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Fandom Dramione - smoaki & nate

Draco Malfoy

He averted his eyes back to the ground as well when she turned away, nervously stepping back and inch and turning to look out at the scenery again as she did.

"We?" He asked cautiously, the thought of perhaps having help for once feeling... nice. God what was Granger doing to hom today? And why did it all of a sudden feel wrong to call her Granger? "I won't force you into anything, I just... I guess someone needed to know the truth. Especially someone trustworthy, strong..."

He stop and gulped, not looking up to see her reaction to what he had said, and attempting to ignore the just barely there pink tint his face gained after he stopped himself from rambling any further. Talking with someone honestly, being an actual person for once was weird, but he couldn't say he didn't like it.
Hermione Granger

Hermione needed a minute to digest the fact that Draco Malfoy had just called her strong and trustworthy. How had he even known she could be trustworthy? The only words they'd ever spoken to each other before this were insults. But it was different now, and he seemed to realise that what he was doing was just si completely wrong that he needed help, and that was enough to let her know that he doesn't need to be the guy he once was.

"You're not forcing me into anything," she said softly and lifted her gaze from the scenery to look at him. His cheeks were slightly tinged with colour but she supposed hers were as well. She tried to pass it off as the cold as she wrapped her robe around her tighter.

She made a mental note to never refer to him as Draco when Harry and Ronw ere around because they would pick up on it and know something was up.

"You came to explain it to me, so... I want to try and help. If you want me to, that is," she said softly.
Draco Malfoy

How kind she was being was starting to register and the part of him that had grown up as a pure blooded Malfoy was finally screaming loud enough for him to hear.

"I... thank you," was all he said, curtly again, hesitating a moment to glance back up to her face before stalking off back towards the school. Snape would be suspicious if he were gone for too long.

All of this was weird, was different, was daring, and Draco couldn't help but feel - to put it frankly - excited in a way. He felt like an individual for once, like Draco Malfoy, slytherin sixth year, instead of Draco Malfoy, son of Lucius Malfoy.

(Maybe we can double temporarily or i can as ron and/or harry who wonder where she went?)
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Hermione Granger

Hermione stayed there a moment longer, even after she watched Draco leave. She was just digesting everything he'd told her, while her mind tried to come up with some possibilities. She had no idea what would come of this but this was the best time to use that brain of hers.

After a while, she hoisted her bag up and walked back to the Gryffindor common room. Harry and Ron would just assume she was late because she was in the library or something but she didn't want to take the chance that they might go there later and not find her.

And so she made her way back as students bustled around, doing whatever they wanted because class was now over. Vaguely, she wondeded whether Draco was in the Room of Requirement right now.
Draco Malfoy

He found himself standing in front of the vanishing cabinet again, but this time with an axe in hand. Draco could've started hacking away at it a long while ago, but instead he'd stood there staring at it fearfully, imagining deatheaters spilling out of it, prepared to trash the castle and kill anyone that got in their way. Anyone.

Letting out a sound somewhere between a whimper and a growl, he dropped to his knees with the axe still in his hands, now placed across his lap, it's dull wooden side and old blade taunting him. He could've just stopped the deatheaters in their tracks, but he had people he cared about, people those monsters, those cowards would kill in an instant if he destroyed that cabinet now.

Harry Potter

When Hermione returned to the gryffindor common room ron seemed about ready to sing with relief. Harry rolled his eyes at his red-haired friend sarcastically, but stood up as well to greet Hermionie.

"Where'd you get off to? Library I'd guess?" He asked after ron had finished his accusations. Hermione wouldn't just ditch them, she'd probably just gotten carried away.

(I also like to imagine harry as a little less emo in the later ones in my version of it all Cx)
Hermione Granger

Hermione tried to remain normal as she got into the common room. A few students were milling around and naturally, Ron and Harry were there. She hadn't exactly been expecting being pelted by questions from Ron though.

"Ywah, I was really invested with trying to find who that potions book belongs to," she said, figuring it was a valid excuse. "I still have more to read up on though but so far nothing on the Half Blood prince," she was still a little visibly annoyed that Harry was doing so much better than her at the class.

She pulled out her books and sat on the carpeted floor in front of the fire, aiming to do some actual studying since she didn't do any at all when she was with Draco instead. It made her heart beat faster just thinking about it and she really hoped her friends wouldn't notice.
Harry Potter

He let out a rather impatient sigh.

"Hermione would you just leave it be," he replied to her stating why she'd been in the library so long," It's just a potions book."

"She's just sour because you're doing better than her in potions," Ron added from his position on one of the couches before the fireplace.

(Maybe we skip to like when harry uses septum sempra on Draco? Just after?)
Hermione Granger

Hermione was sitting in the common room in silence. What just happened... everything had just gone about so quickly. Harry racing off to find Draco, then coming back with blood on his hands.

She and Ron had questions him countless times about what happened and when they got the official story, Hermione felt her heart beat slow. This book... the spells in it had led Harry to nearly kill Draco. And it might hae worked if Snape hadn't come in time.

