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Fandom F.A.T.E Lore

  • The Regal Rper

    Mad Scientist

    Quickstart Guide

    So, you're interested in F.A.T.E.?

    Fantastic! At heart, we're a story-driven game, but we do have plenty of character-driven moments. We tend to bounce between open posting periods for training, interactions, personal character stuff (all optional), then the more linear style of storytelling for missions and major arcs. In that way, you could argue this is a "hub" style game. The shifting focus of the posts has lent to wonderful collabs, a good amount of character progression, but still with a targeted story so nothing ever feels too directionless. If you've read this far, I imagine you're either curious about the "hook" of the game, you aren't daunted by the length of the lore, or you just haven't thought to check. The "hook" in its simplest form is that we play as problematic agents in the DWMA on their road to redemption. If the Lore has you a bit concerned, read on and let me explain.

    First and foremost, you do not need to read all of the lore. You also don't need to read the entire IC. The lore pages are designed as wikia-style indexes with clickable links to make them easy to search for both existing players and new ones. A good majority of the lore pages are comprised of various mechanics that you don't need to know in depth (especially in the beginning) or sets of information for more niche elements of the game, such as Magic, various species, so on and so forth. The basic Meister/Weapon set of character-players aren't even applicable to the fundamentals of magic or Witch Culture. You don't need to know every location, or the exact details of every major event, or the full history of the world. It is there in plain text primarily for those that are curious, or to reference whenever it comes up in game. Essentially, it is designed so that when you first make a character or go down a rabbit hole, you can find relevant information before you come to the GM's; though, we're always open for questions.

    So, let's assume that you do move forward if you're still reading this and you want to make a character. The first thing I want to really push out there is the picture of the game that all these lore pages really don't paint. This not a magical school / magical academy-style game, first and foremost. It could easily be; I've put plenty of design into the Magical elements and Witch culture of the game. Regardless, that is not the direction we're going in. The world really is meant to follow the Soul Eater structure. The main plot is designed around the weapon-partner dynamic, that's what we've been pushing the environment to support, and they're meant to be the focal point of the story. The world is also set in the futuristic year of 2067, but it is no Cyberpunk. We follow primarily the manga storyline with a few adaptations from other sources here and there, so the infamous fist-of-hope scene isn't a thing. The futuristic elements of the game are relatively toned down and come in the form of Magitech, not neural VRMMO's, space fleets, or Kang the Conqueror levels of tech. The futuristic elements flavor the world, but don't define it. The characters are generally aged up to around or over twenty, the power scaling plants most characters in the middle of the pack, and we push for creativity and often even niche roles with characters as opposed to direct or raw power.

    Mary/Gary Sues need not apply. Warrior Gods and characters stacked with as many traits as Maka Albarn aren't the direction this game is going. Asocial characters tend to sink instead of swim, and antisocial behaviors are intended to be slowly improved even from the beginning. The defining trait of the characters in this game is that they are in the F.A.T.E. Program, which is basically the last straw before you're entirely removed from the DWMA due to either behavior, danger, trust issues, or whatever else it may be. Characters go through a psych eval and therapy to reach a field-ready state, so while friction is bound to happen and arguments arise, we don't typically have incredibly toxic or volatile outbreaks, and if so, they tend to be a major plot-defining event. That said, it's also incredibly hard to fit in a nice-to-everyone, super kind, considerate character onto the roster, as typically behavioral issues are one of the main reasons to be in the program. Again, we strive to push creativity and unique character designs/identities. Transplanting your old Soul Eater OC to this world is often significantly more difficult than just creating a new character.

    Now, if I haven't managed to scare you off yet and you're still interested in creating a character (or what it would take to do so), I do have a few direct links to some entries to read to help you along in your journey, unless you're a madman that intends to read every word of lore I've written, in which I salute you. I have created a list of links to the most important information in general, then specific links for different character types. Hopefully, this will give you a good start, and from there you can read whatever piques your interest.

    Page-by-Page breakdown
    - Under the Project F.A.T.E. Page, the Structure of the Program is the most important thing to read. The stigma is also important, but is a quick read. The History itself is less important to immediately know, but does get referenced in game. You won't be lost without it, but it does provide context.

    - Under the DWMA Page, the History that is most relevant are entries 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6. This is because most characters are in their early twenties and that describes the eras of 2045 to present, so about 22 years. For older characters, you may want to check out 1.3 as well. That said, knowing the general History of this world going back to canon events is a good option, too. I would then suggest reading 2.1 of the Structure header, though all of the information is solid to be aware of. The Agent Ranks gives a general idea of what to expect from Agents within those ranks, or at least what it takes to reach them.

    - Under the Magic Page, you either need to read all of this except the Non-Standard Magic, or you could get by with none of it. If you're a Meister or Weapon, chances are, you would only have a surface level idea of how Magic actually works, unless you're an Anti-Magic Specialist. If you're a a Witch or Sorcerer, chances are, you'll need to read most if not all of this at some point. You may not need to delve into all of it right off the bat, but every entry describes important mechanics to the play style.

    - Under the Soul Studies Page, this is much like Magic. If you're a Meister or Weapon, this is your bread and butter. These are the mechanics and concepts used all throughout the game. That said, many of these mechanics are right out of the canon and just adapted to the game for play. Some of it may seem simple, and a lot of it actually is, but it's written out so that it's portrayed consistently in the game. Meisters can get by without reading weapon-specific entries at first and Demon Weapons can skip the Paths or some abilities they may not use, such as Wavelength Amplification, Suppression, Soul Force, Soul Menace, Adjust, Forced Rejection, or Sutures. Resonance is something that you can quickly gloss over until it's confirmed you'll be using it in game, then you'll need to know it. All in all, though, this page is the bread and butter for Meister-Weapon duos.

    - Under the Magitech Page, you should at least read The Tl:dr section and part about Mana Crystals. The rest is optional.

    - Under the Reformed Monster Clans, I would consider reading the three entries under the Integration subheader and the brief overview. Unless you're interested in looking at the list of creatures, this one isn't as necessary. Much like Witches, you don't need to know too much about this page if you aren't from it.

    - Under the Madness Page, this one is one I almost want to urge everyone to read, but I do know some of it isn't super relevant to early characters. I would say the initial overview, 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 2.1, 2.2, 3.1, 3.2, and 3.3 are the most important. Madness plays a huge part in Soul Eater normally, so it of course is a huge part of this game. How we have elected to portray it and its mechanics are subsequently equally important. That said, if you're playing a character that isn't sensitive to Madness, you can probably get by with just the overviews of general mechanics, but it will eventually become important.

    - Under the Advanced Magic Users Page, unless you're one of these species, you don't need to read any of these. If you are, read the one relevant to you.

    - Under the Death City Page, I would at least read it's The Tl:dr section. The rest I would guess is optional. This is really meant to be more of a list of canon and created locations that you can look up and read a little about when they're referenced, if you feel like it. Additionally, it can act as a place to get some inspiration if you're wanting to have some mini-event.

    - The FAQs, collab Guidelines, and list of Unique Traits can all be useful sources of general information as well.​

    The list above was created on the assumption that its reader wanted the bare minimum of reading. A good rule of thumb that allows you to prune out some of the initial information is that you don't normally need to read anything that doesn't apply to your character, be it their role or species. The Soul Studies and Magic Pages are probably the most intensive (with Madness as a third), but that's because they outline the mechanics of the game. We do like things to be diverse and balanced. That said, feel free to read as much as you want of the Lore, though some of it (like the Death City Page) is meant to be more of a reference list than it is an information distributor. For some, the lore may be a barrier to entry, and there are no hard feelings if that is the case. On the other hand, there are Lore enthusiasts that might find the read interesting, but not actually want to play; again, no hard feelings. But, most important, the information has been organized and setup in a way for the players, both current and prospective, to easily find any information they're looking for. Feel free to ask any more questions you may have! —Resident Loremaster, Sir Les Paul

    Q. Can I make a hybrid of X/X Races?
    A. Hybrid-race characters aren't really something we're looking to integrate into the game. In virtually all cases, a character is either one or the other, but not a combination of both.

    Q. Can I use Magic and be a Meister and/or Weapon?
    A. Effectively, no. Witches born with the Weapon Gene from a human parent have it override by their Witch Genes. While Witches can train in Soul Studies, it not only detracts from their training with Magic, it also comes with the problem of having virtually no one to pair with as a partner. There isn't a situation where being a Solo Meister would be superior to just advancing Magic, and it would require two highly specialized characters to pair as a Witch-Meister and Human-Weapon duo. This route isn't worth exploring, and is highly suggested against.

    Q. Can I be a Weapon with X Race?
    A. The Weapon Gene is passed down through human genetics solely, so theoretically any race that can mate with a human can have a Weapon Gene offspring. Some traits may overlap. Just as with "Magic" Weapons, we're not looking to imbalance the game.

    Q. Can I play X Race (not included in the list?
    A. Chances are, probably not, but you PM us to ask. We have had a Monster Cat, Bloodsucker, and even Greater Zombie, but each playstyle is unique and has its own pros and cons.

    Q. Can I play a Three Star-equivalent Fate Agent?
    A. Chances are, probably not, but you may PM us an idea. We typically reserve this for a Mentor or leadership role, and there is a large increase in mission building difficulty that comes with vast power differences.

    Q. Can I play an Earth Shaman?
    A. Technically, yes. When making the Lore, we couldn't quite figure out where to add Earth Shamans, so we decided to fit them in here. Our interpretation of Earth Shamans is that they are primarily defined by their connection to the Earth itself and nature, and because of that often have some type of "Hidden Ability" such as Fire and Thunder changing age. If you're interested in an Earth Shaman, we would really prefer to focus on that connection to nature aspect over the magical transformation, but feel free to send a PM with an idea.

    Q. Can I have X advanced spell/technique? (Even with these x special circumstances)
    A. Maybe, but we're looking keep players fairly in balance. Given the nature of this game, our goal isn't to allow huge power gaps, but instead let the individuality and unique skill sets of each character shine. That said, sometimes we're prone to allowing things to slide via the rule of cool, so shoot your shot.

    Q. Can I have a Magitech this/that?
    A. Maybe, PM us to ask. Presently, Professor Davis has the most advanced/weaponized bionic arm in the world and he leads Magitech. No character should have anything on par with or that surpasses such. For more unique gadgets, ask away.

    Q. How 'problematic' can our traits/abilities be to stay in the F.A.T.E. program?
    A. You shouldn't have a "doomsday" anything, or even on the level of Black Blood for that matter. The general rule of thumb is listed in the Evaluation section as "All Agents of all Types are expected to be able to function within a team setting without major conflict and ideally find a partner." This holds true. Characters should be on their way to becoming re-instated Agents and a large majority of issues would be (mostly) dealt with before they would reach field implementation. There are multiple ways of certain issues are dealt with from specialized equipment to therapy. This isn't to say a character shouldn't have issues. This is to say that by the time they are considered passable for field work, there should be reasonable expectations that they not break down or somehow kill everyone. They can still be an asshole, though.

    Q. I have this idea for a Type E Agent.
    A. PM us. We'll talk.

    Q. Can I play a character from the Paean Program or before that has failed F.A.T.E.?
    A. Technically, yes. This roleplay existed before its present iteration and the Paean Program was part of that game, so some events are canon. If you happen to be a player with one of those characters, PM us and we'll talk. If you just want a character with more history, make sure to read all of the history, then PM us and we'll talk.

    Q. Can I play a secret double-agent spy-baddy?
    A. Maybe, but we haven't precisely revealed all of the antagonists and if a double agent is in the F.A.T.E. Program, there would generally be a good reason why and/or they're a bad spy. PM us, but this may not be open until later in the game.

    Q. Can I play a shape-shifting dragon Magical Creature or Elf (of any species)?
    A. No.

    Q. Just level with me, how powerful/strong should our characters be?
    A. We're aiming to straddle that middle line between One and Two Star for our beginning characters. As the game progresses, this will also expand.

    NEW Q's

    Q. What can my Soul Count be in the beginning?
    A. Ideally below 20 for the sake of progression. We may allow some lee way depending on history, but we're not aiming for very high.

    Q. Can my character have Madness?
    A. Every person alive has a touch of Madness. Asura is currently sealed, so the Madness that was once infecting the Earth is essentially gone. If a character manifests their Madness, such as with traits or a Wavelength, it will need to be an integral part of the character in both persona and history. Madness, as we interpret it, is a state of mind and effectively a Mental Health topic. It is a fixation or urge on one specific thing to such a degree the character begins to manifest traits involving it or an external wavelength. This would be considered an "unstable" case of Madness and is typically regarded as a bad thing. Madness is not something we intend to allow as a power up, boost of some kind, or standard layer on top of other character traits, like a unique Wavelength has become. In fact, a Madness Wavelength may even override a character's unique wavelength in some cases during an unstable outbreak. Aside from Black☆Star, no mortal character is known to have achieved control over their Madness. In the context of this game, Madness is not a skill to be used, but typically a life detriment and struggle that results in many DWMA falling from grace. This is the purpose for some of the therapy and even Madness Inhibitor Collars as mentioned in the equipment section of the Lore.

    On the topic of Collabs
    There are various uses of collaboration posts (collabs, for short) to be utilized. In this game, we aim primarily at two depending on if the situation is time sensitive or not. When surrounded by other players that either a) are dependent on your post or b) have the opportunity to interact or otherwise react to your post, we would consider that time-sensitive. Overall, the purpose of collaboration posting is to create a new, seamless scene that would either be dialogue heavy or combat focused wherein a lot of things are taking place at once. Thus, the goal is typically to save time not to create a lengthy post heavy on details. In some cases for a none time-sensitive post, for example an entire day disconnected from the rest of the cast, these rules are more flexible and the events that occur in them may not necessarily be public knowledge, so it's likely not even necessary for other players to read them to stay up-to-date on continuity. As this is not the case for more time-sensitive posts, we have opted to add a few guidelines:

    - Time sensitive posts, dialogue or combat, should not exceed 10-12 seconds of interaction in most cases. Others should have the chance to interact if they logically could do so.

    - Break down and post collaboration posts as they are written in segments of logical time instead of finishing them after a large sum of events/time has passed. While this isn't the most convenient for the normal purposes, it does tend to be the most fair for others with an opportunity.

    - Be considerate of things that your characters are doing and saying in terms of drawing attention to themselves. Events that are occurring may change the circumstances of the scene, which can have a domino effect on potential interactions.

    - If a series of collabs is interrupted due to interaction, understand that this is not a circumstance to become frustrated by. Collaboration posts are not intended to lock other players out of interacting, but to hasten interactions in general when used in a group or time-sensitive setting.

    - Certain (noted in the posts) GM posts are not inherently collaboration posts and may abide by different guidelines, if for the sake of plot or narrative.​

    As I couldn't find an easy location to fit in the Unique Traits of the game in any one condensed location, I'll add it here:

    - Ice Blood: More information can be found in the Giants section of the Reformed Monster Clans, but those with Ice Blood are normally taller, more athletic, and have a natural minor resistance to magic.

    - Vampirism (Bloodsucker): As Bloodsuckers in this game are made from humans, they would be a sub-type of Undead Human, thus a Unique Trait. More can be found in their section of Reformed Monster Clans.

    - Undead: By default, included with Vampirism, but the Undead are typically stronger than their living counterpart, have incredible durability, will only regeneration to a certain extent, are great at digging, resistant to cold, sensitive to fire, and do not require air, food, or sleep. They also have an incredibly difficult if not impossible time of Resonating with a living person.

    - Persistent Soul Perception: A trait defined by the Soul Perception of an individual being "always on" with variables depending person to person. While rare, it's not the most uncommon trait. It primarily effects ocular Soul Perception, but can affect all senses. This trait comes with a passive drain to Wavelength Reserves, but does typically make the user very skilled with Soul Perception due to the sheer amount of time using it. It can also be highly frustrating always seeing both the Spiritual side of the world and tangible world simultaneously.

    - Volatile Soul: A Soul type becoming more and more common after MIBVI. A Volatile Soul is significantly more powerful than a normal one (roughly ten times), but is significantly more difficult to control, prone to rejection, hard for partners to manage, and often requires significant training in suppression alongside amplification to utilize. The benefit in raw power comes at the cost of several traits. The subsequent wavelength made by all those with a Volatile Soul will always be a Volatile Wavelength, which is erratic, untamed, annoying to perceive, difficult to perceive and read accurately, and even more difficult to work with.

    - Distorted Soul: A term used to describe a soul that has been somehow damaged, leaving spiritual scars on it. These scars can be small or large, in the worst cases, nearly covering half the soul itself. When this occurs, numerous changes occur, depending on the cause. Magical incidents are quite rare, but they can occur if a Witch tortures a weapon in its Demon form. The scars from this are typically lesser, but they can prevent the Demon Weapon from transforming again. Spiritual Attacks of a severe nature can also cause scarring, and when this occurs, it may be as if the scarred sections of their soul have a slight imprint of the wavelength that caused them, or even feel like a different wavelength entirely to their own, causing significant problems. If the scars are wavelength related, they may have damage and imprints left over from the partner involved, resulting in that same feeling of a different wavelength being present and causing issues with wavelength control and abilities. Distorted Souls can learn to use the "different wavelengths" they have as scars in conjunction, though they never gain unique effects. In general, these scars are considered an irreparable impediment with the amount of scarred soul dictating how debilitating they are. Often, a soul becoming Distorted is cause for retirement.

    - Berserker Gene: A gene found in select families throughout the world that results in a Berserker Soul. Those with this Soul Type have a unique relationship with Wavelength Control and Amplification in that there is an ever-present pull to it and Madness. Considered to be people that always risk walking the Path of the Demon, those with this Soul Type are often met with hesitance and reluctance. Their Berserker Wavelength can result in their Amplification being done passively without effort or thought, and becomes hyper-efficient in doing so. Their skill with it is irrelevant as it becomes a natural function of their body, and thus it works at a considerably high level. While this is powerful, any time it is used, it pushes the user further and further into a blind frenzy and subsequently Madness.

    - Super Soul Perception: A canon ability that allows the User incredibly accurate, long-distance Soul Perception--ranging up to miles when on average a One-Star Agent may be restricted to less than 100 feet with far inferior clarity. SSP can be further trained to accurately hone in on magic, break Soul Protect, and perceive various anomalies that others cannot. Those with SSP also are able to read the emotions and surface feelings of others without contact, but when contact is made, can become incredibly empathetic to the degree of being comparable to mind-reading.

    - Recessive Weapon Gene: A rare and often useless trait that means an individual has several parts of the Weapon Gene, but not enough for it to sufficiently manifest. These individuals cannot willfully transform and may have unique traits sometimes exclusive to weapons. Those with a Recessive Weapon Gene may often have a unique affinity for certain weapons and even act as a Utility Meister for those weapon types alone. Or, their genes may be significantly strong and make them a difficult person to pair with. Under severe duress, an individual may transform with their body acting of its own volition in Self-Defense, but this is rare even amongst those with this gene.

    - Utility Meister: A Meister capable of using any weapon. They are typically easier to pair with and can "normally pair with any weapon" including multiple weapons simultaneously. There is a sub-type of Utility Meister wherein they may be exclusive to using multiple of the same Weapon Type for various reasons, and such are far more common. Utility Meisters typically have above average Wavelength Control in comparison to similarly skilled Meisters.

    - Genius Meister: A Utility Meister on steroids, a Genius Meister is an extremely rare often considered "once in a generation" talent that has all of the traits of a Utility Meister with even greater skill in Wavelength Control. Genius Meisters are not available for play.

    - Strong Soul: A Soul Type worth 100 normal Souls. An extremely powerful Soul Type with virtually no downsides, though they are often difficult to pair with due to the massive amount of spiritual energy they possess. Not available for play.

    - Grigori Soul: A Soul Type with the ability to "give flight" to others. Grigori Souls are considerably rare and have a specific personality to them that instills hope, courage, and confidence. Grigori Souls wielders are often determined and charismatic and may even possess a minor resistance to Madness. Grigori Souls aren't something you would see in the F.A.T.E. Program.

    - Primal Soul: Arguably the rarest Soul Type, these Souls are believed to be in a cycle of reincarnation and there is never more than one of any one element at a time, in fact, there is rarely more than one alive even of differing elements. A Primal Soul represents a basic Elemental Affinity, such as Water or Fire, and allows its owner to adapt their Wavelength to use abilities of that affinity. Historically, these Souls have existed even before Demon Weapons existed. The only known individual with a Primal Soul is Astila Stein.

    - Black Blood: The canon Black Blood that has been spread originally by Crona and Ragnarok. It has been "effectively wiped out" with very few examples of it out in the wild. Black Blood is generally frowned upon not available to play, though with a sufficiently creative idea, this one we might hear out.

    Note: This is not a list of all Soul Types of Unique Wavelengths, just the more common ones asked about, how they are interpreted in the game, and the unique ones to the game.

