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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Luness bounded after Kallin, finding it easier to move about if she picked up her paws and bounced a little.

Yet, they soon arrived in the small grotto and Luness slowly walked in until she suddenly felt taller and blinked before looking down at herself to see that she was back to normal.

Grinning at this, Luness then pushed herself up onto her hind legs just as Kallin began to speak and stopped in surprise at the same realization that Luness had just had.

Hearing Kallin's warning, Luness nodded at him and then said, "It'll work, I'm sure."

I hope, Luness thought just after saying that.

Watching Kallin fill a small stone bowl with water from the Spring, Luness began to feel her heart race at the very thought of what was to come. Could she really do this?

Nervously, Luness took the bowl from Kallin, as ripples began to form in the water within, as Luness' forepaws were shaking from the nerves.

Gulping, Luness then slowly began to bring the bowl closer to herself only to freeze midway, as Bigby had suddenly appeared in front of her.

Eyes wide, Luness stood stock-still, as Bigby grinned at her and then said softly, "You won't do it. You're too weak. You'll fail. Just like all the other times before this."

Folding her good ear against her head, Luness suddenly felt her fear creeping into her mind along with the darkness.

Whimpering, Luness closed her eyes for a moment and then suddenly she growled, "I'm stronger than you think!" just as she quickly brought the stone bowl to her mouth and then gulped all of the water at once before Bigby could try to dissuade her again.

Fearfully, Luness looked around for a moment, confused by Bigby's sudden disappearance.

Yet, before she could do anything else, Luness suddenly stumbled forward as a wave of dizziness rushed over her and she dropped the stone bowl to the ground below her.

Luness' vision blurred and she began to feel herself lose consciousness. What was going on? Had Kallin cast his spell already or were the Spring waters doing this to her?

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz
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Otto spun around on the spot and bounded after Luness and Kallin. His head whipped back and forth at the sights and once they were within sight of the grotto, Otto nearly jumped from being startled by the sound of Kallin's voice having returned to normal. Otto's head whipped back to the Kallin and his eyes widened at the sight of him. "Whoah, Your tall again." Otto smiled and began to hop around again. He jumped up and shifted back to his human form, which he was relieved to find was his normal teenage body. He held his fists up into the air and smiled at them both. "Wooo, I'm back to normal." Otto returned to his normal pose as he watched Kallin scoop up the water and hand it to Luness. He watched as Luness began to shake and was concerned, but she downed the water and Otto sat in front of her cross legged waiting to see what would happen next.

@Aldur Forgehammer @everyone with Wards group. [/color]
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Quincy noticed a strange movement in the water, just as Leia called out. She threw herself backward as Leo pulled her, her eyes wide and mouth forming a silent gasp. As the creature reared before them, teeth bared, even the kelpie's blood ran cold. "Distantly. Much more ancient, and dangerous." She said quickly to Leo. As children, there was almost nothing they could against the beast. Well, maybe her. Those with magic might be able to do something, but Quincy? All she could really do was run. She was about to do just that, when a loud voice boomed in her mind. The footsteps that followed almost shook the ground, and as a clumsy kid, she almost fell.
Kallin was prepared, he caught Luness as she fell, the bowl hitting the soft earth with a thud. Kallin carried her over to a soft, mossy bank and set her down. He says a little ways off.

"Lie down Otto, I won't be able to catch you." He said this with a grin to hide is nervousness. Now that he was the right age he knew he could cast the spell, but his power had begun to flicker the moment he stepped onto the island, that was the problem with chaos...eventually it would become unpredictable. He forced down his fear and focused his energy, weaving it about Otto and himself. A word for sleep, a word for dream...and now the complicated bit. Slowly he tied their subconscious minds together, stringing them and opening a gate to Luness. The grotto began to fade and Kallin slumped back against a stone wall.

When Luness arrived in her dreams, she would not see them initially, she would only see what her mind would have created.

It was misty and dark, those were the first things he noticed, the dreamscape had not formed yet. He looked down at himself, but he had no form either...he had better make one. As he pictured his old self suddenly he paused. Why not put some imagination into it?

