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Fantasy ~ FableWood ~

Little baby Kallin decided to stay back and take Luness to a spring. Supposedly, it was the Spring of Inspiration. Ward was to lead this group to the artifact. Vinter followed, slowly reloading her pistol. She grabbed a vial of gunpowder and poured some into the gun's barrel. Vinter approached Ward while she was doing it. "Hey, kiddo! So...Ward, huh? I don't think we've been properly introduced." She put the vial back and picked up a lead ball from a pouch. "I'm Vinter...or Vi. I'm Tenacity's former co-capt...ain." Her voice cracked midway through 'captain'. She felt a little embarassed. Vinter kept quiet and inserted the lead ball into the flintlock's barrel. "I swear...if I have to go through puberty again...ugh." Vinter murmured in a slightly inaudible manner.

Kallin caught sight of Otto and his forelorn expression and remembered his promise.

"Hey Otto!" He said as he moved to climb onto Nyr's back. "What are you waiting for?" He spread his arms wide, indicating he would catch the pup if he jumped.

As Kallin looked up he watched Luness try to scale the cliff on her own. He shook his head. Even if she were full grown she'd orobabky have trouble with the lose shale that fell from it...and thatw as exactly what happened.

"Lune!" He cried in shock as she slipped. Kallin summoned as strong a spel as he could muster in his diminutive form and a tiny ledge of rock sprouted just under the werecat's tiny feet, giving her a temporary foot hold.

"Achyls! Can you help her?"

@Aldur Forgehammer
Otto stopped as KAllin called out to him. He perked up his ears and his little puppy smile spread cross his face like wild fire. The pup wasted no time and zipped away from the others with a parting yip and bolted towards Kallin. He wasn't really sure how fast our hard he jumped, all he knew was one second he was on the ground, the next he was in Kallins arms atop Nyr. His tail flicked back and forth behind Kallins back, as he lifted his nose towards Kallin and began trying to lick the black wispy face.

Quincy followed all of the others through the archway, pressing her hands to the wet walls and gazing excitedly at the carvings. This place was like a temple dedicated to water and water beings. As they reached the large platform and the bridge, the kelpie squealed excitedly and dropped to her knees on the bridge, looking at the little fish. Her dark gray eyes were dancing happily, and for a long moment, she completely forgot they were supposed to be retrieving something from the chamber. The little girl laid on her stomach and tried desperately tried to dip her fingers in the water and entice the fish to her, but her short arms couldnt quite reach. She scooted forward a little, and her fingertips got a little closer, but it was harder to balance that way.
Alexander had done little more than cower from the water wolves, and now that Quincy was so close to water he was tempted to make her stop. He really was terrified the water and most of the creatures who dwelled within. Much like he had when he was a child the first time around, Alex hid behind his brother, staying close by and hoping he would protect the younger dragon.

@Flutterby @andujarprime
Ylylore had continued his journey and was mid way to crossing the bridge when all of a sudden a voice came from his back. Ylylore wondered who it might be. 'fellow treasure hunters? Adventurers? Or worse a guardian ? ' Ylylore didn't enjoy fighting the wolfs and was surely not interesting in getting into anymore trouble specially in his over sized cloths. Ylylore hurriedly thought what would he do if the person behind him was just another foe. Would he flee or maybe he could fool them. After all he was able to fool the dumb wolfs. Ylylore gave it a thought before subtly turning his face around to steal a glance of the person. To his surprise there was not a towering guardian or a foe in front of him but instead a little blonde kid about Ylylore's current size, a girl holding a staff, a small lion cub, even young girl with a pistol and yet more were just gathering up. Ylylore tilted his head slightly, surprised to see a bunch of toddlers in a place like this ' am i day dreaming? Why are kids- Oh yes! the waterfall. Stupid me! But that would mean...Oh! NO!'.

Ylylore started at the bunch. He was not sure as of why they were all here. The group out numbered Ylylore and were only increasing in number. The wizard knew well that he couldn't take them all at once. ' Why can't people just leave me to my business. I just wanted my treasure and now this bunch of buffoons come out of no where. They must have come to steal my treasure. Just let me get back. First i will kill that bastard. Second i will sell the relic. Third I will get more money ', even the thought of gold coins brought a smirk to Ylylore's face.