    Lore pagese ghostwritten by:
    @Sir Les Paul

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    Races (Reformed Monster Clan)

  • The Reformed Monster Clans is an association of multiple Monsters or otherwise non-human entities within the world that have joined forces with the DWMA and Guild of Magic to maintain a neutral peace between themselves and humanity. Animosity between most other races and humans has existed since the dawn of time, resulting in no recorded event with a long term peace between races--the few existing examples often being small-scale mutualistic relationships formed with undeveloped villages. This movement to a larger scale peace has been attributed not only to the sealing of Kishin Asura, but the example set forth by the original Wiccan Council and DWMA forming what has been the longest-running period of peace between humans and any other race. As it stands now, the Reformed Monster Clans is still primarily kept out of public eye, but is a well known establishment within the DWMA.

    Included RacesWerewolves
    While Free of the Immortal Clan is the most prominent example of a werewolf, there are other Clans of Werewolves within the world, many of which have opted to join the Reformed Monster Clan. To day, six of the ten (formerly eleven) known Werewolf Clans have joined as a Reformed Monster Clan. Each Werewolf Clan has different traits with the most famous being the immortality of the Immortal Clan. While most werewolves boast an impressive healing factor, none do so to the extent of the now-extinct Immortal Clan. With the exception of the Sanguine Clan, Werewolves are a humanoid genetic clan, so it is impossible to "convert" humans into the clan. The Sanguine Clan is the exemption to this as their blood can cause a potentially-lethal metamorphosis within humans into a Werewolf, however, it is unlikely they will possess the trait to further transform humans as the trait they inherit will be random based on their genes. This, in theory, makes it possible for the Immortal Clan to return during one of these conversions. Notably, the Sanguine Clan has always remained a small, independent Clan and thus did not join the Reformed Monster Clans. With all but two Werewolf Clans possessing the ability to take human forms, Werewolf integration into society has been relatively easy, with some of them going as far as leading normal lives. Much like humans with the Weapon Gene, it is common for second-generation Werewolves to be sent to the DWMA to train their abilities if they begin to manifest, typically between the ages of 4-8 years of age. With that said, Werewolves as a race typically have inherent anger issues, can be susceptible to bloodlust, and do require training to master their transformations, so time spent learning to control these qualities within the DWMA is considered hugely beneficial for the sake of a stealthy integration into society. In terms of genetics, the offspring of a werewolf and a human have approximately a two-in-three chance of being a werewolf and if so, their traits are equal to that of their parents--meaning that second generation (or further) werewolves are not "weaker" than their parents. Instead, the werewolf gene becomes more recessive with each subsequent generation, making it more rare to manifest.

    Example Clans

    Cutem Clan: Known for their unique ability to perform partial werewolf transformations and arguably having the greatest control over their transformations, the Cutem Clan is one of the two closest tied to the DWMA and Reformed Monster Clans. Significantly skilled members of the Cutem Clan can perform unique full transformations that may favor raw strength, endurance, agility, or durability at sacrifices to the other attributes.

    Gelid Clan: A relatively small clan of artic werewolves, known for their skills in digging (even into ice), white pelts with blue eyes (retained in their human forms with white hair and blue eyes), and in some cases innate ice magic, although typically weak and more instinctive than controlled. This clan is small and rare enough that they are typically loners and if join the Reformed Monster Clans, are on an individual basis.

    Leto Clan: A clan mentioned by Regal and from Brazil. WIP.

    Lunari Clan: A small Clan of werewolves whom can only transform in the presence of the moon and whose werewolf form is directly related to the cycle of the moon. While they can control themselves in this transformation, learning how to is often more difficult due to this cycle. At a full moon, the transformations of this clan are often regarded as the most dangerous amongst all werewolves. Most are aligned with the Reformed Monster Clan, but there are outliers.

    Sanguine Clan: The smallest Clan and most controversial. The Sanguine Clan is capable of transforming normal humans into werewolves of a random clan by allowing them to drink a significant amount of their blood (typically 250cc+). This Clan is highly secretive and not involved in the Reformed Monster Clans.

    Ungu Clan: A relatively large clan found in South America known for their tribal nature and their natural forms being that of werewolves instead of humans. While born human, at age 2-3 they permanently transform into a werewolf state and would require training to revert back. This is rare, however. They are not part of the Reformed Monster Clans, but have an armistice with local governments and the DWMA; primarily only feud amongst themselves.

    Vena Clan: The largest clan by population and bulk of the werewolves in the reformed Monster Clans, the Vena Clan have extremely acute senses of spell, hearing, and sight. They are social creatures and known for their pack hunting skills.​

    Note: Werewolf Clans were intentionally left ambiguous to allow creative opportunities. These may be discussed with a GM.

    Monster Cats
    Monster Cats, like Blair, are not Witches, but they're also clearly not humans, either. Monster Cats, unlike Werewolves, are actually entirely feline in nature and have a human form developed over time. Monster Cats can either mate with humans or felines (or other Monster cats), and the offspring will be whatever the secondary parentage originally was. Pure Monster Cat breeding, much like felines, often results in entire litters. Young Monster Cats, or Monster Kittens, do possess many magical traits nor can they transform. Their Magic and abilities grow as they do as does their intelligence, typically leading to this race being self-sufficient in its raising. Monster Cats have actually been integrated into human society for centuries with few incidences. The Monster Cats subsequently have joined the Reformed Monster Clans, but mostly as a formality.

    Note: Monster Cats have Monster Cat souls and thus cannot perform Soul Resonance with a Human. If Monster Cat/Human(Weapon) child has a Weapon Gene, they would effectively act as any other weapon.

    Bloodsuckers are notorious, devious, and typically quite sinister. Very few have joined the Reformed Monster Clans and in most cases, it is a single individual doing so. Even other Monsters question the validity of Bloodsuckers joining the Reformed Monster Clans, but opportunities have been provided for the sake of fairness. Bloodsuckers are considered a type of undead and cannot naturally procreate. Their method of reproduction includes Ritualistic Magic with one of the reagents being the blood of a Bloodsucker. This ritual is inherently banned and in the rare even a Bloodsucker of the Reformed Monster Clans would want to sire another, this requires a request from the DWMA and counseling to the individual requesting to become a Bloodsucker. Because of the changes that happen in undeath, resonating with a Bloodsucker considerably more difficult. It is not impossible as Sid Barrett has debuted the ability with speculation that his skill with the Soul Arts in life assisted in doing so in death. It is possible for a human with a weapon gene to be sired, thus it is possible for a Bloodsucker to act as a weapon. This normally does not occur until adulthood, however, as even upon request the ritual for the transformation is banned before the age of 25.

    Addendum (a note on blood consumption): Bloodsuckers can sustain themselves on the blood of most warm-blooded animals and in fact to require some amount of blood to survive. They can also consume human food without problem, although typically this is done for leisure and may become unappetizing if they are ravenous for blood. Presently, there is not a synthetic substance or "plasma" that can replace blood; ties to the life force found in blood are believed to be related to the form of nourishment Bloodsuckers require. Furthermore, outside of specific spells, rituals, or abilities, there is little variance in the actual nourishment a Bloodsucker receives from the type blood they consume. Notably, some blood will simply "taste" better and leave the Bloodsucker more satiated; for example, the blood of a low-quality grain fed cow will not compare to Japanese Kobe. For predatory (those that feast on humans) Bloodsuckers, this refinement of taste can go as far to preferences of age, gender, blood type, and various other traits some might find trivial. In fact, there is debate within the Bloodsucker community if certain traits affect taste at all; not unlike the human culinary community. In the rare instances where the source of blood does affect an ability, it is typically highly specific and related to either an intrinsic magical quality or the life force of the host the blood came from.

    While Bloodsuckers are still rare, there does exist a "blood" market for them. This blood market does have some negative public opinion on it, but not to the same degree as the Soul Markets that exist within the black markets of various societies. In fact, the DWMA endorses the blood market and U.S. government has created laws to allow the sale of blood for consumption by DWMA verified Bloodsuckers. Baseline blood packs are not considerably expensive, costing less than most normal humans spend in a month to feed themselves for the equivalent nourishment of a Bloodsucker. However, rare blood types or blood from specific sources can become exuberantly expensive. The blood market has helped put many a student through college. This however leads to one of the two main criticisms of the blood market: it takes blood out of the donation banks for medical use. Furthermore, a large stigma against Bloodsuckers still exist, so many find this market to be a grotesque waste on a questionable minority. Beyond that, many Bloodsuckers actually prefer the flavor of certain animal bloods, such as bear, elephant, or breeds of exotic cattle, over that of human blood, bringing this market into even more question. It is not uncommon to see Blood Markets targeted by protesters, churches, and even certain extremist environmentalists.​

    Zombies of the same caliber as Sid Barrett are incredibly rare and his resurrection by Franken Stein is often considered a unique scenario. While the exact methods used by Stein are entirely unknown, the hypothetical creation of more Zombies has been banned until further understanding of the process occurs. Zombies, much like Bloodsuckers, have difficulties resonating with living beings. Lesser Zombies cannot at all, although that may be due to lower brain function. Greater Zombies typically possess an affinity with the Earth itself, being able to tunnel through the Earth at alarming speeds with their bare hands and often move chunks of stone or Earth they otherwise would not be able to. Zombies do not possess increased strength or decreased agility, but due possess a nearly unending amount of endurance and stamina. Zombies do not need to breath or eat. Notably, Sid Barrett found rest upon the death of Franken Stein, so it is theorized his creation was directly tied to Stein. Zombies possess a purplish-blue hue to their skin, hollowed eyes, and an increased susceptibility to fire. The abilities Sid Barrett possessed as a Greater Zombie are considered directly attributed to his raw skill and talent in life, having been a Three-Star Meister at the age of 25.

    Note: I don't really expect a greater zombie, so I don't really have an opening for them here. If you're interested, send me an idea.

    The Jorguün, or more commonly known as Giants, are an ancient race whom originate from the South Pole. As a whole, the remaining Jorguün--especially those of pure blood--are isolationist, remaining in their tribes within their frozen, otherwise uninhabited homeland. The pure blooded Jorguün are a highly unique, interesting race with several defining traits. The Jorguün may stand anywhere between eight and thirteen feet tall with absurd strength, durability, and resistance to the cold. Their lifespans individually can range from a few hundred to nearly a thousand years of age. Their eyes are a piercing blue, their skin pale, their hair golden, and their stature intimidating. Most notably of all, though, is the near immunity they possess to magic. Their homeland is a dead zone for all Magic. The frigid South can be considered a Black Hole for Mana, draining even the most powerful Mages dry within hours on the outskirts or mere minutes at its core. The Jorguün are not only manaless, but possess an incredible dampening affect on Magic around them. To a pure-blooded Jorguün, most high tier spells dissipate before even reaching them and even few powerful ones of the elemental nature would have the potency to damage their tough skin. Even more rare are the Shamans of this tribe, always-female and smaller in stature, but acting as the Spiritual leaders for the tribe. These Jorguün are considered, at best, one in ever ten thousand, and are more human in appearance with a touch of otherworldly beauty. Much like Earth Shamans, Jorguün Shamans can commune with the land itself and sculpt their ice-covered homeland as they see fit through this communion in a feat that resembles enchanting, although done entirely without mana and on a much larger scale. These Jorguün are the only ones capable of communicating with others, if need be, as they can do so through the Earth itself. No other pure Jorguün is known to speak any worldly language beyond their own.

    The pure-blooded Jorguün have played little role in the world, however, due to their isolationist nature. An off-shoot of the Jorguün formed after a Jorguün Shaman and a group of defectors left their tribe and intermingled with humans became the first hybrids, specifically the children of the Jorguün Shaman. These children possessed "Snærblóð" or "Ice Blood" from their Jorguün ancestry. These men and women lived long, healthy lives with increased strength and endurance, but also possessing varying degrees of magical resistance or immunity. This small family eventually grew into a tribe and eventually a small sea-fairing culture. A warrior culture. They became raiders and incredible warriors, in part due to their generations of experience. It was not uncommon for a great-grandfather to fight alongside his great grandson and still nearly be in his prime, but with decades of experience behind him. Combined with their resistance to magic and incredible physical traits, they became a terror known the world over, inspiring many myths and legends.

    But before an empire of these Jorguün descendants could dominate the ancient world, an immature Lord Death took it upon himself to combat them. Their endeavors were not initially successful due to their might and the relative lack of influence Lord Death had at the time. However, their immunity to magic created an unlikely alliance: Maba, recently having taken over the Wiccan Council, offered to briefly ally with the Shinigami in his plight. How would Witches combat a foe resistant to Magic, however? Not through direct means. Maba, with the assistance of Lord Death, performed a ritual that involved capturing and sacrificing one of the pure-blooded Jorguün to curse their race. The curse was not a direct magic, but a plague that ravaged their race and caused those infected with it to become sterile and weaken without the presence of magic, which their bodies could not absorb. Weakened and now thinning in number, Lord Death was able to subdue them by playing the long game and waiting them out. This tactic was ultimately successful, but caused a considerable amount of backlash and distrust at the time. The ritual was considered cruel, even for such a violent race, and the sacrifice required even caused a considerable amount of disruption among the Witches that lead to centuries of internal conflict.

    It was not until centuries later with the help of Eibon that the original curse was undone, but by that time the original Jorguün were dwindling in number and those that possessed this Ice Blood were of the more diluted genetics and found ways around the curse. In present day, the Jorguün remain an isolationist tribe with an extreme distrust of the outside world, especially that of the Shinigami and Witches, and those that possess the genetic trait of Ice Blood are countless generations from the original Jorguün. Those with Ice Blood today are still typically taller, stronger, and sturdier with a natural resistance to Magic, but no longer have the extreme immunity to cold or longevity. Most hardly know its part of their history. It is not uncommon for those with Ice Blood to become Meisters due to their physical prowess, leading to the always-awkward and sometimes upsetting explanation of the history of their bloodline.

    Note: While pure-blooded Jorguün are not intended to be a playable race, descendants with the Ice Blood trait are.

    Ghosts do exist and many of them opted to join the Reformed Monster Clans. While some Ghosts are inherently malicious, some are merely tethered to this plane for unfortunate reasons and mean no one any harm. Ghosts cannot perform Soul Resonance, although some may be inclined to Magic. Notably, even the Ghost of a powerful Witch would barely begin to match their living counterpart. Some sub-types of Ghosts, such as Banshees, are almost universally malevolent and do not make this list. In this world, a Ghost is considered anything that has or once possessed a living soul that for one reason or another did not move on and subsequently took form in what is referred to as ectoplasm. It is possible for any race and even animals to become ghosts. Unlike Zombies or Bloodsuckers, Ghosts cannot resonate with the living. Many can, however, combine their forces with other Ghosts to enhance their abilities in a similar fashion, although this typically occurs during a haunting or at a nexus where the souls are tied.

    Note: Ghosts are not intended to be playable characters.

    Magical Creatures
    Magical Creatures is a broad term that encompasses multiple types of paranormal creatures. Mythological creatures that once were more prosperous in bygone eras--benevolent or otherwise--as well as bestial creatures of lower intelligence. Most magical creatures that have joined the Reformed Monster Clans have done so much more recently after seeing the relative success of the association and primarily desire to be left alone and communicate their non-hostility. The vast majority of Magical Creatures (that are not categorized as Ghosts) have a non-human Soul, thus making any form of Soul Resonance outside of their race incredibly difficult if not impossible. Many consider the Magical Creatures category to be a "miscellaneous" category as most species of Magical Creatures left in the world are small and sparse in population with little to no structured system of governing. Notably, the more feral or malevolent of Magical Creatures still do exist and appear as targets for the DWMA, so requisitions for joining the association are handled on a case-by-case basis and often even an individual-by-individual basis much like Bloodsuckers.

    Note: Magical Creatures are not intended to be playable characters.

    The Guild of Magic has made leaps and bounds in Housing for the Reformed Monster Clans in terms of placement. With human expansion and encroachment destroying entire ecosystems, finding and creating safe places for species that often have a negative perspective around them presented a major challenge that in and of itself was once a stopping point for ever creating the peaceful coexistence of these species. The Guild of Magic has since created magical fields and biomes in otherwise unhospitable areas of the world for these creatures. Werewolf Clans and other terrestrial Clans that do not wish to immediately rejoin society have plots of land cut out for them and magically terraformed inside of painstakingly created barriers within the Mojave Desert. These biomes can act as entire towns and and small communities and can even appear to be an oasis in the desert for these Clans. In other situations, magical barriers across the world have been erected for Clans that cannot relocate, including the Ocean and Rain Forests, that the DWMA has protected under a treatise with the United Nations--although it is not disclosed what specifically they are for. While this can be misleading, there are many zones in the world considered too dangerous for human interaction due to the Wild Magic or natural phenomena there, and it has proven relatively easy to explain away these "quarantine" zones as such.

    Roles within the DWMA
    With the push for peace amongst the races, some have taken the next leap from simply being housed by the DWMA to working for the DWMA in some capacity. It is not uncommon to see certain Magical Creatures tending the grounds of the DWMA or even ghosts within its library assisting with historical knowledge. It is quite possible to write a report on 16th century literature from a French noblewoman that was alive during the time or over the Black Plague from one of its victims. While it would be easy to believe that the integration of Magitech into the DWMA has pushed it into a new technological age, it has also touched base with more of its magical roots with some of its alternative-species citizens. And, the two are not mutually exclusive. Within Death City, it is not outside of the norm to see your mail being delivered by a pixie talking on their bluetooth headset or a Monster Cat playing Candy Crush on the latest Magitech DeathPhone.

    Integration into Society
    Not all races can so easily blend into normal society, but for those that can, the DWMA has taken great strides in hiding their identities and fitting them into human society. Some lead normal lives, have relatively normal families, and some might even be the author of the next best seller or your favorite podcast--and you may never know. The most common race for this are Werewolves and Witches, although Bloodsuckers are a technically a possibility as well. While disclosure of their true bloodline is discouraged, there does exist protocol for how to approach disclosing it if they so choose (for such as a romantic partner) and in the cases of Werewolves and Witches, support for families depending on their if their children manifest magical or bestial traits. The DWMA has expanded to included classes for Werewolves and Witches in its NOT program for those that wish to rejoin society once they learn to control their abilities.

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  • Magitech, shorthand for Magical Technology, is a recent and highly influential field of study lead by Professor Heath Davis of the DWMA. On the most fundamental level, Magitech is the use of Inert Mana in the form of Mana Crystals to power Rune Magic with the end result of magical effects without including a dedicated caster. The common and effective use of Magitech has been a revolution in portable energy as Mana Crystals with specific electric conversion Runes can result in battery lifespans far greater than any known battery type prior. This revolution has both paved the way for innovations to become more cost-effective and common, such as electric cars, as well as shifted the developed world using these electrical devices into a more consumer economy via replacing many rechargeable items with budget-friendly, environmentally friendly Mana Crystal modules. It is this large integration of Magitech concepts into existing consumer electronics that led the way to the term "Magitech" for common usage; it was coined by the people using it, not its inventor or a market executive.

    FundamentalsMana Crystals
    At the very heart of all Magitech are Mana Crystals. As one might determine from the name, a Mana Crystal is Inert Mana condensed into a stable, crystalline form. The process for this was pioneered and refined by Professor Davis and in its refinement has resulted in Crystals with higher qualities resulting in more condensed mana, resulting in an overall greater volume-to-energy ratio. Mana Crystals are notably extremely lightweight with a Crystal approximately the size of a triple A battery weighing approximately 2.2 grams, between five and six times less than the battery counterpart. Notably, Mana Crystals are limited in the shapes they can form, thus it is more common for thin devices to have multiple crystals arranged in thin, parallel matrixes. Mana Crystals do not naturally dissipate or weaken, only degrading when being consumed by an appropriate magical field as a fuel source. When a Mana Crystal is completely depleted, its internal structure fails and it will lose its physical form, reverting what little is left of its structure as Ambient Mana. The process to convert Mana into a useable form of energy by devices is also very efficient, in part because there is next to no loss in the conversion Mana into Electricity via Runes and subsequently nearly no heat generated in this process. This efficiency combined with the lack of a waste byproduct result in an eco-friendly battery system superior to the Lithium-Ion Generation. However, Mana Crystals cannot be "recharged" as they simply dissipate upon use. This flaw is mitigated massively by the sheer capacity of power Mana Crystals retain. For example, a standard Smart Phone prior to Mana Crystals would have a Lithium-Ion battery rated at a capacity between 4800-5400 Mahz and would last through roughly one day of moderate use. A Mana Crystal equivalent would be a series of eight small Crystals in a parallel sequence and would be rated at approximately 400,000 Mahz. Thus with moderate use, a single Mana Crystal battery insert could last between two and three months. For all of these benefits, Mana Crystals and Runes have found their way into all forms of technology, transitioning to budget-friendly, eco-friendly disposable battery packs and even replacing otherwise disposable devices.

    Mana Crystals, at their smallest, can be approximately the size of the ball of a ballpoint pen and their largest form factor are 32cm (a little over 1 foot) used in industrial machines. Mana Crystals were originally produced in small batches using a series of magical fields that provided eight points of force on the Inert Mana from all sides into a chamber where they were trickled in at a constant rate via four pieces of tubing that compressed the inert Mana over time until it reached a stable form. These Mana Crystals are known as "first generation" and were inefficient and time consuming to produce. On an industrial scale, the method for the now-in-production second generation of Mana Crystals uses a series of tubing created rhombus-shaped square netting that matches the naturally occurring form of the crystals. The netting is compromised of multiple layers of tubing that is then filled with Inert Mana and uplifted by a Magical field propelling at a set rate upward to preserve the form of the netting until all of the Inert Mana is set. Once the tubing is filled, it is compressed from all edges by powerful Magical fields from anywhere between thirty seconds to two hours (depending on size) to create mass-produced Mana Crystals. Second-generation Crystals are inherently inferior due to the forced manufacturing process, but take days or even weeks less to create. Mana Crystals are notably very simple and cheap to make en masse with entire factories being operated by just a few technicians, a handful of finely calibrated machines, and everything down to the delivery trucks being fueled by Mana Crystals in some way with a virtually inexhaustible source of power and using less than a percent of the power created each day.