Over time she had been increasingly worried about the blonde boy's health and the feeling confused her because it was new for her to feel that toward him. And dangerous.

When she and Ginny insisted that Harry get rid of the book, he had gone with the spritely redhead to dispose of it. Hermione sat in the common room in a dilemma and in the end, she made an excuse to Ron and left the common room. She had to see Draco. She knew what this was about so she had to at least check up on him, try to explain why Harry did what he did.

She felt horribly guilty. If Harry had some idea or maybe if she talked up Draco to him he might not hae reacted that way. All she could do was hope that Draco still believed she wanted to help him.

She knew it was a big risk but she couldn't wait any longer so she just decided to accept whatever happened as she slipped into the infirmary
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(Edited my post :3)
Draco Malfoy

He knew Potter didn't like him, and he was anything but fond of the brunette, but he'd never seen this coming. He'd cursed that girl before... before Hermione. She had come back unharmed, and he figured for everyone else the excitement of it all would pass, despite how badly the memory of what he did scarred him. Lying there, staring up at the ceiling, he couldn't help but wonder where Hermione must be. Beside Potter and Weasley as usual, cleaning the blood from his hands, or...

"Hermione?" He asked, his voice quieter, weaker than usual.

Then, after he'd already addressed Hermione whom had appeared beside him, he glanced around to find only madam pomfrey in the infirmary at that time. Relaxing a bit at the sight, he looked back to the gryffindor, his confusion clear on his features.

"What-what are you doing here?" He asked, more curious and confused than in any way accusatory. He didn't blame her for what Potter did, from watching her all these years, despite her rather mean tongue on occasion, she'd never even condone something so brash. Hermione was the brains in everything the 'golden trio' did.
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Hermione Granger

Hermione walked over to Draco's bedside, looking tentatively at Madame Pomfrey to make sure she wasn't paying attention to what they were saying. She also did it to make sure nobody else was around because this was more suspicious than anything.

"Draco," she breathed and then decided to take a seat on the chair nearby his bed. "I-I came to see how you were doing," she said softly.

"I'm really sorry," she said, feeling her voice break a little as she spoke. "Harry didn't know anything and... and I should have done something about it. I didn't know he was going to do that..." she was rambling now because she didn't know what to say that could make this any better. Never did she even think she'd be in this kind of situation.
Draco Malfoy

It was more out of impulse than anything else that helifted his arm and gripped her arm lightly to stop her from talking.

"Hermione I don't blame you," he said as firmly as was possible for him at that time," What Potter did... That's on him. It's not like he's never done something borish before."

He'd made a joke. With everything that had happened the past night, and last few days, he had made a joke. While sitting in an infirmary bed with Hermione Granger sitting next to him, his hand on her arm. Draco couldn't help but laugh - albeit breathily from his wounds - at the whole situation. Never could he have guessed how this year would turn out. Never in a lifetime, and it was only halfway over.
Hermione Granger

Hermione looked at Draco, not yet registering the fact that his hand was on her arm because she was thinking about his words and the joke he had made. She had never heard him say a joke. Not one that was lighthearted and not aimed at one of the trio. It was nice.

She found herself chuckling slightly as well, mostly in relief that he was okay. It was a new feeling, one that was strangely comforting. "Yeah I suppose it isn't the last either," she said to him and only then did she notice his hand on her arm.

She didn't shake it off because she didn't want to so she just looked at him, trying to ignore the fact that her heart was suddenly racing again, but this time not out of worry, but for another reason.

"How... how are you?" She asked, about his health and his mental state. She hadn't forgotten about what he told her. It was impossible to even try. The year was half over but a lot had already happened. She didn't know what else could possibly go down.
Draco Malfoy

"I...," he started, letting out a huff of a breath as he thought," I will be okay. I just... i know what I have to do when I'm out of here."

Draco didn't mind his arm near hers either, so for now he kept their position. Closing his eyes for a moment he couldn't help but notice just how casual and relaxed he felt right then. He knew he could say and do anything without being too harshly judged, and he could be himself. Who that was he couldn't say he was sure yet, but who he was in that moment he liked better than who he was around anyone else. When he opened his eyes again he was smiling lightly up at her, and couldn't help but feel trapped in a cage he didn't want to escape from in her eyes.

"Hermione I..." he began.

Ginny Weasley


She stopped a foot or so away from her friend and... Draco Malfoy, still carrying the supplies she promised Professor Sprout she would take to Madam Pomfrey.

(Ahh I'm sorry i like drama Cx)
Hermione Granger

Hermione's ears were all open to hear what Draco had to say when she heard another familiar voice calling out to her instead, making her freeze.

This can't be happening.

She turned around in her seat and then rose to her feet so she was looking at the redheaded girl. "Ginny," she said thought it was barely audible because of all the things she was thinking and feeling right then.

