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Fandom Dramione - smoaki & nate

Draco Malfoy

It was his sixth year at Hogwarts and, aside from what had happened that previous summer, things seemed to be going as they always did. The new potions teacher had already seemed to choose Potter as his favorite, as did most of the teachers it seemed. Just because he had that stupid scar on his forehead he was the golden boy of the entire wizarding world. Take away that thing on his forehead and he was nothing special. He wasn't any kind of chosen one, he was just another ordinary Gyffindor entering his sixth year at Hogwarts, just like Draco Malfoy.

Sighing and focusing his thoughts back in on the potion he was making with Pansy Parkinson, he forced a tight smile when she leaned into him slightly. He guessed they had been 'dating' the past year, but, Draco honestly couldn't say he liked her very much. She was... ordinary, just like every other bloody person in that castle it seemed -besides of course Potter. As their potion continued to swirl around at the touch of the ladle Pansy was -rather ferociously - spinning inside of it, doing absolutely nothing, a thought occurred to Draco. Why not just see what Granger was doing? Hermione Granger always seemed to know how to do everything and could quote the exact words of most any textbook at will.

Scanning the classroom for a second, he couldn't help but feel his eyes widen at the state of the wild, curly hair that was Granger's. It was so frizzy and puffed out he swore you could've fit another person inside of it if you wanted. Having to bite his lip to keep from laughing aloud, he managed to keep it to a quiet snicker and was curious to see that she seemed to be struggling as well. Finally, something that Hermione Granger couldn't do. Strange, he thought to himself, he didn't really feel smug at the thought, it was just... a fact. His eyes lingered on her as he thought, too absorbed in what he thought about to care that he was staring directly at her.
Hermione Granger

Hermione could not remember a time when she had been second best in class, or ever had much competition. Certainly not with Harry. He did excellent in his Defense Against the Dark Arts OWLs the previous year but she hadn't really been worried about doing badly. She excelled in all her classes. Or most of them anyway. Potions had always been a bit of a struggle because of Professor Snape and she figured with Slughorn, who had taken a liking to some students already, things would be easier.

It seemed that wasn't really the case. Not when Harry showed up and had to borrow a former student's book on his first day. Hermione had gotten a peek at it, and it was enough to see that it had tons of scribbles on it, like someone had made lots of notes. And Harry was using that notes and it was so clearly helping him. Naturally, she didn't think it was fair because now she was second in class, behind her best friend. She wouldn't voice out her frustration aloud but she would very well try her best to get him to return it.

For the moment though, she had to sit and struggle just like everyone else in the class except Hqrry. She hadn't noticed that the fumes had made her already curly hair even more frizzy. It was clear she was having trouble. She had lifted her gaze from her boiling cauldron to take a glance at Harry and see how he was doing when instead her warm brown eyes met the steely gaze of Draco Malfoy a table over. He seemed to be looking right at her, and she wasn't sure why. At first, she became conscious of her hair and how she looked, but then she realised that he would never stare at her, even for that. She was tempted to say something but Pansy Parkinson was right beside him and she didn't want to start something in the middle of class, so she merely raised an eyebrow as a silent message of sorts.
Draco Malfoy

Her eyes met his and Draco suddenly became extremely conscious of the fact that he had been staring at Hermione Granger, deep in thought about said Gryffindor, for a likely solid three or four minutes. Her gaze snapped him from his staring alongside a kick in the shin from a rather unsavory-looking Pansy Parkinson, who had noticed him staring, and had all kind of jealous thoughts swimming around her head by now. Averting his eyes back down to their cauldron- and blaming the slight pink tinge in his cheeks on the steam rising from the boiling brown thing Pansy had managed to cook up- an image of Granger still stuck in his mind, like that little echo of a light you see after a camera's flash. The class soon ended with Potter being awarded the liquid luck the potions master had offered as a prize earlier that hour- no surprise there, every teacher seemed to adore the wizarding world's golden boy- and many of the students began filing out. Still unable to shake the echo of brown eyes there in the corner of his vision, he let Pansy practically drag him out of the classroom and down the hallway leisurely past Granger, Weasley, and Potter.