    Runes and Micro-Runes
    If a Mana Crystal is the fuel, then Rune Magic is the engine. Runes are the fundamental mechanic of Magitech and are found by necessity in every Magitech appliance imaginable. Runes are permanent objects inscribed with magical lettering using a specific inscription tool, either a powerful demon tool or a personalized magical applicator--depending on the application. Runes can either exist in the form of letters or engravings and can exist on most objects. The inscription left performs a magical function, depending on the skill of the individual performing the inscription, and will last until triggered or until their mana reserves deplete. The most powerful ancient runes have existed for centuries, although without a source of Wild Magic to replenish them, no runes older than six hundred years old has ever been found active.

    By their nature, Runes are extremely versatile. Typically used to enhance spells, in rituals, as traps, or to form barriers, Runes have a dedicated place in traditional magic as they allow for added layering to spells by creating them beforehand. This versatility has been pushed to the extreme with Magitech. Runes have taken on entirely new applications. Rune Magic formerly had two schools: perfect Runes and additive Runes. Perfect Runes were once considered the pinnacle of Rune Magic as the skill of the inscriber could, with sufficient skill, time, and power, replicate high tier spells in a single rune for prolonged periods of time, in some cases even outperforming their natural spellcasting. These runes were a single, often large, and always complex design that required impeccable accuracy and focus. Additive runes, by contrast, were simpler Runes that were often made in haste as traps, chained together to achieve similar but lesser effects as Perfect Runes by novices, and were commonly used to alter or enhance a spell from the user in a way they could not. Magitech forgoes the once superior Perfect Runes to utilize complex chains of modular additive Runes to achieve magical effects that were once considered impossible.

    Magitech devices have went through many iterations, using both mechanical and later more complex magical pathways to choose which Runes to use in sequence depending on feedback input. The most primitive of Magitech required manual alterations to a Rune Sequence to change the effect of the Runes, but advancements in feedback systems created using Runes and a system of switching between Runes by diverting mana pathways using a hybrid magic-electric circuit have create "Smart" Rune Sequences, allowing now for Rune Magic to seamlessly be applied to real-world, every-day applications. This is typically achieved by creating a feedback loop in which a sensor reads out a level relevant to the effect of the Rune Sequence, is triggered beyond a certain threshold, and subsequently alters the circuit pathing of the Rune Sequence to adjust a preset in the sequence until the outcome reaches a desirable result. This requires finely tuned sensors, circuits, and of course precision tuning by the engineers behind the device, but the end result existed comparably to equivalent electrical-based devices.

    Micro-Runes are the next step in Rune Magic. Micro-Runes are created by magic-adept engineers utilizing what are effectively 3D printers and circuit board layouts to create the smallest of Runes to create incredibly compact, yet still precise Runes. To a master of Rune Magic proficient in creating Perfect Runes, even these Runes would be considered crude and rudimentary, but with them layered in complex, long sequences, the effects they can create afterwards are comparable to Perfect Runes. These Micro-Runes in mass production are responsible for the replacement of many standard electrical devices with Magitech. For example, mobile phones using Magitech use a series of Runes that convert the Inert Mana from a Mana Crystal into electricity and afterwards goes through a series of runes that dictate the amperage and voltage (thus wattage) used to power the device per normal as the electricity at that point is in stable, useable form. The Rune Sequence is still not finished, however, as sensors from the mobile phone may show usage demands more power, thus uses a feedback system that indicates to the Runes to increase draw from the battery, and in some cases for higher end phones can even use specialized micro-runes to cool the mobile CPU or even graphics unit on devices with a dedicated chip. This type of complexity and integration is seen all throughout the world on high-end consumer devices.

    Calculation Magic
    It goes without saying that Calculation Magic plays a large role in the Rune Magic behind Magitech. The precision needed to create the exact parameters for these Runes are often not factored by the Rune Witch behind them, but a practitioner of Calculation Magic that instructs the Rune Witch what to inscribe. While this is a lesser part of the system, Micro-Runes and their sheer precision in applications would be impossible without the communication and work of both branches of magic.

    Teams behind Magitech
    While Professor Davis is considered the father of Magitech, he is by no means entirely responsible for its advancement. It is important to note that Magitech is a marriage of multiple forms of Magic and technology, thus there are experts in multiple fields that pour their research and lives into Magitech application. Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Healthcare and Therapy Specialists (in the case of health or prosthetics), elite Witches, Rune Witches, Specialists in Calculation Magic, even specialists in computer design, computing language, and software engineers creating and updating the tools used to make Micro-Runes and push the field forward all play a role, and that hardly begins to scratch the surface. To integrate Magitech into a specialized field, it requires the Specialists of that field work with a team of Magitech specialists to find the bridge to doing so, and often this process leads to creating different teams for the different needs of that task. Needless to say, Magitech is no longer the niche application of lesser-used Magic as it was in the passed and its inclusion has some of the world's most brilliant minds working to further it, all under the DWMA.

    The tl:drMagitech primarily is an "upgrade" to most current technology, but only in rare cases is something entirely new. It's most prominent feature is its efficiency of conversion and power-to-volume ratio. On average and depending on quality, a Mana Crystal (or series of them) can hold 60-90 times the amount of power in it as an equivalent sized battery, and is much more ecofriendly. Beyond that, there are some uses for Magitech that current technology cannot create simply because Magic can, but these are far more rarely seen and not precisely for commercial use. In most first world countries, Magitech versions of most devices are everywhere. They have not completely "taken over" the world, per se, but it's quite common to see electric-magitech cars, Magitech versions of smart devices and most battery-operated devices, and even a lot of uses in Healthcare, for example insulin monitors for diabetics or longer-lasting pacemakers.

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    Soul Studies

  • FundamentalsThe Soul
    A Soul is the incorporeal essence of most sentient, living beings. The base form of a soul appears like a hitodama, a spherical ball in which has a tail on top. Characteristics of a soul, be it in hitodama or expanded form, can vary between individual dependent on their personality, "theme", race, or even defining traits (or losses) of an individual. Often, the stronger a person and their soul, the more pronounced their unique traits are. A Soul is deeply intertwined with the body that hosts it and a list of known commonalities can be found on the Fandom page. Souls are known to change as the body hosting them changes and conversely a body can change to adapt to a Soul. This is the case with Demon Weapons as the original ritual to create them "implanted" a small portion of a Witch's soul to bind them to a weapon and give them the ability to transform. Notably, there are unique, incredibly rare Soul types. Such types include Grigori, Strong Souls, and Kishin Eggs. More can be found on them in the above mentioned link.

    A Wavelength is best defined as the rhythm of a Soul. A Soul itself is spiritual energy in its most pure, concentrated form. As with all energy, it has specific characteristics and fluctuations. When Spiritual Energy is emit from the Soul, that is its wavelength. Nearly every Wavelength is different despite the seven billion humans in this world and thus have a unique Soul Signature. The chances of two identical Wavelengths and thus Soul Signatures existing are within the trillions. With properly trained Soul Perception, a Soul Signature can be identified. Wavelengths are true to the person they represent, making it possible to tell much about a person regarding their personality and behavior based on their Wavelength. As a Wavelength is effectively the "motion" of a Soul, it is what is manipulated by practitioners of Soul Studies (known as Meisters) to their benefit. There are even unique Wavelength Types (not to be confused with Soul Types) that have notable effects to them not standard with other Wavelengths. For a list of canon wavelengths, one may visit this Fandom page for more information.

    Elemental Affinity
    Unique to Demon Weapons, an Element Affinities are somewhat common. Elemental Affinities are a side-effect of the sliver of Witch's Soul that is present inside of Demon Weapons. Despite their origin, Elemental Affinities are spiritual in nature and utilize the Wavelength of their owner. Even in the case a non-weapon has an elemental-like Unique Wavelength, it is normally a scaled down or internal effect. Elemental Affinities differentiate themselves by actually producing their respective element when used. While rare, it is possible for a Demon Weapon to have both a Unique Wavelength and Elemental Affinity, but in such cases, the two traits typically act best in tandem and are weaker separately than a Demon Weapon with only one or the other. There exists a rare subset of Elemental Affinity known as a Primal Soul. Primal Souls are considered even more rare than Strong Souls or Grigori Souls, and allow the user to adapt to any Elemental Affinity of their element they encounter. This unique trait can be considerably powerful as most Elemental Affinities manifest in slightly unique ways with varied effects. As it stands, the only known individual to have possessed a Primal Soul in the last century is one Astila Stein.

    The Soul, Wavelength, and Body
    A Sound Soul Dwells Within a Sound Mind and Sound Body

    There is a direct relationship between the Body, Mind, and Soul, as the mantra of the DWMA indicates. By strengthening any one part of the trio, the others grow stronger as well. Vice versa, by weakening any one part of the trio, the others grow weaker as well. However, as strong as the Soul may get, it is not the immediate source of power for Meisters and Weapons. The Soul is the very core of an individual on a spiritual level and generates the spiritual energy that is used in most spiritual abilities. While a soul resides in the core of the body, typically in the chest near the heart, the wavelength of an individual (without alteration) permeates every fiber of them. A Wavelength, like any form of energy, "flows" through the body and with training can even passively increase the natural abilities of an individual. While someone can temporarily lose the flow of their wavelength a limb, it will inevitably return. If they were to lose said limb, however, their wavelength would eventually recede to only flow into the new body mass due to the close ties of the mind and body. While there does exist a base amount of wavelength in the body as a form of homeostasis, learning how to control one's wavelength can allow them to utilize the excess Spiritual Energy stored in their Soul and further enhance their body or use greater abilities.

    Soul Resonance is a technique utilized by Meisters and Demon Weapons wherein the Meister sends their wavelength to a Demon Weapon whom them amplifies it for use. Resonance can become complex as this "sending back and forth" of Wavelengths can go both ways, however, a singular function remains true: the Meister is responsible for the control of the wavelength while the Demon Weapon is responsible for the amplification of the wavelength--regardless of where it originated. As one would expect, even basic resonance can be difficult to achieve, and the more intricate forms thereof require that much more control and practice from a Meister. More information on Soul Resonance can be found on this Fandom page.

    Rejection is a phenomenon wherein wavelengths become unstable. This is most common when an incompatible Weapon and Meister are paired, but can occur due to any conflict involving Wavelength. Rejection is noted as being very painful and taxing on the individual receiving it with after effects of stiffness and numbness being common even after the pain subsides. Rejection beyond just the basic pain can leave an individual unable to completely control their wavelength or manifest their wavelength for a short period of time.

    As mentioned earlier, Meisters are the individuals that practice Soul Studies. Often considered the greatest warriors of the DWMA, Meisters are the few capable of truly harnessing their Wavelength to empower their mind, body, and soul. Meisters are most often paired with Demon Weapons to amplify their inherent powers and for centuries have acted as the greatest vanguard in humanity. Powerful Meister-Weapon Duos have historically fought the forces of evil, factions of Witches, and even saved the world. For an overview of types of Meisters, visit the following Fandom Page.

    Soul Space
    Individuals that strengthen their soul, such as Meisters, Weapons, and even some Mages to an extent, develop a manifestation of their soul known as a Soul Space. A Soul Space is the centermost point of a soul for an individual and how it manifests is a reflection of their very being, evolving with them as they grow. Within the Soul Space, an individual may become most aware of the status of their Soul, feel and view their Wavelength, and for advanced users of the Soul Arts, even view their Soul as another would if they were resonating. For an elite few, they may even review and partially relive memories they have stored deep within their Soul in their Soul Space. A Soul Space is also the home of Madness for those that are Madness-touched and beyond.

    Entering a Soul Space is a task that can be accomplished in a variety of ways. Unless an individual is specifically skilled in entering their Soul Space, which is entirely possible (to such a degree it can be second nature) for those with practice, entering one's own Soul Space requires a calm, zen-like state of mind without distraction and to be in tune with one's very self. Akin to "resonating with one's self", they must match their mental state to the very core of their soul, which can either be trivial or incredibly difficult depending on how one perceives themselves. Those in denial or otherwise refusing to accept certain qualities of themselves may find it difficult to enter their Soul Space for the first time or even lose the ability to if they become out of sync with who they really are. Entering one's Soul Space can be an endeavor of self-discovery for some, a dreaded nightmare for others, or a trivial task to a select few. It is a very personal experience.

    Entering the Soul Space of another is an entirely separate skill. While a psuedo-Soul Space may form when Soul's collide, this is truly a manifestation of both Souls coming together as their energy is shared. Completely entering the Soul Space of another technically can be done without Resonance. To enter the Soul Space of another, the individual trying to enter must either be incredibly skilled or the recipient must be willing. Beyond that initial criteria, they must match their wavelength and mindset to perfectly match the other individual to a 99.9% degree of perfection. This can prove especially hard either due to matching the mindset or due to matching the Wavelength, often resulting in this skill being highly dependent on a keen sense of Soul Perception. While it is possible to perform this task without being able to Resonate, it is often easier to do so solely out of familiarity with the other Soul. With highly skilled users of the Soul Arts, this skill can even be used with different species, although such task is emphatically more difficult and still requires the previously mentioned prerequisites.

    Forcibly entering the Soul Space of another based on sheer skill alone is possible, but banned under statutes within the DWMA. Consent for entering is considered absolutely mandatory. Just as magic is forbidden that manipulates a soul, Soul Arts that directly effect the Soul Space or core soul of another are either taboo or outright banned and this falls into that category. Forcibly entering a soul can also result in damage to said soul, making this violation even more grievous. Luckily, this is rare with exceptionally few individuals capable of doing so, and those that are often being aligned with the DWMA and adhering to their policies.

    Wavelength Reserves
    Wavelength Reserves refer to the amount of spiritual energy one has to use their Wavelength abilities. Spiritual Energy itself is created by the Soul, but inherently only useful once it is brought out of the soul as a wavelength. In that sense, spiritual energy is akin to potential energy. In most cases, spiritual energy is both stored and created by the Soul itself. Once it can be brought out of the Soul, it is takes on the form of the user's wavelength and rapidly decays without sufficient wavelength control. The conversion of Spiritual Energy to a Wavelength is not inherently perfect, and with Wavelength Control, can be made more efficient. Because of this, the idea of "wavelength reserves" is the common mindset for most practitioners of the spiritual arts instead of their spiritual energy as it is more accurate to what they can realistically do with that energy. With training, a user can increase the efficiency they convert spiritual energy to their wavelength, increase their pool of spiritual energy, increase their rate their Soul can make Spiritual Energy, and even increase the efficiency of the use of some of their skills; all of these traits have a direct effect on Wavelength Reserves.

    Wavelength Control
    Wavelength Control is the general term for how well a user can control their own wavelength, resonate, or help with the flow of wavelength through another. This term can be applied to both Meister and Weapon, as Weapons also help with Resonance, Soul Conduction, and Wavelength Regulation. Wavelength control is broken down into several factors. One of the first factors users run into is their volume. The amount of their wavelength that they can channel determines whether or not they can even use some abilities. However, over time, more and more factors become apparent. The intensity of a wavelength refers not just to how much it is, but how dense or powerful that wavelength feels. Increasing the intensity of a wavelength can result in more powerful effects without a direct increase in usage. "Fine" wavelength control is often considered the opposite of both volume and intensity, used often with unique wavelengths, where certain effects are achieved with a lesser amount or intensity of wavelength. Adaptability is another trait of control and begins into more advanced applications of wavelength where one may need to heavily slow down or speed up their wavelength for a specific application, or to match the wavelength of another person. "Consistency" is the opposite of adaptability and refers to the skill of a user maintaining their wavelength at a set speed and intensity; this is important as the cells of a body react best to the wavelength as it originates from the soul, and without maintaining consistency as it is moved to those cells results in lessened effects. "Efficiency" is a term used to often describe how well one maintains their consistency, but also how much wavelength is lost when it is moved to a part of the body or shared with someone; the greater the control, the less is wasted, and thus more efficient. All Meisters and even Demon Weapons aspiring to rise through the ranks both begin their journey learning Wavelength Control and continuously train to increase it to both learn new abilities and enhance old ones throughout their career. It is a complex, multi-faceted skill that can be trained in a variety of ways, with a variety of focuses ranging from lopsided training to specific become good at one element of control to well-rounded training for more benefits across the board.

    The Path of the Warrior
    Also known as the "Martial Path", the Path of the Warrior is the philosophy behind most agents, particularly those of high ranks. This philosophy is that true power is obtained through persistence and dedication to training. That the desire for power itself is not evil as power can be both a testament of skill and a means to defend loved ones. The most famous follower of the Path of the Warrior is none other than Black☆Star, reaching the peak of the path by becoming what is known as a "Warrior God" which acts not only as a title but that his martial prowess placed him in equal power with a true God, such as Lord Kidd. This path is difficult, but important, and elements of it are present in nearly all forms of spiritual training. Even the Hoshi incorporate elements of this path into their training. The Path of the Warrior revolves around perpetually becoming stronger through training and earnest means, rejecting shortcuts and short-term boosts to power. This path does not reject anger as a source of power, but instead focuses on the reason for that anger. Emotions that fuel power can be negative or positive, and a true warrior should always fight with a positive mindset. Following this path is proven not only to have results in the end, but expedite the growth of power in an individual and ultimately provide mental resistance to emotions such as fear, greed, a lust for power only for its own sake, and even vengeance. This path requires self-awareness and an understanding of what is ultimately righteous, meaning it is just as much a mental endeavor as it is a physical one. That said, it is easy to fall prey to negative emotions and ultimately stray into the opposing path, the Path of the Demon.

    The Path of the Demon
    Also known as the "Path of the Kishin", the Path of the Demon is a philosophy of warriors that focus primarily on power. At core, this philosophy centers around two concepts: achieving power at any cost, and giving into your most primal emotions. As emotions do in fact fuel spiritual power, it is not uncommon to use negative ones to attain more power. In many ways, this is considered harnessing Madness itself. This entire path is considered dangerous as it almost always results in the user turning into a Corrupted Soul, regardless of their willpower. Madness is present in all living beings and feeding it through the Path of the Demon only brings one a step closer to becoming a Corrupted Soul, which is the first step to becoming a Kishin. This Path need not only apply to warriors, but can apply to virtually any individual vying for spiritual power. In some cases, one can argue that Witches dabbling with the Pull are walking down the Path of the Demon. Famously, the Star Clan went down this path, using their knowledge of Hoshi-like techniques and rigorous training to create a mercenary family that were both highly-capable and willing to do anything for money. The Corrupted Souls from this clan were so powerful that the Shinigami elected to destroy the entire clan out of concern for what they could become. Warriors that once walked the Path of the Warrior but fell to their emotions or lust for power are regarded as Fallen Warriors and are often some of the most dangerous Corrupted Souls one will encounter. It is unfortunately not uncommon for DWMA Agents. Those that follow this path are prone to allowing their emotions to take over entirely and are not hesitant to take a short-cut to attaining more power, whether it is solely for its sake or whatever selfish goal they have in mind.

    Spiritual Compatibility
    There exists a reason that most Meister-Demon Weapon partnerships are of the same race. While the Demon Weapon Gene can feasibly be in any race that could receive it from a human parent, the gene alone does not mean they may act as an effective amplifier of a soul. The spiritual amplification that occurs during Resonance is not necessarily a new or unique phenomenon to Demon Weapons, though prior to their existence, it was a difficult one to master otherwise. Resonance requires intense focus from both users and one user willingly amplifying the other. This can theoretically be done by any intelligent race with the knowledge and training to do so. However, the more "different" two Souls are, the more difficult that achieving Resonance becomes. Notably, the more different two Souls are that do manage to achieve Resonance, often the more powerful yet less stable that Resonance is. This is such the case with Bond Resonance where two close relatives may have sufficiently similar souls to easy Resonate, but it is subsequently weaker than standard Basic Resonance.

    Even amongst humans (the most common candidates for Resonance, let alone the Meister-Weapon partnership dynamic), the differences in Souls can be sufficient that one will suffer a type of Rejection upon trying to wield a weapon. This is caused by a type of spiritual friction, often resulting in a painful, spiritual shock, caused between the Souls. When factoring in vastly different souls, such as the Undead, Witches, (intelligent) Magical Creatures, transformed werewolves, and so on, not only is the chance for this Rejection significantly higher, but the potential that the two Souls may ever achieve Resonance regardless of time or closeness is dramatically decreased. That is not to say it is impossible for a living person to pair with an undead effectively or even for it to occur with a Witch, but that the practice is not wholly endorsed due to the incredibly low success rate and subsequent loss in combat potential that comes with it.