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

The phouka on the bridge squealed at Vinter's bullet pierced its leg, it back flipped into the water only to be replaced by another, white foam flying off of dagger-like teeth. Arianne ran forward and the creature hissed its challenged and shot toward them. As it got closer it skidded to a halt and reared up, slashing the air with vicious, clawed hooves. The other phouka leaped out of the water to on their bank and advanced. Tad tried to hit it with a gust of air but the wind bounced off the massive creature. Leia drew her cavalry sword as a last line of defense and Ward changed into his gryphon form...being only about the size of a small pony. Things looked bad when suddenly a voice rang out and the creatures froze.

They danced nervously as the deep voice goaded Leo and finally one bolted back into the water. The other followed soon after.

Leia did not relax. "That's all very well and fine...but now we have to deal with the thing that those things were afraid of!"

"He knows Leo..." Ward suggested hopefully.

"Uh...no offense, but the track record for us meeting his 'friends' has been pretty....bad." In Oz they had had to fight the Scarecrow, the Tin man, Dorothy and even poor Otto because they had been possessed by darkness, only Tigirius had been unaffected and that was because he got lucky.

Leia swallowed as the bear stepped out of the shadows.

"Is this the part where I say...'oh my?'"

Listen up to 4:42 for this specific scene.

Now, if the music refuses to start (which is happening on my end for some reason) then just pull it up in YouTube by clicking on the YouTube button on the video in the bottom right hand corner.

At first, nothing could be heard or seen in Luness' mind, which seemed to be drawing a blank in her memories.

Yet, soon the sound of bugs could be heard and slowly, a forested meadow began to form, though being a dream meant that one couldn't see that far around the meadow. Flowers were sprouting everywhere, suggesting that it was spring, and the meadow seemed to be completely surrounded by a tree line.

Suddenly, a small ball of fur rushed into the meadow, high-pitched laughter echoing around the dreamscape.

Soon after, a larger ball of fur followed, which soon appeared to be an adult werecat, though it was clearly not Luness. It was Larassa, Luness' mother.

The smaller ball of fur, Luness, soon stumbled over her own feet and took a tumble, though Larassa was immediately at her side and picking her up to put her back onto all fours.

Eyes wide while looking up at her mother, Luness then asked her, "Mother, will you always be there to pick me up when I fall down like that?"

Smiling sadly down at Luness, Larassa then said, "I can't live forever, Lune."

Sitting down on her haunches beside Luness, Larassa then held up a paw and gently poked Luness in the chest, right where her heart would be, as she then said softly with a smile, "But I will never, ever leave you, Lune. I will always be right here for you. Just close your eyes and listen for my voice. I'll never be far away from you."

Grinning at this, Luness then jumped out and shouted in her childish tone, "You're the best mother ever!"

Laughing at Luness' excitement, Larassa then smiled gently down at her and said, "I'll race you to the other side of our meadow, Lune."

Giggling, Luness then said, "It's on!"

Soon after, both werecats were sprinting across the meadow, butterflies scattering around them and doves occasionally being frightened from the tall grass.

Larassa subtly slowed at the end, allowing Luness to reach the end before her, which resulted in Luness shouted with glee, "I win, I win!"

Laughing softly at Luness, Larassa then said with a warm smile, "You're always a winner in my eyes, Lune."

Rolling her eyes up at Larassa, Luness then said, "Mother, I'm everything good in your eyes."

Chuckling at this, Larassa then knelt down to Luness' level, as she said, "Of course, your my daughter, Lune."

Yet, just as Luness began to smile at Larassa's words, a darkness seemed to roll over the scene, bringing Luness' excitement to a halt, as Larassa shot to all fours and stared into the forest nearby, her eyes wide with fear.

Without moving, Larassa then said in a hushed and terrified tone, "Lune, run."

Luness paused in her excitement and cocked her head up at Larassa before asking her, "Mother, what's wrong?"

Larassa let out a small whimper and then looked at Luness and shouted, "Lune, RUN!"

Fear rolled over Luness within seconds and she turned around before she began sprinting across the small meadow, aiming to enter the forest on the other side and then hide in a log.

Just as Luness hit the forest line, she skidded to the halt upon hearing growling and barking behind her.

Looking back over her shoulder, Luness' eyes widened and she let out a childish scream, as she shrieked, "Mother, no!", as she saw two werewolves fighting Larassa while Bigby, Luness' father, calmly lumbered out of the forest line with a smile on his scarred face.

