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Fandom Everyday life with monster girls House Kai

"Oh I plan to." Shun said with a mischievous grin on her face. Taking a look around a listening she could tell they was at least two others not including herself and the man now known as Kai.

"You wouldn't be able to lend me a hand would you?" Shun asked Kai it was partially a joke shown by the fact that she opened her wings wide reveling no hands but she really could do with the help.
"Yeah, you can use my room for a bit," he grabbed the bags and carried them to Kai's room. "I can sleep on the couch"
Shun eyes slightly widened at the offer of using Kai bed.

"You sure I don't want to be a nuisance." Shun said following Kai she would feel slightly bad if she did end up stealing his bed with him being nice enough to lend out his own house to beings he really doesn't know.

Isis now fully dressed slithered around through the hallway to get a look at the newest resident. A harpy huh?... She wasn't a fan of birds but she wouldn't judge the book by its cover. She waited in the hallway not wanting to interrupt their conversation. She looked back to see the new but not as new as the bird girl, girl running out the bathroom.

"... what happened to her?"

She muttered.
"erf!" he sets the bags down, "I dont mind for the night, im sure miss-you-know-who would rearrange my house anyways. What the hell is in these bags? Rocks?"
Shun tilted her head. "I got a better idea." Shun said smiling. "We could share the bad, I'm small so I'm sure you could get in next to me." Shun added before nodding. "Only a few rocks." Shun muttered she had a strange thing for picking up interesting looking rocks.
Isis's eyes widened when she heard the suggestion. What was that girl thinking?!, how indecent! despite this she remained quiet and just stood there with a frown on her face.

"I appreciate the offer, but I can handle it on my own thanks." he was circled-eyed and jaw dropped when he saw the rocks.
Oh well thank goodness for that at least. She was worried something might have happened. Why was she so worried about it anyhow? She had no idea she just sighed in relief.

"You sure I get cold at night, you would be doing my a favor as well." Shun said before shrugging. "But suit yourself I don't want to force you or anything." Shun added. "Oh and thanks for the help."
The convo ended and nighttime came around. Isis and Yuna bunked while Shun was sleeping in Kai's room. Kai had a futon out in the living room. He was thinking to himself and looked at the ceiling, Girl after girl, they keep coming. Two today, what next will happen? he closed his eyes and turned to his side. He kinda felt a little bit of breathing on him, thinking it was his imagination, decided to open his eyes, wide.
Yuna remained awake. She had a million things running through her brain. She shook her head and shut her eyes.

Isis was having trouble sleeping too, there all these new people around now. She liked Yuna she was her partner in crime but she got weird vibes from the harpy and she hadn't even seen the fairy but once. While she was lying there thinking about it she heard a familiar scream.

'Oh what did he get himself into now?, alright mission see what the hell is going on commence"

She slithered silently through the dark hall and peered around the corner.

Kai sprawled out of his comfortable futon and Smith rose up, pushing her hair out of her face, she seemed like she was in the covers as well. How can he have not noticed her?! A brute but ninja?!

Then she yawned.

"I wanted to stop by and give ya *yawns* additional rooms but i guess you have it figured out by now"

She got out of the covers and Kai had a nosebleed,

Smith was sexy as hell, with her legs and black lacy panties

*spurrrrt!* Fanfare *ta-daaaaa*




She mentally facepalmed at the sheer ridiculousness of the situation taking place in front of her snake eyes. She then simply flipped the light switch and yawned softly.


*Tilts head to one side rubbing her eye*

"Waz dis? I just came looking for water... why's big-boobie lady here?"

*Pouty frown*

Smith: "Why visiting of course, and a little nap with KaiKai.." she did a little embrace on him an puts his face between her breasts. Squeak Kai's face was buried, he could breath.

"How come you all never got a chance to snuggle with him like a doll?" she gently strokes his head. "It does say No Inter-Breeding, but never said to fool around with, am i riiiight? *whispers to Isis* he's cute you know"

Isis hissed defensively and reflexively. Why was she messing with them?

"Did you just call him a doll?, Objectifying much?"

That was like saying he was just something to toy with, well he sure didn't look like plastic to her, although in all honesty she kind of did.

"Just how many surgeries have you had Mrs. Smith?"

She chuckled and grabbed Kai with her tail snatching him from her. She was a bit territorial sometimes.
"None, I'm a natural." she stood up and flipped her hair back and her breast bounced as so.

Kai, finally able to breathe again, he had a sudden grip around his body "Yipe!"

"Oh really now?"

She then moves so she's all in the woman's face and chest to chest her pointy ears flicking backward. She had no issue with her until now.

"Where is the evidence?, prove it"

Kai didn't really catch onto that, until this happened, he might as well bleed a ocean.

Smith grinned and took her shirt and bra off, relieving of what a female body has, breasts, G-cups. smith took one of Isis's hands and placed them on her chest. "Proof"


xD Well that escalated quickly)


*Squeeze squeeze*

"Well shit..."

They really were real then...

"How do you walk?!?"

And look who was talking.
Smith moaned slightly, and answered.. "Why ask that? i use my legs, thats all i do."

(i dont play as girls for long. its only side character) Smith puts her tops back on and pulls up her pants. "ill come back tomorrow for arrangements. Night" Smith left and closed the door.

Meanwhile, Kai looked like his soul was drooping out of his mouth, Isis's was constricting him tightly.



(Sorry for the delay my brother had invaded my room)

Isis hadn't realized she had been squeezing him too tight again and when she realized she let him go and apologized.

"Uh, sorry about all that..."
(bruh.. falls backward)

Kai caught his breath and thanked Isis. "Whatever happened, or how Smith got in here, I have no clue or what happened, except one part, What happened? did she say anything?"

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