Dreams of the Second Age

Your new enemy:

Oh hey, Cthulhu went from mini boss to actual boss now!

(I love now Exalted is just nuts like that)
hehe. I'll get a postie up soon. I've sadly had a terrible weekend and this week is proving to be a thorn too.
Sorry to hear that you've had a rough weekend there, Myl. Post when you can.
Post to come tomorrow, week has been hectic. Shoveling driveways repeatedly and birthday antics have kept me exhausted.
If you are anywhere near the piles of snow I've seen on the news, you have my sympathies. Post when you can.
Ok guys, I've had recent posts from @JayTee and @Rykon, but all I've gotten from everyone else is a promise to post later on. If I don't see some activity soon from the rest of the circle, I'm going to start cutting people out and opening up the forum for new players. I don't want to jump the gun when people have stuff going on that takes priority, but give me something to work with, please.
That was less for you than for some of the other less active members of the forum.
@Sherwood: sorry for the lack of replies, I'm just not 100% sure what to do at the moment other than wait for the outcome of the meeting.
Sorries for disappearing. Trouble before, then my computer died. Its up now. I will catch up later today.
Hey @Rykon, don't forget you are up for a response in the Tower. Are you going to get into a fight with a 9 year old little girl that is, apparently, a Abyssal Exalt?
I was waiting for your response to @JayTee's assumption

Honestly though, my plan for seeing someone coming, being warned about it ahead of time, etc. would be to not let them see me and encounter them separately on my own terms rather than them coming to me and surrendering the advantage of surprise.
Sorry, I thought I had posted that the messenger spirit would be visible, but the message would not be able to be overheard. So, if he wants to continue with the spell, knowing that you would be seen getting a message, that's fine.
I'd argue that even if I didn't get the message, my all encompassing sorcerer's sight two sight buff charms and eye of the unconquered sun, which makes concealment fail, would give me enough of a heads up to get out of dodge.
Well, if you stay in the Tower to hammer out the details of an agreement with the Fae for the Key, you will be there when the child walks in. It is up to you on how to react. You can be hostile or courteous; its up to you. With you AESS running, you would see the same details on her that I described for @JayTee. She is a moderately powerful Exalt of unknown capabilities, equipped with a variety of artifacts and hearthstones.

Also, don't forget that Mor'du hasn't revealed his presence yet. If a fight does break out, you will have him on your side, too.
Oh I'm counting on it.

For now I'm just going to size up the newcomer through her interactions with the Fae child and wait until I have more information on her purpose, motive, power, etc to commit to a decision.
Quite reasonable.

And it seems that we are down to just two players. @JayTee, @Rykon, do either of you know of a player here that would be interested in joining in before I make an open post in the Interest Checks thread?

I went ahead and sent a PM to @PirateLexi and @Seeker of the End, since they both posted an interest in the game.
Welcome to the game. Look over the threads for character creation and the current story, and I'll be here to answer any questions you have.
Hello all! I'm so stoked to actually be in this game. I'll have to think up a character relatively soon, but expect a concept tomorrow or tonight.
With such a thorough change to the party structure, I kind of want to argue for a reset since I built to fit in to the old party structure and with adding 2 to 3 party members things are kinda fucked in that regard. I don't know everyone else's opinion on the issue, so I'm curious as to everyone else's opinion.

Edit: cause I've kinda ended up in the roll of a murder hobo since we needed an infiltrater and solar level combatant at the time to round out the group.
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