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Fantasy Elysium Academy

As much as I hate to withdraw, as I was looking forward to this, Life has decided to decapitate my amusement. I have had a great deal of personal issues arise in the past few days and I will not be able to post for a while. I apologize deeply and I do hope this play goes well.
(just putting this to help myself out)

Aero's Schedule:

1st: Reading

2nd: Battle Strategy

3rd: Math

4th: Flying

5th: Social Studies

6th: Smithing

7th: Free

8th: Music

9th: Training
So, I need at least five people who are willing to play two characters for a thread that is based of the war talked about in this thread. Hephaestus, Sif, the fates, the muses, Pan and Tyr can not be used as they are teachers at the Academy. So if you are interested let me know. When five people have said they are interested I will post the thread in the colliseum and link it on here
[QUOTE="ashel darkwing](Can someone fill me in on where the hell we are I missed a lot)

Where in reading class the Egyptian god Thoth is our teacher
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[QUOTE="Embaga Elder]Where in reading class the Egyptian god Thoth is our teacher

Got it thanks
Uh, @ashel darkwing it's impossible for anyone to pick it up. As I said, only Barak and Thor can pick it up. Not even Odin or Zeus or Jupiter or Ra can pick it up. The only reason why Barak would even throw his sword to Aero is because of how certain he was that no one could pick it up. He wouldn't say something he knew he could loose when it comes to respect.
@ashel darkwing[/URL] it's impossible for anyone to pick it up. As I said, only Barak and Thor can pick it up. Not even Odin or Zeus or Jupiter or Ra can pick it up. The only reason why Barak would even throw his sword to Aero is because of how certain he was that no one could pick it up. He wouldn't say something he knew he could loose when it comes to respect.
He didn't technically lift it he used the air and dust molecules to push it up and it was so heavy he had to set it down he would never be able to wield it so basically I/he cheated by use of loophole
So, would you be fine with me saying something like "I said wield it, meaning you could pick it up and use it." Or something like that?
[QUOTE="Ethan Hart]So, would you be fine with me saying something like "I said wield it, meaning you could pick it up and use it." Or something like that?

Ya I think that would be funny
just to make it clear for myself and others, the current class and other classes will stop? and the people in the current class can leave the class?

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Whenever I post my last post of the day than yes. For now, reply as if classes are still in session until then. Please

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