Eclipse Pacts and Various Monsters that want to Eat them

Oz Tan

New Member
Okay, so it's covered in a broad manner, about the Eclispe pacts and oaths and such to the demons and would be eaters of the world. But what happens when you have Fair Folk armies and shit crusasing into Creation? Do they have to stop and be nice because there's an Eclipse there? Or do they rape and pillage as usual, and just avoid the Eclipse? Or do they just smash and eat it all? Any one?
Hostilities generally call a halt to the auspices of an eclipse.  I would imagine that if an eclipse goes to great lengths to avoid confrontation with an invading foe, that the invading foe would give them a wide berth.  However, if the eclipse engages in any active hostilities against said beastie, then I would say all bets are off.
If a demon force were to suddenly invade creation an eclipse would be able to request an audience with the leader of the army and would be guaranteed safe passage to the leader and then back out to neutral or safe territory.  I could very well be wrong here, but the use of that power requires a specific diplomatic purpose... he couldn't be screwing around behind enemy lines, yelling "diplomatic immunity" like a gimp and mooning the demonic forces.  Further, he's not granted any rights, just safety, so you can expect a full escort at all times, straight in and out, and he may or may not be allowed to see exactly where he is going.  Also, there's no saying that his hosts wont try to goad him into nullifying his immunity through all manners of trickery and depravity.  It's a powerful ability, since it means that diplomacy is ALWAYS an option, but it's not fool proof and ultimately the eclipse will probably need to exercise shrewd diplomacy to survive such a jaunt.
It does guarantee hospitality though, so they are given room and board with safe and palatable food, and must be treated with respect as if they were diplomats, which they are. Again, they must be on some sort of diplomacy but that can be as simple as "forging relations with your leader" or even "coming to know our invaders", because such things are lines of diplomacy.

Sato is quite right in that they are not to use their immunity to scout enemy forces, and while they won't be blindfolded and roughly shoved, they might be routed around the encampment, or might only be allowed approach by cover of night with a supernatural fog covering the army.

And yes, when they arrive the Demon Lord might have their loved one there in chains being raped, or a ficsimile thereof, simply to try and goad him/her into breaking the diplomacy of the arrangement.
But there's only 150 / 5 = 30 eclipses in the entire world! :P They can't stop all the invasions occuring. ;D

.. No real point to this post. But it's a useful reminder :)
Just wondering if my massive tidal wave of Wyld monstery destruction is going to get stopped by the pirate wanna be metrosexual of heroism.
in the case of a wyld invasion remember: they have diplomatic immunity from some, not all :twisted: . after all, some wyld monstrosities are quite new
... and why would that be? I agree that the idea of 'diplomatic immunity' working when dealing with beings of chaos seems ... not so logical. But even so, I can't remember any account stating that this power only works *some* of the time when confronted by the forces of the Wyld. New phenomena or not.
It works on all, full-stop. If you want justification for it, I gather that references were made at some point in the Fair Folk book to a metaphorical "gate" that the FF had to pass through in order to enter creation, one which imposed form upon them. In other words, creation forced them to accept certain rules at the door if they were to invade and kill, which is why they all have some sort of shape.

Just say that as part of their "border agreement" when invading, or arriving new, or whatever, they had it branded into their souls not to fuck with the Eclipse.

Alternatively, the agreement not to mess with the Eclipse is both common sense for invaders, as they have someone to tender their demands to and conduct negotiations with (they are useful to both sides, in other words), and it's also enforced by heaven, as noted in their writeup. In other words, perhaps not every wyld beast is writ against attacking them, but they all instinctually understand that attempting an unprovoked attack or denying hospitality to an eclipse will result in immediate and overwhelming heavenly retribution. I suggest having it written into the defence grid and the nature of malfeas that these agreements be honoured: FF fear the immediate destruction of the grid, and in Malfeas the big man himself will smite those ignoring protocol because of his name-oaths.

Does this help?
Bear in mind, all he gets to do is negotiaite. If he's not on official business, he doesnt get the protection.

If the eclipse approaches the FF to try and negotiate their withdrawl, and their negotiations fail, the eclipse better Move 'Zig!! outta there post haste, because as soon as he overstays his welcome he's fair game.

Likewise, there's nothing to stop the FF from assassinating him while he's 300 miles from camp either.
... well, he is safe while in transit to / or from such a diplomatic meeting. Saying that protection ends after a finite distance, renders it pretty useless.

Granted, that is a pretty loose definition, but as long as he's simply traveling away from such a 'failed negotiation', I'd rule him as safe from attack, unless goaded into acting rashly. After all, the Fair Ones could for instance simply attack the local populace, using the Solar's compassion against him...
Agreed. What point would there have been making those agreements in the first place if the FF could just kill them after saying "no"?

Remember that the FF will want an open dialogue, if for nothing else for the sake of sending home a witness to their power and mercilessness.

It may seem a bind upon the ST at first, but the immunity can lead to interesting conflict instead of "He kills you with gremlins!". I heartily endorse this burning of villiages. Make it seem at first as if they can easily take the invaders doing the burning, only to find it's an ambush. Perhaps even the burning villiagers were just masquerading Nobles?

Bottom line: While on business (Which does, in my mind, include "saying hello to your leader"), the Eclipse is immune from intentional attack so long as he does not interfere uninvited in the affairs of the visited power. As long as they have means to know he's an eclipse, no sane demon/FF would attack or hinder or imprison him.

And if they do, their fate is presumably absolutely certain and instant, because it's not even discussed in the book. They just won't attack an eclipse. I suggest instant annihilation upon issuing the order/trying to land a blow upon him.

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