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Eternal Soul (Punk and Kitphiroth)


Adulting is Hard
(Starter. Sorry this took sooooo blooooooody long)

Zabriel had been wandering those woods for several weeks, trying to determine exactly where that pull was coming from, where his soul mate existed. Twenty years was a long time to wait for his mate, though it wasn't by far the longest. Yet this, this was the greatest journey he had undergone. It had seemed, for the longest time, that every time he had gotten close to her, she'd up and moved. A rare occurrence that was. To move that much. Zabriel was uncertain as to how long he had been alive, or how long he had followed this soul. Traveling to the ends of the earth, sometimes in vain, to get close enough to almost see his mate, only to have her snatched away from him. This time however, the connection was strong, and he felt that he was remarkably close, as he traveled the forest, picking his way along paths when he could find them, and threading his way through trees when he couldn't.

His clothing was a bit on the strange side. Not quite fitting into current fashions, but being alive as long as he had, one learned a few hobbies to try and fill the time. Currently, his fashioned consisted of a tightly fitted tunic under a collared jacket, and loosely fitted trousers. All three articles were of dark colors, browns and greens to help him blend into the forest. His boots were soft leather, and the pack on his back, was remarkably empty. He traveled light, with only a few changes of clothes, food, water, a hunting knife, and his bow, which he held with loose fingers, a quiver with about a dozen arrows at his side. He was cautious, considering the fact the forest had gone silent a few hours past, and the only noises were the wind rustling through the leaves of the trees overhead, and his soft breaths.

It was then that he heard it, a rustle of cloth, not his own, and the crack of a twig as another figure fidgeted. He could make out the outlines of the two through the trees, just at the edge of his vision, and, curious as to what they were trying to guard, he crept closer, only to feel the connection between him and his mate shift. An odd ache in his heart that he had come to learn was his mate realizing his existence.  
Kitesoix was a person who lived in obscurity, a person of nature that lived far from the human condition.  Her soul was one that remained undying, repeated as many times as it needed to due to who, and what she was.  The Monolith; a soul who must be put in another body until the end of days.  The forest was home of a small human population of monks that aided the Monolith to remain safe from the wars of human people, but she still frequently was caught between them.  However, on this day, she felt something strange as she was in a shielded area looking for berries.   Kitesoix, in her many life, never chose a companion as many of them had short lives and would die before she had the chance to truly know them or her life would be ripped from her due to politics or war. 

On this day, however, when she heard the shifting of branches it was cause for concern.   He entire body could not settle, whether it was fear or anxiety because she was entirely alone.  When she was sure she was safe, she stopped her body from movement and gathered her basket of berries for later and turned her back towards where she thought the noise came from.  She listened intently, taking several paces backwards until she felt the front of a body, known as Zabriel.   Her first reaction was to yelp, jump forward and move her right hand against the air to freeze the water inside it to create a temporarily blockade between them.   The blockade war taller than her and wet roughly five feet which was enough to stop a progressive step forward.

"Stop! W-Who are you."  She was not frequently touched by others, especially not within a vulnerable setting like this.  Now that he could see her, she was quiet small and was covered in what appeared to be heavy robes of a special kind, white and lavender hair with strange markings on exposed skin and small antlers.   So, she appeared human enough in body shape but her markings said she was of something else.

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