Embarrassing twitch moments


Senior Member
This thread is for those who are twitch streamer or has been watching twitch streams. If there is an embarrassing moment that happened on twitch, share it here. Of course, if you don't want to, that's okay, I'm not gonna force you to tell the story if you don't want to.

Well, to start off, here's one of my embarrassing moments, while I was streaming Overwatch on my PS4, I mentioned that I was a good Reaper player...not like good enough to no die good, but good enough to handle my own. Anyway, I was playing in the map Volskaya Industries, I was about to do a sneak attack on a group of enemies when....I fell off the map. I was so focused on finding a good spot that I wasn't paying attention to my surroundings. Though in hindsight, looking back at it, it was kinda funny, even though I mentally facepalmed myself when it happened.

Well, that's my story, got one you wanna share, post it here.
When you've been talking for ten minutes straight to your viewers and no one says anything back. So you think everyone is ignoring you until they ask why your mic is muted.. -_-
I watched a streamer who much like the post above me continuously forgot to unmute his mic. So one time, his entire stream was muted and nobody said anything.

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