" Well now lets take care of these company of thieves. I can surely scare a few lambs ", whispered Ylylore to himself. He glanced at his staff before gazing back at the boy. Ylylore then slammed his staff onto the floor and the fire from his staff erupted upwards giving rise to a cloud of blue flames. It was surely a terrifying sight to look at and Ylylore, even though a little boy seemed very threatening. " Who dares to call for me! ", yelled Ylylore, hoping that he had horrified the merry band of kids that had gathered before him.

@SilverFlight @everyonenexttohim
Achyls giggled as Luness scaled the cliff face, flying up beside her. Just as the cub was about to fall, she scooped her into her arms, a broad smile on her face.

"Upwards we go, kitty cat," she laughed, an obvious jab at Luness. She was rather irritated that she wasn't trusted, but seeing Luness like this, it was just too sweet. She took the liberty of childishly fluttering about, doing awkward loops and spins in the air while the cub was still firmly in her grasp.

"See, flying isn't so bad," a giggle escaped from her mouth, making her appear hideously insincere. Luness' fear was funny to her child self, as it always used to be. Seeing the look on her face was hilarious, but she knew they had a job to do, and so lifted her up to the top of the cliff. She let Luness escape from her grasp, a priceless expression seemed to be on the cub's face.

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Leandra cocked her head at the mage kid before them, wondering who he was and if he was friendly or not. It was hard to tell considering he was young just like the rest of them.

Yet, nobody said a word until suddenly the stranger slammed his staff into the ground, causing blue flames to dramatically appear while also shouting at their group.

Jolting a bit in surprise at such an audacious move, Leandra soon was giggling though, as she didn't see any threat from the flames since they were going into the sky and not aimed at the group.

Finding the kid's efforts to be intimidating to instead be cute and such, Leandra kept her staff at her side, which she was holding horizontal to the ground since she didn't need it for her magic and instead used it more for a weapon than anything.

As far as Leandra was concerned, this stranger was no real threat to them.

Deciding to be bold, Leandra then took a step towards the stranger before saying loudly, "My name's Leandra and we're the Heroes of FableWood!" After saying this, Leandra then gestured to those around her.

Eyeing the stranger, Leandra then asked him, "What is your name, mage?"

Leo watched as Otto zoomed away and went with the others. Watching the little wolf made him laugh, he was glad to see him going to suport Luness. As he turned back around Leo spotted Quincy reaching over the edge and smiled. He stopped and walked over to the Kelpie desperately trying to reach the waters beneath them, and crouched while he watched. He looked up to Alex and Malachai and then back at Quincy "Careful Quincy, those fishy might have just been little girls too. Until they fell in and the magic waters turned them to fishy's." Leo giggle a bit at the prospect of being turned into a fish, until he heard people yelling and he stood back up and turned to the little kid Leandra was yelling at. Leo watched the kid with the long stick and began to giggle at the size of his hat and cloths.

@Flutterby @Lioness075 @divyansh
Luness let out a yelp of fear when Achyls suddenly plucked her up from the cliff face.

At first, it wasn't too bad, still terrifying, but it was rather calm.

Yet, the moment Achyls began performing aerial moves, Luness' eyes went wide and she was hissing and swiping at Achyls' face with her claws fully extended in a flash the moment they were at the top of the cliff.

Pushing away from Achyls' body and nipping at her hands to make her let go, Luness then leaped down to the ground and whipped around to snarl at Achyls, her eyes wide with both fear and anger.

"What is your problem?! You knew I hated flying and yet, you did all of those moves and laughed at me when you saw that I was terrified? My father saw my fear and exploited it on purpose when I was just a kit! I don't need this crap again!"

Pacing in front of Achyls, Luness hissed again, her eyes darkening, and then said in a low, yet still childish, tone, "Don't pick me up ever again."

Narrowing her eyes at Achyls, Luness then huffed irritatingly while continuing to pace, as she was still waiting on Kallin to join her.