"Nice hair, Granger," Pansy spat at the Gryffindor as they walked past, seeming to clutch onto Draco's arm ten times tighter than before, for some reason Draco couldn't think of. Why were girls so... weird sometimes?

Draco looked back as Pansy tugged him down the hallway and around a corner to catch one last glimpse of rather annoyed-seeming brown eyes.

At least he had a class or two left before he'd be required to begin what had been asked of him earlier in the summer. How much it bothered him showed in his eye bags that only grew darker, and larger; and the feeling always nagged at him with every time he felt that stupid tattoo on his arm itch. He wanted his father to be proud of him, yes, and he had understood what that meant for the past few years, but that didn't make it any more... right. Despite the persona he let show to the world, about some things, Draco Malfoy did give half-a-damn about his school and his peers and his future. Not that any of that would matter if he went through with the task he'd been given...
Hermione Granger

Hermione looked way when Draco did, merely because she realised that it probably looked like she was staring back. Subconsciously, she lifted her hands to try and smoothen down her hair, in an attempt at taming it, but she failed of course. Her hair was just naturally wild and curly. Most said it suited her small frame and it became something of a trademark of hers now, apart from her being so book smart.

The class soon ended and she tried not to think about the fac that she had found Draco staring at her. Normally, that would have resulted in some unsavoury comment from him or a bit of name calling to which Harry and Ron would have jumped in front of. She was a little surprised when she got nothing, not a single word. She had to notice that something had changed in him this year. She even heard from some others that he had left Quidditch.

She didn't want to believe Harry's theory of him finally becoming a deatheater like his father. He was onky sixteen. That was far too young. But then again, Voldemort had been yiung when he followed a diffeet path than most wizards. A darker path. Was that why Draco was acting so strange this term?

She tried to put the thought, as well as Pansy's comment, out of her mind as she packed up her things. She had a free hour now so naturally, she was heading to the library to get some reading done while Harry -- whom she was still frustrated with -- was heading to the quidditch pitch to practise with Ron. She told herself that she shouldn't be paranoid, as she made her way to the library. For all she knew, maybe Draco just decided that ragging on them was pointless now.
Draco Malfoy

Thankfully the end of his classes meant the end of the time when Pansy would be hanging off of his arm like some clingy toddler, and Draco was able to put some space between he -and the frankly unattractive- raven haired girl. He figured she was merely scared to be lonely. Making his way to the room of requirement, he had to wince a bit at how loud the shoes his father had given him clacked against the stone floors. It made so much noise that he could almost feel the indirect unsavory look he was getting from the librarian as he passed the library. Momentarily, he wondered if Granger was there, then figured of course she was, and shoved the weird thoughts that had been boiling there in the back of his mind most of that day back into their spot. Hidden and away. Reaching the wall, he was glad to see that the doorway appeared quickly, and double checked that there was no one walking down the hallways -especially not in a group- right at that moment. Ducking inside of the door, the feeling in the pit of his stomach that had seeded itself when he'd met the alien-looking Dark Lord feeling as if it was clawing a larger hole in him, he wandered about a bit looking for the twin of the cabinet he had seen in that sketchy shop.

Finding it, he pulled the apple he had brought with him and looked at it's shiny green surface for a long moment before opening the large wooden doors and placing it inside. He waited a few seconds- possibly a minute- before opening it again to find the same apple, but with a defined bite taken out of it. Feeling as if he were not able to breathe, he quickly made his way away from the thing. The more he could put off and avoid this... horrible thing the Death Eaters had planned, the better, he thought.

When he reached the door again, his face would be even more worried than before, a crease forming in the skin between his eyebrows, and his eyes not focusing on any particular thing. Loosing himself in his thoughts seemed to have become a trend recently, but, it wasn't as if he had nothing to think about. The thud of the door only caused him to pause, one hand against the rough surface of the wall where the door had just been, his eyes trained somewhere past the ground below him.

