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One x One Exodus' End

It's pretty good, though I'll probably edit a bit of it about the terraforming process. Also, the info on humanity will go into the species section of the lore that I'll type up later. I'm thinking they didn't really regress in evolution, but we're more of mutated by the radiation and part of the terraforming process. Sound good?
Okay, accidently deleted the first post on the lore page when I tried to edit it and that apparently deleted the whole tab. It'll be back up in a little, but I gotta say sorry for that. Whoops...
It doesn't matter, I've got it all saved on a document on my computer. :P I'll just have to fish it out of the garbage bin.
What should we call the first ship? I was thinking The Moses. You know, to keep with the Exodus theme here.
Well, I was thinking a quick technology and species addition to the lore page as well as finishing up our character sheets. Forgetting anything else?
Not that i can think of. Ill try to finish my character sheet tomorrow. Im drained at the moment.
Yeah! Finished my cs. I have some family over right now though so I can't post yet personally.

You can go ahead if you want.
I've left it to you to describe what the event looks like since I really am a bit clueless. I hope you don't mind our characters not meeting right at the beginning.

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