    There exist some Souls that are dramatically more difficult to use, but there also exist some that are more widely accepted. Weapons that are open to more Meisters are often considered very "flexible" and are ideal in many cases, especially in training or mentorship. Meisters share this same trait, but can go a step further as there exists a rare subset that can use multiple weapons known as Utility Meisters. Genius Meisters also share this trait. It is common for the type of Weapon an individual is to correlate to their compatibility with a Meister, if it is the Meisters preferred weapon of choice. Furthermore, Meisters of extremely high caliber can train their Wavelength Control to accept otherwise incompatible Weapons even to the point of Resonance or being outside their preferred weapon-type; though, this latter occurrence is quite rare as most Meisters of said caliber already have a dedicated partner or do not wish to change their fighting style dramatically.

    Demon Weapons
    Demon Weapons are individuals that possess a dominant Weapon Gene passed down by the original humans that were given a sliver of a Witch's Soul through the horrendous soul-sundering ritual performed by Arachne Gorgon. All current Demon Weapons are descendants of those individuals. Demon Weapons have the ability to transform into an inanimate object, often a weapon though not always, and in doing so become virtually indestructible in that state. Despite their indestructibility, Demon Weapons can still feel pain, often through spiritual or magical means. Demon Weapons are powerful conductors of wavelength and have been paired with Human Meisters for centuries due to their increased affinity for performing Resonance with others of their same species, again most often human. The side of humanity and Shinigami gained a tremendous boost in power and capability with the creation of Demon Weapons, which occurred approximately nine hundred years prior to the current timeline.

    Even the Shinigami can benefit from the use of a sufficiently powerful Demon Weapon, known as a Death Scythe, as it can pair with his powerful but flexible Soul to amplify their own abilities. Mirroring this, the DWMA was founded to further harness that power. The Meister-Demon Weapon partnership is incredibly fruitful for both parties as the Demon Weapon can focus on Wavelength Regulation for their Meister and further focus on amplifying their Wavelength in a process called Resonance. As a Demon Weapon and a Meister are a pair, any unique traits, wavelengths, or affinities are shared between them during this process. Demon Weapons are rarely active fighters in combat, but their skills greatly lend to combat potential as they can focus on the tedious skills that would normally take a Meister decades to master while focusing on a fight.

    Demon Weapons typically take relatively simple forms, though they have adjusted with the times. As technology has progressed, Demon Weapons have taken the form of crossbows, catapults, and eventually even guns. They have also taken less traditional forms, such as that of torture or execution devices. Demon Weapons that cannot be easily moved are referred to as Stationary Types. In such cases, Demon Weapons can also learn to fight alone as what is called an Autonomous Weapon. While Demon Weapons rarely take the form of something electronic, they have taken the form of chainsaws and other power tools in the past. Demon Weapons rarely take the form of garments, but when they do, they generally only take the form of a single article of clothing or armor.

    Demon Weapons typically learn of their ability to transform before puberty or around it. Transforming and controlling transformations is a task that often requires a significant amount of effort to learn. Some have difficulties not transforming during specific triggers, such as sneezing. Some Demon Weapons that serve as Agents develop PTSD and will transform at those triggers. On the other hand, some Demon Weapons take years to learn how to transform at all after their initial one. In all cases, the DWMA will take in young Demon Weapons to provide them a high-quality education alongside lessons on how to control their transformations. For those that want to live a normal life, NOT classes are entirely acceptable.

    As an allele, the Demon Weapon Gene is complex and multi-factorial. It is not considered recessive or dominant as many genes are. Genetic studies have been conducted to test what specific factors, such as blood type and gender, may effect gene dominance or co-dominance, but it has been found that different originating families have different qualities to their Demon Weapon Genes, only further complicating the process. In general, it is accepted that a child of two Demon Weapons has a 75% chance of being a Demon Weapon and a child of just one Demon Weapon parent has a 50% chance. In rare cases, there exists a state known as a "recessive weapon gene" in which case an individual carries majority of the traits of a Demon Weapon, but not enough for it to actively emerge and allow them to transform. In these cases, children may have odd wavelengths, affinities, or even demonstrate uncontrollable transformations under extreme duress that may never occur again.

    Death Scythe Evolution
    The term Death Scythe is more of a title than it is a description. A Death Scythe is not necessarily a weapon used by a Shinigami nor is it a distinctively a scythe, though it is the rank of those deemed powerful enough to be used by the active Shinigami. It is possible for a Shinigami to wield other weapons, though quite often, the Shinigami will not be able to use the full extent of their power as the Demon Weapon will act as a bottleneck. The term is ancient and has passed through many languages. The moniker Death indicates they are to be used by the Shinigami and Scythe is chosen as historically the Scythe is the preferred weapon of a Shinigami as they are to reap or cull souls. Together, the title is meant to infer that the Demon Weapon has reached the status of being a preferred weapon of the Shinigami.

    For a Demon Weapon to become a Death Scythe, they must consume 99 Corrupted Souls and 1 Witch Soul. The order does not inherently matter, though a Shinigami will often put specific Demon Weapons near their point of evolution through a more rigorous test before they can finally evolve into a Death Scythe. The Shinigami can at any time "revoke" Souls from a Demon Weapon at any amount. Lord Death did this commonly as a punishment, though it is much more rare under Lord Kidd. Should a Shinigami see fit, they can even revert the soul count of a Demon Weapon back to zero. Not only would this delay their evolution, but it would weaken the Demon Weapon as each soul they consume does result in a marginal increase in power.

    The phrase "evolution" has come to describe the process of a Demon Weapon becoming a Death Scythe. Upon becoming a Death Scythe, not only is there a dramatic increase in raw power, but latent magical properties of the Demon Weapon are unlocked. The reason for this is that Demon Weapons at birth are, in a way, incomplete. The nature of the original ritual that created them only shared a fraction of power with them, and requires additional effort to reach their true state. In that regard, a Demon Weapon is in their most complete, true, natural state as a Death Scythe. Notably, once they evolve, they cannot revert back even if a Shinigami were to revoke their consumed Souls.

    As a Death Scythe, any unique traits, wavelength, or abilities of a Demon Weapon are amplified heavily in unique ways. As the sliver of a Witch's Soul inside of them is strengthened, their magical properties increase. Many of the conventional limitations of a Demon Weapon are removed. For example, a typical Demon Weapon can only manifest as many "parts" of their weapon form as they would naturally have if they partially transform. A Death Scythe can manifest as many as they wish, and much more easily, as shown by Spirit Albarn creating multiple scythe blades. Furthermore, many of their skills such as Resonance and Wavelength Regulation become easier, and with that ease, they can push them harder and further. The highest pedigree of techniques such as Wavelength-Enhanced Resonance are typically only possible for Death Scythes with rare few exceptions. Additionally, their normal weapon appearance and even Wavelength Amplified appearance may change once becoming a Death Scythe.

    Wavelength Techniques
    Basic Techniques

    Soul Perception
    Soul Perception is is an ability of Meisters (and some Weapons) to perceive the Souls of others. This technique was originally developed among Humans as a method of tracking down evil witches, and was later applied to see the Souls of evil humans and aberrations. Now, it is a cornerstone of being a Meister. Soul Perception is primarily the ability to literally "see" Souls, however, this is not always the case. Any of the five senses can technically fall into the realm of Soul Perception depending on the Meister, although notably most Meisters can still train for at least basic visual Soul Perception. Soul Perception is considered reliably at its base when a Meister can maintain its without exhausting themselves and can differentiate different types of Souls. The next stage is when an individual can make out Soul Signatures and begin reading the immediate "emotions" of a Soul if the individual is not actively suppressing their Soul. These basic tenants of Soul Perception can be trained further, with mastery of them including the ability to sense incoming attacks based off intent from the Soul, increased range and clarity, and even the ability to perceive magic to some degree. There are notably some things that training alone with Soul Perception cannot achieve, such as unique forms of Perception and Super Soul Perception.

    Wavelength Amplification
    Wavelength Amplification refers to both a specific skill and a naturally-occurring result of Meisters training their bodies with their Wavelength. As a skill, Wavelength Amplification allows a Meister to actively use their Wavelength increase the physical attributes of their body, including agility, strength, endurance, and even prolong their breathing or sustenance without food. As one might expect, these traits can be further amplified if a Meister has a Weapon that is using Soul Resonance. This ability can result in completely inhuman feats and at its peak can even increase cellular regeneration and delay aging. Training with Wavelength Amplification has lasting effects as well, resulting in Meisters passively being stronger, faster, and having more stamina. Over time with training, the body will become superhuman without even the use of Amplification and ultimately making Amplification even more effective. Notably, it is this "passive" level of bodily amplification that Star rankings considered with. Active Wavelength Amplification is taxing on a Meister and can deplete their reserves quickly if overused.

    Wavelength Suppression
    Wavelength Suppression is the ability to suppress one's wavelength. Although this ability will never rival Soul Protect and requires active concentration, it is intended specifically to mask the Soul Signature of a Meister and prevent others with Soul Perception from perceiving their intent. This ability is considered fairly high tier and many Meisters do not bother to learn it, but it is one of the signature capabilities of the Hoshi Clan. Unlike Wavelength Amplification, Wavelength Suppression does not inherently consume Wavelength--it consumes concentration. Wavelength Suppression cannot be used in tandem with Wavelength Amplification due to their counter-intuitive natures.

    Soul Force
    Soul Force is the ability to manifest Wavelength to enhance physical strikes with extra force. This ability is most notable as a stepping stone to the famous Soul Menace ability in which the Wavelength becomes hyper-excited and manifests as electricity when striking. Soul Force not only can add raw power to a strike, but can disrupt the flow of Wavelength through a target, causing low levels of rejection or destabilizing Resonance. These effects are heightened greatly once Soul Menace is mastered. The fundamental difference between Soul Force and Wavelength amplification is that Soul Force utilizes external Wavelength whereas Wavelength Amplification is internal. Notably, Soul Force and Menace can be mastered to such a degree they may be used in tandem with Wavelength suppression as they are external, but this level of mastery is typically only found in the Hoshi Clan, its derivatives, or the DWMA Elite. Otherwise, the concentration and skill required to externalize wavelength while suppressing internal wavelength is nigh-impossible.

    Soul Conduction
    Soul Conduction is an applied form of Soul Force wherein the wavelength of the Meister is channeled through their Weapon to enhance physical strikes with extra force. This ability is typically later replaced with Resonance techniques due to their higher damage output, but can act as an intermediate stepping stone beforehand or be used when Resonance is either not feasible to or conserve energy. Soul Conduction notably cannot be utilized with Soul Menace, but can apply other unique traits of Soul Force if those are present. Soul Conduction also cannot be used to extend the range of Forced Rejection which requires direct contact. This ability is primarily reliant on the skill of the Meister, but does require the Weapon to allow the wavelength to pass through them and be able to handle the energy passing through them as a wavelength. Soul Conduction is normally slightly weaker than standard Soul Force, but once mastered, the slight loss in efficacy is negligible.

    Forced Rejection
    The ultimate double-edged sword in a Meister's arsenal is Forced Rejection. Much lower on the totem pole of Wavelength control than Wavelength Adjust, Forced Rejection requires creating a point of contact between a Meister and/or Weapon, injecting ones own Wavelength into the mixture, and intentionally creating a cacophony of Wavelength disruption that results in mutual Rejection for the user and target(s). Forced Rejection requires at minimum depending on skill a few moments of uninterrupted contact to fully inject the User's wavelength. This ability is rarely used due to its nature and often when doing so, it is only done to disrupt a larger attack from happening. Notably, this ability requires the Wavelength of the user be strong enough to cause the disruption. In many cases, sufficiently powerful Resonance can completely overwhelm an attempt at Forced Rejection similar to an Overwhelming Adjustment.

    Wavelength Regulation
    An advanced technique typically used by Weapons outside of resonance, commonly attributed with the Two-Star rank. Wavelength Regulation is the skill of enhancing basic Wavelength techniques including Amplification, Perception, Suppression, Soul Force, and even Rejection, of a Meister (or other applicable person) while in a transformed state. Wavelength Regulation is often considered to a weapon as Wavelength Amplification is to a Meister. The benefits of this type of Regulation are three-fold: a regulated wavelength will be more efficient in its use, draining the Meister slower as a result; regulating a wavelength can free the concentration of a Meister for combat, allowing better focus and faster reaction times; and, lastly, there is a small, but overall notable net increase to the effectiveness of regulated abilities. This increase normally ranges between a ten and thirty percent increase, but highly-skilled Weapons can nearly double these boosts. Wavelength Regulation is typically rendered moot as an ability once Resonance becomes a skill for a duo as Resonance results in a larger boost and the focus being shifting by all parties involved to maintaining the Resonance.

    Advanced Techniques

    Wavelength Adjust
    Wavelength Adjust is an incredibly difficult technique requiring both acute Soul Perception and high levels of Wavelength control. Wavelength Adjust comes in two forms: Negation and Overwhelming. Negation occurs when a Meister is able to adjust their Wavelength to precisely cancel out another. As Lord Death once compared a Guitar and a Weapon an amplifier, Negation is akin to the pick-up in the guitar. If one coil in a humbucker is out of phase with another, it will cancel out the frequencies. Negation is a rare technique to use as it is both niche and would require an opponent of roughly the same power to even utilize. The second form of Adjustment in the form of Overwhelming is far more common. In this case, if a Wavelength is simply more powerful than another, it may overwhelm it and subsequently result in the effects of said Wavelength being lost.

    Soul Sutures
    The signature ability of one professor Franken Stein, Soul Sutures allow a Meister to inject their wavelength like strings into a target and subsequently control portions of their Wavelength or even manifest them physically to attach to surfaces. This ability is one of the pinnacles of Wavelength Control and is only rarely seen in the DWMA Elite. Even if the ability can be utilized, the control needed for the various utility regarding it is immense.

    Note: Soul Menace, Soul Suppression with Soul Force/Soul Menace, and certain advanced capabilities with basic techniques are considered Advanced.

    Resonance Techniques
    Basic Resonance
    The foundation for all Resonance Techniques is Basic Resonance. While not inherently a technique per se, not every Meister-Weapon duo can truly achieve Basic Resonance even if a Meister can wield a Weapon without suffering Rejection. Basic Resonance is achieved when the Meister is able to channel their Wavelength into their Weapon and subsequently the Weapon can successfully amplify that Wavelength. This single step is what constitutes Resonance at its very core and alone, the results are noticeable powerful. The Wavelength of the Meister is matched by the Wavelength of the Weapon and the end result is a multiplication of raw potency; even Basic Resonance can produce effects five to ten times stronger than that of what the Meister could do alone with Soul Force if capable. Notably, it is a common rule of thumb that Resonance is when Souls (and the personalities behind them) are different. The balance between strong Resonance factors and Incompatibility is a fine line to tread, but when complimentary pairs are made, their Resonance alone can be two or even three times greater than a comparable duo of similar natures.

    Bond Resonance
    Bond Resonance is a special type of Resonance that can only occur when the Weapon and their user are related. In fact, almost any individuals of close enough relation can perform bond Resonance. It is most profound in siblings, but can be found in cousins, too. Bond Resonance is unique in that it is nearly impervious to the effects of Rejection, including Forced Rejection, extremely resistant to techniques such as Wavelength Adjust, and is much harder to destabilize using various other methods. The trade-off to Bond Resonance is that the multiplicative increase in power gained is considerably weaker than standard Resonance due to the similarities in Wavelengths caused by genetics. With training, Bond Resonance can even unlock more advanced Resonance Techniques, but still suffer the same drawback of being weaker.

    Complex Resonance
    Complex Resonance is not inherently an Advanced Technique, but does typically require much more training and control. Complex Resonance refers to any form of Resonance that occurs where a Wavelength is amplified, but it is not solely the function of the Meister channeling their Wavelength into the Weapon. This is most common in ranged weapons where Wavelength is actually concentrated into a projectile and only amplified during the release, firing, or whatever method the projectile is launched. Because this requires an extra step, it is considered more difficult. Often Meisters specializing in a type of melee Weapon are nearly incapable of using a Ranged Weapon. Conversely, certain melee or mid-ranged Weapons such as whips and flails may require a Wavelength to be more flexible or fluid, resulting in the same type of specialty as a Ranged Weapon, albeit to a lesser degree. Additionally, if a Weapon possesses a specialized Wavelength, they may opt to gain its benefits during Resonance, and this requires an extra step. First, the Weapon must send their Wavelength to the Meister, but as opposed to amplifying it, the Meister must then match that Wavelength with their own in both a precise amount and once stable, send the Wavelength back to the weapon in its new merged state to be amplified. Complex Resonance covers weapon specialization in Meisters and utilizing special Wavelengths of a Weapon. With practice, this can become second nature, and the effects are effectively equal to that of Basic Resonance, but it is notable more complex.

    A rare and weaker form of Resonance, Self-Resonance is a type of Resonance in which a user utilizes one half of their Wavelength to to empower themselves while the other half amplifies. This process alone can take some time to master, but once done can become second nature as all Resonance can. However, this type of Resonance is the weakest of all forms, rarely ever reaching the levels of even Base Resonance and typically impossible to achieve any Advanced Resonance techniques with. Because an individual is amplifying their own wavelength, the "difference" between the wavelengths is minimal. Additionally, the amount of Wavelength being amplified is half of that as normal Resonance. Self-Resonance is typically only a skilled gained for academic value or for Solo Agents. Notably, it can be performed by a Solo Meister or Autonomous Weapon alike, but suffers the same drawbacks in either case. In many cases, a Meister attempting to Self-Resonate has little difference than a Meister that has dedicated themselves to honing Soul Menace, making the ability somewhat moot. For Autonomous Weapons, the ability can be slightly more useful during partial transformations, but will fundamentally always be weaker than its duo counterpart.

    False Resonance
    False Resonance is inherently not Resonance at all, and subsequently can be dangerous. This is considered a state where two souls align and small amounts of amplification, typically much weaker than even Self-Resonance, occur, but it is either forced or in the heat of the moment. False Resonance is almost always a pre-cursor to Rejection between a Meister and Weapon(s) as the wavelength of the Meister is not effectively being amplified in either a complete or healthy way. This False Resonance state does not lead to Resonance techniques or advanced techniques, instead acting as only a small boost to standard Wavelength abilities, though typically greater than what Wavelength Amplification can provide. False Resonance is extremely taxing on the Wavelength of both parties, resulting in hastened fatigue for all involved.

    Advanced Techniques

    Weapon Amplification Resonance
    The next stage in Weapon Resonance occurs when a Weapon can manifest the Wavelength it is amplifying to take on additional traits, power, and form. While the shape and type of weapon rarely changes, it typically grows in size and gains a visible, translucent field around it comprised entirely of the combined Wavelengths. This requires active effort to maintain, but is much more powerful than Basic Resonance. In this state, the standard attacks of a Meister-Weapon Duo are each as powerful as powerful as one performed by Basic Resonance, but can be chained together in sequence. Additionally, this form may take on the traits of either or both individuals if they possess a special Wavelength. Witch Hunt Slash is an example of a form that would be taken. This form effectively uses a Meister as a battery of Wavelength whereas the Weapon is primarily responsible for the concentration to maintain the form.

    Chain Resonance
    Chain Resonance is the next stage in Resonance and is the plateau for many Meisters and Weapons alike. This technique requires maintain a stable Basic Resonance to such a degree that it can be matched by others. In doing so, Meister-Weapon duos can indirectly resonate with each other, gaining an even greater boost and ability. Notably, a type of combat telepathy is known to occur while this is ongoing, allowing practiced users to be aware of their allies movements to help them attack and defend in tandem. Chain Resonance can also be affected by the sheer potency of the resonating parties. If one pair is significantly more powerful than the other while Resonating, it can disrupt the chain. Because of this, Autonomous Weapons, Solo Meisters, and even trios can have a definitive disadvantage learning and utilizing this skill.

    Wavelength-Enhanced Resonance
    Considered the next evolution of Resonance from Basic Resonance, this Technique allows the traits of one or both souls to be imbued within attacks during Resonance. Even those without a specialized Wavelength can gain some unique type of benefit from imbuing this extra Wavelength into their Resonance. Every Soul and thus Wavelength is different and it is common for the changes to Resonance that are gained during Wavelength Enhancement to be a complete mystery until they manifest. Mechanically, this type of Resonance occurs when Basic Resonance is mastered to the degree it can become second nature to be users without taxation on Wavelength reserves and Weapon Amplification can be utilized at will. At this point, the Meister and Weapon will effectively begin resonating with each other a second, simultaneous time. In this instance, goal is not pure amplification. Instead, when the Wavelength of the sender is sent to the receiver, it is matched by the receiver much like in Complex Resonance. It is then imbued into the original Resonance through a combination of willpower and intent focus on the intricacies of their Resonation. This moment of focus is the true mark of skill in the duo as once the receiver shifts their focus to imbuing the Wavelength, the sender must compensate by keeping the Resonance stable alone. It is an intricate dance of give and take and can work either way for the Weapon and Meister, but the results allow for a temporary increase in raw power as well as the natural traits of the Soul of whomever sent the second wavelength to emerge. Notably, the traits that manifest can shift over time as an individual matures, and emotional turmoil can make the entire process unstable, resulting in temporary Rejection.