The moment Luness screamed, Bigby's head quickly swiveled to look at her, his expression changing from calm to angered, as he let out a dark howl.

Shaking at the sound of the howl, Luness then began sprinting through the forest, dodging large vegetation and small logs, as she soon heard baying and panting behind her from werewolves, who were now hunting her.


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Achyls embraced Nyr, before hearing Arianne's cry. As she turned, she could not see the beasts, only the group opposing them. Her heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening. Fearful, she threw herself into the air, disappearing up the cliff slightly. She perched upon a small ledge, knees curled up to her chest. Her powers had not been developed in her state, she was useless. Watching the scene, she desperately wanted to help them. As an adult, she could have easily blasted through them...but not now.

"Achyls, you're pathetic. No wonder I came back" her voice in her head spoke up again. Taunting her into battle when she had no reason to get involved. Instead, she tried to shut it out, closing her eyes and forcing her head back, hands clamped over her ears.
" Because you are the heroes. " she told Vi to answer her question " You might be the saviors of Fable Wood - I am but a child, someone who wants to be a hero nothing more. If there is any way I can protect all of you then I shall do so. "

Arianne commanded the tiny globes to circle around one of the fearsome horses, distracting it and mildly annoy it more than anything. She then dashed around, glad that Vi decided to join her. As they tried to figure out something how to deal with these monstrosities she had heard the gigantic, slow steps in the distance and watched the horses flee in terror. This however made her only more worried: if something was powerful and menacing enough to make such hideous creatures run away then it certainly was not cuddly and fluffy.

She turned around to see the menacing bear figure who was seemingly talk to Leo. Immediately she rushed in front of him, spreading her arms protectively before the guardian, her eyes fixating on the menacing colossus.

" I will not allow you to harm Lord Leo! " she said, trembling in fear as she tried to keep her composure.

@Aldur Forgehammer @zCrookedz

Nyr saw that something was amiss down there... but when the battle seemed to end and the noises died down she noticed something else. Achyls who hurried to help them now seemed to be in trouble - but not by something on the outside, it seemed to be some sort of inner turmoil. Flapping with her tiny wings she quickly dashed to the little raven who desperately tried to shut out the voices. She sat down on the ledge beside her and patted her shoulders.

" Sister, do not fret. " she said, trying to remove the hands of Achyls from her ears. " I am here for you - just as you have always been there for me. "

She gently lifted her and put the raven girl on her lap, looking at her with a wide smile, caressing her head.

" Please, do not cry, do not fear for you are the bravest, strongest raven I have ever seen in my life. " she whispered to her, hugging Achyls gently " Here - take some of my power " she said, as she formed a mental link with her. Immediately she felt the darkness within her stir then calming down, welcoming Achyls.

" I will share what little I have with you, sis. For I love you and I always will. " she looked at her smiling. " You need no power though to prove how strong you are. Even without the darkness you are faster than anyone I have seen... I am proud of you and I am honored to be able to call you as my sibling. "

Nyr the started to move her body back and forth, singing silently a sweet lullaby to soothe both of their souls.

Achyls' hands trembled at Nyr's touch. She held one over her mouth, welling up a little.

"Do not share what you have with me, sister," she whimpered, "my powers will return once this spell has been removed,". Gently, she put a hand on her sister's shoulder, pushing her away slightly.

"You have your job to do with the company, I shall simply remain out of harm's way until I can change back," she nodded, feeling slightly empowered having Nyr by her.

"out of harm's way? You're just a coward," her voice growled in her head. Gritting her teeth, she narrowed her eyes, drowning out her thoughts as much as possible. The voices would go once she switched back, she just needed to block it out until then.

Nyr shook her head and held Achyls even tighter than before. She was not about to leave her troubled sister's side in her time of need.

" No, I will stay with you, beloved sister. I told you: I will watch over you and will be here for you whenever you need me. What kind of sister would I be to forsake you now? "

She gave Achyls a kiss on her forehead, wiping the tears of the raven. She felt her sister tremble a bit but she just chuckled bit at this. She lifted her wings and closed the two of them within a protective feathery barrier. She wanted to protect her at all cost.

