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One x One Exodus' End

So if I were to add all of my geography and stuff, should I put it here in this post?
I'd hold up with the geography for a bit, I'm having a Lore page put in for the species and location information.
Okay. I'm putting a post together right now but I'll post it on the lore page once it's in. You're taking care of the alien species themselves?
will this only be one on one or do you want more people cause i see a lot of those nowadays.
I'm creating a guard. He spent his whole life on the agricultural ship, so he has those "farmer values" which would translate to southern values today. Usually a happy guy, knows a lot about cooking and edible plants, as does nearly everyone on an agriculture ship. Only knows rudimentary mechanical information though.

Well obviously my character is a bit of a rebel. Growing up surrounded by poverty has caused an ingrained sympathy for poor people and instant dislike for authority, especially rich authority. She's learned to get herself out of trouble with lies and trickery. She had a mentor for a number of years that taught her the tricks of the trade, and specializes in utilizing technology to get her where she wants to go. She doesn't trust anyone and doesn't believe in relationships because she grew up around a lot of bad ones.

She's spent a lot of time around the elites of society from whom she most often thieves and because of this she likes to wear expensive clothing and has adopted a slight arrogant air.

That's mostly bad stuff about her I suppose...I'll have to work on making her a bit nicer than she appears in all that. :P
I just don't want her to be all negativity and sour face. Otherwise your character will have no reason to actually start liking her ever.
Don't worry, her personality that your writing down is only the one she'll have when we start the story. Are characters won't be static, they'll change as the story progresses.

Plus, we'll probably do a campfire backstory telling later on.
Maybe your character can help mine see some good in the universe. :)

By the way, how detailed do you like character sheets to be? I'm not really feeling up to writing a big long one but I want to make sure you don't mind a more basic one.
Just one quick thing of note, you wouldn't have the cell phone. Cell phones wouldn't work in space as the background 'noise' and radiation of space would scramble the signal. Now, there are equivalents for inside the ship communication, which would work by connecting to the ships communication network that is hard wired into the ship. Communication between ships would require a dedicated communication array, and the public ones have a wait time if needed.
Right...not sure why I went with cell phone. Doesn't make any sense. Thanks for pointing that out!

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