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Futuristic Electric Sheep [Always Open] - [Space | Dystopia | Androids]

Incoming File ...
To: Bang Bang Bang Bang

Location: Nova Traders HQ
Bureau Notes: Guh this is a crappy post.

Three more missing ships, for a grand total of twenty-six. Nova sighed, scrolling through the list of lost cargo and crew. What exactly were her admins and coordinators doing down there? Shaking her head, she tossed the file and the tablet she had been viewing it on onto her desk. The board of investors will have some sharp words for her, but as far as she was concerned, they could all go die in a hole. They were all just distant relatives in for a cash grab or stand-ins put there by her older cousin Octavius. Most, if not all of them, had been paid off to either give her a hard time or keep her in line... or both. Honestly, she could see why Alistair ran away - life under Octavius' thumb was hardly life at all. Many considered her lucky to be CEO of Nova Trader, but honestly it was a bitter jab at her. Octavius obviously put her in this position to pick on her for her name - why else did he go directly to her and not to any other cousin?

Another frustrated sigh left her lips, and she turned her chair around to gaze out the massive office window behind her. Most, if not the entire wall, was made of glass, and offered a stunning view over what could be considered downtown Citadel, where all the major companies located their main HQ. Lights glittered above and below, but none of it seemed to dazzle the girl like they did when she was younger. Where had her childhood enthusiasm go?

Interrupted from her thoughts by the beeping of an email on the tablet, Nova turned back around and picked up the device, tapping through multiple security codes to access the message. Ugh, a celebration tonight? Formal wear? Yuck. Gross. She tossed the tablet back on the table. Geeze, talk about an inconvenience. She’d at least attempt to get in, if only because the Emperor demanded it. She kicked her feet up on the desk. Well, whatever. It can wait until after work.
Incoming File ...
To: CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Collidias Rex Collidias Rex Sir Galahad II Sir Galahad II ReverseTex ReverseTex
Location: Peace Tower
Bureau Notes: If there's factual inaccuracies, or if I've taken too much liberty with any details, do inform me and I shall change it accordingly

For a few minutes, the world seemed quiet.

Those criminal, police, citizens, all got their crowns to spend to their whim. A single day of extravagance. The hands, slavs, were still thinking about it, relishing the fulfilment of ill dues, looking forward to a reform of the system that so punished them. The Noblus were getting what they deserved, they said— just for the day, the world was up for grabs. Everybody was eyeballing it. And, in the shadow of administrative failing, this travesty, the criminals reigned too, ignored in lieu of the controversies surrounding the Emperor. A day of business for the wicked, one of rest and tomfoolery for the police, and another of hollow hope for the poor and belligerent. The average, the underclass, the dynion o feddwl gwael, paired with lower scum and criminals. The thought sent a shiver down his spine.

The nobles were getting dragged out of their own houses, watching as their possessions were thrown, bruised, and torn apart for crucial evidence, all captured on video. The people were fixated on this, even the police, as the criminals started moving about broad daylight. There was localized rioting, but they were put down quickly, and not by the grays. Who'd ever support those fools, the scapegoats? Witless men, a wish for scandal lying in their hearts, and an opportunity for those few looking for commendation. The mob. The rest of the citizens watched from their low homes, their humble standing, looking at the true value of titles and money. Nothing. Today, a man's life was worthless if he bought the title of nobility.

And Meredith was here, in the silence of his office, expecting someone to barge in. Caught red-handed, the Cap'n and his paperwork. The prospect was terrifying, dreadful as he felt, but the silence was worse. The first minute was flush with anticipation, the second passing by with horror, the third lessening it to numbed anxieties, while the last forced him to accept it. The Tower was quiet, the the levels and floors below quieter. The officers who liked following Nero around, cruel men, were having their fun. The men like him, top brass, received their moment of introspection. The world was going to do fine for a while without them. It felt wrong, not the principle he was used to. Every time it happened was the same for him— it never got by nicely with him.

The paperwork was waiting. Meredith stared at it, scratched his stubble, and sighed. The clock was still ticking, each beat timed to perfection. A sweat rolled down his forehead— the air coolers were broken, he remembered. God knows if there was any rest for men like him, even on occasions and holidays. If it was a holiday.

“Hell,” he grumbled to himself, flipping the first of the papers to his side. Tomos had brought the stack to his attention a few minutes earlier, reports from the agents along with the logbook for the month. A third of the squadrons were done with their grisly task, biding their time. They knew protocol. The streets would need a sweeping once the event disappeared off the horizon, leaving its trail of guts, forgotten glories, and criminal thoughts.

His phone rang. It was Tomos. He pursed his lips, contemplating picking it up or not, before settling on just that. “Hello?” he spoke as he gingerly lifted the portable machine to his ears.

Tomos' voice buzzed to life. “Sir . . . most urgent news.”

Meredith frowned. Tomos sounded panicked. “I told the Vice Captain to take care of disturbances. What is so important, aide, as to warrant my explicit attention?”

“The transit train from . . . the prison- containing those prisoners- has been hit by a raid.”

Meredith gulped. The thought of those prisoners had flown over his head. He fingered the sides of the phone, then closed his eyes. “Carry on, aide,” he said.

“The Captain of the Eyes has requested your counsel, and your presence, on the matter, sir.”

Meredith gritted his teeth. “Tell him I'm on my way.”

So much for the paperwork.

Meredith went down to the infantry halls, taking the elevators. Tomos was waiting for him near the floor below, close to the briefing room. His tablet was gripped in both hands, his panic betrayed by his rigidity and the slight widening of his eyes. The aide popped a salute when he saw him.

“Sir!” Tomos said.

Meredith gestured for him to calm down. “At ease, Tomos,” he said.

“Will it be permissible to question you, sir?”

“You can.”

“What are you going to do, sir?”

“What are we going to do, Tomos. This organization is a single-cell entity, and I expect it to stay as such.” He rubbed his chin. “But for the moment, we will have to be discreet about it.”


“Let me remind you, aide, there's an operation at hand already.”


“We will have to balance priorities, Officer. Both events, important as they are, cannot be ignored.”

Tomos choked. “Yes, sir, understood, sir.”

“I will attend to the prisoner's issue personally. Tell the Vice Captain to handle the Tower and the Noblus.”

“But they can handle it, sir!” he cried.

Meredith sighed and gave him the look he often reserved for pretentious cadets. “I appreciate your concern, Officer, but you're blocking my way.”

Tomos shook his head but stepped to the sides anyway. He was a good kid, a bit dull in the head, but loyal enough.

His mind was rolling in the hay. His presence would either aggravate the public or hush them. “Are the public aware of it?” he said.

“I don't think so, sir.”

Meredith shook his head. “Are there any other priorities? I need you to clear them up.”

Tomos glanced over his tablet. He hesitated.

“What, Officer?”

“The Emperor, ah, requests your presence—”

Meredith snatched the tablet from his fingers. “Give it to me.” He glossed his eyes over the message.


“Most interesting. Remind me after this debacle is over.” He was groaning inside. The paperwork would have to wait until tomorrow, maybe not even then. “Tell Nero and Prentice to attend to me now.”

Nero was squinting at him. “What's wrong, Cap'n?”

The two, Prentiss and Nero, were sitting in the chairs opposite to him. They were in the briefing room. The screen table separating them was dim and black without power, the rest of the computers rendered even darker by the low reach of the single light bulb above.

“The prison transport has been raided,” Meredith said.

“What?” Nero squeaked.

“Forgive me for being blunt, gents, but that is indeed the bone of the matter. We have another problem on our hands.” He shrugged. “It's a recent development.”


“I doubt we'll be able to reach to the transport in time, but I need you two to pack up your squadrons. Prentiss, follow Nero's lead. I'll send the coordinates of the train's last known location and the prisoners' tags. Wait for my go-ahead.”

“Aye, Captain,” Nero said, slacking against the chair. Prentiss only nodded.

“Nero, I will also accompany you on your vessel.”

“Sir?” he squeaked again.

“I will see to this matter personally. You do not have permission to question me.”

Nero grimaced. “Yes, sir.”

Meredith stood up. “A warning in advance, you two- keep your actions to a minimum unless you want to write a treatise for a report. This will have to be kept quiet, until further notice.”


“And take a Seraphim operative with you. Never know if we might need the backup. I'll be off now.”


The aide was outside the room. “Yes, sir?”

“Tell Ashley's squadron to accompany the Eyes, if they want to have a go at the scene.”

“Noted, sir,” Tomos stammered.

“Tell them to send the train's coordinates, and the prisoner's tags, to Officer Nero's vessel.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Handle the Tower and assist the Vice Captain. I will endeavour to make this sojourn as quick as possible, pray, don't worry.”

Tomos nodded.

Meredith turned and went away.
Last edited:
Incoming File ...
To: ReverseTex ReverseTex Sir Galahad II Sir Galahad II NUSKI NUSKI Elephantom Elephantom CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt SadSnake SadSnake Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser
End of the Line

Location: Tunnel ???
Bureau Notes: Hearts, Promises and Dreams are very fragile things


  • Kello was a productive girl, and gave Hades a moment to get his shit together while she comm'd her associates.

    "Hey, we got him!" She gave a thumbs-up. "Bring up the bikes. No, bring all the bikes. We got us a whole gaggle of naughty boys to bring home." She paused to wink at Nigel, who had wasted no time in being a thankless asshole. Looked like he was chewing out Monique.

    "You didn't come prepared for the fucking trackers did you? Bloody hell..."

    Kello smirked, and slipped a small device from her belt. With a flick of a switch, a pair of metal prongs protracted from one end. She slowly crept up behind Nigel. Someone's in for a shock.