    Perfect Synchrony
    Considered the epitome of Resonance, Perfect Synchrony occurs when two different souls reach a state of Resonance wherein their individual Wavelengths nearly become one. This Resonance is described as "one Soul begins where the other ends" and unlike Bond Meisters, this Resonance is emphatically more powerful than Basic Resonance. A state of Perfect Synchrony is often not a technique, but more of a fluke. When two Souls become fixated on the same thing with great intent, such as revenge or grief, it is possible for those overwhelming feelings to create a temporary form of this Synchrony. Otherwise, it often takes years or decades to be able to achieve this state, and even then it is not typically for long as it is extremely taxing on the Souls involved. The end result however is a state of great power in which the full potential of all parties is utilized. This technique is considered the Nirvana of a Meister-Weapon duo and has not been seen since the prime of Spirit and Stein.

    Legendary Techniques
    These techniques are conditional and can rarely be recreated. For example, the Legendary Technique Demon-Hunt is an evolution of Witch Hunt that requires the user show great courage and resistance to Madness to utilize. Much like Perfect Synchrony for those impassioned by emotion, these techniques require very specific circumstances to happen. When they do, however, the end result are some of the most powerful Resonance Techniques ever seen in the DWMA and rival or even surpass those of a Shinigami or high-tier Witch. These techniques gain their moniker as their use is often one-time and "the thing of legends" that are passed down in the DWMA.

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  • Magic is the vast reserve of almost limitless energy possessed by Witches. This energy is known as mana and the use of Mana for a desired effect is the very core of Magic itself. Since the Treaty of the Moon and the Guild of Magic being integrated into society, many of the secrets of Magic have been uncovered, revealing a far greater understanding of Magic and its mechanisms far beyond what had been accumulated through interviewing Witches in the past. The knowledge a current Witch studying in the DWMA could now only be rivaled by reading from it in the Book of Eibon decades prior.

    Mana and its forms
    To understand how Magic itself works, one must first understand the underlying energy behind Magic: Mana. Prior to the knowledge bestowed upon the DWMA by the Guild of Magic, the only metric for Magic that exists and was used was known as "magic joules" which at the time was used to measure the output of a Magical effect. It is now know this is somewhat of a flawed perception of Magic. There are four primary types of mana: Wild Mana, Ambient Mana, and Personal Mana, and Inert Mana. Wild Mana is that which exists in the natural ley lines of the Earth or within specific solar or lunar nexuses at given times of the year. Wild Mana is near limitless; Maba, Eibon, nor any magical contraption devised including BREW compares to the raw magic that flows through nature itself. Wild Mana is also semi-sentient in that it does have a resistance to being used and those that can even make use of it are rare amongst even Witches. Ambient Mana exists almost everywhere in the world at varying levels and does so as Wild Mana seeps out from its points of concentration. This Mana is much like air and water: everywhere and available to everyone in abundance. Witches and most magical creatures absorb Ambient Mana to create Personal Mana. It is through this process that Witches are able to use Magic so willfully and to greater degrees than any other race. The final form of Mana is a new type and is effectively man-made. Inert Mana is created by using devices to siphon Wild Mana and separate it from its semi-sentient sources. After being housed, it loses its sentience and thus gains its name: inert. Inert Mana is much like Ambient Mana, but far more concentrated and malleable.

    Magic and the Soul
    It is not without reason that Witches are the only race that can so willfully control Magic. It's in their Soul. A Witch's Soul acts as a transformer, constantly taking in Ambient Mana to convert it into their own Personal Mana. The Personal Mana of a Witch is uniquely their own, much like a Soul Signature. While it is possible for a Witch of great talent and skill to siphon and use the Personal Mana of another, such difficulty is only slightly lesser than that of doing so with Wild Magic. A Witch's Soul constantly creates its Personal Mana, even when not in use and persisting even when casting a powerful Spell. It is a passive trait that is difficult to train or increase with little need to as most mature Witch's can create Mana to continuously perform feats of Magic until reaching advanced spells where the cost is much higher. Witches are not the only race with this trait, but are the only race that can openly control the Personal Magic they create. Werewolves, for instance, have souls that singularly absorb Ambient Magic for their regeneration. Bloodsucker abilities are in part their physiology and in part effects of Magic created naturally by their Soul. For this reason, races that may have natural magical abilities can not simply learn how to cast spells. While incredibly rare, some humans can even do this, but with extremely mild magical effects, such as rejuvenating plants, enhanced empathy, and above average healing; in such cases, Magic is always Innate and not learned.

    The Pull of Magic
    For those that wield Magic, there exists an intended use of said magic. For those that wield magic destructively, this pull manifests as the destructive nature found in many, many Witches. The Guild of Magic teaches self-awareness and control to try and combat this, but it is not always successful. What has been learned about the Pull of Magic is that it is not always destructive. Whereas in generations past, it was believed that Witches were naturally inclined to desire to use their powers to be more destructive, it is more so that Witches are inclined to want to use their magic--period. If their Magic and ambitions are that of destruction, then that is how the Pull will manifest. Conversely, for those that heal, or build, or support, then their desire to use magic will push them to want to use it abundantly to do so. It is an urge combined with tunnel vision, often leading to perceiving magic as the only solution. This is the natural state of such a power. Other creatures that utilize Magic feel this Pull to varying extents. It is believed that the hunger for blood from Bloodsuckers is a variation of the Pull of Magic whereas the violent tendencies of Werewolves is a manifestation of their desire to get hurt just to heal. In cases where one gives in to the Pull of Magic, the sensation is described as euphoric and a release, potentially even addicting. Studies are now being conducted to see if the Pull of Magic is just that: comparable to an addiction.

    Magical Potency
    Whereas spells were once measured in "Magical Joules", now they are graded based on their potency. Potency is a direct effect of one thing: how much Mana a Witch can put into a spell upon casting. While more advanced spells may require more mana, simpler spells may not but can be empowered by simply pouring in more Mana. While the concept is simple, the action inherently is not. While the potential of a Witch does continue to grow with their maturity, experience, and even education, the act of amplifying a spell by adding to it requires willpower and practice. Even simple spells can backfire if the Witch in attempting to amplify their spell cannot control the amount of mana they are attempting to use. The threshold for raw power in a Witch is rarely their mana supply itself, but instead is how big of a chunk of their mana supply can they control at once. It is most common that a Witch's spells are only as potent as their highest tier spell at best, so often how powerful a Witch may be is gauged on the tier of spell they are casting.

    Magical Potential
    In regards to Witches and Magic, the world is rarely fair. Magical Potential is probably the most prime example. Witches are born with a set Magical Potential and while certain environmental factors during their raising can affect it, such as being raised around other powerful Witches or sources of Mana, even those factors can only raise potential so far. In general, Magical Potential is considered the Magical Potency of the Innate Magic of a Witch. Some Witches are simply born with Magical capabilities comparable to Tier Three or in rare cases Four. They begin where many lower class Witches peak. This is especially true among the Mabian and Royal Courts where Noble families have historically continued marriages and family lines to preserve or hopefully even enhance magical potential. While the peasant class may begin with hardly spark of magic to them, the Noble families may have success at brewing storms or harnessing lightning in their adolescence, and even then can continue training further. In the rare cases of exceptional Witches such as Maba or those once-in-a-generation prodigies that may reach the Sixth Tier of Magic, they often began near the victory line due to their high Magical Potential. Notably, examples of Witches even from Nobility demonstrating a Magical Potential above the second Tier is incredibly rare, with those stories of the third and even fourth tier often being more rumor than fact. Witches with a high Magical Potential often demonstrate the most changes to their physical characteristics, especially if their potential manifests at a young age. The concept of Magical Potential applies equally to Witches and Sorcerers.

    Mana Pool
    All Witches have a natural cap on how much personal Mana they can store within their bodies. Unlike Spiritual Energy which is stored primarily in the Soul, Witches store their Mana in every fiber of their physical being. Their Soul creates it and their body acts as its storage, effectively making the physical form of Witches the battery for their Magic. Witches will with time, training, education, and general maturity increase their Mana Pool. Furthermore, with greater skill, they can learn to cast spells more efficiently, ultimately using less mana to achieve the same effect; or, merely cast at a higher Tier once they achieve it. Notably, unlike Magical Potential which may vary greatly between family lines, Mana Pools have significantly smaller variance. Witches with high Magical Potential may have changes to their physical characteristics that do allow for more Mana to be stored within them, but ultimately, the volume of Mana a Witch can store generally requires years of training and maturity. Young Witches often strive to streamline their Magic to make it more efficient as to consume less Mana while older Witches tend to have Mana Pools sufficient to allow for greater casting without refined skill. This tendency creates the age-based hierarchy of authority (which is derived from power) in the Witch Realm, and is often why most Witches do not begin vying for political power until nearly two centuries into their life. The concept of Mana Pools applies equally to Witches and Sorcerers.

    Spell Layering
    Spell Layering is a more advanced form of spellcasting, and primarily is a cornerstone of Sorcerers rather than Witches, although it can be used by both. Spell Layering is the act of casting two or more spells simultaneously to result in a cumulative outcome. Casting spells consecutively or casting two spells at the same time that have no other correlation is not considered layering. Inherently, Spell Layering is used to artificially increase the Potency of spellcasting, and is arguably more difficult in terms of raw skill than simply attaining the next layer of potency through training. This is why this type of spellcasting often lends itself to Sorcerers, who are often more limited in potency but greater in control and spell pool. Many spellcasters do not delve into Spell Layering until Tier 4 or above, and even then can only layer two spells at most. Spell Layering is distinctively different than augmenting a Spell with various types of Magic, such as Runes, Magic Circles, or Calculation Magic.

    Types of MagicInnate Magic
    The most simple and fundamental form of magic is innate magic. It is how Personal Mana would naturally be used. In all races but Witches, Innate Magic is the only form it can take. Sorcerer's are a notable exception as they do not directly use Magic, but instead use objects that then use magic. Innate Magic includes the regeneration of werewolves and abilities of Bloodsuckers--regardless of how developed. Many basic Witch spells are still Innate despite their complexity as they are simply how the Witch uses their mana. For a Frog Witch, transforming into a frog is as innate as a Tadpole Bomb. Often, these forms of Magic require no other component to use as they are the natural state of the Personal Mana.

    In the current system of Magic, a Spell is simply the method a Witch or Sorcerer uses to have their personal mana manifest to create a desired result. Innate Spells are often instinctual and occur nigh-effortlessly, even reactionary at times. Witches are almost defined by their ability to progress beyond Innate Spellcasting. In the case of Witches, Spells will require practice, effort, and eventually even understanding to begin adding additional effects or empowering them. Often, Spell casting becomes a complex series of different magic types to create increasingly profound results, branching off even further from Innate Spellcasting. In the case of Sorcerers, Spells also require a conduit for the Spellcasting. Whether these are Runes, Demon Tools, or Grimoires, the Spell must clearly be defined by Witch Script. While Witches learn their spells by feel and practice, Sorcerers learn their spells by experimentation, knowledge, and still more practice. Sorcerers may have an Innate type of Spellcasting that can be cast without the Witch Script, but does still require some type of Magical Conduit to perform, though their Innate Magic typically manifests as only one basic spell. Witches can also make great use of Grimoires to cast spells that they may not know or understand, but are within their skill level. Both Witches and Sorcerers benefit greatly from understanding not only the magic behind their Spells as they grow more complex, but the actual requirements and sometimes even science behind the "desired result" they intend to create with the Spell.

    Magic Circle
    Magic Circles are manifestations of mana, typically but not always in the form of a circle, that have more powerful, profound effects, typically within a specific area. Magic Circles can require a period of time to setup, physically drawing them, hand gestures to create, or even physically being in the location for the placement of whatever is being manifested. Magic Circles are often used to setup more powerful spells and rituals. Magic circles can be simplistic or complex depending on the skill and knowledge of the user, requiring vast amounts of both research and focus to execute at intermediate to high levels. Furthermore, Magic Circles with the correct alterations can be layered for even more profound effects.

    Rune Magic
    Rune Magic involves inscribing and imbuing an existing piece of material with Mana and is a more long-term investment than a Magic Circle. The power of runes and their longevity can vary, but most notably Rune Magic does not inherently require a Witch to utilize. Rune Magic is the principle behind virtually all Magitech. Runes are often used as traps, locks, sentries, or perimeters. Powerful Rune Magic is known to last centuries, if not longer, depending on the caster.

    Calculation Magic
    Calculation Magic can involve Magic Circles or Runes and is one of the most advanced forms of Magic as it requires both an immense understanding of the Magic being used and the math behind its use. Calculation Magic is often used to direct or support Spells, such as powerful Spatial Magic, Portals, or even enhancements to other Spells. Calculation Magic is used in tandem with Rune Magic for Magitech. Calculation Magic is considered the "language" of advanced spellcasting and is to Witch Script as Math is to any language.

    Enchanting is a specialized form of Magic wherein a user kneads a material, particularly dirt, snow, or stone, into a golem via the use of Enchanting Gloves or another magically-imbued item. Enchanting, like Rune Magic, does not require a Witch to utilize, but does require the Magical Item to use. The mark of enchanting items is a large gear and due to their specific nature are typically not considered Demon Tools. Enchanting itself is a difficult field of magic because it is commonly used by non-Witches (who would otherwise more easily use Summoning Magic) and thus requires intense practice and dedicate to understand the feel and flow of magic through a material. The advantages of Enchanting lay in its versatility and lowered mana cost once mastered. It is not only utilized by weaker Witches and Sorcerers, but by those with a creative spark that prefer to experiment and adapt on the fly.

    Summoning vs Conjuration
    While both forms of Magic fundamentally do the same thing and are considered difficult magics to learn, they function differently and have different restrictions. Conjuration Magic will create via mana an item, typically simple in nature, that the caster understands fully in its construction. While its up-front cost in mana is not typically as large as Summoning Magic, it must be continuously maintained. With practice, the concentration for Conjuration Magic can become negligible, but it is still actively channeled by the caster. Without augmentation from magical scrolls made via calculation magic and blueprints, Conjuration Magic remains limited in how simple the items it can summon are. Furthermore, even if such scrolls can be created, they are limited in their uses and require significantly more mana to both conjure and maintain. While neither type of magic are common, Conjuration Magic is far more common than its counterpart.

    Summoning Magic is a type of time-space magic in which the caster will genuinely summon and object or being to their current location. While this magic is nowhere near as complex as the true spatial magic used by Maba, it is still of a high tier. Summoning Magic is not limited by the complexity or power of the object it is summoning. It is only limited by its mass and mana content. Subsequently, summoning a magical being that is considerably powerful is more difficult than summoning a regular human. Distance and even the realm the being is on have no effect on the spellcasting. Summoning Magic requires pre-emptively imbuing an item with a summoning rune through a ritual cast by the user, which is typically a lengthy process. Even Maba requires several minutes to imbue an item or even individual. Furthermore, these runes must be maintained and are some of the shortest-acting runes of all known runes. Lastly, the mana cost for Summoning is quite high, but does not need to be maintained. In fact, summoning is effectively a one-way street as the summoner cannot "send back" their summon, only bring them to the point they designated with a receiving rune.

    Demon Tools
    Demon Tools are magical items create to use magic by proxy by Sorcerers. Unlike Magitech which uses a series of Runes and Calculation Magic to result in "psuedo-Magical" effects, Demon Tools cast magical spells or have lingering magical effects. Most Demon Tools often (but not always) require their user to be of Magical nature, but do not require them be able to directly control the Magic. It is by this nature that they are created by Sorcerers who have Personal Mana to use, but no Innate Magic skills within them. Outside of geniuses such as Eibon, Demon Tools are typically created via what one might call Alchemic means. Demon Tools utilize natural magical traits of the properties they are composed of to come to the end result. Typically, Sorcerers that create Demon Tools are subsequently almost always talented in some form of creating objects, such as engineering, blacksmithing, weaving, so on and so forth. Notably, a Demon Tool may have a different outcome or potential depending on its users and their Personal Mana, making the outcome of Demon Tools somewhat unpredictable. The process of creating a Demon Tool is often lengthy, laborious, and unique. Mana-infusion is common at nearly every step of construction, guided with rituals, magic circles, and other unique tricks of the trade that exist as some of the most well-guarded secrets in all of Witch society. The differentiating factor between a proper Demon Tool and a simple enchanted item is that a Demon Tool will retain its magical properties indefinitely, going dormant with long periods of no ambient mana, but still capable of reactivating with a sufficient surge of mana. At the highest level of spellcasting, Demon Tools can act as conduits for spells not unlike a magic circle or advanced calculation magic, enhancing the effects of other magic in unique and often powerful ways with no toll exacted on the user. Grimoires are the most common form of Demon Tool as most Sorcerers tend to carry more than one and even many Witches elect to acquire one for their personal use if they can find one powerful enough to augment their magic.

    Ritual Magic
    Ritual Magic is a rare, powerful, and often forbidden. Ritual Magic most often requires some level of Calculation Magic, specific parameters for the Spell, and above all often requires some type of reagent for use that is consumed upon use. The most notable form of Ritual Magic would be the creation of Demon Weapons via the sacrifice of a Witch Soul. The effects of Ritual Magic are often considered so great that they are deemed against the will of Nature itself and the risk in casting one if imprecise is so high that Maba has long forbid this type of Magic and its research. Some Rituals can be used by those even without inherent magical properties, though such is rare and often only found in secluded tribes. While not all Rituals are equal in their scope and power, they are all considered the pinnacle of intelligent magic casting as they often require highly specific knowledge, runes, calculations, and the correct execution of all required components.

    Tiers of SpellsSpell tiers are based primarily on how much control a Witch has over their mana (or mana in general, in some cases). Only a select few tiers at the highest end are not necessarily defined by this. Because higher tier spells typically require more control for a Witch to use, the upper limits of their power is typically measured by their highest level spell.

    Base-Level Magic
    Base-Level Spells are those that a Witch can cast nearly effortlessly with minimal mana expenditure and most commonly have a simple effect. These are the types of spells that Baby Witches often find themselves performing without much thought. The results of Base-Level Spells are often on/off, in that they have little-to-no control behind them and their effects are plain. Base-Level Spells commonly are cast, then complete, meaning that at this level of control, a Witch would not be able to direct their spell, change it's speed, or significantly target with it beyond the initial cast. These spells at times are considered "reflexive" spells as they would indicate how the Spell would be cast if by instinct and no other factor.

    Example: A Base-Level Fire Spell would be a simple fireball blasted in a single direction.

    Tier One Magic
    The first tier of magic would be spells similar to Base-Level Magic, but at a level where the Witch has added some layer of control to the Spell. Tier One Spells are often "superior" versions of Base-Level Spells with an added functionality, such as a change in shape, direction, or effect once contact is made and/or a spell completes its execution. Notably, Tier One Spells are considered the "gateway" for Spellcasters learning control and typically include just one of these changes in functionality. Tier One Mage is where Witches begin to truly shine from different Magical Creatures. What may take decades or longer of experience and training for another Magical Creature to achieve if possible (for example, a high-tier Bloodsucker may be able to empower one of their abilities to a minor degree), a Witch begins to do typically as a Little Witch or young Witch.

    Example: A Tier One Fire Spell could be a fireball that changes direction mid-flight or is a cone instead of a ball. A standard fireball cast at this level might be upwards of twice as powerful.

    Tier Two Magic
    The second tier of magic is where spells begin to become more complex. At this tier, control over mage is thus that the Witch can do one of three things to a spell: actively control it once cast, layer multiple changes, or implement an intricate change to the fundamental spell--but not a combination of these. At this level, a Witch may change the location of a spell once cast if it lingers or create a "homing" projectile. A Witch May also create a "zig-zag" pattern in a projectile, add flashes of light, or opt to create an additional affect upon impact. It is not uncommon for Witches to specialize in a single spell and have multiple utility options they can add on as effects situationally, compiling multiple when needed for added utility. If Summoning is closely tied to their Innate Abilities, they would begin to emerge at this Tier, although be far from the most powerful types of Summons; they would closer to a familiar or support summon than a true combat Summon--or some form of inanimate Summon.

    Example: A Tier Two Fire Spell could be a homing fireball, multiple spreadshot fireballs, fireballs that create a smoke screen on impact, or even create a fiery whip. A standard fireball cast at this level might be upwards of twice as powerful as a Tier One.

    Tier Three Magic
    The third tier of Magic is where a Witch begins to display true mastery over their innate abilities. At this level, what would have been their Base-Spells can be modified at a whim to them with little effort or second thought and have drastically lower levels of lost power for the added complexity. This tier is also where Magic Circles may be unlocked wherein a Witch may be able to gain added utility effects or an overall increase in power while the Magic Circle is active. This is the level where it is the Creativity of the Witch that matters when it comes to their natural magical inclination. While their spells can still become more powerful with control, they have reached a level of control that abilities within this Magical field that added control and thus added potency will be more like adding more paint to a palette than becoming better with the brush. Summons at this level notably become stronger, to the point they may effectively assist in battle. This may also be the time a Witch creates her "Signature Spell" in which they create a very personal, intricate spell of their innate nature they is then practiced religiously, often making it more powerful as it is their "go-to" spell.

    Example: A Tier Three Fire Spell is can include all of the previous elements in Tier Two, although sacrificing potency for volume if a larger spell is used. A standard fireball cast at this level might be upwards of Twice as powerful as a Tier Two.