{i'm sorry if parts of this make only a little sense, I haven't gotten too much sleep in a couple days - for fun reasons I promise- but please just bare with me Cx}
Hermione Granger

Hermione had just settled into her spot when she happened to glance at the door and witnessed Draco Malfoy once again that day. It seemed her eyes just kept finding him and she wasn't entirely sure why. He seemed to be moving away from the library and down the hall, and after a split second decision, Hermione grabbed her book and headed out as well, making sure to stay a good distance away so he wouldn't notice her. She didn't really know why she was following him. Maybe it had to do with the fact that he had been acting weird since the start of term. It could also be that she was looking into what Harry was talking about. She needed some way to see if he was a deatheater or not but with his sleeves down, it was impossible to tell.

She kept after him, going up a floor, till eventually he came to a stop outside a wall. She has to be caredul because he had turned around -- most likely to check if anyone was following him -- before he looked to the wall again. She peeked out from the column she was standing behind to see a door closing behind Draco. The room of requirement.

She had looked a moment too late though because she had no idea what he had intended for the room to be. It was always changing to suit the need of the person that stood in front of it. So what did Draco need?

Seeing as she couldn't go in, she got closer and stood against a nearby wall. She realised this made if easy for her to get caught if he came out suddenly but she was willing to risk it. He was the one up to something here, not her.

( it's fine! )
Draco Malfoy

After a moment or two of merely standing beside a now empty stretch of wall, his eyes snapped up when he began to feel another's burning a hole in the side of his head. Granger. He seemed to be seeing her everywhere today, and he'd no idea why. His expression had been a but shocked when he first looked up, but now it hardened into a sneer that had been his customary greeting to most everyone at hogwarts for the past five years. Though, it was forced, and to a certain extent that fact was obvious.

"Loitering now are we Granger?" He commented, again with a venomous tone, but one tinged with something like... fatigue," what would your precious McGonagal think?"

His comment was also a bit forced as well, not as biting as it could've been, and perhaps should've been, and it infuriated him.
Hermione Granger

Hermione witnessed Draco looking... Worried? Nervous? Upset? She culdn't tell. All she knew was that this just confirmed that something was up and she wanted to know what. She couldn't come right out and ask him, and he had now seen her, but it was pointless coming up with an excuse because he would see right through it anyway.

"She'll probably only be interested to know that I'm loitering because I was following you. Which means you're technically in the wrong, not me," she definitelywould get a punishment for it but right now, she didn't think about that. His words sounded strained, as if he didn't feel the need to say it with that tone but like he had no other choice but to. That just made her more suspicious.

"What were you doing in the Room of Requirement?" She supposed she may as well comoe out with it. She was a few feet away from him but as she asked the question she took two steps toward him.

Draco Malfoy

He stayed where he was as he watched her step a bit closer, placing his arms folded across his chest defensively.

"That's none of your business Granger," he retorted, subconsciously electing to ignore the logical voice in the back of his mind screaming at him to just walk away now," besides if i was to tell anyone, it wouldn't be you."

(Ahhhh i know it's short I'm sorry ;-; )
Hermione Granger

Hermione bit down on her lower lip as she looked at Draco. He could have ignored her. He could have berated her and walked off. Instead he stayed. Something was up and with each sentence he spoke, she was just getting more curious about finding out what it is he was hiding.

"Fine, don't tell me," she hadn't expected him to say anything anyway. "But I know something's up and I will find out what it is," she told him, her tone soft as it usually was. She knew Hqrry wqs already paranoid which wmant he would be looking into this too. Maybe if Hermione offered to, it would reduce the disaster that it could end up in.