    "Well to put it in lame terms," he prattled on, "our neurological implants at the base of our central nervous system, or CNS for you uneducated fucks, is virtually unable to be disabled."

    Wait, what? Kello halted. A shock should simply disable the tracker, right? Right?

    "Its coded to fit our exact DNA," Nigel continued, "unless outside of our bodies... So what that means is that there won't be a surefire way of evading detection. But, if you overcharge the device, it might overload the system... That would buy us around... Ten minutes or so? A rough estimate seeing as I haven't seen the system itself, but the most accurate I can get." Nigel turned around, and Kello met his eyes. She glanced at the device in her hand, then back to him. He sighed. "Make it quick, we've got to get this bloody show on the road..."

    Kello smiled awkwardly and set the prongs against the back of his neck. A short tap of a button, a brief shock leaping through him, and that was it.

    "Look, Grumpy Uncle Stumpy, you clearly know what you're doing - we'll get you the fuck outta here, then you can handle the more 'permanent' solutions, alright?" She handed the device to Monique. "Jab the others, disable the trackers. The rest of you, get to the back of the train cart and jump out when it stops. We'll have bikes here real soon, so be ready to jump on them."

    With that all said and done, she set her eyes on her main priority.

    "Yo, boss-man." She stopped in front of Hades and put a hand on her hip. "Wakey-wakey, ya girl Kello's here to kick ass, take trains and ride you the fuck out, so step on it! We only have a few minutes!"

    Hades lifted his head and stared at her. Shit, he looked like a mess. Bags under the eyes, a distant expression, scruffy beard. Shit.


    Something jumped inside her, a flash of joy. A tiny piece of her was afraid he'd forget. Jamie's bullshit really made a mess of some folks.

    But now wasn't the time for reminiscing about the old times.

    "Hey, listen!" She snapped her fingers in front of his face. "Reschedule 'stupid questions' and 'awestruck disbelief' to an afternoon time slot, and get off your bony ass! We don't have time!"

    Hades stared ahead for a moment, then his head lolled downward. Was he tired? Disoriented?

    "Kello, you ... no."

    Jesus, he's really out of it.

    "Yes, get up!" Her words weren't working, so she tried a more direct approach. She grabbed his arm and gave a gentle pull. "Hurry!" She needed to speed this up. Time was not on her side.

    "No," he droned.

    "We don't have time! We need to hurry up!" She tried again, but Hades held himself in place. What the hell was he thinking? Why was he being-

    "I'm not coming."


    "... what?" Did he ...? No, he was out of sorts. He wasn't thinking clearly. He needed to get on his feet, get the blood flowing again. "Don't be crazy, we're here to-"

    "I'm not coming with you."

    Kello didn't have a heart, but she imagined she now knew how it felt to miss a beat. An awful, abrupt lurch somewhere deep inside, followed by a sinister silence.

    "... what?"

    No, no he was out of his mind. He had to be. Why was he saying these things?

    Monique slammed a hand on her shoulder, and Kello felt her shouting in her ear. "Kello! Hurry!"

    No, no Hades was coming with them!

    "Don't be ... I'm here to rescue you!" She heaved again, she wasn't going to give up! She'd never given up! She'd just need to drag Hades to his feet and shake some sense into him. She'd-

    "No!" Hades hit her. She gasped quietly, snatching her hand back. Hades rose from his stupor and glared down at her. The confusion, the disorientation, the senselessness ... it wasn't there anymore. He was lucid. "No. I know what you want, and I can't do it. Those days are behind me."

    What was happening?

    "But I-"

    "Kello!" He grabbed her, he shook her. "I am not coming with you!"

    No ...

    "Hades, I-"

    "No! Get out of here!"

    No. No ...

    "But I-" No, no no no no! This wasn't how it was supposed to be! It wasn't meant to happen like this! "... I spent so long planning this ..."

    So many years thinking ... so many late nights planning, organizing, making contacts ... so many hours where her thoughts drifted back to him. To their time together. To everything.

    To the night he bought her from Dallis au Selance, when she thought she was going to lose her arms for injuring a customer.

    To the day he modified her code, and freed her of her godawful inhibitions.

    To the day he let her hug him.

    To the day she befriended Sabrine.

    To the day she met Maya.

    To the night she chased an unruly patron out of Underworld with a paintball gun, where he actually laughed.

    To the night where he told her she did a good job.

    To the night where he told her, where he promised her that one day, he would free her people.

    To the thousands of days where he would be working at the bar, glancing up every so-often to make sure his girls where safe.

    To the day he gave her a home.

    "And you wasted your time." He said.

    She felt a push, and in a moment she was floating, falling ... then the metal floor rang as she bounced off it.

    "Leave." He said. "Forget about me, and leave."

    Monique appeared and her mouth moved, but Kello didn't hear a word.

    "Wilhelm," she begged, "plea-"

    "Carolina!" Hades shouted at her. That wasn't her name. "I am NOT coming with you! End of story!"

    "... why?"

    Monique took her outside at some point, and sat her on the bike. She could hear other bikes, the spluttering of engines and muttering as the prisoners mounted up, but it all passed in a blur.

    Why was this happening?

    Why had all her friends died? Why was Hera killed? Why was Hades breaking his promise to her? Why wasn't he rising up in rebellion?

    Why couldn't she live in this world?

    She shut her eyes, and she kept them shut for a long time with her arms wrapped around Monique's waist. She heard the wind thumping against Monique as they rode, but the other android shielded her from the brunt of it. Seconds passed, maybe a minute, but it felt like hours. Surreal. Her recollection of the last few minutes were shouts punctuated by overexposed images, intensity overflowing at from angle.

    Why? Why? Why?

    She squeezed Monique tight as they came to a stop. Evidently Monique took this as a sign, because she swung her legs off the bike and began talking.

    "Okay, listen up! We're gett-"

    "Wait." Kello placed a hand on her shoulder. "Let me."

    Kello wiped her sleeve across her eyes and stepped in front of Monique, standing tall. She could still feel warmth around her eyes, but now she felt the acrid taste of nervoid fluid stringing her tongue.

    "Follow me, and listen the fuck up!" Kello snatched her rifle from Monique as she barked orders, the mirthful edge in her voice distinctly absent. She marched toward a yellowish panel at the side of the tunnel, and without pause she drove her boot into it. A thin sheet of plastic buckled under her weight, collapsing into a dark space beyond. Kello thumped a device attached to her shoulder, and a light flashed into the tunnel. Without waiting for any confirmation, she pushed on ahead, shouting over her shoulder as she went. "Follow me, no stopping. As soon as we're out of the surface-tunnels, we're hunkering down and ripping out these implants. These tunnels are a fucking maze. No cameras, but if you stop you're getting lost. Frederick, get up here and give me my stuff! And Rob ..." Robert Hancock. She hadn't expected him on the train, but ... fuck it, she was glad she got something. God, that small victory coupled with the immediate danger were all that were keeping her from falling apart. She sniffled, and forced a smile. "Robert fucking Hancock, get up here you beautiful bastard."

    She followed a seemingly arbitrary route through the darkness as one of the androids rushed to her side, handing her a backpack. They exchanged brief nods, and the other android rushed back. As Rob drew level with her, she tore the pack open and drew something out from inside.

    "... I uh ... I figure you'll want this back." She smiled sheepishly and handed him the bundled package. "I didn't I'd be seeing you again, so I ... kinda helped myself to whatever I could find in your store. I've been wearing this thing for years now. I guess the whole 'freedom' and 'fight for your rights' thing really spoke to me, you know?"

    She pushed a peal of laughter through a sob, and snapped a hand to her brow in a salute.

    "Nice to have you back, Uncle Sam." She winked as she slowly died inside.
Incoming File ...
To: N/A
RE: Aritafae 'Fate' Alexander

Location: Her home (briefly), Shadow Districts
Bureau Notes: "I never used to believe in fate. I used to think you make your own life, and then you call it fate." - Gene Wilder.(Also, sorry for this post.)

"'Security'? What a fucking joke..."

The careful sharpening of a blade could be heard within the room with the mumble of the radio broadcast causing the sharpening to quicken and then a kukri to be flung into the speaker.
Fate huffed as she rose from her seat, pulling the blade out and walking towards the exit of the building. Nothing in the world was ever full secure, especially after that prick Jaime au Olver came into power by fucking everyone over and continued his work after he won. Fate still held utter resentment...no full on hatred and loathing for the Emperor and it wasn't going to be quelled until he was put down....but that wouldn't be anytime soon so Fate continued walking inwards through the streets.
Many people nowadays were so disillusioned with themselves and the world that they never paid attention to anything that didn't radically changed what they already knew and even then there was an air of dismissal every time anything that should have been of importance occurred, at least that's how Fate saw things and she took advantage of it all.

Pickpocketing was a talent Fate had learned to pick up quickly and with everyone's attention being on anything but themselves it became as easy as breathing to take their valuables, even from their own hands! Yeah it did become slightly boring at times, but at least she would be well off and she would be better overall.

But Fate learned a few years back after 'smelling the shitty roses' as some would say, pickpocketing could help some people, it wouldn't stop the constricting nature of Olver's rule. She knew she need to do something more to even scratch at the surface of that problem.

And she was still on the hunt for that answer...and needed it now more that she thought...
Incoming File ...
To: Bang Bang Bang Bang
RE: Gaius

Location: Ace in the Hole

ClassifiedWoah there sugar tits, I aint unfortunate. Im sitting on top of the world! Or at least a layer of it.” His voice was laden with excitement and energy, even when playfully aknowledgint hat he might not be as big as he might like. With a sudden motion he threw out his arms in an exaggerated manner as if to show off the breadth of his world, some of his drink sloshing in the cup and spilling over the edge onto his fingers.

