DVV's fantasy characters


Weird at last.
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Figured keeping my characters in one place is not a bad idea.

Feedback is welcome, though I prefer getting it on the more elaborate ones (of which there aren't a whole so far, I've gotten horribly lazy, but bear with me). The brief sheets are generally more guidelines for me when me and my rp partner are like 'yo let's just get the absolute basics out of the way'.

For now, most don't have a detailed bio; I might write out their pasts, but in the RP's themselves, I always like it if both me and my rp partner don't disclose too much of the character's history, so it can lead to some fun surprised along the way (fun for us, not for the characters.)

Unless stated otherwise, any drawings used as appearance are my own work. I like the freedom that gives me in designing my characters.


RP: Fantasy - DikkeVetteVlinder and Taps

Name: Ignacio Viteri

Age: 26

Function on the ship: Captain

Species: Human

Role in the plot: Captain, catalyst for the people that want to find out what the treasure's secret is

Personality: Determined, clever and brave. He's the sort that could probably have gotten a better life than this. But he's a thrillseeker as well. And he has only one true love, the sea. Ignacio might be young for a captain, he has been at sea since the age of eleven, when he was just some powdermonkey. Due to this, he has become hardened and ruthless when he needs to be. He is not entirely without soul and tends to be amicable and witty among his crewmembers. He does not tolerate insubordinance however. Any man who cannot stay in line has to go.

He is ambitious and has a hunger for power. It is one of the things that can make him act recklessly.

Core values: Power, ambition and leadership

Extra: He is handy with both gun and sword, but prefers the former. Due to the nature of the way him and his crew stash treasure, any man that wants to abandon the crew is a dead one.



Name: Joseph Dafoe

Age: 36

Function on the ship: Surgeon, though he does woodwork as well, whenever it's needed.

Species: Human

Role in the plot: He both wants the treasure to be given back to the creature or destroyed and wants off the ship.

Personality: A bit more softhearted than most aboard the ship. There's a reason his profession concerns curing people instead of hurting them. He is relatively quiet man, but intelligent as well. He is rather serious and has little sense of humor, safe for a somewhat sarcastic remark here and there, though they are rare and tend to come out only when he is frustrated enough to lose his patience. He is dutiful and likely to even help someone who might not quite deserve it, if only because he feels he has to and has no right to prioritize one life over another, even if he might do so on an emotional level.

He dislikes outright confrontation, but will speak up when driven into a corner. He is a little bit bitter, due to his current position, but has not let go of hope just yet.

Core values: Loyalty, benevolence and selflessness

Extra: He used to be surgeon on a royal ship, but when that got captured by Ignacio and his men, he was forced to work for them if he wanted to live, despite being a decade older than the captain. He complied, hoping for a chance to break free, but two years have passed and no such chance has appeared.




RP: 1x1 with FoxxyDemon

Will work out this character further later.

Name: Paul Abbatiello

Age: 24

Species: Human

Personality: Paul is assertive, direct and more intelligent than one would expect from him. He's a bit on the serious side, but has a soft spot for some nice, dark humor. He has not a whole lot of selfrespect and hides this well under a no-nonsense attitude.

The reason he has little respect for himself, is because he just hasn't made much out of his life. A combination of bad luck and worse choices left a guy who could have been going places stuck in a shitty neighbourhood with a shitty job and not a whole lot to look forward to in the future.

He can have a bit of tunnel vision when working on something, finding himself unable to really focus on anything else. Every since her first got into contact with the supernatural, that has been a big focus of his and other things do kind of suffer from it.

The upside of it, is that when Paul works on something, he is thorough.

This thoroughness also comes forward in friendships. He is the sort of person that will not get off of someone's case if he feels something is seriously wrong. 'Oh, I'm fine,' basically will not cut it with him. This also means that despite maybe appearing a bit wooden at first, he certainly is quite empathic.

Though Paul is not likely to look like a slob, he does not pay much attention to his looks. He prefers clothes to fit well and to more or less compliment his physique, but won't go out of his way for that. A nice fitting T-shirt or sweater and a pair of decently priced jeans is enough for him.

Core values: Loyalty, friendship and justice

Extra: Paul used to study product design, but dropped out when he life went off the rails.



RP 1x1 with TorpusVulpus


Age: 25

Species: Elf

Personality: Assertive, a bit on the mistrustful side, though she's generally not openly antagonistic. Politely distant, at worst. She is willing to give someone a chance, however, but the societal tensions have taught her to simply be careful in who you place your trust in.

She is rather individualistic and highly values integrity. She can be impatient and a bit foulmouthed, the latter mostly when angry.

Core values: Self preservation/survival, dignity and autonomy

Appearance: Sharp features, very dark eyes, long, pointed ears and a somewhat tribalistic tattoo over the left side of her face. on the right side are a few small scars. She dresses casually chic, most of the time.


Excuse the medieval appearance. But she had exactly the expression and attitude I wanted for this lady.

Clothing style in the RP:



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