    Tier Four Magic
    The fourth tier of Magic occurs when a Witch begins to train outside of their innate Magic. Notably, it is technically possible for a Witch to skip directly to this stage, but doing so may come at some cost to potency. Within this tier falls the basics of advanced spells such as Soul Protect, Calculation Magic, Rune Magic, and technically Enchanting and Demon Tool usage. This tier is also when a Witch may often select another "class" of Magic related to their innate Magic to focus on, although notably without decades or more to practice on it a secondary magic type would never achieve the potency or intricacy of Tier Three Magic alone. This Tier of Magic is where many lesser mages hit a Plateau and never push themselves to overcome it. It is not uncommon for Magic in this field to branch out to abilities such as methods of healing for Innate Magic that otherwise could, spells that increase natural bodily abilities, and heavily focus on mobility (if Innate Magic already did not). The cost of many of these branches is often that their use splits focus, overall lowering potency is used in conjunction with standard Spellcasting. What an offensive Witch may gain in defense, mobility, or utility, they lose in their focused potency--and this applies to all focuses.

    Example: Tier Four Fire Spells at this level would be able to shift their focus; previously destructive abilities may now be used to cauterize wounds without causing burning, create runes for traps or direction, and previous spells that might have been weak flaming barriers may now actually have some level of substance. A standard fireball cast at this level would be more akin to a firebomb in terms of raw potency, completely dwarfing previous fireballs.

    Tier Five Magic
    The fifth tier of Magic is when a Witch begins to become truly terrifying. At this level, they are typically at least a Tier Two with a secondary type of Magic and can just it in conjunction with their primary for combination spells. If they did not opt for a second type of Magic, then this is the level in which their magical mastery over their innate type can make them a force of nature. Soul Protect at this tier can protect from all but rare forms of Soul Perception or Super Soul Perception. Calculation Magic can now be used more easily if opted into, so with setup, a Witch can become emphatically more capable. The same applies to Rune Magic or potentially the use of Demon Tools or Enchanting. The difference is that the loss in potency is minimal between focuses. At this stage, a Witch with their natural abilities is now well-rounded in offense, defense, and utility, depending on what they have opted to learn. At this stage, a Witch is also incredibly dangerous as their skill level in their learned Magic is such that their Mana levels are likely to only become exhausted if they actively begin to consistently use their most powerful spells. Summons at this level are likely highly enhanced versions of previous Summons, whether in size, attributes, or some type of added ability.

    Example: Tier Five Fire Spells at this level are akin to end-game ultimate abilities. If a Witch felt like it, they could create a flaming dragon to engulf a party of others. Without a direct counter, pure raw power, or an anti-magic ability of some kind, this Witch's spells are not to be trifled with. Even an offensive-focused Witch would also be able to create very durable walls or spheres of flame. A standard fireball at this level would be more akin to a large napalm explosion.

    Tier Six Magic
    The Sixth Tier of Spells is incredibly rare and accomplished by few Witches--ever. At any given point in history, the Witches capable of Tier Six Magic could be count on one hand. This Tier of Magic is not defined by control or any learned ability like Tier Five, but instead by the raw ability of if the Witch could ever reach the level of control needed to achieve these feats. Tier Six Magic can include Spatial Magic, teleportation spells for large groups across large distances (some Witches can perform short range teleportation or very fast relocation at Tier Five, but that typically requires Calculation Magic and setup), the ability to absorb others Personal Mana or even Wild Mana, Calculation Magic of the highest complexity and caliber, and access to Spells that may even pose a threat to a lone Shinigami. This Tier of Magic is also where one would find the ability to perform Mind Control, create Runes lasting centuries, or utilize multiple simultaneous Magic Circles. It is possible and incredibly rare for a Witch to be natural capable of any one of these traits, such as Shaula Gorgon, but if a Witch were to be capable of Tier Five and Six Magic, they alone would likely require the entirety of the Spellbreakers and/or several DWMA Elite to take down.

    The only known examples of Tier Six Magic come from Baba Yaga utilizing Spiritual Magic to prevent other Witches from making personal Magic and Eibon with his assistance in sealing Baba Yaga.

    Tier Zero Magic
    The Zeroth Tier or "Forbidden" Tier of Spells are those banned by Maba for being heavily against the Laws of Nature or due to their ritualistic nature. Most Ritual Magic is effectively banned--Maba has placed strict limitations on any Magic that requires a significant reagent to use. This Tier also includes any Spell that may directly affect the Soul or Life Force of another. This Tier also forbids any method of altering affecting Wild Magic and/or Ley Lines, significantly impacting the weather, reshaping a significant amount of terrain, creating natural anomalies, or that may truly "create" new life. In some cases, the punishment for even researching this magic is expulsion or death to be debated by the internal Wiccan Council, but the most heinous of the Forbidden Tier of Magic includes one of two following acts: attempting to recreate the BREW or attempting to bring another Kishin into the world. Such acts, if confirmed, would result an immediate order for termination.

    Examples of the Zeroth Tier would clearly be the creation of the Demon Weapons by Arachne Gorgon or the attempt to turn Crona into a Kishin by Medusa Gorgon, Baba Yaga turning Witches into Thralls through her Spiritual Magic, and Eibon creating items such as BREW and the Book of Eibon.

    Non-Standard Magic
    Fae Magic
    Fae Magic is considered an entirely different type of magic than normal magic despite both often being referred to as "magic" in various contexts. Fae Magic does not utilize mana nor does it possess the structured ranking system of regular magic. Fae Magic is fueled by a source known as "The Green" which is vaguely described as the living embodiment of nature. Prior to Oberon sealing off The Otherworld from the Earth Realm, forests, mountains, seas, and many other pinnacles of nature possessed their own connection to the Green, creating a network of connected nature known as The Green World. Since the sealing of the two worlds, however, the Earth has became entirely devoid of the Green. The only source of the Green is subsequently in the Otherworld, realm of the Fae, where it is abundant as water in the ocean or air in the sky. This is entirely unlike the process by which other magic users must convert ambient mana into personal mana for use.

    The Green is a rarely used term as the Green World no longer exists, but its original existence and how the Fae utilized it function to describe how Fae Magic worked. Not all Fae are equally powerful, as it is with Witches or any other creature, but what dictated their power was solely how much of the Green they could harness. As it was a near infinite supply of natural energy, their limiting factors came from what their biology inherently allowed them to do and how much of the Green they could use at any given time. Some skills, such as storing the Green inside of themselves for later use, could be learned, but in general, Fae Magic is most similar to Innate Magic. The Green World was once a connection to all natural life, including animals, plants, and even people. In this regard, it acted not only as a realm of natural power, but as a dream world that often sensitive non-magical entities could visit when asleep or see during periods of stress or trauma.

    While Fae Magic can most closely be compared to Innate Magic, it can become wildly powerful and even perform feats nigh-impossible through the normal use of magic. The race of Fae is highly impactful on the amount of the Green a Fae can use, although it can be significantly increased with training. That said, most races of Fae aren't capable of the incredible feats that the Faerie race are capable of. Faeries, like King Oberon and Queen Titania, are to Fae Magic as Witches are to regular Magic. Oberon at his peak was capable of global spellcasting wherein he completely severed the connection of the Earth Realm and Otherworld, resulting in the destruction of what was called "the Green World" as it could only exist with the source of Green flowing from the Otherworld. Comparably, Maba took several years sealing leaks between the Witch Realm and Human Realm using her spatial magic.

    Fae Magic can be incredibly mundane or imaginatively powerful, and is often connected to the psyche or spirit of the user. It is capable of sculpting the entire world around it in some cases and creating effects a normal magic user simply cannot. Anti-Magic Wavelengths have no effect on Fae Magic and there exists seemingly no resistance to it. Fae Magic not only can alter reality, but permeate the minds and dreams of others effortlessly, resulting in extremely personal experiences with it. Fae are often able to indicate deceit, dishonesty, malice, or general malintent simply through this effect alone. The only method of resisting the affects of Fae Magic are to have a stronger connection to the Green than the individual using it, making resistance exclusive to the Fae. This trait defines the hierarchy of the Otherworld where Oberon reigns supreme.

    Oberon can enact Rules of Law through the Green, limiting the use of Fae Magic in certain instances. For example, Fae Magic alone cannot directly result in death. There are various ways for it to indirectly cause death or even Madness, but in general, Oberon does not allow it to be used to cause direct harm. Furthermore, even the Fae that do make it to the Earth Realm with some amount of the Green are often limited in what they can do with it as it is a finite source that cannot be renewed without returning to the Otherworld. While Oberon is effectively the God of his realm, that overwhelming power does not exist in other realms.

    Fae Magic is not entirely sensical. It cannot cause direct harm despite its potentially reality warping abilities. It shares an intrinsic connection with all life and can perform feats nigh-impossible for regular magic, but any one species of Fae can normally only use their magic in a select few ways. Even the most powerful Fae Magic users, Faeries, are limited in what they can perform outside of the Otherworld and in fact can die in other realms if they are separated from their home world too long. It can delve into the minds of almost any living being, but the person doing the delving is often taken along for the ride. It can entice feelings of rage, hate, love, or admiration on a whim, but often has arbitrary limits on doing so due to the Rule of Law set by Oberon.

    There are few that study Fae Magic as the ultimate conclusion is frustratingly simple: it makes infuriatingly little sense despite its potential power. Oberon can enact arbitrary laws on it that are difficult if not impossible to work around, and those that can work around it are often exiled for doing so. The only known individual to utilize Fae Magic that is not inherently Fae is the legendary Weapon Excalibur, for which there is no explanation for. And, lastly, the Green and Fae Magic are no longer present aside from an exclusive few Fae with finite amounts of Green in either the human world or Witch Realm.

    The true mysteries of Fae Magic and the Green are known only to Oberon with even Eibon forsaking its understanding. For the Fae, however, it is merely their way of life. Using the magic is no different than breathing or bathing, and its functions merely become an unquestioned second-nature to them. The myths and legends surrounding the Fae and the absurd things they can do are often quite true despite their age and the time that has passed since Oberon separated the worlds.

    A rare hybrid of magic casting and Madness seen primarily in either Demon Weapons turned into Corrupted Souls or Witches that delve deep into the Pull. Madness Magic is an abomination of both Magic and Madness. It is one of the rare few types of magic that can effect the mind and even soul. Functionally, it is in fact a type of magic. It utilizes mana to cast spells. However, the "personal mana" of the user is tainted by Madness, resulting in magic that is also tainted by Madness. Despite it not having a spiritual element to it, it still possesses that taint. Madness-Magic is most often seen as a way to creatively utilize the type of Madness a Corrupted Soul has in methods that most other Corrupted cannot, even at the Infernal Soul level. This makes it particularly dangerous as it directly deals with the Madness inherent to all living things, but does so in ways that are not easy to predict. Madness-Magic is only generally seen in those that have possessed Madness for quite some time and have tamed it enough to intelligently learn how to apply it to magic. In the case of Demon Weapons turning Mad, this can often be seen with unique effects for their transformations, potential elemental affinities, or unique wavelengths. In some cases, often with the high consumption of Witch Souls, the Demon Weapon as a Corrupted Soul can effectively gain their own ability to cast magic, making these abilities only that much more dangerous. Eros is the most notorious user of Madness-Magic and through it has remained a problematic entity for the DWMA for over a decade.

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  • "Project F.A.T.E. exists because too many times I have seen good souls become lost because we failed them."

    The Death Weapon Meister Academy or DWMA is is a school founded by Lord Death (the first, father of Kishin Asura and Death the Kidd, aka Lord Death the Second) to train Meisters and Demon Weapons, maintain world order, and present the uprising of another Kishin. Now under the administration of Lord Death the Second, the DWMA stands as a beacon for social integration, bringing in witches and potentially even other humanoid races as students and pushing the agenda of racial integration as well as facing new challenges now that magic is public knowledge, the effects of magitech on the world, and new threats that have arisen in the previous decades.

    Death Weapon Meister Academy
    Founder Lord Death
    Current Head Lord Death the Second
    Second-in-Command NA
    Affiliates - Death Scythe's family
    - Japan​
    - House Yngling​
    - Amazing Star Dojo​
    - Guild of Magic​
    - Reformed Monster Clans​
    Branches School: Faculty, NOT, EAT, FATE
    Global Branches: South American Branch, East Asia Branch, West Asia Branch, Eastern European Branch, Western European Branch, African Branch, Oceania Branch​
    Specialized Groups: Central Intelligence Agency, Spartoi, DWMA Elite, MIBVI Response Force​
    Preliminary Forces: Airborne Division, Commando Group​

    HistoryCanon Events
    Most, if not all Canon events, have still occurred in this timeline. Notably, this timeline is intended to closer follow the events of the manga as opposed to the anime adaptation. Thus, Crona, Asura, BREW, and the Book of Eibon are still sealed within the moon. For more information, you may either read the manga or view the DWMA page on the fan wikia.

    Note: As series creator stated Soul Eater: Not! occurred one year before the Prologues Arc of the Soul Eater series (standard), you may assume its events are also canon. The wikia page for it may be found here.

    2008 - 2010
    Following Kishin, Crona, BREW, and the Book if Eibon sealed on the Moon, Death the Kidd lead the DWMA into the post-Kishin era. One of his first actions was to strike an alliance with Maba and the Witch Council after their assistance with Asura and the Book of Eibon. The result of this became known as the Treaty of the Moon and set the pace for future development in the DWMA. This action, however, resulted in backlash from both the sides of humanity and Witches. Over one hundred Witches from various houses and even some directly from the bloodline of Maba (known as being specifically powerful Witches, many on the level of the infamous Gorgon sisters) became Outlaw Witches in response, refusing to simply forgive and forget the years of hunting and bloodshed between the races. Likewise, several sects of humanity ranging from those of strong religious roots, the more cynical groups, and even conservatives of humanity outwardly rejected this change in the world. Still, given the DWMA had just effectively saved the world without question, there was no stopping this new integration, for better or worse. While this brief period does not have a significant name, historians often call it the Era of Reformation and start of the decline in faith in the DWMA.

    2010 - 2045
    This decade became known as the Era of the Hunt, primarily defined by the efforts in the DWMA and Witch Council to hunt down the Outlaw Witches and prevent them from further dissolving the newly formed bonds between races. This time also had other notable events occur as well. Most notably, Black☆Star became a world-wide social media icon, influencer of millions, and launched his own series of Dojos worldwide under the title the Amazing Star Dojo. Black☆Star and his fiery personality took the world by storm and the claims of him being a "Warrior God" attracted fans of all kinds. However, it was not just his combat prowess that people loved. Black☆Star traveled the world with Tsubaki who for a while ran their social media accounts before the two hired their own professionals for the matter. More than even Death the Second, Black☆Star was a massive TV icon, appearing on television talk shows, music videos, and even cooking shows with Tsubaki (whom by the way, always outshone him). The two became a power couple long before their marriage and for a time #tsustar became one of the most used tags out there. However, this influence became serious business. After a worldwide tour challenging and likewise being challenged by the greatest martial artists alive (and always winning), Black☆Star commit to his own dojo and began teaching others his ways. Those that reached the Black Belt in the Amazing Star Style of combat were often capable of beating even groups of trained military agents and martial artists alike and gained his blessing to further teach his lessons in their own branches, eventually becoming a massive syndicated network of revered dojos and soon enough overtaking martial arts competitions to the point there became a second bracket in most for those not trained in the Amazing Star Style. This also bled over into world militaries requesting this training to which Black☆Star happily obliged, ultimately resulting in special forces learning to control their wavelength and being able to defend themselves against minor threats. This was all to the plan of Lord Death the Second, though, as he used the affiliation with the Amazing Star Dojo to help rebuild the image of the DWMA. Not only that, the dojos worldwide often brought in new recruits for the DWMA via those that found themselves exceptionally talented with their wavelength, often in individuals that may never have otherwise been found.

    While Black☆Star stole the screens, Maba and Lord Death the Second made massive efforts in further strengthening the bridge between them. Maba followed suit with Black☆Star and rebranded themselves the Guild of Magic and created groups and classes for mortals interested in magic and the occult to learn about how magic actually worked. To the surprise of everyone, it was found that some humans did actually possess latent magical abilities, although far, far from what natural born Witches were capable of. Nonetheless, this finding may never have occurred without the alliance. Creatures that were previously regarded as "Monsters" only worthy of slaying or capturing bound together seeing the alliance with the Witches and formed a group known simply as the Reformed Monster Clans and made tentative pacts with both the DWMA and Guild of Magic, although their integration in society was far, far out in the timeline. Typically, these creatures primarily found themselves only bridging the gap in Death City or the headquarters of other branches, but due to their docile nature and desire to follow suit in the non-aggression pact, were often given asylum in magically created biomes suitable for them by the Guild of Magic. Some even went on to become Meisters, although rare and some? Some of those humanoid monsters even found love with humans. It was an interesting time to say the least.

    In the background, however, the war on the Outlaw Witches grew ever worse. The original Witches gained traction with others after facing discrimination in human society. Their numbers blossomed from barely a hundred to thousands, and oddly enough, many humans who felt their treatment was wrong followed the Outlaw Witches in misguided attempts at equality. These groups become little less than extremist terrorist sects that spurned the Hunt on further. Investigations into unauthorized magic and abilities lead to the shutdown of a small subsidiary company called Vial Corps whom were experimenting with methods to increase latent magic in humans and the successes from this experiment lead to even more, causing an interest in synthetically achieved magic in humanity. This caused chaos between what was actually the Outlaw Witches and what were simply grotesque human-magic experiments that never did result in a stable--or sentient--outcome. The Hunt grew ever more fevered and media coverage of it only fueled the fire for the discrimination of magic and Witches in a vicious cycle. This culminated in one of the most devastating events of the Era in 2027: the assassination of Spirit Albarn.

    Spirit, who had still been acting as Second-in-Command of the DWMA up until this time, was killed alongside his new partner in an orchestrated assassination by multiple Outlaw Witches that overwhelmed him in both numbers and strategy. This event caused a rare social media ceasefire between those that hated Magic and questioned the DWMA and even the DWMA itself as the DWMA mounted an all-out war on the Outlaw Witches like never before. The Treaty of the Moon was not dissolved, but many compromises were given by Maba and the Guild of Magic after this event. The next ten years became a slaughter as thousands of Outlaw Witches were killed with only a few hundred facing imprisonment, and that was done by Maba herself. This period became known as the Culling and for brief period, recruitment and support for the DWMA soared. The anti-Witch rhetoric and atmosphere was at an all-time high, and even those Witches within the alliance made themselves scarce and carried identification within their home cities. Some even called it the Second coming of Salem as human supporters alike were treated like terrorists and imprisoned by local authorities with the support of their government.

    But, as with all things, this came to an end. An end became the DWMA was, for the most part, successful. In just over a decade, the Outlaw Witch menace was cut down and the fervor died down as retribution had been achieved. The DWMA as an organization had its anger satiated and soon enough the ambitions of those that hated Witches and and the DWMA once again fell in different directions. The individual that had personally taken Spirit's life was slain in Africa in 2031, and subsequent years had brought down their conspirators as well--not to mention the nigh-world wide hunt cut down multiple hedge Witch communities and other sects of the Outlaw Witches. The DWMA simply had no more war to fight. At least, for now. The years that followed saw a period where the world had settled down with more of a focus on politics, the reintegration of Witches now that the Outlaws were mostly taken care of, and of course social media flame wars.

    2045 - 2057
    While less than half as long as the Era of the Hunt, this era took far more lives and had arguably a larger impact. In what became known as Second Black Plague, this era was defined by the outbreak of what would later become known as MIBVI. The exact origin of the illness was to this day either unknown or kept secret, but what it specifically was has become very well-known. MIBVI, standing for Madness Inducing Black-Blood Virus, was a pathogen created using old samples of early Black Blood from Medusa's experiments to create Crona and the standard influenza virus with the nasty side effect of enhancing the natural madness within the host. The result was a virus that did not immediately kill its host, was incredibly difficult to treat not only due to its nature of being a virus, and a self-replicating coating around the lipid layer of its spherical outside created from Black Blood, allowing it to morph and shape against nearly any treatment and immune system response. Additionally, as the Madness continued to spread, it created a type of rudimentary hive-mind with those infected, making outbreaks into Madness hotspots.

    The Death toll from MIBVI for civilians was in the hundreds of millions (and later, billions) and its speculated nearly half of the DWMA was lost. The battle itself, however, was eventually won with a series of vaccines and more advanced Anti-Madness training that soon became known as Sound Mind training. The vaccine itself worked two fold in being a temporary method of combating the Black Blood by neutralizing it with a burst of energized Wavelength while also acting as a potent antiviral to fight the strain of influenza used for the virus. The fact the virus had little natural issues being spread ultimately led to very little evolution with it, meaning that ultimately there were few "strains" of the virus. More so, once the Black Blood was neutralized, the Maddening effect it had and its near impervious nature were almost eliminated. The losses were massive, but a quick response and the intervention of the DWMA and strict quarantine procedures prevented what could have became world-wide collapse.