"Don't think nobody's noticed your change in behaviour this year," she added, also folding her arms over her chest. She didn't know why she was even trying to talk to him. She never did that because he usually never gave her the chance but this was different from all those other times because she had basically caught him in the act. She just didn't yet know what that act was.
Draco Malfoy

If only he could tell her now, fix the problem before he caused it, but there was the case of his life on the line. He had to do this, for his life, and his mother's.

"Perhaps I've grown out of caring about what people lower than me think," he spat, the words stinging his tongue as that foul one had so many years ago when weasley had ended spitting slugs for the next week.

He forced his face to be more stone-like, but he could not force the bags under his eyes away, nor the fact that his blue irises had long lost the shine most of his classmates' had, including Granger to sone extent.
Hermione Granger

Maybe she was wrong. Maybe nothing was wrong with Draco at all because that foul tone reminded her just how he used to be when they were younger. He was probably just waiting for the oportunity. It was all in her head. What did she think? That she could try to help him, even if he really was a deatheater, like Harry said?

She wanted to say something, but even like that time during second year, she was unable to. It was just her registering his tone, wondering why her blood status was so vile to others to make them want to act that way. Initially she hated him for it. Then she began to learn that he was probably only that way because of what his father taught him.

Still, it wasn't something she could overlook.

She opened her mouth to say something but then thought better of it and just shook her head before she turned around and walked away, intending to go back to the library where she belonged.
Draco Malfoy

He could tell the remark hurt her like it had before, and like before he was regretful of it. Before thinking about it he stepped forward meaning to catch her before she walked away. Stopping himself short, his hand still stretched out towards her receding back, he let out a heavy sigh, knowing that if he stopped her he might spill everything just then. And Draco couldn't do that, for her safety and his.

His posture a bit deflated, he stalked off in the other direction towards the tree that had become his usual hang out spot for the past couple of years. It was large, perfect for climbing, and made anyone inside of it's branches hard to spot unless they wanted you to see them, and right then Draco wanted some time alone.

(Maybe a time skip of an hour or two here lovely? Maybe she sees him in the tree? I mean the one in the courtyard btw)
Hermione Granger

Hermione spent her last two hours in the library since it was free for her, but it was pretty much pointless. Nothing she read was getting into her head and she was heavily distracted because of what had gone down a while ago. She tried to force it out of her mind to concentrate and when it didn't work, she only got more frustrated.

So, packing up her things, she figured she may as well find a new place to study. So she headed to the courtyard because at least that way, she would be able to see Harry and Ron returning from practise and she could just join them and head toward the dorm.

Till then, she looked around the empty space and then at the large tree that was there befroe deciding that it was a good place to sit down so she headed over, sat on the ground under the tree, and opened up her book, trying once more to concentrate.
Draco Malfoy

He'd been sitting, thinking, in that tree for going on a couple of hours now, picking apart a leaf he'd plucked from one of the branches until all that was left was the spindly green spine that formed the center of the thing. Sighing and tensing his muscles as he prepared to leap down, he froze. While he'd been so caught up in himself, a person had elected that underneath the tree would be the best place to be studying right then. And, of course - because fate seemed to want them together that day- it was Granger. Draco didn't know what kind of voodoo this was, but there was no way that seeing the bushy brown haired gryffindor alone this many times in a day was a coincidence. He kept his position in the tree for another few moments- prepared to jump down, but not following through in the act- just... staring at her. A dangerous, insane, ingenious thought came to him; Granger would be the last person he would ever tell anything to.

Silently, he lowered himself down till he was an inch or two from the ground, and the same distance from the girl who most likely wanted nothing to do with him right then. Standing a bit awkwardly, he cleared his throat nervously, his heartbeat already feeling like that of a hummingbird's.

"If-if you really want to uh, want to know what's going on with me," he began, his stuttering voice and uncertain tone finally matching the feelings rumbling around inside of his head," follow me. Discreetly."