" I will be here, I will help you fight. " she looked Achyls in her eyes as her smile grew even wider. " You will never be alone, brave little sister. I will love you. Forever. "

Leo watched as the great bear scarred the demonic horse things away. This made him smile, he had so many memories of Bruin's fierceness that is was not surprised that creatures took off running. Just as Leo was about move towards his master, a white blur shot in front of him and stood between them. Arianne's blockade was meant to be a gesture of protection, but Bruin simply looked down at them and began to laugh. His laugh was like calm thunder on a summer evening.

It, combined with Leo's now child like nature, made Leo's eye begin to fill with tears. He placed a hand on Arianne's shoulder as he moved around her and he rushed over at the bear. Never would he have attempted this as an adult, but as a child he thought he could get away with it. As he hit Bruin he expected to reach his legs, but was surprised when the great bear had knelt down and met him with his own embrace. Childhood tears streamed down Leo's face, he had never in his life imagined this would be possible.

The great bear gave him a tight embrace and then released him. Stepping back Leo turned to the others and smiled "I am sorry everyone, this is Master Bruin. The Guardian of the Forest's before me. He is my master, and the closest thing to a father I have ever known." Leo turned back to Bruin and his face grew a bit confused. "I thought you had died when you left to fight against Caraboss. What about Master Writ, or Master Rood? Are they here as well?"

Bruin's smile began to fade away slowly, replaced by a look of sadness. He stood back to his full height and took a few steps back. "Leo....you and your friends must leave, before it is too late."

@Aldur Forgehammer @divyansh

Otto did as Kallin said and flopped backwards onto the ground. He had never been under a sleeping spell before, and began to wonder what it was going to feel like. "Hey Kallin, is this gonna hurt?" No sooner had he finished, his vision changed to black and he was floating in nothingness around him. He looked down to examine his own body and noticed there was nothing there. He began to panic, this was the freakiest thing he had ever experienced. He began to wish and hope his body would return while closing his non-existent eye. When he opened them and looked down, his body was back to normal. He patted his body a bit then realized that the area around him was no longer black, but a beautiful meadow surrounded by forest. Otto's ears perked up and his head swiveled around looking for Luness or Kallin. What he found was a couple of were-cats that were playing off in the distance. They did not seem to notice Otto, so he sat there and watched their happiness. He pieced together that it was Luness and her mother from the way they were playing. Otto began to feel a mixture of happiness for Luness and longing for his own mother. But when the scene began to take a darker turn with the arrival of the werewolves, Otto wanted to get up and help. But as he stood from his spot in the meadow, the dark shadowy figure of another wolf entered the meadow. This one was massive, and Otto crouched back into the meadow out of terror. The wolf struck a deep cord in Otto, it was obviously and alpha but there was something else about the wolf that made him shiver in fear. I familiarity of the wolf made him turn away from the scene and close his eye crouched down in the grass. He couldn't help but think "Is this what is going on in Luness's head all the time?"

Ylylore had pulled his wizard hat back up and was expecting a reply from the group but instead he received a volatile situation that just grew more chaotic by each passing second. First a hellish horse like creature leaped out of the pool below the bridge and then it begun attacking the others. Ylylore was angered by this creature's extreme rudeness, ' What a manner less dumb foal! How dare he barge in like that. I was having a bloody conversation with them.' Ylylore was tempted to charge at the beast with his staff and beat him back into his little pathetic ditch but he didn't do so as out of nowhere a giant bear had appeared. He wasn't like the usual lazy fat ones. Well, the bear was indeed chubby but more importantly he was also standing on his hind limbs and Ylylore hadn't seen something that bizarre before and he had seen a lot of stuff. Ylylore stood there for a moment as the bear approached the cub. Ylylore just gazed as the events unfolded in front of him. He was not interest in any conflict until he was back to normal and he certainly didn't want to anger the tank like bear but then the bear that the cub called Bruin, said something that really ticked Ylylore the wrong way. Ylylore didn't care anymore as he tried to march towards the gigantic bear, dragging his robe as he did. " What do you mean leave! I ain't going no where without me treasure! " yelled Ylylore in rage.
Oh this day was just marvelous! Vinter looked as determined as ever to pull the trigger again. But luck had it that she did not need to. The horses fled in fear. A voice boomed in the cave accompanied by loud footsteps. It seemed to be adressing to Leo. Upon revealing itself the large figure proved to be a very large anthropomorphic bear. Another Guardian like Leo. He was Master Bruin. Judging by Leo's reaction, they weren't going to be attacked. Vinter took a deep breath in and sighed, relieved. The bear urged the group to leave, much to the Ylylore's disdain, who immediately replied in a fit of rage, just like a child who wanted his toy. Vinter giggled, unvoluntarily at the mage's reaction. It was so fitting. "Careful, o, powerful Ylylore, master of magics. You wouldn't want to wet yourself, dearie." She winked at him with a devilish grin on her face. Vinter just couldn't help herself.

