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Fantasy Eva and Neo's adventures


A long time ago in the distant land of Alberia...

Alberia was a prosperous kingdom. It was wealthy, clean, and had little poverty. The neighboring kingdom larongar however was extremely different. The kingdom was dirty, poor and poverty stricken, mostly because of the crime that ran rampant throughout the kingdom. Most of the crime was due to a band of men (and women) that called themselves "the ()". Although Alberia and larongar were quite close to each other, the two kingdoms didn't get along. Neither of the kingdoms knew why they were rivals though. The rivalry had begun so long ago that no one even remembered what it was about! The current king of Alberia (Krystallus) was getting sick of the constant rivalry and warfare between the two kingdoms. He wanted to make it right any way he could. He thought long and hard about what he could do to bring reconciliation between the kingdoms.

One night as he was pacing the floor of his bedroom he came up with the solution to the problem! He would hire a mercenary to take out the(). Hopefully Larongar would be so grateful that they would forget the rivalry between the kingdoms!

The next morning he sent his messenger out to fetch the best mercenary in the kingdom. This mercenary was famous for her skills... Yet she was also famous for being rather... unpredictable

He then had the great idea to send someone else with her to ensure she didn't get into trouble and make the relationship between the two kingdoms even worse

He sat patiently on his throne looking out the giant window of his castle. The castle was built on a hill above the rest of the kingdom so he could look down on his subjects. There was only one road leading up to the castle and that road was heavily guarded and well protected.

His trusted mage Alldurous had an apprentice known as Neo. Alldurous had suggested that Krystallus should send Neo with the mercenary. Krystallus wasn't sure why. He hadn't heard much about Neo all he knew was that he was young and still learning... But if Alldurous trusted him that was good enough.

~~time skip to about an hour later~~

(Purple is Eva's color) eva smiled as she walked up the path by the road to the castle. There were so many pretty flowers along the path. She stopped to pick some and brought them to her nose, inhaling the sweet scent. She then proceeded to stick the flowers in her long braid and continue on her way to the castle

She was stopped several times by several guards asking her what her business was at the castle. She only had to reply with "I'm eva-" before they quickly let her continue on her way. She knew people were scared of her and it often made her sad. She had no friends because of it
(Light blue is Neo's color) Neos approached the castle, confused as to why his Teacher would send him alone to such a royal place. He passed a girl picking flowers who had a odd disposition to her. He slightly scoffed as he continued to the palace.