“And you know why?” He took a long sip of his drink, the harsh taste crashing against his taste receptors before the liquid sloshed down his throat into his stomach to be burned, before leaning in real close - or as close as he could get with the two body guards in the way. “Cause i got my fathers blessing - but im sure you already know about that whole shindig dont you darling.” His voice lowered slightly as he took a furtive glance at the dancer before them, committing her movements and form to memory before leaning back in his chair and taking another long sip of his drink. From the amount of information this woman had he was sure she was either secret police, a contract killer or a bureau investigator - with the latter being the least cool but probably the safest as far as his life expectancy. For a few moments he pondered the idea of simply killing her here and being clean of any shaders but after about three seconds he had become resolute in not wanting to spill his drink, or get kicked out for that matter.

“Geez who did you get your intel from? If it were me he’d be swimmin with the fishes already if you get what im putting down. I dont know what you heard but I call whatever shots I want in the S3RVs” In one swift motion he pulled his gun from his holster with his other hand, his form barely moving as he spun the gun around his finger before snapping it in place with the barrel staring down the girl dancing. Before he could even tell himself to stop he shot three times, the sudden sound shattering the atmosphere and causing the girl dancing to jump - quite literally - out of her dancing routine. The whole place seemed to stop for a moment to stare at him, their hands reaching for their sides and backs, with the bartender even letting out an annoyed "hey!" before tensions stagnated. Seemingly without a care he called out to the girl. “Aye! Oncore baby doll, put it on my tab!” Though obviously shaken, she seemed to take it in stride and slowly got back to her routine, and the rest of the building followed suit, a small murmur filling the spaces between the pulsating music.

If he could smile there would be quite the cocky smirk plastered across his face right now as he glanced at the bureau agent, his form sinking into the leather seat a little as he reholstered his weapon. “That being said, you wanna talk about paperwork and shit like that? Hit up my second and command, Hann. Really dont deal with that stuff for real, got me feeling like a square loser ya feel? I aint about that life baby doll, though i can get you a meeting with the fella.” There was a moment longer as he looked her over, eyes narrowing for a moment before he scooted closer. “You wanna talk about something more interesting though baby doll, like how that suit comes off, and im the cat for you.” His voice had taken a more sultry tone to it and if he could wink he probably would.
Incoming File ...
To: ReverseTex ReverseTex
RE: Athena

Location: The Palace
Bureau Notes: Athena just wants to drink her wine in peace

Athena hovered over the counter and kept her eyes on Jamie. Either he hadn't hear her question, or he was too occupied to answer. He seated his eyeglasses, but his eyes shot wide not a second after.

Of course ... of course something would go wrong today.

Jamie seemed to shift about in his seat, then went still. His brow carried a crease that would suggest concentration, which could only confirm that he'd received some report, complaint or other documentation from someone of importance. Weren't further raid developments to be forwarded to Meredith or Eye? Why was the Emperor being bothered?

He sighed, and Athena turned to face him. He started so abruptly, loudly, she cringed a moment as the silence broke.

“The transit train that’s escorting the high-profile prisoners is now under a possible attack.”

The transit train? Hold on, was that the ... was that today? Oh god. Oh god.

Au Descartes. Damn that au Descartes devil, even now he was pulling strings?


Athena bit her lip and nodded politely, barely betraying the storm of anger whirling within.

“I’ll leave this to the Police. If they fuck it up, it’ll be their faults...” Jamie fell back in his seat once again. For a moment Athena wondered why he was doing nothing. She wondered why the Emperor had resigned to inactivity. But she pushed those thoughts from her head quickly. What was he supposed to do? Personally march out and apprehend the getaways? Not in this day. Not in this shape. Relying on the police was a perfectly reasonable course of action, and she'd have to be content with that.

Except she wasn't. How could she be content with that psychopath roaming the streets freely?

She threw back her glass of water, then set it down on the counter as she fished a bottle of wine from beneath. She didn't look at the label, she just needed a bloody drink. She pulled the cork free with her armored thumb and forefinger and poured herself a responsible glassful. Just enough to give her just the edge she needed to keep shit together throughout the day, but not enough to hamper her judgement. She pushed the cork back inside the bottle.

“Athena, have Darla delay the Council meeting an hour or so. We get a few more minutes of solace.”

"Amen to that." She nodded and tipped her glass toward Jamie by means of agreement, taking a seat next to the door. A moment of solace to prepare for the day, that would do the both of them a world of good.

Except Athena wasn't allowed to have nice things, because no sooner had she touched the rim of her glass to her lip, she felt a gentle whomp somewhere in the back of her head. A message.

"Bloody hell." She sighed, but the sound came as more of a hiss. She rested her head toward and took a deep breath, mentally reaching out to her helmet.

She felt white noise engulf her, like diving head-first into a pool of cool, thick static. The noise pitched upward and ever-upward, growing imperceptibly high until she could no longer hear it, but feel it. Skin had a feeling, but it was a receding feeling as the surrounding area washed over and replaced it. Her vision, her hearing, her sense of touch all meshed together and became a single, broader feeling. Like a droplet of water landing in a pond, she rippled outward. She lapped against the variant consciousness which was Jamie's eyeglasses, but like water she flowed around and ignored it. She sifted through the wires and the processors within the walls and the floor, and continued to propagate. The wave crashed upon the shore of her helmet, and she zeroed in on that.

An island had a sense of 'itself' to it. Though it may bare trees and river and mountain and sky which were all very different and unique, all these things belonged to the island, and all these things shared that sense of self. The sky wrapped around the mountaintops like cotton candy melting and sticking to flesh, tree roots dug fingers deep into the soil and grasped tight, and the rivers were birthed from the mountainside and embraced the curvaceousness of the land. Despite these differences, these things were one. Athena tapped into her helmet, and she became not one, but all those things of the island.

She had a message.

Send New Email
New Email Received
Palace Front
Re: This Evening
Dear Athena,

Reminder: You are required to attend tonight's celebration at the palace with the Emperor. Dress code is white formal; please ensure you are suitably attired, or you will be penalized.

Hail Emperor au Olver,

Palace Front.

Ugh. She almost disconnected right then and there just so she could reclaim her body and down half her glass, but the problem would only weigh on her if she didn't get it out of the way. She jumped to the messenger function, first informing Darla of the delayed council, then contacting the Imperial Tailor.

Au Anhad
What's going on?
Athena dear, you promised
I'm not interfering . I just want to know what you're going to be stuffing me into this evening.
No, you're going to make a stink again. It'll have to be a surprise ;)
Show me now, or I'm turning up in my usual armor again
You're impossible. Fine, I'll send an attachment.

Athena felt a tightening as she waited. Her perception of time like this could be ... unreliable.

And with a jolt, the picture arrived.

Au Anhad
... what is this
It's the concept piece, if you must know. My good friend Earnest au Evercroft created it.
I explicitly said no boob plates. And what is that at the waist and thighs? Exposed skin? Why!? What's under there, a bloody thong? Nobody has legs that long! You surely don't expect me to cut my hair like that, do you?
OMG Athena
Calm down
It's an early concept, that's why there's a male and female variant. We were just trying to capture a vision.
Tell your artist to stop envisioning me like that
You're impossible. -_-
We've workshopped the design from the concept, and believe me, you'll love it. Most of the pieces fit over your existing armor, the others are simple replacements. There will be no skin shown, my darling little shut-in.The harsh light of day shan't touch your delicate pearly flesh
I can imagine the look on your face.
It's adorable.
Athena, honey, trust me like I trust you. I trust you to keep our Emperor safe, and I know your armor is very important to you for a number of reasons. So I need you to trust me. I need you to trust that I have your best interests at heart, and am doing absolutely EVERYTHING in my power to make sure you look fabulous while feeling safe. Okay bby?
I'm sorry for being pedantic
But ... you know how I can be.
Just make sure to smile tonight, won't you?
I know you're wearing that visor that engineering cooked up, but the world is going to see those pearly-whites for the first time. Give them a good show.

Athena loosed a long sound that transcended virtual and actual space, coming to her senses again with an exasperated sigh. She opened her eyes carefully, wary of the stinging light around her, and found herself staring at the wine glass in her hand. It was still full.

She frowned. She wanted it, she wanted to bring it to her lips and drink in its taste and forget the potential nightmare that would be this evening. She wanted to throw it back right now ... but of course, she couldn't. She didn't even try - her armor was too heavy to move without her guidance. Once again, she faded into meditation and reached out, allowing her consciousness to mold into the shape of her armor. Servos, monitors, sensors, they all threaded together into a singular system, and Athena seized the center of that system.

Sixty seconds later, she moved a finger as she came back. She turned her free hand over then rolled her shoulders. Everything was back online. She shut her eyes as she again touched the rim of her glass to her lips, and smiled as she steadily tipped it back.

A few more minutes of solace.

Amen to that.
Incoming File ...
To: Bang Bang Bang Bang Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos SadSnake SadSnake

Location: L18 - Seamus' Clinic
Bureau Notes: Let me know if I missed any tags

As Seamus busied himself with treating the man’s wounds he noticed that Gwen had taken up the formidable task of tidying up his clinic. If someone else had started to do that he’d likely have thrown them out due to irritation, but for some reason he didn’t mind when it came to her. If anything, he was actually somewhat thankful since it made it easier to get around and there were more places to set empty liquor bottles once again. Of course, he would never tell her this. She’d be even more insufferable if she knew. “I don’t catch things Gwen, one of the many perks of being me,” He replied dryly to her nagging as he cleaned up the cuts, not bothering to mention how much it was going to sting.