@divyansh @zCrookedz
Leandra was relieved when the horse demons fled, but then she hward the loud footsteps of something else approaching the group.

Tightening her grip on her staff, Leandra got ready for another fight, but was surprised when the bear anthro made his appearance and Leo clearly recognized the bear.

Watching the two interact, Leandra slowly relaxed her grip on her staff before walking over to Leo,curious about this Master Bruin.

Yet, upon hearing Ylylore's reaction and then hearing Vinter's response, Leandra burst out laughing and then wiped a tear from her eye before adding, "Maybe we should give Ylylore his pacifier before he throws a fit and starts crying over his lost 'treasure'."

Realizing how rude that probably sounded the minute she said it, Leandra then immediately looked at the ground and kicked at a weed before saying, "Sorry, that probably wasn't very nice."

Looking back at Master Bruin, amazed to hear that he was a father figure to Leo, Leandra then asked him, "Why do we need to leave so soon? What's wrong?"

@Aldur Forgehammer @zCrookedz
Leia relaxed as soon as Leo ran forward. "You're like Leo's...dad." Leia said in awe. It was hard for her to imagine Leo having a father. To her, he had always seemed like the father figure...but seeing him this young, watching his face..it reminded her that everyone was young once.

Upon hearing Ylylore shout Leia fixed him with a severe glare.

"Hey! Guy, you really need to shut it." It was a warning for him, Leia had seen how powerful Leo could be...and this was his mentor...she had no doubt he could probably fold them all five ways without blinking.

"Leave?" Ward said, "We cannot, we must get the artifact. We will not go before the. Please Master Bruin, will you help us?" Ward walked along the bridge to where Leo and the great bear stood.

"The fate of FableWood depends on it." He bowed respectfully, his gold eyes hopeful.

@zCrookedz @divyansh

Kallin watched the scene carefully, his heart warming at seeing Luness with her mother. He felt strange...it was what having a parent was like? He struggled to grasp at any sort of memory of his own, but all remained solidly absent. Almost as quickly as the scene had appeared it changed, Luness was now running, being hunted while her mother fought off wolves. "Time to go," He looked to Otto and would gave thrown him a curious look...had he had a form. "Otto? What's wrong?"

@zCrookedz @Lioness075
Bruin looked at the little white mage and then to the girl yelling at him. He lifted his paw towards them and muttered something that sounded like a prayer under his breathe. A green glow would emit around the group as Bruin lifted his head once again "I have restored some of you former powers, but I can not undo the powers of the springs. Now it is time for you all to leave."

Leo looked up at Bruin with hopeful eyes, surely his master would help them before they left. But Bruin's eyes held firm and he looked down at the Griffon with a stern expression. "I know what it is you seek young griffon. It is the same thing that many others have come seeking before you. I myself came looking for it before, but now......" Bruin's drifted to another world for a split second before returning to the little adventurers. He reached around his back and unhinged his hammer from its home. He brought it before them and rested the head on the ground, while he rested his hands on the pommel.

He took a deep breathe
"I can not offer any assistance. In fact, once we are done with this conversation I will no longer be able to stem the tide of Caraboss's control. I have been storing my energy for 100 years hoping Leo would come with others to help defeat the witch and now I can tell you what I know. What you seek is the key. Caraboss came to Fablewood by accident long ago and originally she was trying to return home. But as she gained power she found she did not wish to leave. So, she made a key as a gateway back to the human world. But when she did not wish to use it she broke it." Bruin shifted a bit uncomfortable, closing his eyes and taking a deep breathe before returning his gaze to the others "I went looking for the key, and when Caraboss found me and my companions she killed us all. What you see before you is the tortured, trapped soul that Caraboss anchored here, to guard the key piece."

