Exalted Tutorial

The fact this has vanished literally right before I wanted to show some new players it makes me sad.
This...is ridiculously awesome o_o

I would've loved to have had something like this back when I started 2E for the first time lol
Thanks, this is a great resource for me. I had not even heard about Exalted before coming to this forum.
Umm... Wolf just came across this same tutorial. Alexandra posted a link to it in a welcome thread for one of teh newbs (in a shameless attempt to imprison yet another free soul). I read through pretty much everything and I played through the tutorial and actually really liked it, though I must admit a few things seemed a bit overcomplicated. Even you Exalted veterans gotta admit that it can be difficult to keep track of things! :(

Anyhow, I seem to remember once upon a time someone here offered to host an Exalted game with the sole purpose of gathering a group of newcomers to the game and teaching them how to play. I'm not talking about teaching us the basics - I think all of the participants should be required to complete the aforementioned tutorial first because it's interesting and fun and sets people off on the right track (seems to me at least). So with this starting knowledge, perhaps we'd stand a chance at actually playing and completing an Exalted game. Yes, I said "we" because the Wolf would be willing to try as well, if there is such a person here who would be willing to sacrifice a bit :tongue:

Of course, this person would be expected to take the task at least semi-seriously and not as a joke and something that can be shoved aside and ignored just because the players are noobs. Not saying there's people like that here, of course. I was pondering joining an existing game, but games already in progress are difficult enough to adapt to on their own, let alone having to learn a whole new system on the go! Additionally, since I can't be alone in my struggle, it seems like a good idea to get a small group together of like 3-6 people under the leadership of one or two veteran Exalted Storytellers. I mean, I can read pages and pages of text, but you learn only when actually putting the knowledge in practice, not to mention abstract tutorials dishing out infodumps of rules and concepts can be confusing even when supplying examples. No, only an actual game will do, and it's probably not a good idea to disrupt a real game with my petty mistakes and fails :(

Again, apologies if something like this was already attempted (I vaguely recall that is was) and didn't work.
If memory serves, @Thorn Darkblade was the aforementioned ST willing to bring new players into Exalted. I think he previously said that he has busy times til the end of this month, but even if he is not able to spare the time, I'll bet there are other STs out there wanting to indoctrinate introduce people into Exalted.

Captain Hesperus
Yes, yes, I do believe you're right, Captain, as usual! I believe it was Thorn, but I do not recall how the idea ended. Busy until the end of this month, you say?

Well, with the amount of Exalted fanatics here I simply couldn't believe it if we didn't find a single person willing to school us. I mean, this really would be a minimum effort operation as far as classical Storytelling goes. We're talking a skeleton story, short to medium campaign length, less accent on the pretty colors and emphasis on game mechanics. Yes, it would be somewhat demanding I imagine in the sense of having to double-check people's posts, correct mistakes and solve problems and questions, not to mention exercise patience :P

But surely we could make some sort of arrangement. As long as we kept it small, there shouldn't be big problems! *bark*
Sorry, jewelry sale for my class is this coming weekend. I have til friday to finish my pieces or forever fail my class. Might run something towards winter break.
Forever failing sounds really bad. Whenever you have the time and will, then. Besides, I don't think just one game is going to be enough so perhaps after we've gone through Alazair's basic training, you could host another game but slightly more advanced to teach us some more complex aspects of Exalted ;)
Just so you know, this was the first thread I looked at here. In fact, I think my google search sent me to this very page. Thanks @Grey for posting the link which led me to finding this forum :D

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