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Fandom Dramione - smoaki & nate

(Now maybe? Like, Draco goes to stop the deatheaters when he sees the mark in the sky and Hermione goes with him?)
((Okay so I'm going to pick up where they see the mark then, assuming they're like waiting outside to see how Dumbledore's talk with Snape went?))

Hermione Granger

Hermione didn't know how long it had been that they'd been waiting. She had a feeling none of them could go back to the common room without first making sure that things were sorted.

She felt a little better that the cabinet was destroyed because now there was no way the deatheaters could come onto school grounds.

Or so she thought.

The sky suddenly became darker, as if a storm was brewing and as she looked up, among the clouds, she could see something take shape.

She had seen that mark before, just before she entered her fourth year.

"Draco," she said as she kept looking at the sky, in order to get him to see as well.
Draco Malfoy

He'd become a bit impatient waiting for Dumbledore and Snape to finish, unable to stop moving. Hoping they'd finish soon he thought about going back to ask what would happen to him now. Hermione caught his attention though instead, and he turned, looking up to where she was gazing.

"No..." was all he said at first, backing away, shell shocked," no we-we stopped this."

Draco started down the hallway, his heart racing in fear, less pleasant than before. Reaching Dumbledore's office he burst in on Snape and Dumbledore there, as well as many others who should not have been in that room.

"Draco, there you are," his Aunt Bellatrix called from one side of the room, sending chills down his spine," you've got a task to complete my dear boy."
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Hermione Granger

Hermione watched Draco's expression and when he began to walk off toward Dumbledore's office, she headed off after him.

"Draco!" she said in a whisper, as if trying to call him back. She had no clue what was happening up there but it definitely wasn't safe. And considering the things Draco had done that night, it sure as hell wasn't safe for him to be around deatheaters.

Hermione reached Draco just as they entered the room and she had reached out to take hold of his wrist, as if she could pull him away before he could enter the room, but only then did she notice the other familiar faces. Faces of people that weren't supposed to be there.

The sight of it made her retract her arm because she had no idea what they'd do if they saw Draco chummy with a muggleborn.
Draco Malfoy

"I... you-how?" was all he could manage to get out, not really addressing a singular person in the room.

"Oh you're little stunt with the cabinet? It was annoying but... come now Draco, you know you can't stop us that easily," Bellatrix continued with a snake-like smile, her eyes flitting to Hermione, the smile dropping almost immediately," what is that filth doing here?"

Draco looked back to Hermione with a fearful look, having not been sure if she had in fact followed him or not. He'd almost hoped she hadn't.

"She...Hermione is-is my friend," he said, attempting to level out his voice as best he could. When he'd torn himself away from these people, he hoped he'd never need to see them again. He hadn't planned for this.

"Friend?" Bellatrix spat, glaring at her nephew," You must of course mean pet. That mudblood isn't worth what you are."

Draco felt an anger sear over the fear in him and he pulled his wand, holding it out towards his aunt, though his hand still shook.

"Don't you dare... don't you dare talk about her like that," he replied, his voice still cracking ever so slightly," you're the filthy one here."

Bellatrix cast him a look that hailed somewhere between surprise, rage, and curiosity. Some of the other deatheaters had moved to surround him on all sides but his back where Hermione, and their exit, stood. None of them were stupid enough to get between Bellatrix and the object of her displeasure. Not even Draco's own father. Bellatrix pulled her own wand, and Draco stiffened, but held his pose. The last time he'd dueled properly was against Potter, and he'd been cool, confident. This was nothing like that. He was sure he would die if he went up against his crazy aunt.
Hermione Granger

Hermione was afraid. Not that she could nearly be killed since there were so many deatheaters, but because she was scared for Draco's life.

She knew Bellatrix could be ruthless. She was Voldemort's biggest supporter. She wouldn't let even family stand in the way of doing the Dark lord's work.

Her hand had gone instinctively to her wand as well, taking it out before moving closer to Draco. Her gaze flitted over all the other deatheaters that were staring down both her and Draco, waiting to see what Bellatrix was going to do.

That was when Snape seemed to intervene.

"Come now, Bellatrix," he said slowly, not moving from where he stood. "We have a bigger task here tonight rather than to deal with two teenagers."
Bellatrix Lastrange

"Yes perhaps, but these teenagers are still in the way," she replied, keeping her crazed eyes on Draco and Hermione and she flourished her wand holding hand for a dramatic effect.

(This is all i have time to write at the moment I apologize lovely! : ( )
Hermione Granger

Hermione kept her gaze on Bellatrix, even when Snape had come up to speak out. She had no idea what was going to happen now. They were clearly here to get rid of Dumbledore, so what did that mean for the two of them that had intruded?

Snape stayed put, but he didn't give up speaking. "Last I checked, the only thing they are blocking, is the exit. And we don't need that." He told her in his usual, almost monotone. "Yet."

(That's fine!)
Draco Malfoy

Bellatrix let out an impatient huff and turned her glare to Snape," fine, then what do you say we do with them?"

He watched his Aunt and Snape cautiously, his wand still held out in his shaking hand, though he was glad to have the comfort of Hermione by his side. At least he knew that whatever happened, he'd have one person who'd bothered to listen when he reached out for help.
Hermione Granger

Hermione clutched her wand and kept it at the ready in case she'd need to use it -- which she guessed she woulf have to.

Snape pulled out his wand and she assumed he was going to get rid of the both of them and she instinctively moved to stand in front of Draco.

Snape watched for a moment and then turned to Bellatrix.

"Let them be," he said and turned to Dumbledore. "Once we're done here, it won't matter what happens to them. Nobody is there to help them," he mutterrd and now held his wand out toward Dumbledore.

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