Exiled: An Idea Discussion


Cool shuppy waddling away from explosions

Hey there! So recently (yesterday) I wondered to myself why countries around the world don't really enact the punishment of exiling criminals anymore, aside from the whole "cruel and unusual" punishment thing. After doing a bit of research, I thought about what the world would look like if this was re-implemented back into modern day society, and thought that would be a pretty cool RP start. Though I don't think I have time right now to host/gm another RP, I do want to throw the idea out there for people to mash up and hopefully talk about (maybe even do it on your own? who knows *shrug* So the idea would be that it's 2025. America's passed a law saying that anyone with a prison stance of 10 or more years would be exiled from its borders. However the problem is that they violate the international treaties and stuff by just dumping criminals in other countries. Since no one wants to start a nuclear war over this, what other countries started to do was to collect the said criminals and toss them back within US borders. However, the sentence given during the exile process stated that "upon the penalty of death, the sentenced will not return to the soil of the United States of America" and so as such, if the exiled are caught within the US border again (even if it's against their will with, say, a foreign power dumping them on Virginia beach or something) they would be shot. This has caused human rights activities and others to be outraged. However, the law and enforcement stands, with the criminals being tossed back and forth like a tennis ball in a match between different nations who have all enacted the same type to treatments (not all are developed nations, and not all developed nations have sanctions such as this. So the RP would be that the RPer's characters are all convicted of some crime or another, and are being exiled from the United States. They get stranded in a foreign land where danger abounds and the people don't speak the English. That's pretty much as far of thinking this as I got. I haven't thought about where they would be dumped, whether the dangers are the government trying to send them back to the US or just general exploitation by the local criminal elements. Not sure what the goal is, but one possible one was that the exiles heard about countries like the ones in Scandinavia and others where they can make themselves a new life without being hunted and such but have to go through countries worth of hostile territories to the promised land. Pretty much that was what I had thought up. Feel free to critique or customize it as your own. Just a fun thought exercise I suppose.

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