Enter Ishiya: Tales of Black Skull

"That makes you sound more useful..." Blake said with a smile. So he knew how to fuse weapons but with weapons that weren't made of holy alloys and such. "Well, this dagger is made of bronze and this wand contains remnants of a fire spirit. Do you think you can make something work?" Blake asked.
After a few months the only thing that Hakan has done was training for that battle that Lord Vilemyr talked about and searching this place, he founded secret doors a lot of unique people and talked to them, some of these prisoners have been here for a while and they have told their story and all the tricks he could use at fight, Hakan did not only work physically but also worked his 5 senses, now he can analyze everything that happens around him. Hakan haven’t talked with the wardens for a while so he thought it could be a good idea to visit Erika and Eric, asking around he managed to find their room, He knock at the door but he wasn’t sure of how where they going to react seeing me again but the thing Hakan didn’t want at the moment was a fight at the moment.
Breifly touching the dagger he recoiled as if burned. " That is Celestial Bronze. A holy metal. The wand is also beyond my abilities as it is Elemental Based. I work with Infernal. Such weapons require a master of his trade for they are not of the same alignment. Many such weapons split and try to kill the bearer. " He spoke somewhat quicker as he moved his gems changing to a pale orange. the focus shifted wider and he glanced at a strange door hat seemed to stand leaned against the wall.

"I see... Then I'll have to try myself, I guess. But still I'd like to thank you for letting chat with you... It's been some time and I do feel like I need more training." Blake put the blade and wand inside the small pouch on his side, giving Deus a smile and a bow. With these past months, Blake had also trained his body along with his mind and getting to know some people around this place. Learning about their endeavors and listening to their stories. One face stuck in Blake's mind... A man named Dae who was a prisoner and was up for an early release. Blake managed to learn few tips from him along with a little healing magic. Since it has been some time, Blake felt a visit to Eric and Erika would make for a change and then he would return to his practice, remembering the room as he walked around, but wasn't surprised to see Hakan waiting at their door. "It would seem you haven't been enjoying the luxuries this prison has to offer." Blake said with a small smile. 
(Bumpity Bump.)
Dues watched the man leave and sighted. While he knew many Infernal weapons the touch of Celestial items still reminded him of what he was. He had been infected with the Daemon plague years ago and it awoken his blood. He had a daemon somewhere in his past. The reason he wore the talon all the time was to hide his real claws. He mostly hid his head and had long hair to conceal the tiny horns that spiraled from his head. The Hell Hounds responded to him because of it and they would not harm him. He had hid it but suspected the other Tamer had seen his horns at one time or another. If she had she had never said anything.
Eric was sat across one of the walls, his legs kicking lazily as he yawned. He was not in the mood to do anything so, he simply began to avoid everyone. Specially Erica. The girl had shifted into a darker state these recent days so she had confined herself to her room, locking the door and remaining in solitude. "Grumpy woman" He groaned, shifting himself so that his back was laying against the top of the wall, his arms behind his head. After a few quiet moments the Warden sat up, eyes wide. "Damnit! I'm supposed to be working!" With that, Eric vanished to continue watching over the prisoners. Eventually he paused, noticing two of the prisoners before he appeared near them, a wide and mischievous grin on his lips. "How are ya' both?" He asked Blake and Hakan.

Erica was locked up in her room, eyes narrowed as she watched one of her dolls begin to help in creating others. Her sheets were thrown over her forming a cocoon like shape as she groaned. The female warden hadn't felt well for the last few weeks and so felt weak, physically and mentally so she locked herself away. There was not chance she would let someone see her like this. When the doll finished it dropped the tools, Erica not even noticing as she just buried herself further into the bed sheets.
Blake was a bit unnerved about Eric's greeting at the moment. He seemed so welcoming and kind, and to Blake, Eric seemed like he was on some sort of pills. Blake chuckled at the thought and finally said to Eric, "Well I heard the fight for our freedom would begin later on today, and so I had planned to converse with Lord Vilemyr, but thought I talk to you and Erica on my way to his office. Speaking of Erica, where is she? Aren't you two like twins or something like that." Blake laughed as he noticed Erica was not around with Eric. Was she not well? Or was she occupied elsewhere?

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