    The strategy for eliminating MIBVI was to take it down country by country with the DWMA Elite and Central Intelligence Agency acting together to cut down the numbers of those infected and burn the bodies, starting in places of lowest concentration to highest, centralizing the populace with local military and DWMA intervention. By strict definition, the vaccine was not truly a vaccine. That would imply it gave the individual receiving it a resistance to the virus. What was ultimately created was an actual cure that worked on the majority of those infected, saving countless millions lives that otherwise would have added to the Death toll. Still, it was referred to erroneously as a "vaccine" as it started as a method to temporarily resist infection of exposed, and helped the front lines prevent further exposure.

    The world is still rebounding from the economic impact of the MIBVI vaccine and mourning the losses of those during this era. And, technically, the virus was not entirely wiped out, but its numbers have been cut down to nearly gone and the DWMA created an entirely new branch known as the MIBVI response force equipped with suits to prevent spread, equipment to sterilize areas, and doses of the vaccine to help out those with it. The treatment for MIBVI has even came as far as special Magitech devices that radiate a Wavelength capable of disrupting the outer Black Blood Shell of the virus and allowing the human body to fight it off naturally. It is no small secret that Magitech played a vital role in the elimination of Black Blood.

    This era saw a massive technological revolution as well, although it is lesser known for it. In the early 2040s and onward, it was found that Outlaw Witches spent massive efforts to disrupt the Silicon supply of the world by attacking multiple silicon mining facilities and casting spells to contaminate silicon supplies before even being mined, requiring additional steps for manufacturing. For all of the techies out there, silicon production for almost ever major component dwindled in the early 2040's, leading many to believe the actions of the Outlaw Witches started long before proof was found and brought the consumer market crashing. During this time, AI advancements hit a new plateau as well. With the supercomputers of the time, it was found that even with trillions of computations for training scenarios, advanced AI's that could even near animal intelligence rarely made it passed the natural stage of infancy before crashing or corruption. Assisting these learning algorithms resulted almost universally in alterations with the end-result intelligence that were considered inaccurate or undesirable, and overall the failure of what was considered the pinnacle of AI technology at the time and the findings of just how far away the "next leap" in "true AI" technology impossibly caused a loss in fervor for the subject. This itself did not exactly kill programming, but it did have compounding impacts on the direction of computing technology and a huge economic upset.

    However, at the same time, a new form of technology was being uncovered. Magitech. A heartbroken Meister from the DWMA during the MIBVI outbreak found himself making multiple breakthroughs with combining magic and technology where others had failed by utilizing existing calculation magic and existing printing technology after discovering a method to create crystalized mana from inert sources which acted as "magical batteries" that could then be used for advanced and intricate Runecasting. This Meister was at first solely driven by eliminating the MIBVI threat, creating multiple filtration masks, suits, and eventually even the runes used for the injections to create the cure. The answer, unironically, was hardly within the injection itself, but more so within the needle and syringe giving it. It was only after this outbreak that the incredible uses for Magitech had been uncovered. Unparalleled battery life, cleaner energy, nearly infinite and sustainable usage. And, with the DWMA paving the way. The revenue alone from this venture made the DWMA financial sector explode into one of the most profitable companies in the world. Billionaires demanding electrical cars fueled by Magitech crystals--they were the vision of the future.

    2058 - Present
    Once the MIBVI outbreak was all but quelled and the world settled, the DWMA stood tall was both the savior of the world and arguably one of the most wealthy entities on the planet. This period of time was focused on rebuilding from the destruction and tracking down the dangerous that created MIBVI in the first place: Black Blood, Outlaw Witches, and the various scientists that helped make it. This era also opened a new series of issues. The DWMA had both plenty of good faith, but made plenty of enemies. The DWMA was blamed for the MIBVI outbreak after the Black Blood nature of the virus was uncovered with the belief only Witches could have created it, like Medusa Gorgon. The DWMA was blamed for the silicon shortages. The DWMA was blamed for global recession. The DWMA was even questioned for how slowly it initially responded to the MIBVI threat while it was making its plans for quarantine and limiting spread. And, in part, the DWMA and subsequently Lord Death the Second deserved the blame. It was their choices--his choices--that led up to the issues the world had faced. Yet, it was also the DWMA that saved the world. It was much the same situation as his father: it was Lord Death that created Asura, but it was also the DWMA that defeated him. Well, and the Witch's with Maba and Crona, a creation of a Witch, but no one cared to make those arguments.

    The DWMA was also cut down to nearly half its agents with its Asia branches hurt the worst. The world questioned whether the DWMA, even with its massive funding, could continue to keep the world safe, especially when it seemed to be the cause of the greatest of the world's issues. Now with its massive economic power and its monopoly on Magitech, the ramifications the actions of the DWMA were feared even more. This lead to a steady decline in recruitment and even Black☆Star had no hopes of saving them this time. While the DWMA grew in wealth, it was shrinking in size. And, as the man on top, it's enemies were only growing every day.

    In 2064, Lord Death the Second started a pet project known as the Paean Program to attempt to increase retention in agents and avoid more enemies being made by those agents rejected by them. While this program did have its controversies and push back from the DWMA Council, it was ultimately proven a success and led to the creation of Project F.A.T.E. with the same goal and more resources, hiring professionals and restructuring the internal support of the DWMA. The goal was not only to increase retention, but create second chances to join the DWMA and continue to increase its public image. Enemies of the DWMA were all around them and it needed agents now more than ever.

    April 1st, 2067: A Twisted Joke
    In a terrorist attack that has since been called "A Twisted Joke" by the media, the DWMA was assaulted during its annual Fool's Festival held on April 1st. This assault proved to be the single largest and arguably most successful assault on the DWMA in its history, causing more damage and casualties than similar previous events such as those launched by the Gorgon Sisters, primarily Shaula Gorgon. While some details about the event have been suppressed by the DWMA, information in its entirety was impossible to avoid leaking into public knowledge. The assault can be divided into two parts: the attack on Death City and the attack on the DWMA. The attack on Death City began with a paralytic wave of madness and magic emanated from a stage set in Spirit Park following a parade. During this time, women dressed as jesters that had been handing out fliers, beads, and other free Fool's Festival-themed products for free over the course of the Festival transformed into murderous doll-like beings, utilizing all manner of weaponry to begin creating mass havoc. The first responders in this case across the city proved to be F.A.T.E. Agents alongside agents with any type of unique resistance to the spell cast to paralyze those wearing the beads or other products. Aside from the "demon dolls" as they were most often referred to, DWMA Security Golems from Davis' laboratories were hacked, causing them to turn on the DWMA. Lastly, rogue Witches specializing in large-scale assaults or attacks were present in Death City, taking full advantage of the chaos caused by the paralytic spell, demon dolls, and hacked security golems.

    The DWMA was assaulted in an entirely different manner with most of the information regarding it not making it to the public. What is known is that the sky was split open, revealing the laughing moon in the broad daylight, and that the damage incurred afterwards was immense. Tsubaki Nakatsukasa was assassinated during this assault alongside several lower-ranking agents of the DWMA from historical family clans. Images taken of the DWMA show the Wiccan Embassy entirely leveled, damage to the DWMA hospital, main grounds, sports fields, and Davis' labs. The destruction of DWMA grounds was proportionally greater than what had occurred to Death City itself. In the days following the attack, separate memorials were held for those lost in the attack and the losses of the Star Clan of which Tsubaki was part of through her marriage to Black☆Star. This was done intentionally as Black☆Star and Tsubaki had become household names as media icons and did not wish to impede on the rightful mourning of those lost during the attack.

    StructureAdministration and Faculty
    The DWMA in its current state acts as an institution of learning, international military force, humanitarian institution, and for-profit manufacturer and distributor of goods. In short, the DWMA is an extremely large entity with multiple roles in the private sector. At the head of all of these roles is Lord Death the Second acting as chairman followed by the DWMA Council, which currently advises or otherwise operates the varying sectors of the DWMA. Many call the DWMA Council the Cabinet of Death as they come from different backgrounds with greatly varying specializations, experience, and perspectives on matters regarding media influence, global politics, and the financial status of the DWMA--the days of the council being solely designed for Kishin prevention and crossing names off the Shinigami's list are all but over. Some seats on the council still remain from old tradition, such as the Head of the Hoshi Clan and House Yngling, resulting in the Council being quite large with multiple voices and opinions. For this reason, the Death Council is divided further into two halves known as the Black and White Council. Those within the Black Council are those placed traditionally as consults of the DWMA whereas the White Council are the newer additions intended to manage the new size and influence of the DWMA. It is not uncommon for either one Council to hold meetings separately in accordance to policy or actions within their scope, but most major changes and decisions within the DWMA do require the full Council.

    Lord Death the Second (known more commonly as Lord Kidd) also acts as Headmaster of the North America branch of the DWMA specifically with the base of operations in Death City, Nevada. Every other Branch is lead by its own Headmaster who answers directly to Lord Death and the DWMA Council. These Headmasters not only run the various academies in other regions, but oversee all duties within the branch including the militant forces and private sectors. While some have embraced the changes in DWMA leadership, others continue to place their strongest Meister and Weapon in the role who then delegate tasks to others within the branch.

    The DWMA is a massive employer, often hiring former NOT students for clerical roles or middle management--going as far as assisting with post-secondary education grants and funding. The DMWA is without a doubt internally its own community and remains very tight-knit due to the support and benefits. Notably, it is not above outsourcing professionals or elites within a field; such being the case with the recent advancements in Magitech. Current statistics show that just under eighty percent of the DWMA staff are former students, agents, or affiliates, at least in the central branch.

    International Branches
    The North American Branch, also known as the Main Branch, is the most well-known within the world, but recent strife caused by shifting focuses on internal affairs from other Branches and the subsequent change in leadership with Lord Kidd have resulted in the other Branches becoming more independent and often somewhat uncooperative on a global scale. The West Asia Branch, both European Branches, and African Branches of the DWMA are particularly distant from the Main Branch and have attempted to expand in size over the recent decades. MIBVI brought much of this expansion on as the large scale of the pandemic required the entire world to effectively fend for themselves for a period. While outright hostility is not present, it is not uncommon for other Branches to lack in communication or be passively aggressive with Main Branch Agents. Younger Agents in particularly are often looked down upon.

    The Oceania Branch and East Asia Branch have remained stalwart allies with the Main Branch, having open communications and often working for the Main Branch by proxy. Notably, the South American Branch despite its closest proximity to the Main Branch is quite divided in terms of its current opinions of the Main Branch. While there are some within it that have the same distaste as the other uncooperative branches, most are still amicable with Agents. Often, the frustration with Main Branch Agents and representatives is misguided as it is the leadership of the Main Branch that is often the subject of scrutiny. Lord Death, the father of Kidd, had worked his entire life to gain the global respect he had, and Kidd has not yet accomplished that. Many consider his inability to defeat Asura and the sacrifice of Lord Death to be due to his immaturity and inability, while others simply question the massive changes the DWMA has went through in the last several decades regarding Witches and the Reformed Monster Clans.

    The DWMA has countless affiliates ranging from small business owners that are DWMA alumni to large conglomerates to assist with manufacturing. Many notable families are also allied closely to the DMWA including the Hoshi, Hoshino, Star Clan, and House of Yngling, alongside countless families of multi-generation Weapons that attend the DWMA for NOT training to control their weapon forms. Two affiliates stand out as arguably the most notable: The Guild of Magic and the Reformed Monster Clans. Lead by Maba, the Guild of Magic works extremely closely with the DWMA to preserve the Treaty of the Moon and attempt to further integrate magic and Witches into human society. The Reformed Monster Clans is a newer, less publicized affiliation that is comprised of the heads of multiple small tribes or even just families of races and creatures formerly considered "Monsters" that wish to abolish the bloodshed and poor relations of the past to create a healthy, amicable relationship with humanity. These races include the few remaining Werewolves, Giants, Fairies, Mer-people, and even a handful of Bloodsuckers with hopes of no longer needing to hide from the world.

    Preliminary Forces
    Most notably, the Airborne Division and Commando Groups. In decades past, these units were often those not skilled enough to reach the 10% in EAT but wishing to join the DWMA military forces. DWMA Commando Groups are highly trained military divisions often able to utilize their wavelength to their benefit in combat, but primarily still using standard combat tactics and small arms. More notable was the Airborne Division with highly trained pilots, capable of both dogfighting and often being used for humanitarian aide. Both the Airborne Division and Commando Groups are under half of their pre-MIBVI volume with fewer and fewer recruits since the incident. At one point, plans were to construct a Magitech Aircraft Carrier, but the project was frozen indefinitely due to international backlash after initial specifications were provided alongside the principle of the DWMA having such a battleship to begin with alongside the accompanying fleet required for it.

    Specialized Forces
    The Specialized Forces of the DWMA are comprised of its Central Intelligence Agency, DWMA Elite, and MIBVI Response Force. The DWMA Central Intelligence Agency was once a group primarily dedicated to countermeasures for Witches and during the Era of the Hunt were in the spotlight with their anti-magic combat tactics and experience against Witches in general. Once the Era had concluded, however, the Central Intelligence Agency shifted focus from just Witches to uncovering threats to the DWMA that can be caused by its now more broadly encompassing enemies. These agents often under espionage and intelligence gathering both inside and outside of the DWMA to identify issues before they arise. The MIBVI virus was clearly manufactured and the Central Intelligence Agency exists primarily to avoid such a catastrophe from occurring again. The DWMA Elite are as they have always been, a group of the most powerful, skilled agents of the DWMA worldwide. Many Headmasters are former DWMA Elite. The MIBVI Response Force is a specialized group dedicated to intervening in the few outbreaks of MIBVI and are equipped with specialized equipment, training, and resources in the form of assistance from the Airborne Division and Commando Groups to stunt and reverse MIBVI outbreaks. Their success rate in recent years has been 100%.

    NOT & EAT Classes
    These are the two core classes of the DWMA Academy. NOT, standing for Normally Overcome Target, comprise nearly ninety-five percent of the student body and primarily are Weapons seeking training to control their Weapon Forms as well as the safety and quality education within the DWMA. NOT has always been the bulk of the student body, but the increasing rates of Weapon genes have led to a slight increase in skew towards these students. EAT, standing for Especially Advanced Talent, represent the remaining percentile of the students that come to the DWMA to cultivate their talents and ultimately become an Agent of the DWMA to fight evil. While rules for expulsion and Witch Hunting have changed, for the most part the student life and general functioning of the DWMA is similar to the post within the DWMA page on the wikia.

    Project F.A.T.E.
    Project F.A.T.E. is an ongoing program to increase retention within the DWMA and provide opportunities to return to the ranks of the DWMA. More information on Project F.A.T.E. can be found on its entry.

    Agent RanksAll Agents within the DWMA are given a rank denoted by Stars, up to three. Meisters, Weapons, and Magic Users may all be ranked and ranks across the branches are roughly the same, although the traditional One-Star assessment will vary. Rank will dictate clearance to certain learning materials, experience and authority in the field, and even the amount of funding an Agent will receive on a mission or from their monthly allowance from the DWMA. There technically is not an age limit, young or old, on reaching the One-Star Rank. Ranks beyond the first require further demonstration of ability. Ranks by design are intended to act as a baseline for Agents. As all One-Star Agents are required to succeed in an an assessment intended to determine their fitness and battle efficacy, thus it would be safe to say that Agent should "at least be able to accomplish this" and this mentality extends to both Two and Three Star ranks. Overall skill and combat prowess may vary greatly between Ranks before achieving the next and at the Three-Star Rank, Agents have typically amassed a reputation and mission record sufficient to determine what they are capable of, thus their upper limits are considered on a case-by-case basis. For example, the DWMA Elite are often considered the "Fourth Star" within the DWMA as their skill is considered that much greater than that of even standard Three Stars.

    One-Star Rank
    Within the American Branch of the DWMA, the One-Star Rank is attained by succeeding in a single bi-yearly test which has been held traditionally in Death City for Centuries. While some basic premises have changed over time, the test has for the most part remained the same. This test is applied to all applicants regardless of their status as a Meister, Weapon, or Magic User and has been thusly adapted to individual Magic Users. This test is taken in two parts. The total time for the assessment is ten minutes. The first is to ascend the DWMA Staircase in a timed case. The main staircase has a total of 660 total steps, roughly the equivalent of 44 standard staircases. For comparison, top conditioned racers can complete 36 staircases within approximately five minutes. The remaining time will be used to combat Magic Golems created for the purpose of the test, typically geared to specifically challenge the applicant. For example, more brutish combatants may fight armored opponents, ranged fighters may be paired against slim, deft golems, and skirmishing combatants may find themselves fighting a mixture of both. Magic users are tasked with fighting a Golem designed to counter their specific type of Magic, within reason. The fight is not intended to be an easy one, and it directly follows a period of high physical excursion. Notably, a Meister and Weapon Duo may opt to take the test together and such is often the case. In such event, the Weapon must remain in human form until reaching the top of the Staircase. Combat commence once either reaches the top, so in the event one of a duo is slower and the other reaches the top first, the faster of the two will then have to engage in combat alone. In the case a duo opts to take this test together, they must fight two Golems of equal difficulty level together within the same ten minute time limit.

    Two-Star Rank
    Unlike the One-Star Rank, all following ranks are different per type of Agent: Meister, Weapon, or Magic User. For Meisters, by the time they reach the Two-Star Rank, it is expected of them to have at least moderate usage of Soul Perception, Wavelength Amplification, and demonstrable Wavelength Control. Agents should be capable of reliably using Soul Resonance to such a degree they are at least training for Advanced techniques. Meisters by this time are likely to have physical abilities one would easily consider Superhuman and if they excel in one field potentially even beyond Superhuman into the Animal Kingdom, be it strength, speed, senses, endurance, so on--and this is to be measured without Wavelength Amplification. For example, a Cheetah can sprint at speeds approaching 80 miles per hour and a Gorilla can easily lift small cars. To achieve the Two-Star Rank for a Weapon, they are also expected to be capable of reliably using Soul Resonance and in most cases are expected to be able to assist their Meister in focusing their basic abilities such as Perception and Amplification. In the event a Weapon is Autonomous, they are expected to have full mastery of their transformations, debut at least two simultaneous body transformations, and use Self-Resonance.

    For a Magic User, a Two-Star Rank may be considered upon proving capability with Tier Three Magic. Within the North American Branch of the DWMA, a proven Signature Spell is one of the milestones of the Two-Star Rank. Other factors include appropriate use of some type of Magic Circle, although that is not inherently necessary, and passing an assessment by the Guild of Magic to truly determine the Magic User is capable of Tier Three Magic. Outside of raw capabilities, all Two-Star Rank Agents are expected to have a sufficient level of in-field combat experience, the ability to function within a team if need be (solo Agents are rare, but may be considered), and appropriately fulfill whatever niche they best fit. Leadership is scrutinized at this level, but not inherently necessary.

    Three-Star Rank
    The Three Star rank will require demonstrable mastery of the individual skills of the Agent. Their basic skills should be honed without question and their body should be strengthened from their time utilizing their Wavelength to the degree that even without Amplification, their physical traits are well beyond what humans should be capable of, existing easily closer to the raw ferocity of animals. For some Three-Star Meisters, it is not out of the ordinary to see them outpace highway vehicles or crush stones with their bare hands--again all without Amplification. By this time, Three-Star Meisters should be capable of Chain Resonance and utilize Wavelength-Enhance Resonance. Weapons at the Three-Star Rank are either nearing or possibly even at the status of Death Scythe, and thus have gained significant raw base power from the consumption of Corrupted Souls. Weapons in this stage are likely to have unlocked their dormant abilities if any were present, be capable of maintaining a Weapon-Amplification for in Resonance, and have gained Wavelength control allowing them to perform Wavelength-Enhanced Resonance.

    For a Magic User, a Two Star Rank may be considered upon proving capability with Tier Four magic. While it is not expected of a Magic User to pass Tier Four, it is expected that their ambition should be to better themselves. If a Magic User has no intention on learning another related field of Magic, it is typically at least expected for them to learn another Type of Magic, normally Calculation Magic or Rune Magic. It is still possible for a Magic User to be considered for a Three-Star Rank even without those factors if their ability in their core magic is great enough. Outside of raw capabilities, all Three-Star Agents are expected to be combat ready and reliable in the field. Three-Stars should demonstrate the ability to lead, even if it is not their inherent strong suit. Three-Star Agents should be able to direct and strategize Two- and One-Star Agents, adhere to chain of command, and make effective judgement calls under pressure. Outside of very rare cases of highly skilled solo-agents, this level of teamwork is expected at the bare minimum for a Three-Star Agent.

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    F.A.T.E Project

  • "Project F.A.T.E. exists because too many times I have seen good souls become lost because we failed them."

    The Final Attempt before Termination Effort or Project F.A.T.E. is the continuation of the Paean Program design with the intention of helping Meisters, Weapons, and Magic Users that were previously deemed unsuitable for field missions achieve field ready status and return to the standard ranks of the DWMA. While officially beginning in the Spring of 2067, the program itself is a continuation of the Paean Program formed as an experiment by Lord Death the Second in 2064. While the main focus of this program is to assist with troubled individuals that have had multiple issues resulting in formal demerits regarding behavioral actions such as insubordination and failure to adhere to mission protocol, the program also serves a secondary purpose of finding methods to assist individuals with otherwise dangerous or unstable abilities either find use in the field in some other capacity, control their abilities further, or create safe, stable conditions so that they may function in most combat scenarios.

