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Dream come true - One step into the game world - Vote Here

Selected answer: [A> Explore the house

Well of course, the first thing everyone would do when they step into a new lodging place is to explore the place first like when you go travel and taking a look at the hotel room before anything. The house is a classic wooden medieval house, quite small in size like an apartment. You both saw a glass door leading to the balcony at the other end of the house with curtains seemed to pulled to the side. On your left is a kitchen with a dining bar with two seats. Some racks and decoration are to the right by the entrance. As both of you walked in, you can see that there is a living room right after the kitchen with a two seat sofa, a rectangle coffee table right in front of it and two single seat sofa on each side of the coffee table. There is a black screen and some virtual buttons on the wall as if it is the television.

The next thing you see is a box with virtual buttons on your right just after the racks and before the door to the room. That place is like an NPC where you can change the settings your house. You both then walked towards the glass door to the balcony and slide it open, standing on the wooden balcony with a great view and letting the wind blow towards the both of you before going back into the house. You both walked into the bedroom with one queen sized bed and after taking a look like it is the most normal thing ever, you both turned to look at the storage space and then take a quick glance at the bathroom before going back to the bedroom again. It seems that both of you had finished exploring the house.


It took a few seconds before you both realize what is wrong after going back to the bedroom. There is only one bedroom and only one queen sized bed… Wait what? Only one bedroom and one queen sized bed? You and ShadowKnight share a house, this means you both live together and there is not only just one bedroom but one bed in the whole house? You can feel your face heating up from thinking too much, and looked at ShadowKnight with your eyes widened.

It seems ShadowKnight had also realized this and is looking at you with his eyes widened as well, with a tinge of pink on his cheeks… ‘Wait, is he blushing? Was that an imagination? No, wait… you are ten years older than him! Well technically because we both came from a different timeline. You aren’t supposed to like the younger version of your more than ten years crush now…! How could I even think about that knowing I came from a future timeline of his and imagine… that… that kind of thing!’ You thought to yourself as your cheeks gets red.

Well, uh… I guess I will just… Sleep on the couch and give you the room.” ShadowKnight offered being the polite gentleman he is. He couldn’t let a girl sleep on the couch and a teen girl would not want a guy sleeping with her or so he thought, not knowing the fact that his childhood friend Alisa which is MoonlightMagica now actually came from ten years in future after his wedding day by trying to commit suicide out of broken heart. Oh the guilt he will feel if he knows about it… If only he knew… What decision you will make?

[A> Agree with him (it’s a sin to have him too close!)

[b> Tell him you don’t mind (you secretly want thiswait, what?)

[C> Find another way (you can’t let poor Aaron sleep on the couch can you?)

[D> -write in-

Voting ends in 24 hours or when it reaches 3 votes.

Voting still available if next update is not published yet even if it reached 3 votes or 24 hours.
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DarkDestinySoul said:
[b> Tell him you don’t mind (you secretly want thiswait, what?)
Hi, vote at this tab please. Thank you ^.^

I will delete your post from the other tab and this is considered 1 vote.

[A> Agree with him (it’s a sin to have him too close!)

[D> Try and press the virtual buttons near the black screen and see if anything happens

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[D> Be switching the use of the couch and the bed every other day

It seems to be the best solution without being to...forward.......I guess?...

don't judge me!...I can see you! Yes YOU!! you're judging me aren't you!
[QUOTE="Serious Face]
[D> Be switching the use of the couch and the bed every other day
It seems to be the best solution without being to...forward.......I guess?...

don't judge me!...I can see you! Yes YOU!! you're judging me aren't you!

Well there is another solution, that is why there is option C

The solution C will be mentioned in the story even though it is not selected

Well right now we have a tie between:

[b> Tell him you don’t mind (you secretly want thiswait, what?)


[D> Be switching the use of the couch and the bed every other day

We need another vote for either of these to be able to continue with the story
Selected answer: [D> Be switching the use of the couch and the bed every other day

You quickly thought of something. “No wait, I don’t mind if you sleep on the bed!” You blurted out only to realize it sounded as if you are willing to share a bed and blushed. ShadowKnight just looked at you in surprise, still blushing a little. “I mean, that couch doesn’t seem like a good place to sleep. Uh, maybe we can just switch every night between using the bed and the couch?” You suggested since you does not want poor Aaron to sleep on the couch everyday and you are afraid to keep him too close. ‘Why am I acting like a sixteen years old girl in love again?’ You tried not to blush too much but failed at it.

ShadowKnight blinked a few times processing what you have suggested. There was a silence for about one minute, which feels like forever before he giggled a little and smiled. “
Yeah, I guess we could just switch between the bed and the couch every night. It may not be the best solution but at least until we find another way. As for who will be getting the bed tonight, I guess ladies first.

You nodded and smiled a little. Great, you had just embarrassed yourself in front of your childhood friend and crush even if he came from ten years in the past. Somehow you can hear Minerva giggling in your mind. ‘
Oh just stop laughing, it was really embarrassing back there.’ You thought in instinct.

Sorry, it was funny how you acted like ten years younger, Alisa.’ You hear Minerva spoke directly into your mind like the first time you heard her again. You looked at ShadowKnight wondering if he heard it too, but it doesn’t seem like he had heard anything. ‘Don’t worry, I speak directly into your mind and no one else can hear me. Your secret is safe with me.’ Minerva said again.

