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Fantasy Duax Academy CS

q r o w

Body in Abyss, Heart in Paradise.
Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Age; (15-19)
Appearance; (Anime or drawn preferred. All demons/creatures would also have a human appearance they can disguise themselves as.)
Sexuality; (Optional)
Passive Powers; (Will be in OOC)
Learned Magic; (Will be in OOC)
Strengths; 4+
Weakness; 4+
Fears; 3+
Personality; 1+ paragraph
Bio; 1+ paragraph
(More might be added. )

IF you want to play a protagonist pm me.

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Name; Cyra Asteria Harbringer
Nicknames; Cyra, Asteria
Age; 18 (explained later.)
Gender; Female
Race; Witch with demon blood.

- Runes; Cyra creates runes that last for one use. These runes take a while to create and must be written on the person or object who will use them. They often will draw power from her and cause her to feel dizzy when too many are activated at the same time.

-Demon Blood; Thanks to the brat of a brother, she also has partial contact with the demon her brother bonded with. With that, she can shift into a partial form of a demon, however, sacrifices speech and sight for this. She has access to the demon's powers but is unable to use her witchcraft.

- Demon's Powers; Fire and Telepathy. Obviously, water and ice will weaken her and she can only use these when in her demonic form. Telepathy is still very hard for her and very distracting. Overall she prefers not messing with her demon blood.

-Witchcraft; Spells to potions, she knows a lot. Her spells are very complex for a teen and take her a long time to activate, also require concentration or a focus of sorts. Her potions aren't the greatest and can do more harm than good, but if you need healing she's probably your best bet.


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The Bookworm Wip


Name; Kendra Dimitri
Nicknames; Kena, Kendra.
Age; 17
Female, Sapiosexual/Demisexual
Race; Earth Demon

She looks scary but is probably the nicest person ever,
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The Sly Bastard
Age; (15-19)
Appearance; (Anime or drawn preferred. All demons/creatures would also have a human appearance they can disguise themselves as.)
Sexuality; (Optional)
Passive Powers; (Will be in OOC)
Learned Magic; (Will be in OOC)
Strengths; 4+
Weakness; 4+
Fears; 3+
Personality; 1+ paragraph
Bio; 1+ paragraph
(More might be added. )
Ketsueki Ikari








Temperature Manipulation: Sueki is able to control temperature in many different ways. He can change the ambient temperature of a small area, Change his body temperature, and form ice/fire shields, weapons, and blasts. However, this power drains his energy the fastest

Light Manipulation: Sueki is able to control the amount of light that can be shown in any given space. This can enable him to make complete darkness, blinding light, or make certain things completely invisible. However, these powers require an immense amount of focus

Quick thinker

Quick temper

His father
Being alone


Bio; 1+ paragraph


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Name: Kaito Moriyuki
Nickname: Thunder Beast, Lightning, Kai, Mori
Age: 19 {Actually around 25 years old in human age}
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Asexual
Race: Raijuu

  • Lightning Manipulation: With a body made of lightning itself, Kaito is able to create and manipulate these for weaponry and whatnot. However, it should be noted that the more devastating the attack, the more it taxes his energy so he has to be conservative when it comes to using it as much as possible.
  • Lightning and Heat Immunity: When he is hit by lightning, it actually powers him up. Heat doesn't really bother him as he is a being of lightning. However, fire is another element entirely and can harm him.
  • Raiju Form: When in his beast form, he is able to push his physical limits well above that of normal. It practically triples in this form. However, when he transforms back into a human, it would take him a few minutes of taking a breather before he is able to fight again so it would be for the best if he is sure that there is no enemies around before transforming back.
  • Flight: To fly, he becomes practically lightning - rather transparent - and then simply floats. He still makes a running motion even as he flies. He is only able to access this power if he is in his beast form.
  • Lightning: Since he manipulates lightning, and is rather good at doing so, he has an advantage in both range and destructive power.
  • Instinct: He is rather hyperaware of his surroundings and has some form of animal instinct that warns him of any danger around him. People may tell him that he is only being paranoid but it does help a lot.
  • Gift of the Gab: Naturally charismatic in nature, he is able to smoothly talk himself into anything. This makes him an effective liar and information gatherer.
  • Multi-Lingual: Although he hasn't had any contact with humans, his parents had passed down knowledge of their many languages onto him.
  • Thunderstorms: One may expect that this would actually be a good thing for a Raijuu, but it isn't. It makes them extremely anxious because of all the charged particles battling it out and would often make them more aggressive. This causes problems for when they are with others as they might get harmed.
  • Swimming: While he does know how to swim, he panics 70% of the time which causes him to forget how to swim and eventually drown. So yeah, don't expect much from him when it comes to water battles. He won't touch the water.
  • Time Limit: Because he's not old enough yet, he doesn't have the energy to stay in his beast form for more than six hours at one time, and this is if he isn't using any other powers in tandem with it. He has to rest and then transform again if he wishes to continue in that form. This may have been attributed to his upbringing where he didn't feel the need to appear as a beast twenty four seven. He's working on it though.
  • Reckless: Because of his nature that he should protect everyone else, he tends to forget to take care of himself as well which makes him a tad bit more reckless than the rest.
  • Deep Water
  • Harming his friends
  • The rumored 'onmyoji'

Personality: Kaito is a laid back person most of the time. Easygoing and rather lazy, he isn't exactly a model student. He is approachable and friendly, and would most likely be your friend as long as you aren't detestable in nature. He is often seen with a smile on his face and has bene known to not take anything seriously. He's often being told off by the teachers because he's older than most and should be more responsible than that. However, they can't get too angry because even though he isn't all that responsible, he actually aces most of his subjects showing his brightness. They're not sure if he just keeps a front so that he can be more approachable to others by being lazy and whatnot, or if he's really just that talented.