It was all she could do to keep herself from leaping at Achyls and trying to scratch her again after such actions.

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Quincy looked up sharply as Leo spoke, startled by the interruption. She pouted at him for a moment, saddened by the thought that they werent real fish. Why would she want to pet fish that used to be people? That was just weird. And be turned into a fish? She was about to respond, in a great, pouty upset, tears welling in her eyes, preparing a rambling speech about how she just wanted to pet them because they looked lonely with no one to swim with other than fish but she didnt want to be a fish because Alexander couldnt swim and wouldnt come visit her and then she would be lonely with no one to swim with but other fish and then what if someone else fell in and then they got lonely too.. when the sound of yelling and a small flash of light distracted Leo and herself. She hadnt noticed the other person before- she had been too happy about the water. He didnt seem very friendly at all.
"Really guys? What are you, five?" Kallin jumped off Nyr's back once they were close to the ledge, Otto tucked safely under on arm. He reconsidered that statement. "Nevermind."

The ledge was lined with thick leaves and bright, heavy blossoms. Against the cliff there was a small tunnel, unadorned, cut into the cliff wall and through it Kallin could see the pool. They were almost there.

"Achyls, Nyr, you should go help the others. We'll be fine on our own." Kallin said and set Otto down and went over to Luness, putting a stubby, gloved hand on her head gently. "Don't worry. I can get us back down without flying." He reassured her.

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @SkywardSocks

"Haha, that's mean!" Leia had heard Leo's comment to Quincy. She pushed his shoulder lightly. Lee looked at them both and jumped right in, making hardly a splash.

@Flutterby @zCrookedz

Ward's expression turned to a cautious frown. "Are you a guardian?" he asked skeptically. "Why are you using fire if you're a water guardian?"


((I apologize profusely for the short post))
Nyr looked at Kallin with a weary expression as she turned back to her little humanoid form. Seeing as the mage decided to take Otto and Luness to the spring she immediately wanted to object and go with them... but then she remembered how close did Kallin and Luness get in the past weeks... or it might have been an even earlier bond between them thus she decided not to interfere. She nodded at them and she silently stepped near Achyls, watching the other three departing. Then she turned to her sister and smiled. She was barely taller than her it still felt like she was the big sister looking after the little one.

" Well, sis, it seems that we should return to the others... " Nyr said as they were left alone, mischievously messing with the hair of Achyls " ... But Kallin did not say when should we go help them so... "

She took wings, flying in the sky, laughing.

" How about a little game? Let us race back to the others! Or are you afraid? "

@SkywardSocks @SilverFlight @Lioness075 @zCrookedz

Arianne finally caught up with the others then she saw Ward and the others talking with someone strange, one she had never seen before. Her curiosity grew as maybe this stranger would be able to answer her many questions about this place. Even better, this person might have been here when she first visited the place and could tell something about her mother.

Silently as not to disturb the conversation she walked up to Ward and looked at the stranger silently.

@SilverFlight @divyansh
Vinter smiled at Ward's question "This is a pistol. A flintlock to be more precise. You put gun powder and a ball of lead in the barrel to arm it and then this thing, the hammer." She pointed at the pistol's hammer. "When you press the trigger, it hits this other thin and it ignites the gun powder, making an explosion..." Vinter gestured an explosion with her left hand. She had a quirky smile on her face the whole time. "...and that explosion makes the ball shoot out of the barrel at a very fast velocity! It can kill in one shot if you aim correctly. It also makes a very loud noise"

Right as she finished explaining a young boy appeared, dressed in clothes much bigger than his size. He tried to intimidate them by making blue fire shoot out of his staff. Vinter giggled. It was a funny sight. 'Who dares to call for me?' He roared. "Watch your tone, kiddo!" Vinter drew her sword. "I was sinking war galleys when you were still pissing your britches!" It might not be entirely true, but the part about the war galleys was.

