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Futuristic Epsilon (Always Accepting)


Ronda followed Violet, still keeping an eye on the crowd. She would have liked to be in communication with the other security forces, but that unfortunately wasn't an option right now.

Ronda followed Violet, still keeping an eye on the crowd. She would have liked to be in communication with the other security forces, but that unfortunately wasn't an option right now.

One started his speech with confidence. "Ladies and gentlemen. Citizens of Epsilon. Thank you all for coming in such a great number. By now you've heard a lot of rumours about Project Overhaul. Some were started by us in order to get everyone excited. Some were lucky guesses. Others weren't even close. This is not just another product of the Sphere which changes a section of your life for the better. Ladies and gentlemen, your entire life are about to be changed. As I speak, Mobville Corporation's Logistics branch is updating the inventory of all Mobville stores..." Violet seemed amused and somewhat satisfied by the speech thus far. Almost like she forgot what happened with her lab.
(What happened to the big thread of epsilon??) 

silith stood there in the crowd now her hidden tech having identified there targets as she had moved close to them to follow after the speech had been done. Then she sat with her guard and watched the speech waiting for it to end so she may take violet and get Ronda out of this mess. "Wait for my signal." She whispered under her breath to the man that pretended to be her husband as she clung to him to play it off. "We must be quick and silent, make sure they do not scream or struggle." She whispered making him nod just slightly so no one would notice. To every one else her and the man were a loving couple watching ones speech happily
@Daniel reaving @Crispy Fries @High Moon

No need to write in brackets, consider all of this OOC since the roleplay is in a heavy coma. I'll tag anyone who posted significantly to explain the situation.

The roleplay got ridiculously broken up into a bunch of threads by the staff. Slightly my fault. Mostly theirs. I did intend to bring it back but sadly no one seemed interested in continuing it. I actually did plan  to make a second Epsilon roleplay after a few posts in order to adapt it more to the new system but it seems pointless now.

If you're interested in roleplaying regardless, feel free to check my profile for another roleplay which is the prequel to Epsilon (The Beast Project). So far, only Creeper and I are there and I'm seeing myself pulling the plug on it soon if it remains on just two members.
@High Moon

Well, it's actually just a few years before the trip to Epsilon. They left Earth at 2100 and landed on Epsilon at 2105. So it's probably not that far from the creation unless SCoE is a young organization.
Well eventhough I did not go into much detail during it's creation I imagined SCoE as created by discontent University Students around 2160'-2180 which started out as a Political Movement for more Political and Social reforms that became more and more violent,militiant and akin to Stalinist ideoloy as the state continued to repress them.

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@High Moon

Your choice since it's your organization.

I'll try to lure you in by saying there is plenty of room for rebellious characters. Also, one of One's only allies in this roleplay is (imperial) Russia.
I think I'll pass but please do tag me if you decide to do a sequel or a prequel set on Epsilon,I just don't really like military stuff.

@High Moon

Well, a sequel is half way done but on hold since no one is really interested. If more of the big posters are still interested, I'm ready to bring it back, though.

I, however, feel awkward pestering people to join so if you don't want to wait for me to end my current rp, feel free to check with others :)

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