However, when Duax Academy was being threatened, it became obvious that he takes things very seriously. He helped out with the defenses even with the knowledge that he wasn't as powerful as the others and has been known to comfort the younger ones if they were too scared. He was always there to cheer them up and make them more optimistic, even though he was a realist and he knew that if they didn't get Octavia back, it wouldn't end well. Kaito is actually odd in a sense that he is perfectly balanced between being an optimist and a pessimist, a realist and an idealist, and also being extroverted and introverted. He's just in the middle of those things.

Bio: Kaito was born and raised in Duax with only stories of the humans as his knowledge about them. His parents were already very old and that they were there are the time when Duax wasn't there yet. They told him about the horrors the humans set on them and almost wiped them all out if it hadn't been for Octavia's wise decision to escape and create a safe haven. Their family had been one of the first to come to Duax as they needed to get out of their home since the humans were getting increasingly aggressive even with the knowledge that the Raijuu never harmed anyone aside from the lightning storms that were devastating - but that was out of their control.

Kaito ages slower than most so he was only placed in the Academy when he was 20 years old, though he still appeared young so no one really batted an eye on that. His life in the Academy had been relatively fine. One of their ace students despite his lazy attitude, there was little the teachers could really say against him aside from his attitude being unbecoming of a senior though it appears that he doesn't really care. He kept his ear out to the news since his parents were both part of the defensive council. When he heard that there was something wrong with this year, he started making backup plans.

When Octavia had been captured and that their enemies were bearing down on them, he was quick to help. Although he was young, his help was appreciated. Then he actually volunteered to go and get Octavia back so that they can build up the defenses for Duax once more. Not caring for his own personal safety, he recklessly decided to go on what seems to be a suicide mission without any second thoughts. His parents were proud of him though. He seems easygoing compared to the rest of the team, but when push comes to shove, you can really count on him to pull through.
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Name; Arden Iris Rae
Nicknames; Arden, Iris, A.
Age; 15
Female; Asexual.
Race; Demon

Arden unlike many of the others has no demon form she is stuck in a state between human and demon. She can hide her eyes and horns if needed, but otherwise, has no power over her appearance. She stands at 5'11 and with her horns about 6'2. Most notable for her eyes, horns, and awfully pale skin.

Air Manipulation;

Storm Manipulation;




Fears; Losing, death, being unable to use her power.




Ori Himegami


►βasic ɨnformation

Age: 17 (human age: 51)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Species: Witch


• HEIGHT • Feet and meters: 5'10", 1.778 m
• WEIGHT • kg and lbs.: 198 lbs, 89.8 kg

Build: Athletic, but lithe
Eye color: Red eyes
Hair color/style: Her hair is color of flames and is quite long so she has part of it in a top not with an oriental ribbon while the rest hangs to her back. She also has a gold butterfly ornament on the right side of her hair.

Casual outfit:

Other outfits:

Doesn’t back down
Being quiet for long periods of time
Mental chanting

Too curious for her own good
Bouts of being an air head and temper
Impatient with certain things (talking is main)

Name and description of Powers:

Runes: Like Cyra, Ori can use runes and too many can make her lose focus. But unlike her fellow witch, Ori can place them down a bit faster with drawing the runes in the air. She cannot not, for the life of her, have her weapon out and try to draw a rune. The two powers cancel each other out.

Weapon manifestation: Ori can manifest a weapon of choice to her hand and fight with it but is restricted by time and focus. Ori's manifestation is only limited to what she can have in her hand, either one handed or two. Within her mind is an armory filled with all weapons, but she cannot manifest guns. She's tried and found that they needed ammo like their counter part. Or energy weapons, they fizzled out of energy straight away when she manifested one.


Ori Himegami is one person that you would like as a friend. She isn't afraid to tell those bigger than her to shove off and is quite blunt about it but she isn't one for long periods of talking either. If it cannot be said within a short period of time, then its worthless to persist. She may come off as a super friendly and hyper but she's down to earth person that has spats of temper and being a slight air head.
Ori Himegami was born not long after Octavia made her academy and defenses. Her parents were on the council and she had a silver spoon since she could talk. Naturally you'll assume that she'll be the arrogant, naive princess like person. NOPE! She learned of humans through stories from her parents and their friends and decided to explore the world outside the defenses. She wanted to see what humans were about and their culture. Anything...This caused a BIG ruckus with her parents and they sent a servant to get her and drag her back home so they could tell her whatfor.
DOUBLE NOPE! She eluded the servant and learned so many interesting things about humans. Some of it seemed extremely interesting that she was able to manifest a weapon in her hand and practice with it. Though she didn't know the weapon manifestation came from a tv show, she still went back home to show her parents and got a scolding. She later applied to the academy to further educate herself in her own culture, even though she wants to go back outside the defenses and see the culture of humans again.

Code by @Starfish

Picture doesn't have what she looks like so...Look at virture to know what she looks like along with her causal outfit.
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