Enter Ishiya: Tales of Black Skull

"A Peiste is to put it bluntly, a snake with legs. If you look at them in the eyes too long, you'll become paralyzed, but they don't attack unless they feel threatened. And the quickest way to kill them is piercing through the heart, or using magic." Blake answered. The Peiste looked at Blake curiously, but went over to Ash who called it cute. It hissed a little bit, but lower its head, allowing her to pet it. "They're usually quite when they're fed." Vilemyr added. "But I do want you to introduce to one Tamer before we continue."
Ash gently stroked it's head, whispering and crooning calming words to the Peiste. She turned to Vilemyr. "What's it's name, Lord Vilemyr?" she asked, eyes shining in adoration of the Peiste. "And if i die, you should feed me to this little cutie pie here." she added, crooning the last words to the creature.
"Ahhh She doesn't have a name as he has no tamer yet." Vilemyr said, smiling at Ash she seemed to be having fun petting the dear Peiste. "How about I do this? If you get to the Finals, not only do you earn your freedom and your crimes alleviated, but you can keep this little cutie as a pet or something." The Peiste smiled at Ash, licking her face with its long snake-like tongue.
Ash giggled in delight. "That sounds great! Hear that little guy, i'll be able to keep you when i win!" she crooned, turning back to the Peiste and kissing it on the top of it's head. She didn't notice how overly confident she was being, just pet the Peiste more.
Blake smiled at Ash as he showed love to the Peistie. "Well then, it gives you something to fight for, then Ash?" Blake asked, laughing a bit. "So Vilemyr... Is there more you wish to show us?" He asked, looking around. "Well since I'm at it... There is the Mess Hall, the Armory, and your rooms. There is much to see!"
Samantha shook her head. After all Karoo was being troublesome today as usual. He never was obedient. Sighing the woman patted the demon snake before heading out of the pit. "We are excited...he enjoys the taste of them more than I food I give him." She whispered as she walked over to the door of her Pit, her dark blue eyes staring ahead. Once she had exited she noticed Vilemyr and prisoners. Odd. Her eyes narrowed as she crossed her arms over her torso. "Idiot Vilemyr." She hissed, glaring.

Eric followed after Vileymr, his hands tucked into the pockets of his trousers as he groaned, pouting slightly. Touring was definitely no fun! He glanced over at Erika who just returned his look with a nasty glare. Shaking his head he noticed Samantha, as usual referring to Vilemyr rudely. Once long ago he would go ballistic, ending up fighting with the tamer but it was considered 'rude'. That and Samantha wasn't a push over and Karoo was just...well the thing would probably try to eat him! So, he just stood behind the group, looking lazily upon what happened.

Erika rolled her eyes before she had began to glare at her brother Eric. Her lips curled into a scowl at the sight of Samantha. While they got along she hated the rudeness to Vilemyr. She pouted, folding her arms over her torso as turned to watch the prisoner going ahead and interact with the Peiste. It was quite the odd sight to watch. She raised a brow before huffing. This batch of prisoners was going to be troublesome...she wondered if they knew their fate here.
Ash looked up after whispering her goodbye to the creature, and smiled. "We have much time too, Lord Vilemyr." she said laughing. She loved it here, and everything excited her as she felt like a little kid in a candy store.
Vilemyr glared at Samantha for a moment. "I'm sorry, Samantha. Did you say something?" He asked, but dismissed it for a moment, his smile returned to his face. "Now I think I'll show you the Mess Hall, then." Vilemyr said, heading back to the main hallway, and then taking going right ahead, the smell enticing Blake as he followed the man. "Well then. I'm starving!"
Stepping up next to Samantha Deus looked at the Wardens and Vilemyr. While he often thought of Vilemyr as a strange one he had never made any strait up comments on it. He did however often make remarks about the Wardens. The only thing that seemed to keep fights between the Tamers and Wardens was mutual respect. The Wardens had bizarre powers where the Tamers had monsters that where completely loyal. Deus crossed his arms over his chest staring at the Wardens like they where dead meat. Deus whistled once and heard the responding barks. His pack ran up behind him, having just leapt out of their pit. All 5 had a collar on each neck and the pair that had it had their armor on. Together the looked like a wall of fangs and metal standing behind their master. He called out to the prisoners. " Feel lucky! Not many see my Hounds of Hell before they face them. ". Freki and Geri both where about 5 feet at the shoulder and Deus had one on each side of his shoulder. As he watched Vilemyr walk towards the mess hall he dismissed all but Freki. He climbed onto the bizarre harness attached to his collar that made him into something similar to the worlds most dangerous horse.

