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Fantasy Evil Unite ;)


The evil one
Hello darlings, this is aqua speaking, oh right i am unknown now. Also known as the evil one, i have a proposition for all of you aspiring walkers of the night, evil doers and aspiring villains, why do you not join me in my castle, join forces for evil, or learn how to. Hmph.

Alright hello there! As you can see the idea is about aspiring evil, i want you to join my castle, and reign terror against the universe, why stop so short of the world? An rp where the narrator or rp moderator is basicly the evil queen. I want you to join me, she is conceited, arrogant, and quite eager to see you. 

Of course there will be other elements such as those who want to do good, a fantasy land full of foolish peasants, and whatever else. 

This is open for development, and i am open for suggestions. Who is interested ;)

an evil organization led by me. HAHAHAHA. Whatever fantasy world you came from? <-- (side note: It is not led by me, because we are all villains and we are equal. Unless you want to be a subject to us, thats cool. Just using my castle. Just using my castle :) )
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Isn't it? :D  

The world can bow at our feet! Watch them marvel, however, with no world there is no evil. hmhm we will have to play with the puny mortals while we can shouldn't we? *is readily in character XD*
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Alright, so we will need an opposing element, someone who is interested in being the good of the world in which we despise. Any volunteers? "Yes you readers! The leader of the good people. Haha not that you will last long." <-- An evil queen.
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I would be very interested in joining. I love villains, and like to play villains, but I'd be down to play someone on the side of "good" if you're in need of such a character ;)  I'm happy to stir things up a bit.
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I love playing evil. But I'm also kinda terrified I will freak other people out, for I can play REALLY EVIL.
I love playing evil. But I'm also kinda terrified I will freak other people out, for I can play REALLY EVIL.

More evil the better ;)  


@Everyone @Kiroshiven @Creekstar @Shnuydude @ApfelSeine @RatFlail @The Wicked Witch @marorda @srebrenica


Shall we have the castle be in an interdimension, similar to howls moving castle. You can either be connected to one world or several dimensions with one world as our prime one. 

Second: We have the castle be in a fantasy world hidden on the island up north where it seems to constantly storm and the sun never shows. 

third: We can have the evil castle be hidden as a giant mansion in modern society, near the subburbs. Unbeknowest to the ordinary roberts next door the center for evil lurks next door. [with third and second option of still being connected to other dimensions edit: other worlds.] 

questions? Comments? 
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One and two are pretty epic. The third has the potential for hilarity.

I vote for 3 with a hidden trait against normals in most circumstances just so that we can have an unnerved pizza guy delivering us food ("I swear that house isn't here unless they get a delivery!"). But we do need to tip. There's evil and then there's evil.
Im continuing with the pattern. Three. They'll never suspect the allure of the mansion to be that of evil calling you to your doom. Muahahahahahahahahahahaha
I very much like the idea of multiple dimensions / worlds but real world sounds cool to! As long as we know who runs the land of Oz here ✴
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The first idea actually can fit in with the third and second. They can still be connected to different dimensions but the prime world or physical location of the mansion can be in the third. See what i mean? The only difference is unlike the first it wont be located in its own inter dimension. [possibly dimensional doors are influenced by either the owner of the castle of whom is a magical creature herself, or by the castle itself, of which has its own random ideas.]
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