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Fantasy Extra-Dimensional Traveler's Club

Milus said:
Thank the 7 Lords you didn't ask for bios/personalities. Ruins character developing in rp!
Agreed. I also feel it motivates people to take it too far and make a insanely tragic and traumatic backstory that somehow never shows in the RP, all for the sake of making their character a special snowflake
Kylesar1 said:
Agreed. I also feel it motivates people to take it too far and make a insanely tragic and traumatic backstory that somehow never shows in the RP, all for the sake of making their character a special snowflake
I agree with that statement. I rarely do a tragic story unless I am doing it for a use of character development from a sad eyed, no use person to an amazing character with potential.

Also... this rp seems interesting. May join
I agree with ya'll, I usually just have a character from a typical normal family, so technically I'm the special snowflake because I'm the only one who has a non-tragic backstory.

Anyways, I was wondering if it was ok if Cleo was already in the club and is with Scarlet at the booth?
Okay, I already got my char sheet approved, and I have already posted in the front. I apologise if its too long to read. >.<
Hey yo, I saw mention of a world named Quillian, and I might be wrong here, but that seriously feels like a reference to one of the dimensions in the Pendragon series by DJ Machale. Especially how the watch looks like something that might come from there too. Just making a guess here, but do I sense some inspiration from Pendragon? xD If so, mad props. That's a great series.
I would think that the relic comes from multi dimensions. Not just Quillian.

Shouldn't we wait for others to join in before we proceed too much ?
ERm Genesis, you're 6. Is it a typo ? or are you really young ? Also, I believe the relics are given at the school ground by the club ?
No Typo, Genesis is Six. It is the Relic from its dimension. A self aware relic, kinda like Avery. A year before Scarlet joined it was obtained by previous club members.

Of course, this would only be the case if accepted.
Hey, some stuff has come up irl that's going to take up a bit of time right now and since this RP seems to be moving at a pretty fast pace, I think I might just have to drop out of this one. Was fun while it lasted though. Sorry, guys. D: At least nothing too huge has happened yet so I don't think it'll have much effect.

NiflheimArisen said:
Hey, some stuff has come up irl that's going to take up a bit of time right now and since this RP seems to be moving at a pretty fast pace, I think I might just have to drop out of this one. Was fun while it lasted though. Sorry, guys. D: At least nothing too huge has happened yet so I don't think it'll have much effect.
Ahhh well that sucks

I understand though. Good luck
You can either be part of the group, since your character is a silent one, thus could've been overlooked.......

...........or they could've wandered in right as they teleported and ended up at a different location, lost, and in trouble from pissing off the spiders


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