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One x One Exodus' End

As tempting as it is to stay up and post I really need to sleep. I'll reply tomorrow. :)
Nighty night! Don't let the bed bugs bite!

Or let Jenkins guard you from bed bugs, or anything really. He's terrible.
Poor Jenkins, getting all the crap. :P

I posted a little one this morning. It's going to be a busy day so I can't spend too much time writing detailed posts. I'll write whenever I get the chance though.
Sorry for the short post, but I think we need your character already near the shuttle before confrontation.
By the way, I hope you don't get offended by all the bashing that Jess does against the agricultural people. She's been around arrogant elitists for too long. :P
I left the result of her attack open ended so you can choose if it worked or not. Let's get the ship going quickly.
I'm going to have to call it quits on our awesome posting spree. ;) I may post again later tonight but don't know for sure right now. It's been fun!
Hey! I work a part time job and that took up most of yesterday and today, and I have to fit in homework around that. It's hard to post on work days. I don't have to go anywhere tomorrow though, so I'll be up for that tomorrow.
Well, my post was distinctly lacking. Sorry about that. I just couldn't think of anything worthwhile to say. :/

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