Edward // Cowboy Bebop


One Thousand Club

"Ed will introduce Ed. Full name Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV."


Name: Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV (Fake Name) // Françoise Isenbike Suzanne Appledelhi (Birth Name)

Universe From: Cowboy Bebop

Gender: Female

Age: Thirteen (Estimated)



Ed has many attitudes manifested by an eccentric genius such as a great susceptibility to distraction, and a tendency to talk to herself aloud and sing nursery rhymes or other children's popular culture. She often repeats the last words of the people who speak before her and answers questions with seemingly meaningless phrases or sometimes real nonsense. She frequently spaces out, similar to a trance, which seems to withdraw her from reality. She almost always refers to herself in third person and rarely interacts with other characters in a real conversation. She could be considered sort of a "free spirit", very fond of nature and open spaces. Her eccentric character, who often seems to have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, is the primary source of humor in any group.


Ed also shares numerous behavioral characteristics of a wild animal. In particular in regards to her tendency to bite people and her way of walking, in fact, she is always barefoot and shifts to four-legged, rolling, or on the palms of her hands. She even uses her feet for tasks that would normally take place with the upper limbs. On one occasion, she proves to be unable to walk wearing a pair of shoes. She likes to sleep at least twelve hours a day, has an incredibly fast metabolism and seems to prefer the company of animals, as seen with her rapport with Ein.


Despite the many oddities, Edward is most likely the most intelligent character in the series



Ed is a skinny, copper-colored teenage girl with tufts of bright red hair. Edward wears a loose sleeveless white T-shirt, tight bicycle shorts, and never wears footwear of any kind. Once she attempted to wear socks in Mushroom Samba but she immediately lost her balance, suggesting she may have never even worn shoes. She permanently wears a pair of large green goggles on her head or dangling from her neck. The goggles hook up to her computer and allow her to "net dive". Her somewhat androgynous appearance often causes her to be mistaken for a boy.


Almost nothing is known about Françoise's past except that she was born on January 1, 2058 on Earth and that she spent the first years of her childhood in an orphanage, left there by her father, a cartographer, which is work rather questionable on a planet that, because of the perpetual meteor showers, constantly changes its topographic appearance, named Siniz Hesap Lütfen Appledelhi. In the manga it is revealed that her best friend was a boy named Tomato, also the name of the brand of Ed's computer, also passionate of computer science. 


Having grown up without parents, she gave herself the fictitious name Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV. About two years before the start of the series, Ed flees the orphanage for unclear reasons: supposedly to search for her father or the simple desire of freedom.

In the period of time between her escape and before her first encounter with her future traveling companions, Ed built a discreet fame as a hacker with the nickname Radical Edward. It also seems that she was a fan of the Bebop well before joining the crew. In fact she had several posters as well as a remote controlled model made with a styrofoam cup and layers of cardboard.


Edward possesses no weapons or powers of any kind, but that doesn't mean that she's powerless. When forced into a combat situation, her lithe and agile form along with her animalistic instincts and high intelligence allow her to become an unpredictable and dangerous opponent. Outside the battlefield, she's just as dangerous with her hacking capabilities and seemingly innocent appearance. All in all, she's someone you wouldn't ever want to underestimate.

Goals: Do whatever she feels like doing.


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