Dreams of the Second Age

Well for suggestions by circles, I'll list a few for utility that strike me as multitools outside of demons:

1: Calling the stalwart servitor (Low cost and great for heavy labor), Coin of distant vision (Utility for extra eyes on a scene recon), Dragon of smoke and flame (We need info and a guide, much has changed), Droning Suggestion (For the social antics), Eye of alliance (We in this together), Fugue of truth (Combined with the coin, it's useful), Open the spirit door (For the spirits who need more physical convincing) Private plaza of downcast eyes (Just say no to scry and die), Raising the earth's bones (Near instant fortifications)

2. Summon the faithful ally (Wizard summons party to aid), Hidden judges of the secret flame (Definitely useful given the focus of the game), Mercury's Deliverance (Can't touch this the spell), Raise the pussiant sanctum (Manses, manses, manses), Summoning the heavenly portal (When you just absolutely have to get into heaven), Whirlwind of fate (Detect plot)

3. Abjuration of maidens (1v1 no charms, no magic), Archgenesis (We can go anywhere we want and make food a non issue), Blazing chariot (Chairots chariots, cave here), Cleansing solar flames (Fix all the shadowlands), Incantation of the invincible army (duh), Pressed beyond the veil of time (Always handy), Solar sanctuary (ahahahahaha), Unity of the closed fist (And I'll form the head!), Wrath of the five elements (Your dps)
Awesome list, thanks! I'll have to look them over carefully and see what I can pick with my somewhat limited resources.

Also, stats are up, let me know what you think/if you have any suggestions.
>Shinma charms

Silly, but I approve. Only thing that pops into mind is listing what craft your 1 craft gives you (mundanes for first 5 dots without specialties) and specialties would be good. That and also looking into the charm invincible essence reinforcement to make you slightly less squishy. Although with low stamina it's not as useful but throwing a mechanic into the wind is always powerful.
The craft dot is there just because it's free, I don't think I'll ever use it, so I don't mind leaving it unspecified. As for my squishyness, I plan on alternating between grabbing new spells and shoring up my weaknesses with charms like Iron Kettle Body and Armored in Righteousness Stance. Although in theory the Eyeless Face line of spells make me potentially unkillable.

Shinma charms are there to work with Solar Sanctuary, so we can have an uber base of operations.

I need someone to check my sorcerous math for me:

- Buy Demon of the Third Circle

- Using The Time is Now, Summon a demon instantly, without regard for the time of year or day.

- Tell the Third Circle Demon to A: Protect and serve me, and B: Summon Demons of the Second and First Circle and tell them to protect and serve me.

I now have access to all three circles of Demons, at the cost of one spell and one Charm.

Any errors in my reasoning?
  • It gives an inexorably malicious being with thousands of years of experience in creatively reading contracts an enormous amount of leeway in how you can best be served and what to protect you from.
  • It pulls the whole Aerial Legion down on our heads every time.
  • You might roll badly on the binding, and now The Ravine Of Whispers is loose in Creation.
  • Every single one of those demons has a limit track that can potentially break or defy their sorcerous bindings, and the actual summoner picks which abcyssic plate to use. The tens-of-millennia-old abomination is probably going to be pretty crafty in setting your bodyguards up so that a large fraction of them will be incompatible with any circumstance that comes around.

On the other hand, hubris is what Exalted is for.
Damn, so much for trying to min/max it. Alright, I'll think of some other clever scheme.

Spells and equipment are finally done!
Hm. I was steering toward Wyld-Shaping, myself, but that was more for party balance. Making Tulos into more of a warrior–priest with Performance and prayer charms would be great. As for sorcery...


Becoming the Wood Friend would be really nice for our time in Rathess, but extremely limiting in other Directions. Actually, I think all our Lunars probably obviate wilderness survival no matter what. Nevermind this.

I second Calling the Stalwart Servitor. It can carry a whole caravan of goods and supplies, and it's cheap enough to resummon along the way. Dungeon-loot problems dealt with, especially with 41 dice to Craft[Earth]. That's like a dedicated geomancer's pool, right there. But it's a summon.