Leo stepped back away from Bruin, his face stricken with horror as he realized that once again Caraboss had taken someone he loved away from him. His eyes began to well up with tears, but Bruin looked down at him and smiled "Leo,Ut silvae umbram securitatem..." Leo lifted his head and choked on the words a bit but sputtered "...et docebit vos spiritus"

With those words said, Bruin doubled over the pommel of his hammer. His fur began to loose its color slowly and his words began to become that of a mottled dark echo. The dark lines across his body began to spread like vines and turn a blueish color. He lifted his head, his eyes now white without soul and roared at the group, reading his hammer over his shoulder.


@Aldur Forgehammer @divyansh

Otto kept his gaze from the wolves attack on Luness's mother. Out of the corner of his eye he could see Luness running into the forest, but dared not look at what was becoming of her mother. Then out of no where, he heard Kallins voice and he began searching from where it came from. Without any success he stood from the grass and just assumed that Kallin was invisible to stay hidden from the wolves. Otto clutched at his chest and closed his eyes.
"That wolf, he did this to Luness. Its not fair." Otto kept his thoughts to himself and waited to see what would happen next with Luness's memories.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
Ward backed away instinctively as the bear doubled over. He saw his friends tears and felt a pang of anger at the injustice. In his gryphon form he laid his ears back and growled.

"Leo, Vi, Nyr, Malachai, help me hold him here. the rest of you, find a way to get by him and go after that key! There should be an item anchoring the bear's soul to this place. Find it and smash it!"

Leia nodded and dashed forward. The great bear loomed before her and without looking to see if he was attacking she had Lee freeze a path on the pool's surface. Jumping onto it she started running for the other side. "Follow me!"

@Everyone in Ward's group

Kallin swopped down in the form of a dark, misty kestrel and landed on the boy's shoulder. "Yes, he did. But we can help stop the pain. Right here, right now. Let's go!"

@zCrookedz @Lioness075
Leandra followed Vinter's witty reply with another. Shortly after, she apologized. Vinter frowned, but then grinned again. "Don't apologize...that's the point of a well placed insult...Leandra, dear, you disappoint me..." Of course, Vinter was only jesting. She listened as the massive Bruin explained what happened. How Caraboss arrived in Fablewood by accident and how she chose to remain. She killed Bruin and his companions and forced his soul to guard this place. It was unnatural to do such a thing. Vinter felt extreme anger when she heard about that. This Caraboss had the gall to twist and maim Fablewood, Vinter's home. She was infuriated. Her hands were shaking. The bear turned. It was then that Ward called for their help. Leia shouted for them to folllow. And Vinter followed indeed.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075
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So, YouTube really doesn't want to work with me on this lol. Just pull this up on YouTube and then start at 4:42. >.<

Suddenly, one of Bigby's packmembers came looming out from the forest line, where Luness had sprinted into not too long ago. In the wolf's mouth was a cowering and terrified Luness, limp and powerless against the werewolf holding her.

The werewolf rushed past Otto and Kallin, as none of the werewolves nor Larassa could sense Kallin's and Otto's presence. Especially since Luness still hadn't even registered that the pair was there with her.

The werewolf holding Luness skidded to a halt near Bigby, who was currently holding down Larassa, and both of them were bleeding from various wounds on their bodies.

Dropping Luness onto the ground unceremoniously, the werewolf then quickly held her down with one paw, forcing her to sit still and watch the next scene unfold.

Larassa suddenly lunged up, still trying to fight back, and both her and Bigby began to clash again, both giving and receiving wounds.

Yet, a ripple soon appeared beside the raging parents, as the castle room from Winter Wilds suddenly appeared in a separate memory beside Larassa and Bigby.

In the Winter Wilds memory, one could see Luness and Bigby clashing not too far from the chalice.

As both memories played at once, Luness yowled in both fear and pain at having to relive both at once.

It seemed like both memories were practically the same though. As Larassa would deliver a blow to Bigby, Luness would deliver the same blow to Bigby in the Winter Wilds memory. Vice versa when Bigby delivered a blow.

Yet, when it came to the final blow, the roles were not the same as before.

Larassa leapt at Bigby, snarling, as she intended to end the fight here and now, but Bigby dove under her and then lunged up to bite her in the neck, quickly throwing her to the ground and breaking her neck.