    Project F.A.T.E., much like the Paean Program before it, is considered the ultimate pet project of Lord Death the Second. This second iteration has been formulated with more structure and support for its endeavors, but now is subject to scrutiny from the entire DWMA Council whereas the original Paean Program was truly a direct effort from Lord Death the Second himself. This has led to multiple additional efforts for safety and screening before acceptance and further field operation.

    Project F.A.T.E.
    Head Lord Death the Second
    Faction DWMA
    Location Death City, NV

    Pre-Paean Program
    The ranks of the DWMA were at their greatest prior to the Great War with Asura in 2008. While the war itself diminished the sheer numbers of the DWMA significantly, this year also marked Death the Kidd, now known as Lord Death the Second succeeding his father in leading the DWMA and the Treaty between the Witches led by Maba and the DWMA. These two factors following the spotlight globally on the DWMA after the events with Asura made many question this new DWMA. Since then, the DWMA has assisted not only with the hunting of Corrupted Souls, but humanitarian efforts and certain missions only its superhuman agents may be able to face safely. While these were made in good faith, they were also conducted with the goals of increasing support in the DWMA. One could argue these efforts marked the roots of the original Paean Program, if stretched. In the decades to follow, the Outlaw Witches that rejected the Treaty proved not only a challenge for the new Wiccan Council, but also negatively impacted the image of the DWMA. During this time, the DWMA began allowing new Witches to join the DWMA and began using their magic to assist with their humanitarian efforts. This proved fairly successful, but the largest turn around came from an unlikely source: Black☆Star. In this era where humanity questioned magic and had to truly acknowledge the evil within the world, Black☆Star stood out as a hero that was all-human. In part due to his outward personality and in part due to his status a Warrior God, Black☆Star became a public icon and started a series of training facilities for humans known as the Amazing Star Dojos, now present in most major countries. His influence and positive perception of the DWMA bled over into his fans and his Dojos began acting as screening sites, often finding skilled individuals with their wavelengths from all across the world. His combat prowess additionally led him to influence the martial arts of multiple world governments which was often done without cost, some even integrating Soul Studies to create their own small groups of what the DWMA would call Meisters. Many consider Black☆Star and his endeavors during this era to be one of the saving graces of the face of the DWMA. Most of these efforts were notably endorsed by and even encouraged by Lord Death the Second, thus likewise placing them in the history of the programs meant to increase DWMA ranks. This golden age of recruitment came to an abrupt end in the mid 2040's when the first outbreaks of the MIBVI virus were found in the world and the damage it wrought while the DWMA was cautious and slow to respond. While the public eye on the DWMA was poor, the following decade introduced the advent of Magitech. While this did not bolster recruitment, it did create a steady amount of funding and soon enough arguably made the DWMA the most profitable organization in the world, in no small part due to the AI scandal that happened before and a silicon shortage caused by the Outlaw Witches. In the persistent shadow of the MIBVI virus and its lingering effects, the DWMA remains a wealthy, powerful organization but with relatively low recruitment numbers, and such is the state to this day.

    Paean Program
    Following his new experiences running the DWMA and the MIBVI virus, Lord Death the Second became adamant in his desire to retain the agents it had. He had witnessed firsthand how those that did not make it in the agency often harbored considerable resentment and often joined groups that either actively resisted the DWMA or even those led by Outlaw Witches. In an effort to increase retention and decrease the negative side effects of those that left the DWMA under the previous policies, he created an experiment program directly under his control with the intention of rehabilitating agents that were otherwise deemed too dangerous or with behavior not suitable for the field. This initially had a significant amount of resistance from the DWMA Council as the risk associated with keeping agents that could be "ticking time bombs" was considered too great in an era were the public was less than supportive of their organization. Nonetheless, the endeavor proved a relative success with over half of the individuals within the Paean Program ultimately rejoining the DWMA as full agents. Notably, this also led to multiple security issues as several students went missing during this time and on missions, some even died, however, these outcomes were weighed against the standard risks of being an agent and statistically considered in margin. At the end of a seven month experiment, the DWMA Council concluded that fully endorsing the program on a larger scale with more support would be a worthwhile venture, thus the birth of Project F.A.T.E.

    Program Reconstruction
    Project F.A.T.E. is considerably different than the original Paean Program. Lord Death the Second originally selected agents he believed deserved a chance to prove themselves, adjust their behaviors, or gain control over their abilities in more real-world situations while under the eye of a select group of his closest professors. Some of the criticisms were that he "stacked the deck" in his favor, but this notion became a point of strength for his argument. If there were agents that would be disbarred from the DWMA that were apparently so low risk that selecting them would be "stacking the deck", then there was a problem with the system--not the students. Other criticisms included the lack of structure within the system and appropriate responses to certain mental health issues of those within it. In response to this, the program was rebuilt from the ground up with the same goal, but more resources, time, and overall more patience as there was no need to "prove" the efficacy of such a program. The new F.A.T.E. program would give individuals multiple chances, training, therapy, and even magitech devices that could assist with their integration back into the DWMA. However, unlike the Paean Program where individuals retained their rank, it was decided that F.A.T.E. agents would no longer be given stars, but instead referred to as "Fate Agents" in part due to the potential complications their missions may have but also because as the Paean Program showed, agents were grossly mislabeled due to their initial behavior or instability within the DWMA. It was also decided that Fate Agents would be given specific team leaders known as Advocates for their entire duration within the program with the goal of building rapport. However, the largest factor as mentioned before would be that in most cases, even agents that may fail in the F.A.T.E. program would be given another opportunity to reapply after two years of review and recourse depending on their situation, either including more DWMA funded training, therapy, or tutelage. This would allow even those that failed in the initial Paean Program to reapply to the Project F.A.T.E. upon request.

    Agent Hierarchy
    Even among the Fate Agents, there exists a hierarchy. However, unlike normal agents, this hierarchy is neither for ability or experience. Instead, it is in regards to the specific reason they were originally deemed unsuitable for field missions. This hierarchy is designed not to place any one agent above the others, but ultimately to provide the best care and subsequently highest chance of return to the field. Agents within different types often receive different forms of assistance, ranging from Magitech equipment to additional resources from the DWMA--if not both. All Agents will still retain an Advocate whose full-time job at the DWMA will be overseeing the Fate Agents under their care, however some also will have access to personal tutors with approval from the DWMA Council for further assistance.

    Type A Fate Agents are within the program purely due to behavioral or mental health purposes. In no way are these specific agents considered a lesser threat, but they are often lesser restricted than other tiers. Many of these Agents are evaluated based on their adherence to protocol, attitude towards teammates, and are either required to attend therapy sessions or maintain a medication regiment if not both. These Agents make the most use of the DWMA Mental Health facilities which have been expanded on from the original decompressing and treatment for burned out agents or those experiencing PTSD. In fact, many "burned out" agents find themselves taking time out of the field to help with Type A Fate Agents as a personal tutor. This has thus far been shown to be mutually beneficial as the change in goals and extra time out of the field for the tutor and the individual attention alongside the experience of the tutor have consistently shown improvement for both, and form long-lasting rapport between them.

    Type B Fate Agents are within the program purely due to their unstable or otherwise dangerous abilities. This is an issue seen within the Paean Program where abilities without proper control can backlash against even allies in less than desirable ways. These agents are most often given specialized training for their abilities alongside new Magitech equipment to help suppress them, sometimes indefinitely or at the activation of a collar via their advocate. These agents can come in the form of Weapon, Meister, or Magic user--there is no discrimination or oversight here. In the event devices are required for intervention, they are personally created for that agent based on the current needs and personal requests may be made if considered appropriate. Thus far, these types of Fate Agents have seen the most progress within the F.A.T.E. program as many of them actively want and try to return, but previously could not without this individualized assistance.

    Type C Fate Agents are within the program purely due to Madness-related issues. Type C Agents typically undergo intense Calm Mind training, therapy, and potentially require Madness Suppression devices similar to the Wavelength or Magic Suppression Devices required by Type B Agents. These agents can range in age and experience and have a varying degree of return rates due to the nature of Madness itself. Sometimes, even with suppression devices and time investment, Madness can be too deep-rooted to contain once one has been exposed. Many of these Agents are also those that have somehow been affected by the remnants of the MIBVI virus and are recovering from the affects of the MIBVI vaccine, which can take time and have varying degrees of effectiveness.

    Type D Fate Agents are within the program due to a combination of any if not all of the three previous reasons. Type D agents are the second most rare as once these issues compound, success rates and furthermore ambition to improve are often low. Many of the agents within this type are either notably very skilled or have extremely high potential. In some cases, they may also possess a unique or otherwise powerful wavelength, making them a high-priority return. These agents often require a combination of the aforementioned interventions, extra time, may have a singular individual acting as their advocate, and even still most often when they do return, it is not as a field agent, but either to assist the DWMA in some other way, such as a professor, assistant, or even a later Advocate success story.

    Type E Fate Agents are those that do not fall within the other categories. Often, these agents are placed here under extreme discretion. For example, former member of the Paean Project Midori☆Hoshi would fall into this category as he was being evaluated as a security threat due to being a previous puppet of Top Ten target, Eros, and his former betrayal of the DWMA. These agents are the only more rare than the other Types and often actually are allowed to "pretend" to be one of the other types to cover up their nature as a Type E to all but their Advocate and any potential tutor. Most often, these Agents are placed here due to issues of trust or otherwise acting as a security risk. Little data is known about these agents.

    Note: The DWMA does not offer the F.A.T.E. program simply due to being unskilled. In such case, an Agent would either be provided ample more training or resign. However, even if resigned, they would be able to reapply and pass the mandatory tests to return to the DWMA.

    Team Structure
    While Agents were originally assigned to mentors whom would act as active team leaders, the events of the April 1st terrorist attack resulted in a change to structure. Team Leaders are now selected amongst the ranks of the Fate Agents that have proven themselves in the field and they act as leadership during missions. This can extend to training in some cases. Team Leaders do not possess any additional clearance, such as that to the dossiers of active Fate Agents, nor any additional stipends. Team Leaders are expected to act rationally in group-based settings and on missions just as any team leader would. All Agents now work with mentors through training, for guidance, and to further integrate themselves into the social climate of the DWMA Agent hierarchy. While any agent may be assisted by any mentor, all Agents have a primary mentor acting as a "case manager" that reviews their overall progress in the program. With this new structure, team composition may change between missions depending on the objective. The fundamental goal of this shift is to create an environment more similar to that of normal DWMA Agents whom often must work under different leaders and on different teams outside of their comfort zone.

    Unlike the Paean Program which was offered to a group of previous agents, the F.A.T.E. program requires application and acceptance. One cannot be placed into the F.A.T.E. program as a form of demerit or punishment. However, agents that either border expulsion or have a disciplinary track record may find themselves now informed that they will be stripped of their rank until they successfully complete the F.A.T.E. program to satisfactory results. Notably, all Agents within F.A.T.E. are typically required to pass the test for a One Star agent or have abilities that clearly indicate they could. The F.A.T.E. program is not intended to be a measurement of ability, thus if an individual could not at the least perform at the level of a One Star Agent, they would at least be required to train to reach said point or find another role within the DWMA if they saw fit. Acceptance will require a physical, mental, and madness screening and if all have been passed, abilities will then be observed to test their potential danger alongside previous reports reviewed. This stage is considered a gatekeeper for many agents, especially those that would fall into Type A or D, but was a requirement set by the DWMA Council. All F.A.T.E. agents should thus be at least as capable as an entry level One Star, show some level of ambition to return to the DWMA, and be willing to subject themselves to the required screenings. Agents often undergo physchological evaluation and treatment for any pre-existing neurotypical, personality, or behavior issue deemed within parameters for program instatement. Therapy is a common and heavily emphasized tool within the DWMA wherein a large assortment of experienced therapists and psychiatrists work together to get potential Agents in a "field ready" state. A therapist can deem an agent unfit for field work at any time, revoking their status in the F.A.T.E Program, making them some of the most influential individuals in the acceptance and maintenance process of the program. Once Agents are deemed field-ready, they are given various and sometimes rigorous tests, including combat, communication, and general teamwork, to determine their likelihood of success. Outside of cases with Type C or D Agents, most that make it to this point are at least given the opportunity to make it through the program.

    The Evaluation phase of Project F.A.T.E. could be considered the actual program itself, in which agents undergo a period of time and missions to ultimately prove they have sufficiently worked through the issues that placed them in the program to begin with. What Agents work on specifically depends on the reason they are in the program. For some, it is proving they can follow instructions, adhere to protocol, and respond appropriately to authority. For some, it is gaining control over their abilities. For some fewer, it is proving they they have learned to cope with Madness. In the latter two cases, this is often done with the assistance of Magitech devices. While it would be ideal to reach a state where these devices are unnecessary, there are simply some cases where that will never occur, but that does not constitute failure. All Agents of all Types are expected to be able to function within a team setting without major conflict and ideally find a partner. Notably, it is possible to partner with a non-Fate Agent. This is commonly the case if a Meister is placed into the program, but not their Weapon. Regardless, it is possible to be considered a success without a partner, obviously disregarding Magic Users. This success must be demonstrably consistent. A one-off successful mission is not sufficient for evaluation. Fate Agents are equipped with both the standard equipment for DWMA Agents and potentially non-standard equipment, as follows:

    - Magitech Communicator: Military-grade earbud-style communication link powered by Magitech batteries. Operational for up to six weeks on a single Magitech crystal. These devices operate on a standard radio signal with a range of 1-2 miles depending on terrain. A magitech wavelength made securely between linked devices is functional for up to 300 feet. This secured link is activated by clicking the back of two communicator buds together for 5 seconds and can work for up to 12 devices. Electromagnetic interference will still affect the standard radio signal whereas the magitech wavelength will only be affected by magical disruptions, providing decent versatility for communications in multiple scenarios.

    - Magitech Watch: Military grade watch with digital and analog display. This watch acts as a GPS link and the base station for the earbud communicators. It can also be activated to allow GPS tracking of any other agent wearing a watch and each watch within an approximate 300 foot range will have an individual ID code. Outside of that range, this information may not be displayed. These watches can determine basic vital signs such as heart rate and O2 levels, but don't expect a Fitbit or Apple watch like experience to connect to a phone. These watches are kept relatively simple to enhance lifespan, which on their dual battery setup can be up to 8 weeks, four weeks per magitech crystal. These watches can also be activated for a direct link to HQ, much like a Death Mirror, although this feature may not always be available depending location, can take a while to establish an uplink, and does consume more battery life.

    - Survival Combat Knife: All Agents, including weapons, are required to at minimum carry a standard combat knife. The standard DWMA issue knife is an six, eight, or ten inch knife with a clip point, serrated edge back, double-sided guard (size varies depending on knife and handle size), full tang, sides available in stacked leather, G-10, or wood, accompanied by flint, steel wire, and a holster. Options for holsters include belt and ankle.

    - DWMA Agent ID: Standard among all DWMA Agents and carried as a standard ID effectively on a nearly-global scale, this ID can act as both a universal credit card for accessing personal DWMA account funds and as a stand-in for driver's licenses where applicable. Even without the "smart" systems of the card-like ID, the ID alone is often enough to get by in foreign countries and allow access into restricted establishments with valid cause. These cards are typically kept on-person at all times aside from stealth missions. All Agent ID cards possess a thumbprint scanner for verification purposes, only activating for the assigned ID owner.

    - DWMA Agent Brooch - Various stylized brooches based on the Madness Inhibitor Collars. These Brooches react to any Madness Wavelength they may sense and counter it with Magitech that replicates the effects of a Healing Wavelength. While not as powerful as a Calm Seal or a true Healing Wavelength, this can help mitigate sudden surges in Madness and buy time for the agent to either gain distance or neutralize the threat. These brooches are slowly being produced and distributed for all willing agents following the April 1st terrorist attack. These Brooches are also often paired with a GPS tracker, and once used, require being replaced due to their limited charge.

    - Magitech Wavelength Disruptor: A device typically affixed via a clip system requiring a key for removal that can be attached to neck or arm, depending on intensity required. This device functions by injecting an unstable wavelength into the wearer upon activation that can entirely stop most wavelength use temporarily as well as cause considerable discomfort. This device also can briefly make resonance impossible and transforming between weapon states impossible. These units can be specialized to suppress a certain type of wavelength with a slow release of counteractive wavelength that reacts to spikes. While both devices function on magitech crystals that can last from 3-6 months depending on required activation, the latter type often come in pairs and last between 4-6 weeks, each, requiring being cycled out more frequently.

    - Madness Inhibitor Collar: A device typically requiring being attached to the neck imbued with a specific series of runes capable of suppressing Madness. These devices require very specific fine tuning for their wearer to counteract their specific type of Madness and its spikes. While these devices can provide inherent resistance to other types of Madness, they are specifically strong against the one they are formulated for. These devices require monthly maintenance despite typically having battery sufficient for up to 12 weeks.

    - Magic Disruptor: A device typically affixed via a clip system requiring aa key for removal that can be attacked to virtually any part of the body, depending on the intensity required. Sometimes multiple may be used. These devices work by creating a chaotic field of magic that causes complete disharmony in the mana around the wearer, making spellcasting incredibly difficult. Unless there is magical backlash, these devices typically cause no pain or discomfort. Some of these devices are formulated to work in conjunction and can even absorb mana from spells, if necessary in some cases. The effect of these devices is local, thus certain summons or other forms of magic may become uncontrolled if used.

    - Incapacitator Collar: A device that is fixated to the neck and used in the most extreme of situations. This device uses a combination of wavelength disruptance and electrical current to stun or even knock out a target. This type of collar is rarely used as requiring it typically indicates a large threat, but can act as a last line of use. These collars are only typically seen on Type E and D Fate Agents, although less rarely can be seen on Type A and C.

    - Additional GPS implant: Dermal GPS devices can be used for less than compliant or overly cautious agents. These devices are intended to function solely as GPS trackers in correspondence with other GPS tracking software and Magitech watches. These devices can have a lifespan of up to three years.​

    Program Success
    What is considered a success varies depending on the individual, but in most cases, it requires consistently being stable in personal function and performing on a team under authority without significant conflict. The ultimate goal if Project F.A.T.E. is to get agents back into the normal ranks of the DWMA, which requires them being able to reliably function in most capacities as any other agent would. However, and unlike the Paean Program, Project F.A.T.E. includes continued assistance for agents that require therapy, medication, oversight, or check-ins. The DWMA has taken close care to view the mental health field and success rates for programs to continue adherence. Even after a success in the program, Agents may be subjected to a probationary period in which they have their official standing rank but require additional compliance to continue so while proving they are efficient and reliable in the field. This is persistently necessary for most types of Agents. All Agents up for reinstatement undergo an "exit program" in which their outlined plans for reinstatement are provided. Optionally, if an Agent finds themselves facing difficulties doing this alone, they can request additional support via returning to their Advocate or even requesting additional time in Project F.A.T.E..

    Fate Agent Allotments
    Fate Agents are provided a housing voucher to help pay for their monthly housing situation, up to a set amount, a monthly stipend, and allowed transportation services, often free of charge, as any other DWMA Agent would be. The stipend for F.A.T.E. Agents is actually notably larger than that of regular agents, alongside the addition of a housing voucher. However, unlike regular Agents, F.A.T.E. Agents are not paid for any missions they complete from the DWMA, although they can still be given personal rewards or payment from any party that requested the help. The housing voucher is intended to pay for what the DWMA Financial Analysts determine is the average cost of a single bedroom studio apartment in the residential district of Death City, any many complexes have agreed to accept this as full payment. The additional stipend and housing voucher exists to allow Fate Agents to focus primarily on the program to avoid financial stressors leading to failure. The stipend in terms of its "general allowance" is includes sufficient funds for both eating healthy, moderate clothing purchases, and entertainment. Many businesses within Death City also offer discounts or otherwise reduced pricing as part of a contract with the DWMA to further assist DWMA Agents, and thus extends to Fate Agents though is not unique to them.

    There does exist an unfortunate stigma against Fate Agents both within the DWMA and the public outside of it. While this is far from universally true, select groups of people--often that also question magic or may even have a general disdain for the DWMA--also judge and negatively perceive Fate Agents. Many will treat them as lesser, delinquents, or drop outs with their training being remedial and the extra effort being put into them a waste. This has even seen to bleed over after successfully being reinstated. While efforts to educate other agents in the DWMA and the public regarding Fate Agents has been made, it hardly disperses the stigma against them. This is an ongoing issue with no clear resolution in sight. The hope is that with sufficient time and continued success of Project F.A.T.E., this issue will become less and less prominent, but as the program is still quite new and there are few true statistics for it, alongside no long-term data, it will be quite some time before this stigma is lessened significantly.

    Addendum: As of the April 1st terrorist attack known as the Twisted Joke, the stigma against Fate Agents has lessened considerably. While many still perceive them as liabilities and habitual "problem agents", their value to the DWMA was proven in the attack. There exists a significant divide amongst other agents and administration regarding the acceptance and tolerance of Fate Agents. On a formal level, restrictions on Fate Agents has been lessened and some individuals. Advocates for the Fate Program, such as Professor Davis and Black☆Star, provide substantial support and endorsement for the program, which has effective the general public opinion of it positively.

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