@SilverFlight @divyansh @Lioness075 @zCrookedz @DawnAntalios @Flutterby @everyone else
Ylylore was surprised to see how bold and arrogant this bunch was. Instead of running, they were laughing at him. ' What are these kids! How dare they insult me! Dammed peasants! '. Ylylore was getting annoyed by their response and their laughter was just irritating him further. Then to make it worse the girl with white hair daringly moved forward and started speaking. Then the other joined in too. Second was the blond kid, he seemed to have thought of Ylylore as some guardian but was smart enough to know that this ruin's guardian was aligned to water as its element. Third was the girl that had a flintlock pistol. She arrogantly made fun of Ylylore and this just pissed him off even further. Before Ylylore was considering answering them but now he was furious.

' What does this girl think of herself. Talking like that to the great wizard Ylylore! '. Ylylore stared right into the preteen girl's blue eyes and then yelled, " Certainly! I would presume you sank those galleys with your hitch pitched cries. " Ylylore sneered once he stopped and then looked at the blonde kid before finally resting his gaze at the white haired girl. ' At least this one was courteous enough to tell who she was. Maybe she knows me....she might even help me! ' though the mage as he tried to stork his bread that no longer existed. " I am the master enchanter and powerful mage Ylylore. You must have heard of me ", said Ylylore with a smile. Ylylore always felt joy in hearing praises about himself, even when it was he was praising. Ylylore's smile soon turned upside down when his hat fell back over his eyes. He knew that this comical incident would only lead to more laughter. This infuriated him and an urge to scream came from within him. He tried to pacify it, he didn't wish too be seen as a child. Ylylore took a deep sigh and crushed in a low tone before adjusting his point hat back at its place.
Leandra raised an eyebrow at Ylylore's introduction, having no idea who he was since she was a Real Worlder and not from FableWood.

Shrugging, Leandra opened her mouth to respond, but ended up giggling, as Ylylore's hat fell over his face. It was highly amusing that his clothes hadn't shrunk to fit him.

Coughing in an attempt to cover up her giggling so as to not further upset Ylylore, Leandra then said to him, "I'm not from FableWood so I've actually never heard of you."

Glancing sideways at Ward, Leandra then whispered to him, "Do you know who this guy is, Ward?"

@SilverFlight @divyansh
Achyls scoffed at Luness before turning to Nyr. Her challenge brightened her face and mood entirely, and her giggling lifted herself off the ground almost immediately.

"Come race me then!" she called to her sister as she took off into the air, "If you can catch me!". Laughing, she disappeared into the sky, performing convoluted acrobatics as she flew as high as she could safely. She didn't let up, becoming as streamlined as possible as she dove from the clouds, picking up great speed as she headed toward the remainder of the group.

"Look out below!" she laughed, her wings making her corkscrew down until she was right by the ground.

"Come on Nyr!" Achyls shouted gleefully, landing delicately on the rock, her sister right behind her. It felt good to be fast, even if Nyr was just letting her win. She acted a lot more childish than the others it seemed, like everyone else was fighting being a child again.

"Here Zeymah, do not fear. You'll be ok." Kai thought out to his brother behind him as he snarled at the water, as if daring the water to do anything. He began to growl but was cut short as he caught sight od the fish. He inches forward and was about to snap his head in to catch a fit when Leo's voice hit home. He's right, the waterfall alone made him a child. Who knew what these waters could do to them. He nudged his brother away from the edge of the water as he made his way to the rest of the group. He didn't see Achyls around as he turned his head curiously. He hadn't been paying much attention to anything that didn't look sound or smell like food up until now.

@Hel @zCrookedz @SkywardSocks
Nyr laughed as she playfully circled around Achyls in the air. It has been so long since she had enjoyed herself this much. She felt free and joyful, it felt like all the burdens of the world were off from her shoulders.

" Oh no, you don't! " she exclaimed, dashing after her sister. She was quite surprised how fast Achyls was, she had to double her efforts to catch up with her, but eventually she did. When the raven made the aerial acrobatic she watched her in awe then she dashed after her, diving after Achyls she finally caught up to her.

Quickly she hugged the raven in the air, now both of them spinning towards the ground before they pulled up, right before they hit the ground, flying up high again.

She was so happy, she just laughed and laughed, looking in the eyes of her sister. She finally let her go and smiled at her mid air, putting her tiny hands on her shoulders.