In the Winter Wilds memory, Luness leapt at Bigby and was successful in taking him down while slashing at his chest and delivering deep, permanent damage to his chest and potentially lungs.

Crying now, Luness struggled free of the werewolf's grasp, as he was no longer paying any attention to her.

Swiveling her head between both memories, Luness felt her body shaking, as she had no idea what to do while both her mother and her father lay dying in front of her in separate memories.

Folding her ears against her head, Luness then looked to her mother, who whispered coarsely, "Run, Lune, Ru-" Suddenly, her voice gave out and Luness began sobbing, as she heard the last breath leave Larassa's mouth.

Looking to the memory of Bigby dying, Luness could hear him struggling to say something while he was dying.

Tenderly, Luness padded over to that memory just in time to hear Bigby whisper, "I'm so proud of who you are, Lune..." Then he too passed away.

Sitting down on her haunches while the werewolves, Bigby, and Larassa dissipated around her, leaving her in a seemingly empty meadow with only faint traces of Larassa's blood nearby, Luness couldn't stop herself from crying, as she felt everything falling apart inside of her.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz

"Lune.." Kallin had watched it all, lived the memories with her. As the scenes unfolded to their climax he changed form, covering Otto's eyes so he couldn't see the final blows. No child should ever have to witness that. As his voice trailed across the dreamscape his form solidified, padding slowly to her side. "I'm here Lune. We both are...you're not alone."

A soft blue light began to glow above them, Kallin's manifestation of his power in the dreamscape. It held none of the chaotic red that plagued his physical body. The light cascaded down a sleek, black and furred form. Kallin had taken the body of a werecat, a massive black panther, lithe and sinewy with a face that was proudly rounded, and had his ice-blue eyes.

"Use the power of the spring. Call the voices forward. Confront them."

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Leo was greif stricken by the transformation before him. His once proud and mighty Mentor, had his spirit stripped from his body and sealed to this realm. Leo whipped the tears from his eyes and looked up at Bruin as the bear roared at the group. Hearing Wards plan, Leo reached to his sides to find that his ax's had been returned to him although they were very tiny little ax's. Leo brandished his ax's which only seemed to make Bruin angry. He charged at the group, bringing his hammer high over his head to smash down on the groups and anyone who was unlucky enough to stand in the way. Leo's eyes went wide and he darted of to the side, tucking and rolling out of the way of the hammers massive power.

As he stood back up he looked up at Bruin and noticed something odd, that he hadn't noticed before. Bruin always had a jewel pendant that he attached to his attire, the same type of jewel that was embedded in Leo's mantel. It was a tradition for the mentor to wear the pendant until his end when he would pass it on to the desciple. Leo looked back to Leia as she skated across her ice escape "Leia!! Look for a green jeweled pendant, it's probably the anchor." This news did not set well with Bruin as he turned around in a furry of rage and began walking over to the ice to smash it with his hammer.

@Aldur Forgehammer @andujarprime

Otto watched as Luness's tiny form was dragged from the forest and pinned down next to her mother. The next part was confusing for Otto, it was watching a very strange mirror that reflected a single event. However, Otto never got to see the outcome of the event as he felt Kallins hands cover his eyes. But Otto could imagine what it was that had happened and when the silence of the scenes covered the meadow Otto couldn't help the tears that began to fill his eyes. When Kallin let him see again he watched with his watery eyes and Kallin tried to comfort her. He too stood and walked over to Luness, though kept a bit behind Kallin "He's right Luness, we are both here."

Nyr was horrified as she watched the events unfold before her. She saw the mentor of Leo turning into a dark abomination of Caraboss and she wanted to help her beloved so much to fight - but she could not leave Achyls behind, not when she was in the need of her sister. Torn between the two heavy choices she sat there, the little raven on her lap and she did not dare to move. Two she loved were in danger but she could not choose - blood and love were both equal in her heart... and she could do nothing but watch the events unfold for now.

@zCrookedz @SkywardSocks

Arianne nodded and watched as the giant bear turned into a hulking monstrosity. She was terrified but knew that fear would not help right now. Immediately when Leia called her and the others to go with her she ran after the human girl, a bit ashamed that she had to leave the battle behind - but she was determined that the artifact was equally important as repelling the mentor of the lion. Hearing the last words of Leo from the distance she was not hellbent on finding the precious jewel so important to all of them... at all cost.