“If this is you defending yourself I’d hate to see you lose,” he quipped, grabbing a portable scanning device and beginning to take a look at the man’s head. “Right, so it’s a mild concussion, should go away fairly soon. To be safe though don’t go slamming your head into the ground anymore.” With that said, Seamus grabbed a nearby datapad and punched in a couple numbers before handing it to his patient. Surprisingly, the price listed was quite reasonable, despite what one might expect from the location, as well as from his appearance and mannerisms.

He then turned to the four nearly dead men that Gwen had brought in, sighing in irritation. Their injuries ranged from life-threatening, to traumatic, to less traumatic but still really bad. With that in mind the doctor grabbed a liquor bottle that was about a quarter full and downed the rest before moving to the man in most danger of dying first and beginning to patch him up. ”So what’s the story here Gwen?” he asked, his voice still laden with annoyance from the early hour of the visit, ”Even with your temper it doesn’t look like your handiwork.” The irony of this was not lost on him even as he said the second bit. He didn’t actually care much about what lead to their injuries past the fact that they’d be easier to treat if he knew what caused them and he could thus boot them out faster. The sooner he could decrease the number of people in his clinic, the happier he would be. Which is to say that he still wouldn’t be happy, but at least he’d be less annoyed.
Incoming File ...
To: Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser
RE: Jeanne

Location: The shadow realm district

She was made for this. Jeanne was slithering in the alleys in her bloody wolf costume, avoiding any witnesses. Her training had paid off, in one way. This was her whole course of throught through the trip, that didn't involve avoiding any witnesses. She was usually quite slow to think by herself when she felt numb. But something was growing increasidingly warm in her mask.. and she needed to get that sorted. It was.. quite obvious she was bleeding. But it was filling it- Hapilly, it was hollow, so she wouldn't be drowning in the blood anytime soon. But the amount was worrying...it got worse and worse, each time. The first few times she went wild, she barely noticed the bleeding.

But now, it would probably be dangerous for her health. She flipped open her phone, putting bloodstains all over it as she looked for the doc's number. They usually didn't ask any questions. But this... this was too much, even for them. they needed to put the suit in a safe place. They quickly brought the doc's number up. All of the messages were her warnings she'd visit him, around thirty minutes in advance. "loosing blood again worse need help" she hastily typed out.

She looked up, realising she was already infront of her house. Damn. She was too close...it wouldn't be so bad the first time, but if it kept going, they might be able to make a good guess at her location. She quickly typed her adress- Before deleting it, realising it was the one of her peace tower logement. Dammit, this wasn't the time for those kind of errors.. she felt a headache creeping up on her as she made sure to type out the adress where she was currently- removing her mask in the stairs, before kicking the door open, throwing it inside and putting her fingers to her nose. She was bleeding from there, and quite profusely. Her vision started to dim. It took her a good minute to fully remove her suit, and another to conceal it and the mask in the floor tiles. The whole floor, and her belongings, were now covered in blood.. but... at least... her secret would be.. safe. Jeanne felt an intense fatigue swarm her body, and she fell in a sitting position. The phone slipping out of her hand and hitting the ground with a loud, metallic thud.
Julian Serpentine
Location: Shadow District Bang Bang Bang Bang Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser SkyHawk MK IV SkyHawk MK IV

Julian winced as the doctor cleaned the cuts. It would be less painful to go home, have a shower, sleep on his front while having Saia wake him up, ask questions every hour. Actually, hot water might not be good for open cuts, and soap wasn't going to help Either. Well, either way, he was here now and he just had to live with it.

At the small jab, Julian huffed a laugh slightly. It was true honestly. He sucked at fighting. He was an introverted guy, a rather stay at home type of person. He knew how to fight, but he didn't have the strength to actually do it. "If I loose, I'd be dead. Which would suck balls right now." He spoke up slightly with a slight grin. He listened to the man continue talking, trying to ignore the pain in his back, and the throbbing of his head. Mild concussion, so he was right about that at least. At the second part, he actually chuckled. He must be really tired if everything was making him laugh. "I'll try. I don't know if I'm going to make it home at this rate." He sighed. Oh well. Once he gets home, he can go straight to bed. Thank fuck he has tomorrow off. He can sleep in, sleep off the concussion, the pain, relax, and go back to his day shifts. The fact that he had night shifts this week really screwed with him. Luckily it was no more and he could go back to his normal schedule.

He took the Datapad, gave the needed information, name, age, occupation, etc, before paying. He even payed a little bit extra, but he'll blame it on the fact that he had a concussion, and was half asleep. He handed the Datapad back to the doctor with a polite 'thank you' and made his move to leave, only to bump right into someone and end up on his ass. He didn't land on his back nor his head, so he considered it a win. He looked up and grinned sheepishly. "S-Sorry, I wasn't paying attention. I haven't even made it out of the clinic, and I'm already getting hurt again." He joked with a small laugh. Though he struggled to get back up. Well shit. He was out of energy, sitting on the floor of a clinic after bumping into some random dude he didn't even notice come in. He sighed mentally. today was not his day, was it?
Incoming File ...
To: ( Bang Bang Bang Bang Collidias Rex Collidias Rex )
Location: (Palace)
[class=wrapper] width:80vw; max-width:300px; height:420px; margin:auto;center; flex-wrap:wrap; border:1px solid #840505; overflow:hidden; background:url(http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/Andrew+McCabe+Attorney+General+Loretta+Lynch+OTkCV0W4_9jl.jpg); background-size:100%; z-index:3px; [/class] [class=scroll] width:90vw; max-width:310px; height:100%; overflow-y:auto; [/class] [class=textbox] width:80vw; max-width:300px; font-family:Montserrat; font-size:12px; color:#212121; padding:2px; background: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.9); position:relative; top:420px; [/class] [class=overlay] width:80vw; max-width:320px; margin:auto;center; position:relative; top:-461px; left:-10px; font-family:Montserrat; font-size:25px; color:#fff; text-shadow:3px 2px 0px #840505; z-index:2px; [/class] [class=tags] opacity:0.0; width:80vw; max-width:320px; margin:auto;center; position:relative; top:-490px; left:-10px; text-align:right; font-family:Montserrat; font-size:10px; color:#ccc; z-index:3px; transition: all 0.3s ease; [/class] [class name=tags state=hover] opacity:1.0; transform: translateY(20px); [/class] [class=credit] width:80vw; max-width:300px; opacity:0.5; font-family:Heebo; font-size:8px; margin:auto;center; [/class]
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The Emperor allowed his guard the silence she desired without second thought. She did good work, the least he could do was repay the favor from time-to-time. With his working eye, he glanced to the right corner of his frames, the retinal motion signaling to his glasses to mute all incoming alerts. As much as he thirsted for his position years ago, there was still some regret in his mind....

You remember the good days right? Jamie affirmed with the voice, then allowed it to continue. You never realized how good you had it back then. Hopping from Joybar to Joybar, living on the edge, killing anyone who crossed you. It was good times... Now you've grown old and lazy. Sitting on your ass all day refusing the job YOU so desperately wanted! This push for security we made has grown boring Jamie, I need action. Blood.

The tone and volume of this entity had never been this verbal before, the voice sounded almost as if he were across from him versus the usual whispers. This wasn't right. Or was it...? It wasn't wrong, he had grown sloppy over the years since he lacked the inner drive he once had. What was one to do once they had it all? Protect it. Or so he thought. Maybe he needed to be bolder? More like his old self. There you go Jamie... That's it. Do it at the banquet tonight. Show them the old Olver still has it in him....

Jamie nodded slightly to himself, agreeing with the voice once more. He needed that talk... Glancing to Athena with his good eye, seeing as she sipped at a glass of wine, he spoke. "Once you finish that you can take me to my quarters....The Council can wait another day. Tell them if they have a problem they can personally request a meeting. Also, go take care of what you need to do to prepare for tonight after you drop me off. The Palace Guard can handle keeping my room secure without you worrying-"

Jamie I asked for blood not a fucking nap.

"Scratch that. Take me to my room, i'll ready for the banquet, you return once you've readied yourself. Contact Meredith to bring any surviving Angels who were present on the train directly to me. Same for prisoners, if there is any... Regardless, that's the plan." Jamie rose from his comfortable position, energy suddenly flowing through him- However, he stood to quickly, as his vision was momentarily engulfed in a dizzy array, before returning to him. "Lets get going shall we...?"
[/div][/div][/div][div class=credit]credits RI.a RI.a [/div][div class=overlay]Emperor Jamie au Olver[/div][div class=tags]Location?
@mentions here[/div]
Incoming File ...
To: ReverseTex ReverseTex Collidias Rex Collidias Rex Sir Galahad II Sir Galahad II

Location: Kismet HQ --> Maintenance Tunnel
Bureau Notes: this was really weird since didnt know what the tunnels were like


"Monique said that if we want to make it in time, we should leave now," Glitch started. "Genesis, I will always be loyal to you but this is a great risk you are putting on our people... or what is left of them. We have no business interfering with this."

Glitch stood up, slowing making her way to Genesis who was currently busy with petting Circe as if she was a dog. He had an unhealthy obsession with her and it was really starting to bother the ashen-hair android. Genesis motioned for Circe to move into another room and she bounced away without saying a single word. After he met Kello, Genesis was already started to make changes that Glitch didn't like. The HQ was essentially an underground ship and since they were androids, found little need for light since they were all equipped with the capabilities to see perfectly in the dark. Now, the base was bursting with light and unnecessary trinkets that would be found in the home of a human. He even made Nezha build an aquarium.