The idea had come to him from another Tamer he had met who tamed and rode horses with fangs and claws. the creature where carnivorous and fast. He guided Freki down the halls behind the group towards the mess hall. It was breakfast time and Freki did like sleeping in the fire place.
Ash craned her neck to stare at the hounds with a grin on her face. She followed Vilemyr, but never took her eyes off Freki as it and the Tamer followed them. She had to push her hands to her sides as to not reach out and try to pet the hellhound. She doubted she'd have an arm left.
Hakan watched Ash petting that snake as if was just a puppy and Lord Vilemyr talking to her like if they knew from a long time, we could say they get alone but is something you don’t see very often, then two tamers appeared and one was really confident about what he thought, we could say it’s just because five dogs where behind him but Hakan didn’t like that at all he was just pretending to be powerful but in reality only the dogs where powerful, he was just the guy who gives them food and takes them to a walk in the park.

After that Hakan walked forwards Ash, that girl was the center of attention at the moment and it was something you couldn’t denied, Hakan got aside of her as they were walking and kept on as the speed she was walking it wasn’t very fast because we needed to keep behind Lord Vilemyr and you couldn’t go slower because those twins where guarding the back of the line. “If I may ask lady, why is it that you’re too confident and it looks like you maybe could be happy here?” Hakan just waited for a reply that could satisfy his curiosity.
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Ash settled her eyes on Hakan. ”I don't really want to be here, but you got to make the best out of a situation. But it is pretty cool here, not to bad so far.” She said simply, shrugging. She brushed back a strand of her hair. ”And plus, i'm a bad bad girl. I fit in here.” She added with a grin and a wink.
Blake smiled as Ash spoke, impressed with her argument. "Ash has a good point! That Peiste could make an amazing pet or a friend if she works for it." He then scratched his head, looking at the food around the room, finding himself drooling. Vilemyr, on the other hand, could not help but laugh at Blake's drooling. The feeling you get when you haven't eaten in a long time. The thought of just eating and enjoying every last bite of food. Vilemyr could see that feeling in people's eyes very well and then clapped his hands. "We shall continue the tour in one hour! Why don't you all see what our Mess Hall has to offer, and feel free to eat to your heart's content!" He announced walking out of the Mess Hall for a moment. "Well... I dunno about all of you, but I'm starving!" Blake shouted, jumping for joy. Despite being very hungry, he calmly walked over to the chef, asking for pancakes, bacon, French toast, and hash browns. He was gonna eat like a pig, and be proud of it!"
Ash followed him and grinned at the chef. ”Hello sir, i'd like a blueberry muffin, orange juice, and a straw with that would be lovely!” She said clapping her hands and giggling. She never ate much, if she did it made her tired and she had to be on high alert here.
The Chef handed Blake and Ash what they requested, and Blake managed to restrain, but failed... He dove right into his food!
Ash watched Blake with a raised eyebrow, as she sipped her juice and ripped small chunks off her muffin and ate them. ”So, whadya do to be sent here?” She asked him, grinning.
Blake stopped eating for a moment, as he barely ate and turned to Ash, who asked him what he has done. "First, I'd like to apologize for what you just saw. I haven't in 7 days. And trust me, you don't know how hungry you are till you start eating if you don't eat or drink for day or two. But why I am in here... Well, my old man was a monster of a man.... He went mad from my mother being raped and killed by his friends, but he took it out on me on occasion, and when he killed his best friend.... He begged me to kill him, but I refused to do it. And so, he killed himself, and I was the one with a dagger in his hands. I also burned part of my last prison when I saw the wardens stealing all the food. Let's see them try to feed themselves and feed not the inmates again."
Ash nodded and looked down. ”When you're hungry, you're hungry. And I apologize about your parents. It must have been hard. I wouldn't really know about that.” She said then took another bite. She stared at the table, thinking. A hard life could only hurt a person so much until they broke.
Deus grabbed a plate of eggs with bacon and sausage mixed in. He climbed off of Freki and sat at a table that was used by the Tamers. The Hell Hound walked over to a fire place and curled up in the flames. Deus choked down the food as fast as he could. He did not like being in the Mess hall with the Wardens. The living dolls creeped him out. Big time
Hakan heard Ash respond and was satisfied with the answered. Hakan walked to the chef and just ordered an apple, he wasn’t really hungry at the moment in fact he couldn’t focus too much because there was a lot going on with the people around him, everybody looked so nice but where they too nice? As prisoner we shouldn’t be able to get this kind of treatment, only the tamer was acting as a normal officer or whatever you could call it.