The last word was curt, and he immediately began walking off down one of the corridors, but made sure his gate was slow enough that Granger could still see him. He tugged nervously at the sleeve that hid that ugly thing that marked what he would be known as, possibly for the rest of his life. If he could just be known for something else too, something not so... vile, he'd take it. This whole thing he was doing was dangerous but, hell if he was going to be a coward and just let his world, the future he'd dreamed of as a kid be torn apart. He wasn't going to be a coward, not like his... not like his father.

Soon he reached about the middle of the bridge that connected Hogwarts to the rest of its grounds and beyond, and he waited, not risking looking back to see if Granger had actually followed, though the fingers on his left hand tapped away nervously at the ancient wood of the barrier that kept anyone from falling off of the edge into the ravine below.

{I'll admit Draco has always been one of my favorite characters because of how he could've been, like, if he'd had any character development at all Cx. So yeah, here's my version of Draco Malfoy character development x3}
Hermione Granger

Hermione had just gotten into reading the book when a sound caused her attention to shift. Her head lifted slightly as someone jumped down from the tree she was sitting under and she nearly let out a squeal in surprise. She managed, however, to contain it to a small gasp before it registered for her who it was that had been sitting above.

For a moment she thought that just her presence was so vile fo rhim that he refused to stay up there and wanted to leave. She wouldn't have really been surprised. For some reason, she kept eye contact with him and she could see his eyes, naturally blue, now seeming dull and lacking much life. Something was definitely wrong. She knew it was.

She was taken by surprise when he addressed her, and more specifically, what he was up to. She certain,y hadn't expected him to come clean about whatever it was. As he started walking away, knowing she was supposed to follow, she hesitated. This could all be some scheme to trick her or find a way to hex her wherever she went. Why should she, of all people, actually believe what Draco had fo say when he could just be pretending?

No, this isn't pretending, she thought to herself as she watched him walk and sat up straighter. Something is up with him... He seems scared.

The appearance of two familiar boys in the distance ultimately sped up her decision. Ron and Harry were coming back from Quidditch practise and she knew she wouldn't be able to get a lead on Draco with them around so she grabbed her bag and quickly rose to her feet before following down the corridor that Draco went, luckily just missing being seen by her two best friends.

She kept walking but made a show of acting like she was minding her own business. Soon Draco had stopped at the middle of the bridge and there was nobody around because they were all presumably in class. She clutched her bag to her side and she had her wand in her robe pockets in case something went wrong. She just hoped it wouldn't.

Slowly, and somewhat hesitantly, she made her way over till she was a few feet away, leaning against the railing as well but keeping her warm brown gaze on him. Eventually, she spoke.

"So what is it?" She asked, her tone soft, almost afraid because part of her thought this was a prank, but a bigger part was eager to know the truth, as if she could somehow help.

((I love it! I always really loved Draco because I always think of what he could have been and after the series he actually was a very caring person, especially toward his wife. He even encouraged his son to be different from his father and accept half bloods and muggleborns so it just goes to show that he could have been different, had he grown up differently :3))
Draco Malfoy

He said nothing for a long time, merely staring out at the rather gray sky and the landscape below, uncertain of what he was doing, yet somehow also as certain as one person could be. Sighing he turned to her, one hand still resting loosely ontop of the worn barrier.

"I'm telling you this because you are the last person I would tell anything to," he started, seeming a lot more human than he ever had," but-but you have to promise this stays between us. I'd have us do a promise but that... I don't think that's necessary. Just... please, Hermione please this has to stay between us. Everyone's lives are in danger if you talk."

His eyes were searching hers intently and fearfully. He was being honest with someone outside of his family, a true first for Draco.
Hermione Granger

Hermione searched his face and she could read his emotions almost as if he had been trying hard to keep it in and now he was letting it all come out. This sounded more serious than she thought it originally was. She would have thought maybe he'd be okay being a deatheater, if that's what he was. His father was one after all. Unless he truly did not want what his father wanted.

Hearing him say her name, her actual name and not 'Granger', made her know this was more serious than he had let on. The change in her expression was visible. From curious and accusatory it had softened and become more concerned. That was something she never expected to happen with Draco.

