didn't leave her gear behind. She'd also tied her staff back onto it considering she wouldn't be able to wield it with just one hand anyhow.

Once on her feet, Leandra slowly eased forward with the young dragon's help, despite already breathing heavily and wanting to sit back down.

Yet, she didn't get too far before Bruin brought his hammer down onto the ground before him and the tremor sent Leandra falling down onto her back within seconds.

Gasping in pain the moment she landed, Leandra lay still, as she felt tears welling up in her eyes. Her ribs were throbbing again and her left arm was just a constant pain now. Every small movement brought shockwaves of pain either form her arm or her chest.

Weakly, Leandra then said to Malachai, who she hoped was still nearby despite the tremor, "Malachai, go on without me. I'll just rest here for now."

@andujarprime @SilverFlight
Achyls nodded as Nyr flew away from her, turning to face Bruin. Her blood was boiling, though her body soon would be exhausted. Fighting on, she took a step towards the bear, eyes flooding black with anger. She jumped into the air as the tremor began, and landed gracefully as it stopped.

"How dare you, beast!?" she growled, her voice had changed, childish still but gravelly and intimidating, "have you no soul left inside of your husk, Bruin!?". She had no fear for the guardian now, no matter his stature. He had hurt one too many of her company, her friends. Standing her ground, she was placed firmly before Bruin, staring him right in the eye. Adrenaline pushed her forward, unafraid when she really ought to be. This could get her killed, though she was willing to do this anyway. In her head, she reached out to Malachai.

"Dear Kai, I need you," she thought to the dragon, the voice in her mind was much more fearful than the one that remained stoic in the presence of one who could simply swing and end her. She clenched her fists, ready to explode with the last of her energy if she needed to.

@SilverFlight @andujarprime
Leo watched as the great bear reared up and bellowed at them as a challenge. He looked back to Ward and the others and winced as Ward suggested trying to reach him. He was nothing but an optimist when it came to things like this, but watching his mentors spirit tortured like this was striking at him deep. It was the same pain he felt watching Ruby possessed, or watching he friends having parts of themselves ripped out by the witch possessing her.

Leo swallowed his fear and pain and stood up as tall as his adolescent form could. He walked over to the edge of the waters and starred into the eyes of his mentor and spoke "Bruin! Ut silvae umbram securitatem. Come back to us Bruin! Fight the hold Caraboss has on you." Leo took a few steps into the water towards the bear. He closed his eye and began to focus what little power he could muster in his tiny form, his tiny hand glowing faintly of green. What energy he could muster he would try and transfer to Bruin so that he might be able to fight the hold just a little longer until the anchor was tracked down.

Otto did not like the trip down at all. After being stripped back down to his pintsized pup form, he hesitantly crawled onto the slab of rock with Kallin and Luness and gripped on with what little strength he had in his claws. the sudden shock of downwards motion was so incredibly terrifying the motion and flying towards the ground and breakneck speedmade the inside of his stomach churn. Finally they came to end of their ride and Kallin hopped off. Luness seemed to enjoy the ride just as much as he had although she didn't seem to be suffering quite like him. Otto stumbled off the stone and immediatly reached all over the grass next to the stone. Once finished he lifted his head and looked to the other two with a bit of a apologetic and sad look. He slowly made his way over to Luness and trotted behind hopping that they wouldn't have to go down hill like that again.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
((@Aldur Forgehammer I'm just going to have Vinter tag along so she isn't left behind. Lucille would kill us if that happened :P ))

Leia dashed down the hall as fast as she could go. Vinter saw her running and let go of Ylyore, following close behind. The scene in the main hall was absolute chaos. Bruin was still standing strong while her friends looked worn and injured.

"Leo!" She called from the other side, waving the pendant. Then she pulled back her arm and took her best pitcher's stance. She hoped to everything holy her younger self could still throw as far as she thought she could. With all her might she hurled the pendant over the pool. It sailed through the air and went careening towards Leo and the others.

@zCrookedz @divyansh

Thanks to Nyr's healing Ward could put weight on his leg again, which was extremely useful as he could now clear out and away from Bruin while Leo tried to reach him. He saw Leia and saw the pendant sail into the air. He held his breath.

" M-My lady... " Arianne looked at Leia, truly astonished at the girl's words. Here she was, soaking wet, standing in front of one of Fable Wood's greatest heroes... and she did not consider her as her father told her.

" You are but a child, Arianne. They are above all of us, greater than any in Aerios. To them danger is something they they face every day, every moment in their life. Heroes are different than us: they do not think of themselves, only about helping others... no matter the price they must pay. " the words of the once revered father of her's echoed in her mind. Yet as she looked at Leia, as she watched tears pouring out of her eyes she knew that those words - although they were true - they were stretched out, they were far from the truth. True heroes looked after one another, carefully paying attention that they watch out for both others and themselves... It was so clear now in her mind, everything made sense. With all her remaining might she hugged Leia, holding her as tightly as she could before she wiped away her tears, looking up at her as she took the hand of the girl.

