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Fantasy Eastern Hotel For Supernaturals

k a r m a

stan ateez

The Eastern Hotel For Supernaturals

This is not a normal hotel ,no, this is a spy agency that's recruiting supernatural spies. It's about to be the biggest mission yet and these sort of spies are needed. We can give you a small heads-up on what the mission would be of but that's all. There would be little training given to you since we realize that you all were a part of something that made you worthy of being a spy.

So apparently there is a plot to destroy the US and cause war. The first thing these people would be doing would be killing the president. After they take over the government they plan to enslave the US and make them go to war with the rest of the world. This is all the information we were able to acquire but we are sure you new recruits would be able to handle this and save the world. We wish you good luck on the mission and we hope you can successfully complete this mission. No pressure but the sake of the world is on your shoulders.

I want this RP to be fun for you guys so I don't want anyone doing anything to make other people quit. I can't make this roleplay fun by myself so I ask that you guys help me make it fun.

-RpNation Rules

-No God-moding

-No Mary Sues/ Gary Stu's

-Don't OP your OC

-Don't chat in the IC tab please. If you do please you brackets to indicate so but don't do it too often. Leave that for OOC.

-Don't control anyone's OC

-No 1 liners. At least 3 lines. Give people something to work with.

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