Goddess Minerva… Why are you speaking to me like that? I’ve been wondering since the first time you spoke into my mind. I have a lot of questions for you. How do you know about me and Aaron? Why do you say that I know the answers by instinct at the first place? Why did you bring us here?’ You asked.

Just call me Minerva when we are alone. Like I said, you know the answers by instinct. You will find out everything eventually. I want your dreams to come true, that is why I did all these. You just need to know that you are the main character and you can do anything you like. It is like a game, I am the Game Master and you are the player. I don’t control what you do in this world, just remember to follow your instinct and your dreams will come true. Also, have fun staying under the same roof with him.’ Minerva said and sent you an image of her winking to you mischievously directly into your mind and you feel her leaving.

You should probably start thinking what to do next.

[A> Check the black screen and the box with virtual buttons

[b> Take a look at your statistics

[C> Check the guide book

[D> -write in-

Voting ends in 24 hours or when it reaches 3 votes.

Voting still available if next update is not published yet even if it reached 3 votes or 24 hours.
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[A> Check the black screen and the box with virtual buttons

We should do that for....reasons!....(and not at all because I'm curious)
Selected answer: [A> Check the black screen and the box with virtual buttons

You started to hear ShadowKnight calling out to you, it started faint but it is getting louder and louder. “Hey… MoonlightMagica? You’ve been spacing out. Are you okay? Alisa!” You suddenly felt someone shaking you and you snapped back into reality… well not reality but snapped out from your thoughts. You saw ShadowKnight looking at you worriedly, calling out to you. Then you turned to see his hands on each side of your shoulders.

Oh… Sorry Aaron. I was just deep in thoughts I guess. You should know about this, girls tend to think too much. I have already t-” You suddenly paused halfway, realizing you accidentally slipped. ‘Oh gosh, that was too close! I was going to tell him something like when he was not supposed to know about it!

You have already?” ShadowKnight asked in concern, wondering what was it that you were going to say.

Ah no, it’s nothing. I was just thinking about something. I might do this again a lot so you don’t have to be so worried. Girls tend to think too much anyways.” You smile apologetically. Somehow the conversation with Minerva felt very personal and you want to keep it a secret. ShadowKnight sighed in relieve and smiled after he nodded. You blushed as he is still grabbing your shoulders. “Let’s go check the screen and the box with the virtual buttons.

ShadowKnight nodded and removed his hands, blushing and smiling apologetically. You both then walked towards the living room and tapped the virtual button on the black screen. It is a television including shows and movies made in this world. There are also announcements on weathers and monsters and mini games. It works as a stereo too and you can play songs throughout the house and select which room to play the songs.

Let’s play some songs in the entire house, what kind of songs should we play?” ShadowKnight asked. You wonder what kind of songs you both should play.

[A> Modern songs

[b> Classical songs

[C> Play all types of songs

[D> -write in-

Voting ends in 24 hours or when it reaches 3 votes.

Voting still available if next update is not published yet even if it reached 3 votes or 24 hours.
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Selected answer: [C> Play all types of songs

I’m not really sure. We might as well just play all types of songs.” You said, not able to decide.

Well then, I guess we will start with something instrumental.” ShadowKnight said and selected a playlist.


You smiled as you listened to the familiar music, you know one or two songs of this artist but in this world it says this artist is an unknown artist and the playlist name is the name of the artist you know in your world. You found out all the songs from your world are all listed as unknown artists with the artist name as playlist name. You checked the time on the screen and it is ten in the morning. “It’s really weird that it is now morning in this world when it is supposed to be midnight when we were brought here.” You said absentmindedly.

Yeah, it sure is weird.” ShadowKnight said. He then turned to you wide eyed as he realized something. “Midnight? It was only around 10pm when I check the clock before going out to the garden and looking at the moon. I was sure that I was brought here in less than 30 minutes. Did you come from a few hours later?

You looked at ShadowKnight with your eyes opened wide realizing your slip up, it was midnight when you decided to commit suicide. “
Uh, I mean… I meant to say near midnight! I did say I was brought here after I found you looking at the moon, right?” You said, you then quickly changed the subject. “Let’s go take a look at the box over there with virtual buttons.” You hurried to the box, not seeing ShadowKnight’s suspicious gaze.

The box with virtual buttons is the settings to the house. You can control the lightings, temperature, upgrade house, change looks of the house and add or take away furniture. You then found out you can change the queen bed in the room to two single bed. You and ShadowKnight looked at each other and burst out into laughter. “
I guess we worried about the bed for nothing just now. The problem is solved.” He said. You nodded and then changed the queen bed into two single bed separated with a bedside table.

You both then peek into the bedroom again to check on the bed, it is now two single beds separated with a bedside table. You decided to make tea in the kitchen and ShadowKnight went to close the curtains before taking a seat at the two seat sofa. You made some earl grey and joined ShadowKnight at the sofa sitting beside him. You both took a sip of the tea then turned to each other. “
So what should we do next?” You both asked at the same time and giggled.

[A> Check the guide book

[b> Take a look at your statistics

[C> -write in-

Voting ends in 24 hours or when it reaches 3 votes.

Voting still available if next update is not published yet even if it reached 3 votes or 24 hours.
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