Running with Leia she made her way next to her and yelled.

" I can conjure the tiny globes of light one last time I think. " she panted " They could scour the area faster than we can, they may be able to find the item we seek. "

Achyls looked up at Nyr, the horror on her face more than evident. Gently, she pushed Nyr away from her, getting to her feet and backing up against the wall.

"Sister, you are needed. Your power of light can stem the flow of the darkness within the bear," she said as calmly as she could, still forcefully blocking out the taunting her mind was screaming at her. Eyes wide, she manually opened Nyr's wings, sending her backwards with the breeze.

"Save the one you love," she smiled, returning to her spot on the cliff face.

"Nice one, really," her thoughts reached out to her, for some reason shifting to...comforting. Achyls let the voice in, confused by herself. A freshness rolled over her, and she watched the scene below her, knowing, but not caring, that it was up to everyone but herself.

Leandra quickly covered her mouth in fear, as she watched Bruin turn into a monstrosity.

On top of this, Bruin then attempted to attack the group, bringing down his large hammer, which was going to hit Leandra's foot if she didn't move.

Immediately, Leandra dove to the side to avoid the strike, only to have it hit her ankle with a glancing blow.

Gasping at the sudden pain, Leandra crashed onto the ground and slid a few feet away before she quickly moved her palm to her ankle and began healing it, though even after having some of her powers restored, the healing process was taking far longer than usual. Probably didn't help that Leandra had passed out from exhaustion last night.

Hearing Leo shout out instructions to look for a green jeweled pendant, Leandra immediately began looking around herself in hopes of spotting. Alas, she could not.

Seeing Bruin moving out of the corner of her eye, Leandra swiftly shifted her attention to the guardian in time to see him heading in the direction of Leia's ice.

Deciding that her ankle, which had been healed to at least a minor sprain, would have to be good enough for now, Leandra scrambled to her feet and limped at first before she was all-out sprinting at Bruin.

At the last moment, Leandra leaped up at Bruin's back before she swiftly brought her staff around so that it was pressed tightly against the guardian's throat while she wrapped her legs around Bruin's chest and leaned backwards in an attempt to make him stumble backwards.

All in all, Leandra was just doing her best to stall for now. They needed time to find that pendant, especially if Leo was correct about it being an anchor.

Hearing Arianne's idea, Leandra then shouted at the girl between gritted teeth, "Then hurry up and do it already!"

@zCrookedz @SilverFlight @DawnAntalios
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Ward saw the bear head for the ice. If he broke it now the girls would be tossed into the water, and most likely into the jaws of those horses lurking under the surface. The gryphon galloped forward and leaped, latching onto Bruin's thigh and sinking his beak and talons into it like an unruly cat. The bridge underneath them was not very strong, and the ancient stone began to crack slightly under the weight.


Leia reached the other side as she heard the stone crack. "Leo! Ward!"

"Go!" Ward shouted and she turned to run. Arianne suggested using her magic.

"Anything that'll get us there faster." Leia said, tearing down the corridor, the echoes of the fight ringing all around them.

Leia's spirits spread out as well, checking corridors, rooms and corners. Time was of the essence.

@zCrookedz @DawnAntalios
Luness paused in her crying for a moment, as she soon heard two different voices reassuring that she wasn't alone.

Confused at first, the kit version of Luness shakily stood before turning to face the two, surprised when she saw a panther werecat, though he didn't seem to hold a true form, and a young werewolf.

Yet, the confusion only lasted for a moment, as Luness then suddenly remembered what was going on and that the panther werecat was actually Kallin and the young werewolf was Otto.

Anxious about having been caught while crying her heart out, Luness feebly attempted to wipe her tears, but her eyes were already red from the crying anyhow.

Thinking over Kallin's suggestion, Luness then felt her heart skip a beat. Did calling the voices forward mean she had to confront her own father?

Eyes wide, Luness remained on all fours as a kit, as she backed a few steps away from Kallin before saying fearfully, "I can't. "

What if Luness confronted Bigby and he was somehow able to still harm her? He'd never had any boundaries to begin with as it were.

@SilverFlight @zCrookedz

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