Genesis looked towards Glitch with a grin and stood up, spreading his arms wide. "We have all this space yet you do not want to share? I am confused Glitch... how will we strike down the mighty emperor with a force of five? You need to keep an open mind, especially now." Genesis paused and walked over to the tank of fish, watching them swim away in fear with excitement. Wonderful creatures, the android thought to himself. "I am sending you to retrieve Gwendolyn. She will be delighted to hear about Hades."

"You can't even look at me when you say it. Why am I not going with Qix and Nezha?" Glitch asked, her voice getting louder.

"For some high-risk prisoners, the Angels put a tracking device in the back of the prisoner's neck. Only Circe has the ability to remove them.." Genesis started as he turned to face Glitch, an apparent frown on his face. "Unless you have somehow become a medic in the time I have known you?"


Genesis smiled, raising his left hand and began waving it. "Off you go! I shall prepare Circe. We will need these men for what comes next in my plan."

Sometime later...
Not that they could feel it, but the tunnels were cold, very cold. Luckily, their headquarters was also underground which was an environment they were used to, so they had no trouble reaching the location where Monique had told them to meet. The three androids rode through the tunnels in two separate rusted motorbikes, Circe hanging onto Qix's metallic body with her dear life. The two bikes rode until Nezha drifted to a sudden stop a few feet away from a metallic door that seemed to be the last obstacle blocking their way from meeting up with the others.

"Circe, give me the charges. We will have to leave the bikes here and continue on foot" Nezha said as she got off the bike and walked towards the large metallic door, running her fingers up and down the metal. This section of the tunnel and hadn't been used for at least two years so the door would surely be sealed shut.

"How will we find Kello?" Circe asked as she dropped a dark green duffle bag beside Nezha and looked back to see Qix waiting impatiently by her bike. Sometimes Circe felt bad for Qix, her inability to speak made her unnecessarily threatening and Circe that it wasn’t entirely her fault. The virus truly made her isolated… even from her friends.

“Not sure, but she should be close. By now, they should be looking for a way out of the surface tunnels. We blow through this door then blow through a wall after it, giving us a… shortcut."

Nezha reached down into the bag and pulled out one of the explosives and kneeled down to set it up. Circe stepped back and hid behind Qix who just made a mechanical humming sound. Without alerting her companions, Nezha pressed down on the remote and the door fell down, a loud echo screaming down the hallway and a screen of smoke following afterward. The tunnel led straight into the darkness with no obvious turns. Nezha picked up the duffle bag and turned left as soon as she got past where the door had previously stood and placed more charges, blowing through another layer of stone which led into another pathway in the network of tunnels. This time, more metal and plastic was used to reinforce the walls, but it was just as dark as the last.

"One more Circe" Nezha said as she blew up the tunnel walls for the third time. Qix rushed past both female androids, looking into the tunnel and turning back to Nezha with an excited look. Nezha nodded and stepped through the hole in the wall and gasped as she was met with a blinding light with shadowy figures huddling around the source.

"Kello? Is that you?"
Incoming File ...
To: KnightSergeant KnightSergeant
RE: Mr. Rib

Location: Ace in the Hole
Bureau Notes: Knight— I shall continue this scene in the arranged location (given what position this point ends on Knight, that sounds so, so shady, I am sorry for implicating you in such sauce)

Mr. White and Mr. Hand both jumped at the gunshot with the rest of the patrons; Mr. Rib merely smiled. If Gaius' ever-so-endearing nicknames for them bothered them, they did not show it. "I'd like that, for you to be 'my cat', as you say. How about you and I take this somewhere more private though?" Leaning over, Mr. Rib placed their hand atop of his and looked at him— or so they seemed to be doing judging by the angle of their visor.

Rising from their seat, they turned to their entourage. "I'll return soon enough. Why don't you two run along and find Mr. Eye for me?"
"But it's against protocol to—"
"Is it within protocol to disobey orders from the mission's captain?" The pair fell silent.
"No. Apologies, sir." Giving matching bows of the head, the two Mr.s glanced to Gaius to assess him, looking him over with thin smiles. "Good day."

With an impressively awkward shuffle given how they were some of the most feared individuals in the galaxy, the two Mr.s slipped out of the whorehouse and off on their assigned duties. Rendered alone, Mr. Rib was quick to catch Gauis by the wrist and pull him from the seat. Without giving an explanation, they took him up the stairs - a coy smile provided as encouragement to follow - and into one of the rooms clients could rent to spend an hour with the girls. The Mr. tapped their wrist to the checkpoint, the rectangle set within the wall flicking from red to green as the transaction was processed. The pod door slid up, revealing the lurid crimson and fuchsia 'love den' within, and in they dragged him onto the rugs and heart-shaped cushions.

"Somewhere more private," they said as a tardy explanation of the abduction. Walking to the back of the pod, Mr. Rib reached up and tugged the tie from their hair so that it fell loose and dark past their shoulders, back facing their companion, a hand lingering to unclip the buckle of their visor. "You seem to me exactly the kind of man I was hoping you'd be. And now for why I was hoping to meet you at all." The claustrophobic closeness of the pod had the following sound of a suit zipper dropping louder than the pair's breathing. "I believe I have a proposition for you that shall prove mutually beneficial for the both of us."
Incoming File ...
To: CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt
RE: Mr. Hand + Mr. White

Location: Ace in the Hole > Peace Tower
Bureau Notes: highskewl reunion

Mr. White and Mr. Hand were supposed to walk in silence; it was standard practice for the bureau. After all, how else can you maintain an image of secrecy if you chitter chatter in public spaces? Nonetheless, as the pair clambered onto a vacuum platform, Mr. White broke regiment and glanced at their accompaniment. "We have captains now," they observed, keeping their tone as neutral as possible.
"A necessary requirement for the circumstances at hand," Mr. Hand replied, staring without seeing outside of the platform's glass front, the shadow levels whizzing by as they ascended through them.
"This is starting to sound familiar." Mr. Hand did not deign that observation deserving of a response. Instead, they tightened their grip on their briefcase and nodded, more to themselves than to anyone else.
"Mr. Eye should be at the tower by now. They've raised the alarm on the escapees, I presume."

Centering their head to gaze straight ahead, Mr. White resumed their previous formality. "Confirmed."
"He ought to have been called in by now; he's not the sort to be late."
"You've worked with him before?"
"I've read the reports."
"Is he as good as they say?" Mr. Hand grimaced at that comment.
"Depends how you define the term 'good'."

Silence resumed. Reaching level one, they went unaccounted for by the Angels supposed to be on duty, for the usual patrols appeared to have been called elsewhere. "Their idea of security always appalls me," Mr. White said, curling their nose in disgust.
"They've improved since the Agency."
"Hardly surprising; inevitable, really."

Though unnoticed by the absent guards, the pair attracted plenty of attention as they crossed the gardens of the Beta district; the city did not yet know what had happened, but the public always seemed to get an intuitive sense when something big was going on. That or that were now learning to be in a permanent state of paranoia, especially up here. Either way, they were giving the bureau a wide berth that morning. The two sirs walked quickly, approaching the enormous black tower that promised them their target.

Sure enough, once inside, the receptionist was quick to inform them that the Captain of The Eyes was in his office, and would they like her to buzz them through? "No need; he won't mind. We'll show ourselves up," Mr. White said smoothly, their smile professional but reassuring; the receptionist was reassured. She clocked them through without notifying the Captain. Neither of the sirs knocked before entering.

The Blind Bureau was known for being equipped with technology not yet available to others, even the secret police. Thus, it wasn't all that surprising when the lock, under the permissions of only the Captains' verbal commands, clicked shut. Of the two, Mr. White stepped forwards, smiling. "Captain. Might we have a moment of your time?"
Incoming File ...
To: Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos SkyHawk MK IV SkyHawk MK IV

Location: Seamus' Clinic
Bureau Notes: I really need to start summoning the energy to feckin' post all these things as one post, huh?

Gwen laughed at the protest against being called a kid Julian made. "Kid, you young things are all starting to feel like kids to me. I'm old enough to be your great-grandmother, don't let the pretty face fool you." Collapsing onto the clinic's sofa for patients' company, a beloved piece of furniture she'd taken refuge on for many nights when the wrong people were out raiding for androids, Gwen watched the Doc work his magic and listened to the pair of them banter. She then looked up at the new arrival. "Speaking of kids, here's another. You're awful popular today, Doc." Waving the kid over, Gwen patted the leather beside her. "Sit yourself down. Doc's got a lot on his plate right now; just don't bleed out too much."

Kicking back, she exhaled as Doc worked on the guys she'd brought in. "My temper is as calm as a beach in summer, thank you very much Don. And I'm afraid I don't know the story. Woke up this morning to find near fifty of these kinds of guys scattered outside Boy's; I took the worst ones who were still breathing over to you. Angels should have gotten to the other ones, if they care enough. If not, maybe someone else took pity. I'm not going back there though; it'll be a hot zone for Eyes: either they did it, or someone they're after did." Closing her eyes, she winced at the noise of the kid (the first one) getting himself into even more trouble and injury. "Stars, you're a walking disaster kid." She cracked one eye at the android - he was an android, right? - sitting beside her. "What about you, other kid, what brings you here?" Grinning over at Seamus, she added, "Proud of me, Don? Doing your patient histories for you and everything."
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Incoming File ...
To: Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos

Location: The Shadow District
Bureau Notes: I need to get my D20 soon.