"I- I thought you were with Harry," she said since that had been where she was when Hermione left. She thought she had more time before someone noticed. "Did you get rid of the book?" She figured she wouldn't answer anything about her being there unless it was asked... which it no doubt would be.

((That's okay, I adore drama too xD))
Draco Malfoy

His eyes flitted to the redhead as well, a bit more fearful than anything. Draco knew this had to happen eventually, but...

Ginny Weasley

"I-I was, and yeah we did... but Professor Sprout couldn't carry everything she had and I... Hermione what are you doing with him?"

She seemed almost to hiss her last word, still angry at Malfoy for what he'd done to Katie Bell. She'd hex him right then if he weren't injured.
Hermione Granger

Hermione bit down on her lower lip, her mind racing as she tried to think of what she could possibly do in this situation.

She walked over to Ginny, keeping her voice low so as to not make any scene and attract madame Pomfrey's attention.

"Ginny, look, I- I can't tell you right now," she murmured in a soft tone, glancing around as if someone might find them or overhear. "Just... please, you can't tell anyone, okay? I will get back to the common room and explain," she told her hastily. She had no idea what she was going to say but it would buy her some time.

"Please," she said again, giving her a pleading look.

Hermione never thought that she'd feel this way or want to help Draco. But she'd already made her mind up now and she wasn't going back on her word. She had seen now that Draco wasn't really all the things he'd been when he was younger.
Ginny Weasley

"I... you," she stuttered, looking between her friend and Malfoy on the infirmary bed, huffing impatiently," fine. But you better have a really good reason for this."

She dropped the things she was carrying on the empty bed next to Draco before casting him one last seething look and stalking out.

Draco Malfoy

He waited until the younger Weasley was past the doors of the infirmary before saying anything.

"You... you won't tell her, right? She and Potter..."
Hermione Granger

Hermione heaved a sigh of relief before turning around to face Draco again once Ginny was gone. He walked over to her seat and sat down once more before tapping her fingers against her thigh restlessly. How was she going to get through that conversation?

"I won't," she assured him and bit her lip. "I made a promise. I just have to think of some excuse," she murmured.

She wasn't going to come up with something vile even if that was more believable. She didn't really feel like that any more toward Draco and even if it would keep them from finding out, she felt uncomfoetable making up horrible things. She'd just have to keep thinking.
Draco Malfoy

"You should probably go to Ginny then," he responded, nodding lightly to show that it really was okay gor her to go," and... Hermione?"

He paused.

"Thank you."
Hermione Granger

Hermione stood up and looked at Draco as he thanked her and she managed a small smile. A genuine one. It felt nice to hear those words from Draco. It felt even better to know she had helped in some way.

She said her goodbye and proceeded to head back to the common room where once again, she would probably have to answer to Ron and Harry and most importantly, Ginny.

She figured she could just explain that she was coming in to see if the damage done was real bad, to figure out how the spell Harry used worked since they hadn't ever heard of it. She'd have to fib her way through. She wasn't going to tell the entire truth, that was for sure.

((What should we skip to now? :3))
(Perhaps in another week or so after Hermione has been secretly visiting him for a while and now he's healed? And he asks her to come with him to destroy the cabinet?)
((Sounds good! I'll start off with her arriving at the room of requirement and waiting for him then))

Hermione Granger

Somehow, Hermione had managed to get Ginny off her case about her being there in the infirmary with Draco. She'd been very careful to be discreet about her visits after that, and now it was a week later. She hadn't been caught and she'd never have to because Draco was out of the hospital wing.

Her friends were at the Quidditch pitch because there was a match going on between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff. She had been there at the start to not raise any suspicion, and then she had managed to slip away since all three of the people that were beginning to be wary of her behaviour were players that day.

Draco had asked her to meet him by the room of requirement and so that was where she was headed. In the week that passed with her visiting him, she had gotten to know more about the real Draco and she was really liking him. She could almost imagine nothing was wrong and he was just a boy she was getting to know.

When she reached the hallway, nobody was around, so she leaned against the wall and adjusted her Gryffindor scarf and her grey beanie while waiting for Draco to arrive.
Draco Malfoy

His 'friends' had become suspicious of his avoidance of them as well, so, he'd had to spend time with them in the Slytherin common room before slipping out with an excuse of something like he had to talk to professor snape about an assignment. Quickly navigating his way to the wall where the room of requirement appeared, he was glad to see Hermione there.

"I can't thank you enough for this," he commented gratefully, though his voice was tinged with nerves," I uh, I think I could actually do it with you here."

The corners of his lips turned up slightly, fearfully, as he turned to the wall where a door had appeared while they'd been standing there. Letting out a huff of a nervous sigh, he pushed the door open and waited for Hermione to pass him to go inside. The broken record player still played the same single note that could drive a person insane, and as they passed it he stopped to look up at the cabinet.

He'd checked with his mother that she was safely hidden away. He could do this. He could... maybe.

"This is it," he said to her, looking to the large, angular vanishing cabinet.

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