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Realistic or Modern Enterprise Nexus (Superpowered RP yet Realism based)


The Origin of The End.
CS Page


A groundbreaking independent company known as CoreShare started its prominent rise into the sectors of the high ranking business and influential names of the 20th century. For years it had been a struggling company on the brink of going bankrupt, until their CEO Nathan Luther came forth with a revolutionary idea... to turn their small representative networking business into an entire liaison for all interests of society and nature alike. Business meets political, civilian, and even military affairs. All shared through one hub to correlate and organize a chain of networks that would come to become profitable in event managing, people representation, location organizing, etc. CoreShare became the pedestrian & geodomestic version of the CIA, away from the ties of the government or even shady / greedy corporations and their oversight. Nathan and his company became the go to when you needed a go to. From that, their branching assets in umbrella sectors of the market skyrocketed them into wealth, noteriety, impact, and and revolution. Wall Street, State, and even international figures all comprised themselves in high esteem of the organization, not knowing that Nathan and his company had a deeper seed, one that didn't branch into money or influence, but power remained all the same. It was the seed of blood. There was a program called Enterprise Nexus, that used the sector assets of CoreShare to gather intel and information on every single person in every different sector in society. Their families, affiliates, etc. Then, people started to go missing around the new millennium. Random in location and people, and none would ever think to make the connection. The all seeing eye wasn't the illuminati or even the CIA, it was a quiet, pedestrian organization that no one would think twice about. It was as if people were looking for the monster in the closet, not knowing the real threat was the routine passerby.


Random disappearances started to spread over the US. People , mainly young begin to vanish from all creeds, races, locations, etc. CoreShare's stock gross Fortune 500, Nathan Luther named multiple times most influential man, Nobel Prize winner. The emergence of the internet starts to become popular, with various web applications and the start technology era.


Random disappearances starts to spread over the world. Same randomized clusters of intel and information as the Vanishing Mystery of the US in the 2000s. CoreShare has now went global, embracing the power of the internet and completing various sponsorships and partnerships with third parties and other independent organizations. Nathan spearheads and launches an online based deviant of CoreShare called CorIE, or Core Internet Enterprises. It's here in the new age of data and technology did Nathan amass billions from his already succeeding company, but now branded a conglomerate brand, The Core name has become a staple for a nexus of people and information alike. Nexus.

Present Day.

The same name of the project that so many lives have been lost in. The public and world would always see CoreShare as a pinnacle of potential, but away from the papers and news reports. The interviews, and smiling photo ops of Luther and his employees... under the light of his organization was a dark and grim underbelly. Offsite and privatized warehouses that housed the true nature of the "nexus". The Enterprise Nexus. A coded program named from its use of intel in successfully and covertly wiping people from the face of the Earth, all to make them into something else. Something more and less at the same time. To create the NEXT era that will come beyond technology: Controlled Evolution. You. And the many captives like you who've been through the cinders of hell and rewarded with brimstone. A private staff has housed captives from years, forcing them through inhumane procedures to turn them into a vision of the future. Hardly anyone lives, 9 out of 10 die and cease to exist from a world who's already forgotten about them. But those that live... they become more than. Enhanced abilities, traits, and innate untamed potential. They are called The Nexusians. And today, the fortune of the light was about to be faced with an imminent truth. The darkness was about to emerge from the fires of torment and repression.

The world was about to get an introduction to a greater, much more surreal truth. One very real and apparent. The Nexusians are coming. And they won't be suppressed and restricted any longer. They were going to rise.


This is a non-conventional superpower RP with kind of a feel and expansive sense of X-Men meets Heroes. The ability selection process will be unique, in that you select an ability you'd want/prefer, I randomize an ability, and from there the two abilities will be mixed for your characters' superpower.

(Your preferred power + Random Power = Your True Power)

(You said 'Pyrokinesis' + I randomized and got Rain Control = Smoke/Steam Manipulation OR Acid Manipulation)

• Sometimes mixes can provide more than one choice. I use this process to prevent people from being too OP while offering a related balance to their power. Keeps things fresh and exciting! ^_^ I will not take special requests for specific or pre-thought powers.

Of course this isn't going to be a capes and heroes type fantasy adventure. This will be very grounded and realistic, despite how crazy powers may be. If you've stuck around long enough, reply and respond only IF you are long term into this for the long haul. Even if IRL matters pop up and such I need dedicated, long term players. I really need to know people will stick around for this.

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Sounds interesting and im usually on all the time.
The way that powers are came up with seems really fun. I just worry that some combinations won't really work? Or, at the very least, some combined powers will be very strange and unique, which will be good.
The way that powers are came up with seems really fun. I just worry that some combinations won't really work? Or, at the very least, some combined powers will be very strange and unique, which will be good.
I'll mix them as accurately as I can. I've done this system several times and it works out okay.
Oh damn, a realistic superpower RP with an actual semblence of plot and motive for our characters? Sign me the hell up!
The Cs link is on the main post! I'll only be taking a select number based on content of character and commitment. This won't be first come first serve but I will take anyone who makes a nuanced and fleshed character.
The Cs link is on the main post! I'll only be taking a select number based on content of character and commitment. This won't be first come first serve but I will take anyone who makes a nuanced and fleshed character.
Awesome! :)

By the way, is it okay if we add extra things, like quirks and appearance stuff to the CS as long as the everything you put in the first post is also included?
Oh damn, a realistic superpower RP with an actual semblence of plot and motive for our characters? Sign me the hell up!
The way that powers are came up with seems really fun. I just worry that some combinations won't really work? Or, at the very least, some combined powers will be very strange and unique, which will be good.
I am completely down for this. I love the whole power system idea.
Very interested in this!
Sounds interesting and im usually on all the time.
Oooh this sounds cool count me in

When can I expect CS' ? Can't wait to see them!

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