" I will... I will try my best, my lady. For you. For all of us. " strengthening her resolve she finally straightened herself and looked at Leia with renewed vigor. " Let us return to the others. They will need the artifacts. "

With that she hurried back with the others to see Bruin's rampage... and hoped that they would not be too late.

@Aldur Forgehammer @divyansh
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Kai's feet trembled and his body shook as Bruin struck the ground. He cursed silently when as hard as he tried to hold his tail steady he failed to keep Leandra from falling. He winced as his sharp hearing picked up the sound of her bones crunching and shifting as the ground trembled. He was already reaching his tail down to pick her up when he heard her request. He snapped his jaws in defiance "No warriors left behind!!" He thought at her followed by an apology as he lifted her off the ground with his tail. He winced visibly when Achyls' voice resounded in his head. He had not heard her sound this afraid, this forlorn in all the time they had spent together. He finished laying Leandra and her gear across his back then bounded across the still trembling ground, making his way to Achyls. "I am here Achyls, don't be afraid. I won't let anything happen to you, I care for you too much and I refuse to lose you to the darkness completely." He thought to her as he brought his big green head close to the child that was now Achyls.

@SkywardSocks @Lioness075
Scowling at Malachai, Leandra opened her mouth to protest, but she was soon lifted up and on his back along with her gear before she could even get a word out.

Gasping, it was all Leandra could do to just hold onto Malachai's back with her good arm while he bounded over to Achyls' side.

Eyes wide, Leandra looked up at Bruin, who was now only a few feet away from the trio, as Achyls had confronted the guardian but moments ago.

Hearing Leo approaching and then seeing him out of the corner of her eye, Leandra hurriedly whispered to Malachai, "Get us the hell away from here!"

Staring at the guardian before them, Leandra's heart raced, as she knew it was only a matter of time before the hammer swung once more.

As far as Leandra was concerned, she wouldn't survive another hit.

@andujarprime @SilverFlight @SkywardSocks @zCrookedz
Leo's hand quivered in the air as he got closer to Bruin. It wasn't until he opened his eyes and saw that Bruin was not reaching back to him but was instead rearing back once again with his hammer to strike at Leo. Leo's eyes lost all hope momentarily until he heard Leia scream his name. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as the pendant flew through the air at an amazing speed. Leo watched the pendant soar through the air and he took his glowing hand and reached out to catch the jewel. The hammer came rushing down on Leo as the pendant hit the palm of his hand. A huge splash of water and rocks when shooting up into the air around Leo, the guardian seemed to have finished off his disciple in the end.

IT wasn't until the water fell away and the dust cleared that the soft green glow of Leo's hand could be seen. Leo's eyes closed tight, the pendant rested in his clutches glowing softly and Bruins hammer resting on the ground just before him in the mud. Bruins whitened form huffed and puffed with each breathe as his pupil-less eyes stared at him. His fur slowly began to regain its color and his eyes less and less clouded. The great bear slowly returned to the way he was before, until he collapse back into the water. He slowly raised his head and looked up at Leo "...et docebit vos spiritus" he sighed with the words and sat down on the bank of the river trying to regain his composer. Leo smiled a bit as he whipped the mud from his eyes and down at the great bear. HE placed his free hand on the bears shoulder and looked down at the pendant, the seal on it was attaching itself to Leos energy flow.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @DawnAntalios @andujarprime @Flutterby
"Leo!" Ward cried as the hammer fell and everything was erased in a cloud of mist, mud and dust. When he opened his eyes a dead stillness had settled on the scene. He saw a green light, the hammer on the ground and the little lion, still standing. Bruin was not attacking, but quiet, he finished the ancient prayer for his disciple and Ward breathed a sigh of relief.

It was then Kallin came running into the room, staff trailing in his hand, looking urgently right and left, but he relaxed when he saw the group, and Leia stepping tentatively onto the water's surface, supported by Lee so it looked like she could walk on water. She grinned as she offered Arianne a piggy back to help her get across.

"We're all pint-sized and you still managed to come out on top...you real-worlders scare me sometimes, but the rest of you are getting there too."

Ward chuckled at this. "Perhaps we are all given strength in light of their power." After those words he fell silent, watching and waiting to see what would happen next between Leo and his old mentor.

@zCrookedz @everyone
Achyls smiled as Malachai joined her, a peacefulness washing over her having the dragon here. As Bruin fell, she retreated, leaving Leo alone with the guardian. She reached out for Malachai's hand and led him back to the others. She had only just realised Leandra was on his back, looking in severe pain.