It didn't take long for the others to notice he had stepped into the clinic, being greeted by one of the occupants of the clinic at that time, the women, which interested Marcus long enough for him to do a double take when she spoke. "Oh yeah, sure, thanks. Was out of it then, had something on my mind" He wandered over to one of the spare seats which weren't exactly in the best condition, though it did match the looks and feel of the place. Messy. The other individual had already been taken care of and started to make his way to the door, however instead of managing to move out of the way, he bumped into him, knocking the poor sap to the floor. "Christ sorry about that, I'm used to being a tad clumsy than usual. " Marcus let out a small laugh and helped the man, who the women refereed to as a kid. He did somewhat agree with her, he did seem pretty young though the bruises he had sustained made him look like he had been knocked around pretty badly. Nevertheless, he apologized in return and made sure he was okay. When Marcus was sufficed that he was fine and dandy, he let him go.

Turning back to the women, he let her talk to the doctor before he spoke again "I'm just here for directions to find someone who can fix this" As he spoke, he rolled up his left sleeve, revealing the damaged Shocker "Not sure if the doctor back there can fix something like this. It's kinda....specialized..." This was the moment that could be considered to Marcus as risky as questions being asked would and could reveal information that he didn't want anyone to know. Though the women didn't seem to be the one that would be poking around asking questions. He kept his sleeve rolled up if the women wanted a closer look.

Then, Marcus realized something that the women said a only a minute ago "Don't bleed out too much" 'That's odd' He thought to himself, 'I don't bleed ou- Shit.' Looking down, the blood on his clothes were plain to see, making it seem that he had been bleeding heavily. 'Double shit.' How would he explain that? The guy was dead at the very least still in the alley way and now his blood was all over him. Marcus could only tell what had happened honestly, knowing that it wouldn't go down well in his mind. "Well about the blood...some guy had two nails in his eyes after being mauled by something.....I..couldn't save him, he was already dead." He looked away after saying those last few words, feeling uncertain about the response he would get.
Julian Serpentine
Location: Shadow District SkyHawk MK IV SkyHawk MK IV

Julian allowed the guy who he had bumped into pull him up. He stumbled slightly and he was sure he almost blacked out. But he was up, and going to attempt to get home. then he heard the word 'Fix' and Julian, despite being all over the place, was too curious to ignore what could be needing fixing. He saw the shocked and pointed. "I can try if you want. Probably not now, as I am desperate for a long-ass nap, but I workwith robots and making them. I can take a look at it for you. I'm off for a few days to go back to my day schedule, I can work on it if you'd like." He offered. He took the arm with the damaged shocker and took a look a it.

"Hmm.... from the looks of things, there's a few things here that would probably need replacing, and somethings might need to be re-connected. The main core might be damaged, but I'll have to take it apart to actually see. I could probably repair the core if it's not bad, but we'd have to replace it if it's badly damaged. I'd love to do it now, but I need sleep." He rambled. "Sorry, I'm a big Tech guy, And I ramble." he grinned sheepishly. He had an Idea, but it was a stupid one. "If you want, you can come to my place. It's not the best, but you could stay there for a while. Or not. Wait, I'm not thinking this through..." He cocked his head to the slightly slightly, his hand coming up to hold his head. "We could schedule a place to meet up? at a certain time and day? But that requires leaving the house." He grumbled slightly.

"What do you want to do? That is, if you want me to look at it. I don't have to if you don't want me to. I mean, I'm not a professional, but I can do something I guess." He rambled again. "Sorry, I'm rambling. I have a bad habit of it." He shrugged slightly.
Incoming File ...

To: All
RE: Unkown

Location: Low Earth Orbit
Bureau Notes: (OOC Here)

ClassifiedAs everything is happening, Static suddenly fills the comms units in the docking bay control center and a faint voice is herd saying "Hello? Houston? Houston are you there?" Everyone looks begins to get confused, They dont know anyone named Houston. Meanwhile a man is floating, alone In a derelict space station.
"Houston! Please come in! We have red across the board! Im low on O2 and one of the solar arrays are damaged!" As the man continues to yell. Everyone continues to wonder: Solar? Why solar? why not nuclear or something else, why use something so outdated?

Before anyone can say something, there is a loud bang in the background of the audio and the man continues.
"Oh shit... Houston! Please respond! I just lost the entire Japanese Kibo laboratory!"
Everyone continues to think. Japan? Wassent that a old earth country?
"The ISS is not in the best of states Houston! Please respond! or better yet, Send help! Here! Ill upload the ISS's Current coordinates"
Suddenly, everyone gets a data dump of a location. In orbit of, Earth.
"I can see debris! Oh fuck a chunk is about to hit the long range comms dis-"
Suddenly the message cuts out. Leaving everyone with hundreds of questions.
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Incoming File ...
To: Bang Bang Bang Bang Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos SadSnake SadSnake SkyHawk MK IV SkyHawk MK IV

Location: L18 - Seamus' Clinic --> Jeanne's house
Bureau Notes: Let me know if I missed any tags

“Well ain’t you a regular saint,” Seamus replied to Gwen’s recounting of the events that lead to her depositing four dying men on his floor, tone dripping with sarcasm. As he said this another person came into his clinic, much to his displeasure. Why couldn’t people learn not to get hurt this early? It was a rhetorical question and he knew why not, especially in this part of the Shadow District, but still. He was a busy man with things to do, like sleep, and drink, and smoke and he preferred to do these things alone. Well, most of the time at least.

Ignoring Gwen’s remark about doing his patient histories for him, something he paid little attention to other than the necessities to begin with, Seamus busied himself with the last of the four men. He had been working fast and as such it wasn’t his prettiest work, but then again they’d live and they should be thankful for at least that much. It was unlikely the Angels would be so courteous. Swiping his datapad against the chips in their arms to extract payment, Seamus turned to look at the new guy who’d walked in, finding his previous patient examining his arm with interest. Rubbing his forehead in irritation, the doctor strode over and grabbed the other man by the collar before lifting him up and setting him to the side, a rather gentle maneuver by his standards, so he could have a look at the newcomer. Pulling out the portable scanning device he’d used on the mugging victim he passed it over the newcomer and checked the readout before grimacing and turning to Gwen. ”Oi, Gwen you take him. He’s one of yours and you know that means I can’t fix him,” he said as his phone chimed in his pocket. ”Oh for fuck’s sake,” he grumbled, fishing it out and holding it up, his expression getting worse as he read. ”Right,I’m off to deal with another idiot who can’t keep herself healthy. Gwen, make sure these fuckwits don’t take anything,” he announced while gesturing to everyone who wasn’t Gwen, annoyance clear by his tone. He then grabbed his coat and a bag of medical supplies and made his way out the door, closing it with a resounding slam that rattled the various bottles around the clinic.


Around fifteen minutes later Seamus arrived at the nondescript house at the address mentioned in the text he’d received. He’d always hated house calls especially, but he wouldn’t stay in business without them so he tried to get them over with as soon as he could. However, upon entering he realized that he’d be unable to do that this time. His patient was slumped against the wall, blood covering her front and the floor around and leading up to her. Grumbling to himself Seamus opened up his medical bag and set about stemming the flow of blood to prepare her for transport back to the clinic as he simply didn’t have the necessary implements to deal with her loss of blood on him. With that done he lifted her up and slung her over one shoulder, an undignified but effective way to transport a person.

When he did this however, he noticed a set of tiles that weren’t quite aligned with those around them as well as bloody handprints on and around them. Letting his curiosity get the better of him he stomped down on them, shattering the tiles and revealing what seemed to be a bloodied wolf suit in a cavity in the floor. Fantastic, he thought to himself, Troublesome and psychotic, just my fucking luck. With that, and with his irritation at fever peak, Seamus kicked her door open and began to make his way back to the clinic, his reputation and the blood-soaked woman on his shoulder making doubly sure that only the most foolhardy would bother him during the trip.
Incoming File ...
To: Elephantom Elephantom Collidias Rex Collidias Rex Sir Galahad II Sir Galahad II ReverseTex ReverseTex

Location: Various places
Bureau Notes: REEEEEE


"Sir, it seems Meredith will be dealing with the transport issue personally." One of the Eyes monitoring the camera feed throughout the Tower spoke up, their head moving away from the various screens and up at their captain, who was currently peering out into the nearby window, apparently lost in thought. "They're mobilizing to head over there now it seems." Eye never was one to show up for meetings. Always present through the various cameras and security systems, but always doing something else. One Angel squad was heading to the transport, while another stayed.

Meredith was going to handle it personally.

"Form a group of Eyes together, they'll be heading close to the transport. Have them go with Ashley's squad as Meredith ordered. Have them armed, just in case." Eye turned away from the window, a hand on his chin as he racked his brain for ideas. "Ensure that as little information to the general public is given as possible. Reporters are to be detained, and their footage deleted. Scramble radio signals." This transit would certainly be a PR disaster for the Angels. May as well give Meredith time to prepare some sort of public statement.

"And for a cover story?"

"They think that poor inspection of the internals of the train caused an explosion."

"Yes sir."


Information would sudden flood the various devices of Nero's squad, even whatever Meredith had on him would get notification after notification of various files downloading themselves onto their devices. Transport details, the ID of the prisoners, the location where it was believed to have been attacked. Even an in depth map of the area which detailed the various roads and routes. Even the sewer line was given. Though the last part had a small note attached to it.

'The sewer map information is outdated. I suggest not going in them personally. Absolutely filthy.' - E

A small group of Eyes arrived not long after, their scramble suits on as always. None of them were heavily armed, instead carrying either PDWs or sidearms. They weren't there to attack, only defend themselves as they worked. Tablets, custom made computers and various other devices made the bulk of what they carried as they boarded the transport with Ashley's squad. Hopefully Meredith appreciated the media blackout they would provide. Make the job much less hectic.

