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Fantasy Etlemest: The Prelude OOC and Rules


Elder Member


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1. All the RpN rules apply, obviously.

2. If you're going to leave for more than a week, leave a message in the OOC tab, no exceptions. If you're out doing something, the 2 minutes spent in the bathroom could be "I'm gonna be gone for a week on vacation"

3.Do not post until you've been accepted. I feel that is obvious, but I've seen some people totally neglect this.

4. As a mix of detailed and casual, the most I can ask is for atleast three lines per post. That's a small minimum but should not be the maximum. If your character is thinking something, remembering, or feeling something; write it in a way that shows, not tells. ( The sun was red "Within the blue ocean of a sky, not a single 'puff' of cloud was in sight to block the bright and raging ember of a sun")

5. If you read all the rules, put "Where the hell am I?" or something of the sort in your character sheet

6. I don't think there will be too much combat between characters as long as everyone is on the good side, but if there is, do not just kill off anothers character.


I mean, yeah. If you have anything you needa say, put it here
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Sorry about the lack of posts, life has reared it's ugly head and I'm just trying to recover. I'll mostly be on weekend nights as this is when I have the most spare time. I promise I'm not going anywhere! :D
Err.... so I have my first post up. I'm currently reading through what has happened so far. 
i saw! i wouldve had a post up lastnight but i pretty much passed out ^^''

EDIT: Though now theres one up!
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Technically both. Before, we all ended up having no time and it slowed down until we had to stop, and once our schedules opened up a bit more we restarted it. Though, prelude takes place 8 days after creation, the one before was two years after its creation.
Also RP nation changed a bunch of stuff in the middle of it so it we couldn't really use BB code and kinda slowed things down.

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