" I love you, sis. " she said " Mother Moon would be so proud... "

The mention of the moon goddess suddenly made her smile go away. She felt sorrow and sadness overtake her, but she tried to guise it as best as she could. They were having such a fun time together, she did not want to ruin the moment.

"I am from FableWod and I still haven't heard of you." Ward said, crossing his arms with an unimpressed look. He didn't like this kid's attitude. "We need to pass, the item we came for is further down in these ruins."

As Ward moved to walk past him however the water in the pool began to ripple and the fish suddenly darted away. Leia looked at the youth before them and was about to say something when Lee shot out of the pool spraying water everywhere and landed straight on her chest, sending her reeling backwards. "Lee! What's the matter with you?"

The poor water spirit was terrified. Lee had charged fearlessly at a demon army, stopped a hail of arrows and faced worse in the red king's arena. The fact that something scared her made Leia almost panic.

"Um...guys..." out of the corner of her eye she saw a flash, something vanish beneath the water's surface. "Quincy! Get away from the edge!" She ran to where the kelpie was lying by the pool just as something big and black surfaced and tired to grab her. Leia thought a quick order to Bob and the earth spirit charged, launching a rock at the thing. It vanished without being seen clearly, but a dark shadow could be made out circling in the depths. It was easily as big as a deer...probably bigger.

Leia swallowed. Backing up behind Leo.

Suddenly something leaped out onto the bridge, water streaming off its thick, glistening hide. From a distance it looked like a large, black horse. yellow eyes glinted craftily out from under a tangled, weedy mane. Its muscles on closer inspection were ropey and its skin pulled so tightly over them nearly everything showed.

Leia relaxed a little. Horses weren't so scary...it was then the horse pulled back is lips, its mouth slitting its face nearly in half like a crocodile and bared long, yellow, razor sharp fangs. It charged at the group, an unholy screech piercing the air.

Luness huffed at Kallin's five year old comment, but otherwise remained silent.

Feeling Kallin's gloved hand on her head, Luness didn't even think twice before she was purring and rubbing her head against his hand.

It didn't take long for Luness to realize what she was doing and she quickly stopped in time to hear Kallin's reassurance that they wouldn't have to fly down the cliff.

Relieved to hear this, Luness then sheepishly said to Kallin, "S-Sounds good."


Leandra grinned when Ward made his point that the mage clearly wasn't anyone that important.

Yet, when Lee came flying out of the water and was clearly terrified, Leandra felt her heart beginning to race.

Looking around, it didn't take long for Leandra to spot the shadow moving in the waters until suddenly the horse leapt out of the water and onto the bridge.

Looking over its body and seeing its eyes, Leandra felt like she'd just entered some kind of nightmare.

The moment the horse screeched and charged, Leandra was already sprinting to the side and diving out of the way.

Crashing into the dirt, Leandra slid for a few feet before pushing herself up onto her hands and knees, and frowning at the small scrapes on her elbows and knees from the diving move.

Looking around for a moment in slight panic, Leandra felt relieved when she sighted her staff a few feet away from her.

Standing up, Leandra then walked over to her staff and picked it up before focusing on healing the scrapes on her elbows and knees, temporarily distracted.

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Otto immediately started running around in circles when Kallin placed him on the ground. The little wolf pup was so happy to be with Luness and Kallin, and whatever happened next. He then remembered that Luness was a bit temperamental and this was serious business, at least the little grown up Leo in his head kept telling him that. So he thought the best thing to do was to trot over to Luness and Kallin, sit and wait patiently.

Of course that's what he did in his mind. Instead the little wolf zipped over to the edge of the cliff they had just ascended and began to bark happily at the two ravens as they flew away.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075

Leo smiled at the strange kid with the big stick. He couldn't tell if he was doing is little show on purpose, or if he was serious. Either way, Leo thought he was quite an interesting character. It wasn't until Leo noticed Leia spirit freaking out that Leo could feel something amiss. He looked around at the area and was drawn back to Quincy as the creature in the water reached for her. Leo yelp in surprise and reached out to pull Quincy back from the edge as Bob sent the rock hurtling towards the beastie. Leo lifted an arm up in front of Quincy and Leia as the creature rose from the water. The deceptiveness of its looks quickly vanished when the horse barred its teeth. Leo looked back at Quincy, "Is this a relative of yours?"

