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Fantasy Escape the Darkness

Elsa received the messaged from a mechanical bird, knowing where it came from. She wrote on the other side of the note, 'I'll try and meet up with you as soon as possible. I met two other people and they need help. ' She sent the note back with the bird and created a wagon with her mind, placeing the knocked out hooded man onto it and the other person. She pulled it herself without a drop of sweat.
Sanpuku got the bird back and wondered if the boy back there where he met the dragon will come with him he quickly ran right back to him"hey dude with bone wings I want to ask you a question."
"one are you infected with the darkness and if you're not next question will you help us fight it?"
Drako didn't know how to answer the question. He WAS indeed infected, but he wasn't under its control. It's what gave him his wings. "Pfft, no. I'm not infected..." He said. "And sure, I'll help fight."
"okay that was a weird way to answer the first one but get on Robo we can travel faster"Sanpuku got Robo and help the other guy up if he needed it
when the other guy was on Robo off faster than a horse"oh yes my name is Sanpuku this is Robo."
Spontan took notice of something flying through the air above the woods in the distance. He tilted his head before squinting.

"Huh, would you look at that." he mumbled before jumping down to the Darkness infested streets below "Guess I won't be bored much longer."

He then looked for the nearest infected civilian, a portly man who used to run the florist shop. Spontan ran him through on his spear and lifted him up, the former florist wiggling around on the spear as Spontan began walking out of the fallen village.

"I'm gonna call you Joey." Spontan said as 'Joey' wiggled about on the spear and his inky blood spilled out over the ground as Spontan carried him out of the village.

"So Joey, wanna hear about the time I saw a Dark Jester devour an entire Ogre tribe?"

Joey wretched up some more sludge-like Darkness in response.

"Of course you do."

And so, Spontan and Joey the Infector began the trek through the forest.
"man I thought flying will be more harder than riding something but don't worry you only have to last 5 more hours and then we be at the base of the mountain."Sanpuku said with a smile easly holding on with only one hand"I can't believe there is not this many infected"
Elsa kept pulling the wagon and saw Sanpuku and Robo. "HEY! OVER HERE!" She yelled trying to get their attention.
Robo heard the noise and come to a complete stop and then started to walk towards the noise Sanpuku look over Robo to see Elsa"will be right over there"
Sanpuku looked over at his new companion hoping to see him still there and not on the ground from the sudden stop as a got right in front of Elsa
Elsa spoke quickly. "This forest is really creeping me out, lets just get out of here, have robo take these two, don't ask one of them in unconscious." She gets on robo and hangs on tight, then looks at the dude with bone wings. "Who's he?"
Drako put out his hand for Elsa to shake it, but Elsa kind of turned her head. Drako shrugging and hung on tight once again.
Elsa nodded and watched Drako carefully. She could sense something off about him. Elsa sighed and sat at the back watching the landscape behind them turning smaller. She starts humming a tune she was sing to her soldiers to calm them down. She was like a... Really rough mother.
Elsa turn around. "Hmm? Oh.. Thanks.. I'd sing it to my soldiers when they were nervous before a battle. I learned that yelling at them never works. It just makes them want to run away. Making them comfortable is better..."
Elsa slowly fell asleep and stopped humming. She dreamed of the old times, where there was no darkness was corrupting the souls of people...
eventually they got to the Mountain and Robo took a odd path where no one was able to see it not even the greatest trackers"we are almost there"

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