"Leandra!" she gasped upon seeing her, "Are you alright?". Her question was redundant, but still worth asking. Perhaps it would make her feel better, more cared for maybe. Taking a seat on the ground, she gestured for Malachai and Leandra to sit with her. The glow had faded and her eyes were turning normal again, though were generally paler than when she first changed form. Her body was tired from overuse, but not exhausted, luckily. She tried to listen to any sounds coming from her mind, but it was no longer there. Surprising...she missed the voices.

@andujarprime @Lioness075
Leandra bit her lip, as she forced herself up into more of a sitting position on Malachai's back before she looked over at Leo and gasped when Bruin suddenly brought his hammer down where Leo had just been standing.

Having missed the pendant toss, Leandra thought for sure that Leo had just died, but she was pleasantly surprised when the water settled and the dust cleared that Leo was still standing there with the pendant in his paw.

Hearing Bruin finish the ancient prayer that the two seemed to share, Leandra finally relaxed only to inhale sharply at the pain reverberating in her from her ribs and arm.

Gritting her teeth, Leandra was soon distracted when Achyls asked if she were okay.

Raising an eyebrow at Achyls, Leandra then retorted, "Do I look okay to you?"

Sighing, Leandra then quickly added, "Honestly, I really need to get off of Malachai and somewhere more comfortable. That would be brilliant."

The main reason Leandra wanted to get off of Malachai was because she felt like her injuries were worsening with so much movement.

The other reason was because Leandra wanted to try and heal herself again. It was worth a shot.

@SkywardSocks @zCrookedz @andujarprime


Luness skidded to a halt in surprise when they finally reached the bridge.

The bridge had been mostly broken and the pond nearby was no longer iced over and instead had chunks floating about here and there.

Looking to her allies, Luness quickly assessed the situation and saw that Leo had used the pendant to subdue some large bear, though she had no idea who the person was due to her having never been present for the original introductions.

Looking around even further, Luness soon sighted Leandra and saw that she had some odd looking sling on her and she definitely appeared to be in pain.

Yet, after eyeing the rest of the group, Luness was relieved to see that only Leandra seemed to be really injured. At least, as far as Luness could see.

Less injuries the better, though Luness had no means of healing Leandra herself. After all, Leandra had made it a point that she was the team's healer.

Perhaps Leo could help, though he was a bit preoccupied in the moment.

Unsure of what to do, Luness remained silent and continued to observe everything happening, her mind still a bit jostled after recent events.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
Arianne giggled a bit when Lee offered her a ride but she accepted it nonetheless. Somehow she felt relieved - and not only because Bruin reverted back to normal. She felt that her journey was not for naught, that these people truly cared for her... that they did not consider her as a worthless dead weight but rather someone who she always wanted to be.

A little hero.

She smiled at this silly idea but liked it at the same time. When she saw Leo finally reunited with his mentor she walked up to Leia, silently grabbing her hand, blushing heavily.

" My lady... " she started but then silenced, not knowing what to say for a moment. Then after a while she gathered her strength and smiled " I am sorry. Sorry that I have caused trouble and frightened you... "

A strange, familiar light lit up in her eyes, burning brightly and smiling happily at the same time at Leia. She was so kind, so considerate... and her heart swelled with love as the little globes of light left her body once more, now encircling the human girl.

" Thank you my lady. " she said finally silently " Thank you for not giving up on me. "


Nyr stood there and felt a wave of calmness to wash over her as Bruin reverted back to his true form. The corruption was stopped and now Leo could rest easy as well. But she felt something she had never before. Serenity, peace, a clear purpose. Until now she thought these were merely for those who were destined to greatness, who possessed special skills or whose fate was theirs to forge.

But now she knew the truth and understood the message of Mother Moon. Looking up at the sky she smiled and said a silent prayer in the name of the deity. The Heart of the Raven was not an artifact and was not a true heart of someone else... it was her own. It was the mystical source of power which would let her become whoever she wanted to be, the source of power she needed to understand who she truly was.

And now that she knew she felt at peace. The insecure, dark past was finally behind her. Now she knew her purpose. She would train to get stronger. She would become the Prelate she was destined to be.

She would save her people from destruction.

She then turned towards Kallin and Luness, walking up to them calmly. Smiling at both of them she nodded to the mage's response.

" We can never fully know the true potential of the humans it seems. " she stated and looked at the werecat. Stepping next to her she inspected Luness. " Do you feel at ease at last, Luness? " she finally asked.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Seeing Nyr approaching Kallin and herself, Luness immediately raised an eyebrow out of curiosity. What could the raven possibly want to discuss right now?