@SilverFlight @Flutterby
Kallin stepped forward, motion for Luness and Otto to stay behind him. If there were any surprises, he wanted to meet them first.

The path however was clear and they went on unchallenged. The small grotto they came out into glittered with light from the top, spilling onto wet, mossy walls. Above them, perched on a pillar of stone sat a stone statue of the winged horse himself, lying peacefully and looking toward the pool.

A light seemed to come from its waters and Kallin looked about the grotto cautiously.

"I've never--" But he stopped as his voice sounded deeper again. He hadn't even noticed that they'd passed through a magical barrier. He supposed it removed all magical effects, including the youth spell that had been cast upon them. Kallin was his normal age again, thank the skies. He tested a spell quickly and a small coil of smoke rose from his gloved hand. Good, his magic still worked. Secretly he wondered if the pool itself could read their intentions. "I've never cast this spell on more than one person before....this is going to be tricky with you Otto, but what we're basically doing...is all falling asleep."

He stepped to the edge of the pool and peered in. A small stone bowl lay on the edge of the pool and Kallin took it gently, dipping it into the clear water.

"Okay Lune..." He held the bowl out to her. "Just one drink aught to do it, then I'll cast you into your dreams. Otto and I will follow right behind you."

@Lioness075 @zCrookedz
Arianne wanted to talk but the suddenly she looked at the rippling water. The menacing demon like spirits emerged from the dark abyss like living nightmares, their eyes flashing at the group of adventurers. They hungered it seemed... their anger was seething, trying to find a prey they were looking for.

She looked at the others and was horrified: everyone shared the dread and the fear which seemed to emanate from these unholy monstrosities. She look ed as Leandra dodged the charge of one of the bests slowly healing herself and then it struck Arianne what she had to do.

Clenching her hands into fists she stepped forward towards the beasts. One or two of the creatures turned their attention to her as she furrowed her brows. She knew what had to be done.

" Come, try me, beasts! " she taunted the creatures " Face me! "

She then looked at the others.

" We need to find a way to fight or flee. " she stated the obvious " I will try to draw their attention, but you must find an escape route. I will try to keep one or two at bay while you come up with a plan. "

And with that she waved with her hands, the tiny little light globes appearing next to her. Like a commander she ordered the tiny sources of light to gravitate around her and with a fierce cry - as fierce as a child's cry could be - she charged at the beasts.

@SilverFlight @Lioness075 @everyone
Vinter spit when the child mage brought up her voice cracking. "Oh, you'll love me when I'll be normal again..." Suddenly, out of the water emerged horse-like creatures with teeth as sharp as her cutlass' blade. With the other hand she drew her flintlock and shot immediately, wounding one of the horses. She didn't expect them to drop and bleed out like normal horses, but hindering their abilities is good.

Another horse charged towards Leandra, but she evaded the creature. A dark thought lingered in her mind, they were all children, they were going to die. Her frown turned into a shocked expression. She was starting to panic. The horse she shot approached her. Vinter's courage was quickly drained as she backed up against a wall. In that moment, her powers kicked in. She closed her eyes, took slow breaths and the fear went away. In its place, a heroic impulse overtook Vinter's mind. She assumed a low guard with her cutlass. If the horse was to charge she was ready. "Bring it, you tosser!" she cried.

Just when she was ready to slice at the creature, the actual child, Arianne, distracted it. She drew all of the horses' attention. But why? The little girl summoned tiny little globes and then she charged at them. "But of all people why you?"

Vinter grabbed the vial of gunpowder again, pouring exactly enough and then putting it away. Shortly after a lead ball was inserted into the pistol's barrel. With a quick movement of her hand the hammer went back and Vinter was ready to fire. "You're not doing this alone! We can take 'em together!" She shouted, following Arianne. Her yelling felt really inspiring.


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