And just like that, the group was off towards the transport.

That bit of trouble was over now, thankfully. Now Eye could return to his office and handle other more important business. The trip to his personal office was fairly quiet, the only sound being the light tapping of his shoes against the hard floor as he walked. The door opened as he approached, shutting behind him not long after. A small cup of coffee sat on his desk, the dark brown of the cup in contrast to the shark white and deep black of the rest of the neatly organized table. He picked up the cup as he peered out from the large window. One which gave him a nice little view of the Tower.

The door opened behind him without warning, the sound of two figures making their way in before the door shut behind them. Eye either didn't notice them or care, even as the lock to the door was activated. He merely peered out of the window and sipped at his drink.

"Captain. Might we have a moment of your time?"

Eye turned his head to face the two intruders. "Ah. Did Mr. Rib grow tired of you two?" He set the coffee down on his desk, pulling back the large, leather chair and taking a seat.

It was his office after all. He should get comfortable.

"The other one isn't here if you required him."

Then again, the other one never did like meetings.
Incoming File ...
To: Mykinkaiser Mykinkaiser
RE: Anne

Location: SPAAAACE

Anne opened her eyes. She felt...cold. Freezing, actually. She gasped as she was suddendly brought into cousciousness. It took her a few seconds of panic before realising she was in cryofreeze. Right. One thing at a time.. she needed to open her pod, and figure out what's going on. It was cracked.
How did she open the pod again? God, she knew it like, yesterday... when she was put in there...it was a button somewhere! She had to feel around for a minute before freeing herself, sighing of relief as the compartment flipped up. Who knew, it was just next to her fucking hand.She rolled her eyes and climbed out of the pod. "Y'a quelqu-" She interrupted herself. Right. Space station. "Is anyone here?"

She took a look around.. the whole place was.. in shambles! Wires hanging everywhere, sparks menacing to set everything on fire... she floated out of her pod, grabbing on a loose handle to figure out what she needed to do to save at least this part of the ship- With the others inside. How where they doing?A quick check at the control pad answered that question, and she took a minute to process it.

...they all had frozen to death. She felt.. sick, a cold fealing swarming her throat- And not a side effect of her own, non-defective pod. Maybe she was the last one alive.. she needed to get this ship working long enough for help to arrive. Without waiting for an answer, she started working. Pressing buttons, watching them add to the shower of spark and defective material, and reconnecting wires while doing her best not to be electrocuted. "Anyone? Speak up if you can!" Hopefully someone else was there with her... she couldn't help but fear being alone..

"It's tekto!" her heart skipped a beat as she heard the familiar voice. She didn't know them particularly, mainly because they weren't one of her designated caretakers... but.. she had seen them a few times, and anyone in the vaccum of space was a lifesaver.

"Tekto! Are you okay? We need to keep this station operating if we want to make it out!"

She recoiled from her work, panting heavily. It wasn't perfect, she didn't have time to make it so. It'd have to do for now. The astronaut rushed to Tekto's aid.
Incoming File ...
To: CerpinTaxt CerpinTaxt Collidias Rex Collidias Rex Sir Galahad II Sir Galahad II ReverseTex ReverseTex
Location: Site of wreckage
Bureau Notes: I apologize if this post is too bare, but 'tis all I can manage in the time provided

“They could've been subtle,” Meredith grumbled.

Nero shrugged his shoulders. “It's part of your average underground education,” he said.

“I can't do much about men of their kind. . .” criminal scum. He sighed. “Are the perimeters secured?”

Nero looked around, biting his lips. “As much as they can be, everything considered.”

The explosion, poorly controlled and deployed, had wrecked the transit vehicle— derailed from its track, it was on the verge of blowing to bits, with smoke rising from the point of impact. The stench of char and burnt metal was thick in the air. The tunnel from their side of entry was closed off to the populace, guarded by Prentiss and his men. All the direct exits were secured, but there were still many potential escape routes.

“Have you tasked anyone with tracking them down?”

“The fugitives?” Nero snorted. “Just as you asked, Cap'n.”

“I bet the Eyes are on it too.”


Meredith chuckled. “My sentiments exactly.”

“Say, Cap'n,” Nero asked, idly, scratching his beard. “You're awfully quick on your feet today.”

“Haste,” Meredith intoned. “I was on edge today, had no sleep the night before. My wife took me to a party.”

Nero flinched. “It seems she's of the persuasive sort.”

“More than me,” he said. They both laughed.

“You're a lotta kinds of happy, Cap'n, for a sleepy man.”

“Pills,” Meredith replied. “Lay off the banter for now. We've got a mess to deal with. What does the coordinates say?”

Nero checked his tablet, raising his eyebrows. “One . . .” he hesitated, and then pointed at the ruins. “There.”

How interesting. He scrutinized the wreckage. It was nothing much to wonder at, being a pile of scrap throttled and thrown to the ground. The lights above, damaged, were flickering. The flecks of fire, fleeing the trail of smoke, leap everywhere.

“Curious Shall we see to it ourselves, Nero?” He thought about the situation. It was a reckless decision, possibly life endangering, not a smart move for a man like him— he was the Captain after all, an invaluable asset to the government, and to the people.

Nero's brows furrowed. “Sir?”

“I'm wearing body armour beneath, and besides,” he tapped the holster hidden beneath the flanks of his coat, “I'm still a better marksman than you and everybody here combined.”

“The sharpest shooter around.” Nero clapped his hands twice and bowed. “Grace me with your presence, Cap'n.”

Meredith smirked. He slapped his back, still hunched, and pulled him back up. “Your dawdling is ruining my image.”

“That much is expected from you, boss.”

Meredith gave him a glare.

Nero whooped, howling like a hyena. “There, there, you're back to your old self.”

“I'll hear no more from you. That's an order.”

Nero bought an arm to his head in a mock salute. “Aye.”

“We've got the men for it, Cap'n.”

“We're being fanciful little heroes,” Meredith uttered dryly. “Role models for the children, Nero, role models.”


“You're talking like Tomos now.”

Nero's lips parted in a sheepish grin. “Oh, yeah, how did you find the boy, Cap'n?”

“Wonderful. A younger you, Nero. Is he your brother?”

Nero scratched his head. “Gosh, no, sir.”

“Let's just go.”

Meredith walked over the ruins, careful not to ruin evidence, to the prisoner's compartment. Nero followed close behind.

“This is—” Nero made to shout, but was silenced by a gesture of Meredith's hand.

“I, well- at least, consider the benefits and drawbacks of such an action, Nero.”

“I just roll with it, Cap'n.”

“You're the reason I'm losing face and this agency's losing fund.”

“One look at me ugly mug and they're running for the hills.”


“Good for me. Ain't never liked the dainty type.”

Meredith, running a hand across his forehead, discovered he was sweating again. His mind was shaking again— never good, not for his psyche. “Who's the prisoner?”


“The terrorist?”

Nero nodded. “He's the one who started the android panic, as much as we know about it.”

“Well, let's bag him then.”

“Actually, Cap'n,” he said. “Tomos had forwarded a message to our team's comp earlier.”

A pang shot through his heart. He bit back a gasp. “What is it?” he managed to say, through gritted teeth. He already knew he wasn't going to enjoy this.

“Jaime wants us to get Hades to him, personally.”

“What?” he exclaimed. He realized his misstep, cultivated by a moment of heat, and composed himself. He continued, “Why would Jaime want that?”

“How in the citadel would I know that, Cap'n? Man's always been unpredictable.”

“Unhinged,” he sneered.

Meredith had been one of those men who'd supported Jaime's rise to throne— there was bloodshed, corruption, cruelty, but he'd seen the reasoning behind the anarchy. Jaime, he thought, was a man like him. A man of necessity.

But, lately, Jaime had been drooping into senility. He was growing into a threat for the system, the institution of order he served so religiously. Every person he killed for the cause, and he'd think, it was for the greater good of this system. It was his penance, to serve the whole of the government and the people, regardless of personal loyalties. Anything in between was just an obstacle, and Jaime was slowly shaping up to be one.

And now, he was taking away his power. His face, his fist.

“We'll do just that, Nero, exactly that,” he grunted.

The innards of the prison transit were blasted beyond uniformity. The light fixtures had been taken out. He trained his gun and light on the front module. The bodies of the Angels were lying around, executed— for all their weaponry, training, armour, they'd proven useless in the firefight.

“They never stood a chance,” Nero mumbled.

“Reckon it was a surprise attack, Nero?”

“That much is obvious, Cap'n.” He grimaced, scrutinizing the scene.

Nero advanced forward, and shone in his flashlight at the back end of the vehicle. He lurched back, and squeaked, “He's there!”

The Captain pointed his gun at the source of Nero's terror. It was the figure of Hades, dejected, smoking a cigar, right down in the back of the vehicle. Meredith scowled. Why was he still there?

“Hades,” he barked. “I don't know why you're still loitering around—”

“You'd have to be mighty crazy,” Nero commented.

“— but you're going to accompany us. The transfer has been compromised and we have a feeling you're behind this.”

“He is?” Nero piped.

“Well, I have a feeling he's behind this,” Meredith responded. He turned his attention back to the potential fugitive. “You'll come over peacefully or this Officer here will manhandle you back, Hades. It won't be pretty, I'll make sure of that.”
Incoming File ...
To: SadSnake SadSnake Rusty Kerman Rusty Kerman

Location: Sol System
Bureau Notes: rip

Two days prior, unexpected energy signals had been detected in a system long abandoned; the gradual reboot of the ISS had been so unexpected that honestly, no one even remembered it had been left floating in Old Earth's orbit, abandoned as outdated junk. Still, outdated junk has some historical value now that Old Earth was an antiquated novelty, and thus Nova had dispatched a salvage crew on a Firefly model to go bumble on over and pick up whatever might be of interest or value. When they entered the system, they perhaps should have anticipated that there were yet more surprises in store, but foolishly, they'd embarked expecting an easy voyage.