But then Hakan heard the talk that was going on with Ash and Lord Vilemyr and he couldn’t hear really well because of all the noises that where being made by the other prisoners, but what he found out was a cruel and devastated life that Lord Vilemyr had, Hakan wasn’t sure if he made that up just to make the prisoners sad or that actually happened to him. Hakan was not really sure about it but he didn’t want to involve himself in that conversation so he walked forwards Eric and Erika and said to them "if it’s not a bother could you tell me where our rooms is?" Hakan didn’t want to be more time at that place; everybody had their unique style and some of them where really almost the same but he had to get used to be there.
@akatzuna You're welcome to ask him. I'll leave the details to your imagination.)


Vilemyr laughed at his new inmates cavorting as they did. It made him smile as he spared no expense when he built it from the ground up with his own hands and the help of Eric and Erika. He went to talk to them about any new cells that opened up, easily hearing Hakan's question to the two, "If it’s not a bother could you tell me where our rooms are?" Vilemyr laughed for moment as he thought nobody would even consider asking. "Well I thought nobody would ask. Eric. Erika. Would you be willing to show our to some new cells in the East Wing, if you'd please?" Vilemyr asked politely.
As usual, Eric was trying to annoy the hell out of Erika so he was poking repeatedly at the girls cheek, watching the tension growing in her muscles and the grimace taking her features. It was fun! His grin got larger with each passing second, the strength behind his pokes getting stronger till a point Erika would snap.

Erika, for a while was able to ignore her brother, her arms folded over her torso as she closed her eyes. However, eventually it began to provoke her. Eyes narrowed she turned on her heels to her brother, hands reaching out for his neck as she strangled the boy, all her strength being used just to try avoid actually crushing his wind pipe. "You annoying childish fre-!" She paused, hearing Vilemyr talk.

Eric choked, hands clasping his sister's wrists as he tried to get the furious girl off him. "E-erika!" He choked, a grin on his lips. "It w-was a joke!" He quickly said, not expecting her to let go at all. After a few minutes she did, well that was only due to Vilemyr. He rubbed his throat, a pout on his lips as he bowed. "G-got it Lord Vilemyr!" He chimed before motioning for the prisoners to follow.

She nodded before looking over to the prisoners. "Then, please follow us." She said for her brother before following him. Both of the twins headed towards the East wing, Erika with her arms stretching over her head as she yawned. "Eric...I would still be asleep if it wasn't for you." She hissed, only receiving a large smirk from him. Reaching the east wing she brought a key from her pocket, slipping it into the door as they reached rows of rooms. Walking inside she grabbed a small book before it. "This whole hall is for you. You have rooms and a rec room sort of thing. My dolls will be placed here so if you require anything they will inform me, Eric or Lord Vilemyr. That okay?"
Instead of rushing to eat as he had to in his last prison, Blake took Ash by the hand as well and their unfinished food in the other hand as he followed the two to the West Wing, quickly noticing a row of rooms and Rec. Rom at the center of the hall. "For a prison, it is unusually spacious, to be honest." Blake said, completely in awe the entire time.
Ash looked around, surprised. "Alot better than the old place. Man, these are bigger rooms than the one i had as a child!" she exclaimed, looking around and craning her neck excitedly. "Thank you Erika, i love it." she said, smiling cheerfully at the pink haired warden.

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