"I promise," she said without even thinking because she wasn't going to tell Ron and Harry about this meeting in the first place. And he was clearly cofiding in her... she didn't think she could betray that, even if this was Malfoy. Right now, he wasn't the Malfoy she used to know. Right now he was just Draco and he seemed to be in a troubled state.
Draco Malfoy

He gulped as she confirmed that she would keep it a secret and shifted his eyes so that he was looking down to the ground instead of directly into her eyes.

"I uh- Over the summer..." he started, not sure what to say or how, as he hadn't really truly expected her to even come," I'm... a death eater. It happened over summer. And-and you know who sent me back to hogwarts... with a mission." He paused, looking back up to her face wearily.
Hermione Granger

Hermione bit down on her lower lip. So it was true. He had become a deatheater. Harry had been right but there was no way she could tell him that. She had made a promise and what was more, Harry would probably do somethint rash about it anyway.

But that didn't seem to be the worst news. No, he may have hesitated to say it but he was hesitating more to say something else. Something about this mission.

"What kind of mission?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows and involuntarily taking a step toward him. If it was given by Voldemort... could it have anything to do with Harry? Did Voldemort ask Draco to... to kill Harry?
Draco Malfoy

Hermione seemed to step closer, most likely out of that constant curiosity of hers, but Draco only subconsciously registered it, his attention focused primarily on what he was telling those brown eyes of hers.

"I-I have to... I have to kill dumbledore," he finished, wringing his hands out of nerves and the stress and anxiety he was finally letting show. If he never did another good, human thing in his life, at least he could do this and do it genuinely," but that's not all..."

He explained to her the deatheaters' plan to use the cabinet to get into hogwarts, about all of the missing witches and wizards, and reiterated out of personal paranoia that she couldn't breathe a word of this to another soul. At least not till it was all over, and even then...

And, he still couldn't pin point the real reason he was telling her any of this. Yes she was a rather reliable source it seemed, but so were many others at the school.
Hermione Granger

Everything about it sounded completely wrong. First, she couldn't begin to imagine what he was goinf through. There, was a boy, who wanted none of this but had no choice. He was paying for his father's mistake from the previous year. She remembered Lucius there at the department of mysteries. She figured Voldemort wouldn't have been happy with his failure to get him the prophecy.

And now Voldemort was taking it out on Draco. Giving him a task that he himself couldn't go through with. No wonder he was so stressed, so... afraid.

"I'm not going to tell," she said softly even though part of her wondered if Dumbledore might be able to help Draco. But that would just put a bigger target on him. Maybe.

"But Draco, you can't go through with this," she said in exasperation. "I'm not saying I'm going to talk but...maybe if you tell... tell Dumbledore, he'll help you. He'll protect you."
Draco Malfoy

He had to admit his name sounded... nice the way she said it, even exasperated. Though, that thought would now be shoved down to somewhere in his memory that he would hopefully forget about.

"I would but... there are spies here Hermione. In hogwarts, who work for you know who," he said, his tone airy and a bit defeated, ignoring as well how much nicer it was to call her by her first name," they know that I don't want to do this. If i even go near him without that-that curse in mind, my mother- nevermind. Just know that it's important that I don't get caught."

Now he had taken a step forward to emphasize his point, again leaving the fact of how close they were now to his subconscious.
Hermione Granger

Hermione bit her lip again, a bit of a nervous habit it was becoming. She supposed she was the last person he would tell, but people must be watching Dumbledore at all times so it was probably impossible to have him explain it to him. But then what else could they do?

They? She thought to herself. Since when did Draco's task become yours?

She tried to push the thought out of her mind but doing that only brought to light how close they were standing. She could see the blue of his eyes, still strained and worn out. She hastiky turned away to avoid staring at him and being caught for it.

"Well... We... We can think of something," she said, not even sure why she included herself in this. This wasn't a game. This was dangerous. And she could very well be killed.

But if Draco succeeded she would be killed anyway by Voldemort when he took over.

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