Hearing Nyr's statement in response to what Kallin said, Luness merely nodded, as it were rather true. Humans were capable of far more amazing things than anyone else present.

The moment Nyr walked up to Luness though, she instinctively took a step away from her, feeling a bit unsettled with getting physically close to anyone right now. A lot had been dealt with recently and Luness still felt a bit riled up from all of it.

Hearing Nyr's question though, Luness immediately frowned and said, "It's...hard to explain. But my past is my past and there's nothing I can do to change it. I might as well move on and stop worrying about what's already done."

Looking away from Nyr, Luness sighed and then returned her gaze to Leo and whoever his bear friend was, curious to know what had happened here, though she wasn't really voicing the question.

In fact, Luness would much rather ask Leo about it since he appeared to know the most about the situation considering it was his friend, who had been involved and all.

@DawnAntalios @SilverFlight
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((@zCrookedz I hope you don't mind, I will have to commandeer Bruin again to advance the plot a bit more. And @Bea Delaine Elena appears, as requested.))

The great bear stood, taking the pendant in one giant paw.

"I do not have much time, but there is something I must tell you. All of you." Even as he said this his essence began to wisp and fray.

"Far to the east, in the Sand Seas there is an ancient ruin, not unlike this. It is where Caraboss has hidden the other half of the key...you must go there, but the dangers go far beyond simple guardians I fear...the desert surrounding the ruins is cursed, roamed widely by the walking dead. Possessed corpses of fallen armies. Adding to that there are Djinn that will strive to tempt and trick you. They take many forms, but are a threat in all of them. A city exists at the edge of the desert, ruled over by a wise and benevolent sultan. Seek out the city first and gain the ruler's aid."

Ward watched in sadness, taking in the information and committing it all to memory. The Sand Seas...he had always wanted to travel there, but the dangers made it hard for anyone to go.

"I can sense you have the Memorien, this is what guided you here I am sure. Place the key fragment you have inside it and it will act just as it has done, it will help you locate the ruin...Leo..." The great bear turned again to his apprentice, a fond look in is sagely eyes.

"I could not be more proud of the guardian you have become. You follow in my footsteps with courage and integrity and you honour me."

Bruin stepped back then, holding up the pendant he squeezed it. A shadow inside the crystal seemed to shatter and finally the bear's form slipped away into the silence.

Ward said nothing, simply approached Leo and stood by him, offering silent support. "Your mentor was a mighty guardian." He said after a long moment in stillness.

"We should return to Aerios."

He turned, slipping back into his human form and leading the others quietly to the entrance. He found Elena not far away and offered her his small hand.

@zCrookedz @Bea Delaine

Leia let Arianne down once they were safely across the water. Lee rose out of the pool and draped herself affectionately around Leia's neck. She was already soaked, so it didn't matter at all.

When she caught sight of Leandra her expression turned to a look of worry.

"Here, let me help." She reached up to support Leandra and help her down. "Lee can help you heal if you like." The spirit trilled enthusiastically.

@Lioness075 @DawnAntalios @andujarprime @SkywardSocks

Lucille leaned on the railing of her ship, carving something out of a small block of pine. Without warning a huge blast rocked the ship. If it weren't for the magic barriers half of the Tenacity would have been reduced to splinters.

"All 'ands man your battle stations!" She yelled even before the ship had stopped rocking back from the blast. She looked about wildly for the offending force and found it, a strange being made entirely of rock had hurled a boulder at the ship's starboard side.

"Starboard canons at the ready! Fire!" Even as they attacked the golem two more rose up out of the elements on the green, heading straight for the cliff entrance to the island. There was nothing she or her crew could do to stop them. They would be waiting for the heroes to try and leave...before the protective spells of the islands could be removed!

"Give zat beast a taste of Tenacity spirit!" She cried. The only way out of this mess was through the golem...so through she would go.


Leandra glanced sideways when Leia approached and offered her aid, which Leandra didn't turn down.

With the aid of Leia, Leandra was able to get down from Malachai's back, though she still winced the moment she was standing beside Leia.

Hearing Leia offering for Lee to aid Leandra in healing herself, Leandra eagerly nodded and then said, "That would be utterly brilliant, Leia. I doubt I can do it all on my own."

Hoping that Leia would maintain a strong grip on her good arm to keep her up in case she stumbled while healing herself, Leandra then held up her glowing palm and gingerly pressed it against her chest before she closed her eyes and focused on the ribs mending themselves.

Soon enough, Leandra gasped, as she felt her ribs beginning to heal, though she stumbled as weakness enveloped her temporarily during the healing process.

And to think that Leandra hadn't even started to heal her arm yet. This was going to be a slow and painful healing process unless Lee aided Leandra throughout it.


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