"Firefly Alpha-Seven, this is Central Command, over," buzzed the intercoms system as they jumped out of light-speed and rocked past Jupiter.
"Firefly Alpha-Seven, reporting arrival in system, over."
"We've just had live radio feed from the ISS debris over via the monitoring network. Judging by what we received, they're experiencing turmoil and/or possible collision. Are you equipped for rescue, over?"

Rita McCree was not equipped to rescue, no, nor was she bloody happy to hear that yet again, weird shit seemed to be happening in the universe. "We're not outfitted for it, no, over," she growled back into the mic, ignoring the look her pilot shot her.
"Please proceed to engage in rescue operations, over."
"I said, we're not—"
"We have reason to believe the lifeforms aboard are Old Earth residents, over."

Well. If things weren't weird enough already. Rita refrained from pointing out that Old Earth was an uninhabitable wasteland/actual hellscape, and in her hesitation, received further explanation. "Historical records indicate the station was equipped with rudimentary stasis systems. Linguistic features indicate stranded as pre-Empire, over."
"You're kidding me," Rita blurted, more to herself than to anyone else. Ned, her pilot, was as blase as ever and just shrugged like you discovered frozen living relics of the past every other day. "Sorry Command; we shall engage in rescue procedures immediately, over."
"Report in upon completion. Over and out."

"Well this is just fucking fantastic," Rita muttered, too all that excited to be risking her life and bounty for two prehistoric nobodies, but then again, this could be the bounty of a lifetime. Approaching it with the latter thought's optimism, she radioed in the new information to the crew and opens up channels with the station. "Radio to ISS Station, this is Firefly Alpha-Seven reporting. Can you confirm your situation with us? Repeat, Radio to ISS Station, this is Firefly Alpha-Seven reporting. Can you confirm your situation with us?"
Incoming File ...
To: Cosmic_Chaos Cosmic_Chaos Bang Bang Bang Bang
RE: Marcus

Location: The Shadow District
Bureau Notes: Fixing time

Marcus' ask for help was quickly answered first and foremost by the the guy who he helped up, who looked at his arm for closer inspection and offered help to fix his shocker though he looked worn out and tired after his eventful day. His concerns were confirmed about needing new parts for his Shocker and he did say he worked with robots which would help as he probably knew more than the doctor in the clinic. Nodding in agreement, Marcus responded "Sure thing, I guess that's up to you if I can fit within your schedule. I've got time on my hands and probably need a place to bunker down in for a while...." Marcus also took notice of the mans ramblings, sounding like he was going off on a tangent somewhat while speaking. Thinking over it for a second, he spoke again "Yeah, if it's alright with you me staying, I really need a job as w-" Before his sentence could be finished, he was cut off by the doctor who, just after lifting the other former patient by the collar and moving him over, took a pad and started to scan it over him, analyzing every part of his metal body. 'Shitshitshit' his thoughts were pure profanity at this point while the doctor scanned him.

After a few seconds, the doctor appeared to react to him normally, which surprised him. Normally any reaction from humans finding out an android was among them escalated very quickly which is why Marcus aimed to avoid such things. However, this intrigued him further. Maybe he didn't care? Maybe what he only cared about was the money flowing in. It wouldn't surprise him if it was the latter of the reasons why he didn't give a damn. Could he trust the doctor? Possibly. At this point, Marcus was quite unsure on what to do, though his attention drifted to the woman who was chatting to the doctor quite causally after the doctor referred him to the woman. 'One of hers?' That means that Gwen was also an android. If that was what the doctor was talking about and if this was the case, then at least there was another android who was hiding in the shadows. This opened a whole new range of possibilities and several questions that could be asked and hopefully answered.

Marcus was getting ahead of himself. First things first; If the good doctor and Gwen had a friendly relationship, that at the very least meant he could trust both parties to a certain extent regarding where he came from and what he truly is. However, he wouldn't want to expose his true intentions just yet to either or them, nor to the man who offered to fix him up a bit. Right now, priorities were set in place; Get the shocker fixed, reveal as little information as possible about himself and intentions, meet others like him if there is any and finally: Get a job. For now though, he would have to choose between either Gwen or the man. Since he had no money, favors or a tab would be put in place to help with the costs that he might accumulate. With the doctor pushing past him in a hurry, presuming to on his way to patch up another patient, he turned to the two individuals left in the clinic. "Might as well introduce myself." He said, attempting to gain some sort of foundation for a friendship "My name's Marcus, glad to meet you both."
Incoming File ...
To: Bang Bang Bang Bang SadSnake SadSnake
RE: Tekto

Location: Outside Of The International Space Station.
Bureau Notes: (Sorry for the odd writing style, Im new to rp)

"Unbeknownst to McCree, She didn't know of the events that occurred just Hours earlier
As Tekto floats out of the airlock he radios Anne
"Hey... Anne... Are you reading me?"
Tekto herd the voice of Anne on the other end of the comms.
"I do!"
Relieved that his only other crewmate was still alive he continued to speak.
"Ok, I need you to head to the command module, Ill give you more instructions on the way there."
"Listen, just tell me what to do and I'll do it."
"Alright, I need you to reorient the station by 45 Degrees"
"Gotcha. Witch direction?"
"45 Degrees, Prograde."

As Tekto maneuvered himself to the tank, he attaches a tether to the side of the station and begins moving out
"Heres the plan: Im going to blow one of the outer fuel tanks, The resulting force should push the station into a higher orbit."
"..isn't it going to blow up the.."
"N-nevermind.. do what you can.."

Hearing the nervous tone in Annes voice he quickly thinks up a response.
"Dont worry, As long as I do it right we should be safe"
But Tekto dident know they would be fine, hell he dident even know it it would work.
"Let me know when your in the command pod and changing orientation."
"Y-yeah. I'm working on it right now, sorry."
"Ok are you there?"
"Im in position"
As Anne got into position he felt that he had to give some words of Comfort , to make sure that they dident slip up and mess up the orientation.
"Ok, ok, Kid. Calm down, You can do this. Aslong as you do that simple thing, We will be safe."
"I hope you're talking to yourself.."
Surprised by her response, Tekto thinks to himself, "Am I talking to myself?"
"Turning the station now."
Once the station is in position, Tekto aims the nailgun.
"Hold on to something"
Tekto Fires at the fuel tank.
Over the comms Tekto hears the sound of a girl hitting the wall.

"Anne?... Anne?... Anne come in... Shit...."
Theres no response.
"Are you ok?"
Theres still no response.
"Shit.... Ok, ok,.... Im coming back in."

Tekto slowly floats back to the airlock and enters the station.
He maneuvers through the station, making his way to the command pod.
"Anne? Are you ok..."
As Tekto floats into the room he finds Anne, Unconscious.
Suddenly, Tekto hears a voice from the comms.
Incoming File ...
To: ( Collidias Rex Collidias Rex Bang Bang Bang Bang ReverseTex ReverseTex )

Location: (Prisoner Transit)
Bureau Notes: (1776 Status: Approaching)

ClassifiedThe train ride was fairly uneventful thus far. Save for Nigel being beaten by the Angels, but that was a regular occurrence. That suddenly hanged, however, when the cab was suddenly filled with a loud boom and molten steel, causing the train to jolt back and forth. Robert and Dragomir clutched at their ears as their hearing was suddenly replaced with a high-pitched ringing sound. As Rob looked around, though, he couldn't help but smile.

Kello. An old acquaintance that had quite literally just dropped in. She was kicking ass too, her and whoever the other person was. The cab had become chaos, with a flurry of sounds, punches, and bullets filling the air. All this action, however brief, made him miss the days before prison even more, as cliche as it was. And just like that, the dust settled, and the action was over as quickly as it had started. The angels lay incapacitated or dead at their feet, no doubt an impressive feat for two individuals. Rob stood up immediately to greet the two, shaking the last bit of noise out of his head.

"Well, never thought I'd see you again," he said, grinning. He held his arms out so the cuffs could finally come off, and involuntarily stiffened up when one of the two zapped the tracker in his neck. Dragomir, while happy to be free, had no business with either of the two, and stood quietly while his modified cuff was detached from him.

Everything, understandably, was fantastic. Until Kello spoke to Hades. That's when the waterworks kicked in. For better or worse, Robert had retained his emotions during his stay at the prison, and when Kello felt pain, desperately pleading with Hades so she wouldn't lose him, Rob felt pain too. They had to go, though. No use crying about it, especially since they were certainly going back to prison if they were caught again. Rob exited the train with the others, following Kello and Monique in a sort of somber fashion, until Kello turned back to them and spoke.

"Robert fucking Hancock, get up here you beautiful bastard."

While happy to hear it, especially since it implied Kello was feeling at least somewhat better, he wondered what what the whole thing was about.

Until he saw the jacket. His jacket.

He turned it over in his hands as Kello spoke to him, feeling the aged leather with his fingers. He held it up slightly, displaying the colors of a dead nation to himself. Old glory.

He smiled.

He was both flattered that Kello had worn it and honored that he had inspired someone, just as his country inspired him. Rob put the jacket on over his orange jumpsuit. Surely this meant something. The start of something.

He closed his eyes briefly, and held his hand back. He brought it forward quickly, clasping it with Kello's in a sort of soldier's embrace. Stepping forward slightly, he used his other hand to pat her on the back lightly.

"Good to have you back too, soldier."

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