I actually disagree with Droning Suggestion, from personal experience. It adds to the power of your (really really high) Presence rolls, but only when they would already have succeeded. So any time your target wouldn't have spent WP to resist a natural mental influence, it gains you nothing. And any time they would have, they still will, but you get to keep badgering them into compliance over time. It feels like more tedium and extra rolls than it's really worth. Maybe if you were trying to inflict limit on other Exalts, but there are still better ways.

Invocation of Effective Restoration is like Crack-Mending Technique turned up to eleven. Ruined bit of history we need to piece together to discover how our age fell? Bam. Done.

Mists of Eventide is normally a useful crowd-control spell. When most of the fighters in your party have huge Sta+Res pools, as is the case, it's a useful crowd-control spell that you can cast into melee without fear. Strong choice for the emerald circle.

Ritual of Elemental Empowerment is like having free access to 1-dot artifacts. Water's blessing on clothing might even be a 2-dot artifact you can make in a day. Wood makes rations last forever. Any of the elements can create the kind of lesser wonders that mean quick acceptance by mortal communities, without tipping your hand as one o' them anathemers.

Shadow Summons is a potent debuff that makes someone into total assassin-bait without any resistance opportunity at all. None. Immobilized for one minute now do it go go go. You can chill back at base camp while the anaconda slithers into position and waits for the moment to strike.


I love love love Raise the Puissant Sanctum. Love. Especially for sabotage, in our case. We fight you into the heart of a manse, you reconfigure it into something new, old attunements break, we've just deprived our targets of regional power and added it straight to our own. Couple it with the earthmoving ability of a few Stalwart Servitors to sculpt demesnes, and you can actually build a trail of weak manses as you travel. You'd need some geomantic training to draft the plans, though

Geyser of Corrosion is an extremely nasty siege spell. Look at it. Try finding enough water to wash clean a city wall, I dare you.

Insidious Tendrils of Hate lets you play the absolute worst kind of politics. As long as you're not directing it at a celestial exalt who might know Sapphire Countermagic, you're mostly guaranteed to destroy negotiations, shatter peace, disrupt governments, whatever you like. Very few beings will succeed at a Willpower roll against your Essence rating.


Benediction of Arch-genesis is an amazing way to win friends and influence whole nations at a time. Want a community in your pocket, in a world where the average technology level is Iron Age? Make their survival trivially easy for a long-ass time.

If that's the carrot for nation-building, Curse of Unyielding Mist is the stick. After a couple of allied towns prosper forever, and the ones that don't heed you get swallowed in despair and decay, negotiations with the next few thousand towns will get really easy.

Unity of the Closed Fist with any five members of this group would be hilarious, hands down.

Anything else I could say would probably just echo Action Replay.
I think these are all going to go on my To Buy list. At the moment since my selection is so limited (gotta pay for them core competencies, after all) I picked what I felt were the most broadly useful spells. Thanks again for all the suggestions!
More like use my obscenely large mote pool to make it so there's no chance for them to escape bindings during summoning.
We form the unity and one of the lunars gets the eat demons for forms and powers knacks. Hilarity ensues across the board.
So, with our combined total mote pools, how many times can we cast Total Annihilation at The Mask of Winters and the Juggernaut?
We only need to do it once. After that we walk in with fully upgraded lunar juggernaut and substance charms to produce yozi venom or celestial wine with solar melee to attack while sacred hunting him for his form and powers. Solar sorcery is silly. Also kaijuu so we can just punch juggernaut in the face directly.

Going to make an eventual goal out of hunting Arad when I get the xp to buy the attributes and knacks for it.
I might have if I recognized the reference you were making. Sorry, bud.
We have "Fist Tyrant Scorching Radient Horizons" and "Solistrae, the Ebon Scale Blade" as our Lunars, then "Tulos, the Crag that Scorns the Storm", as our Dawn, then finally "Bob, from IT", humbly tagging along.

I dunno, the sheer contrast seemed humous, to me.
Ah. I went back to look at the name, and was looking at Tulos, not Bob. Yes, it did make me smile. But, if you are truly going to be from IT, you should have an Indian name.

Ok, that was funny, but just a little bit racist.

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