The Guards saw Neos' letter and let him in. As he looked back he saw that odd girl doing the same as him. He worriedly thought
"Is she coming here too? Oh I hope not"
Neos felt a little bad that a thought like that would come to him, but he had other matters to worry about.
Eva skipped up to the large palace gates and looked over to see that there was a blond boy waiting there as well for the gates to open. She looked him up and down. Something about him put her on edge. She rested her hand on the hilt of her sword. She definitely did not like this guy
Neos stopped to admire the King's Library. He was amazed at the many books that filled the shelves of his great hall. Once the thought of his mission came back, He rushed to the path to the king
Along the way he started walking close to the peculiar girl. He wanted to make up for his past thought, so he introduced himself, only to be nice
"uhh, Hi! I saw you with the flowers and thought, why dont I greet myself; I'm Neos!"
Eva made an almost animal like growl. She wanted to tell this enthusiastic little weirdo to fuck off but she was working on being nicer. Who knows, she thought, he might not be so bad. She held out her hand for him to shake and mumbled "Hi, I'm Evangeline" in her least monotone voice
Neos recoiled a bit at the girls response
"She.. she just growled at me.. is she okay?" Neos thought to himself.
With a tad hesitation, Neos responded
"Hi.. Evangeline, that's a.. pretty name"
She held her hand up awkwardly for a few more seconds and then put it down when he made no attempts to shake her hand. Every word he spoke made her want to slap him... Or stab him. Either one. She stared menacingly at him thinking of all the painful things she wanted to do to him
As she stared at him menacingly, he realized his hands where behind his back in utter fear of moving. Neos had to get out of this potentially deadly situation in the least awkward way now.
"umm.. I'm so.. umm, I gotta go, I hope you have a good.. life?" replied Neos in the most awkward way possible.
He shuffled himself quickly to the throne doors before he could wish some one else another "good life"
Eva watched him leave. Well he's a weirdo, she thought. As she watched him walk she realized that the room he entered was the throne room... The same room she was going to. She groaned loudly and started screaming and banging her head on the wall. After a few minutes of this she composed herself and walked calmly and gracefully into the throne room
Neos opened the doors to the throne room, and heard the King Shout in his loud, boisterous voice
(Kings's color is red) "AHH NEOS! The man of the hour! Thank you for coming in at such the late notice"
"Oh no problem, my royalness."
"Ohh enough with the formalities, call me Krystallus!"
"Yes, my.. umm Krystallus. If I may be blunt sir, why have you called me?"
"Lets wait for our last guest until we get into information"
Neos suddenly got a sinking feeling in his gut when the dots started to connect. "Oh.. please n-"
just then Eva kicked the door open and yelled "HEY BITCHES!! I'M HEREEEE!!! And then walked over to Neos and gave him a pat on the head. She then bowed to the king and said " Wassup your kingliness? " and then proceeded to roll on the floor in a fit of hysterical laughter
Neos couldn't believe what sight he had just beheld..
"Shes.. shes actually mad.." He thought to himself, not caring if he was nice anymore
"Sire, please tell me whatever that is about to happen does NOT involve this.. this creature!"
Eva froze face down on the floor. She growled and then stood up. She walked over to Neos and grabbed the front of his robes and lifted him off the ground with ease. So his feet were dangling a few inches above the ground "id be very very careful about what you say about me" she said looking into his eyes murdereosly"I could kill you so fast you would never even realize what happened" she then put him back down on the ground and gave him a big smile and patted him on the head again
Shaken with fear and anger, he wanted to retaliate in such a way Alderous hadn't ever seen. Neos had just the power to do the same, but he decided to take the higher road. He looked at the king who was oddly enjoying the exchange. No one was going to help his current situation.
"Wisdom beats any brute, any day" recited the proverb his teacher told him in his head. He collected himself, glared at the lady in front of him before he said.
"Sire, now that your two guests have arrived, what would you want us to do?"

" Well, you two have been chosen to aid me in a dire task. Our Neighboring country that has been our rials is under attack. I need a very small team to go and scout the area so we can send enough help to possibly fix the ongoing rivalry."
Eva started to laugh hysterically again but stayed on her feet this time "you want ME to work with HIM??" She said, starting to get angry "I work alone!"
"I know Evangeline, but you tend to be.."
"Reckless? ill-mannered? Insane?" Neos could feel Evangeline glare and growl, but the king spoke up this time.
"Not specifically! but lets admit together that your practices could use some.. grace"
Eva took a deep breathe. She looked at Neo, studying him. He wasn't bad looking. In fact he was actually kind of attractive. Too bad his personality was trash. Oh well, she guessed traveling with a cute guy and possibly killing people wouldn't be too bad. She bowed and said to the king "yes sire, I shall do as you ask"
Neos was taken back by the sudden mood change. Was she being sarcastic? Did she mean it? He could not tell, and one look at the king showed he was confused as well. He noticed her studying his body, and gave her a scowl. She didn't notice and continued looking. Neos couldn't believe what he had gotten himself into.
"Well.. It's settled then! if you are truly up for the task then I will give you two days to prepare yourself before the trip."
"Yes your majesty" she said bowing again to the king and then she looked at Neo, smiled and walked toward him and hugged him
Neos was once again caught off guard by Evangeline's absurd gesture..
"She.. shes hugging.. me? What is this lady's problem?!"
Eva let go of Neo and smiled at him and proceeded to walk to the door. as she walked she thought "This is going to be a great adventure"

~ ~end of chapter one~~

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