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Fantasy Dragoncrest's Guide on Beastly Companions

There are many factors that play a part in taming a beast and raising it as your future companion for life. The reason this skill is needed is because nobody wishes to travel by foot when they are called for duty, plus a fully tamed companion can grant you a passive strength when they are in their soul gem, increasing your capabilities to combat corrupt forces. Any beast can be tamed, however some are much more complicated to tame than others. The most common companions are large mammals and marsupials, with the occasional large bird or semi-aquatic animal.

There are two courses of action when taming your own beast. The easier option is to raise the beast from birth to adulthood, ensuring that it imprints on you, making the rest of the process easier. The second option is to tame a wild beast, this is much more difficult because the beast may not wish to be coaxed, or simply leave before you have had enough time to tame it. 

Once you have earned the beast’s trust there are three categories of ‘true taming’ you must succeed at in order to fully tame a beast and their shared power. The categories are as followed…

-Alpha and Omega-

Your beast, despite if you raised it, sees you as the omega in your relationship. You must show it that you are the alpha of your pack of two. Each beast’s ideals of a perfect tamer are different making this an extremely challenge, however it has been achieved in many ways such as overpowering the beast in a duel, surviving off of nothing but what nature has to offer, or even proving your physical prowess with feats such as excellent insight, relentless determination, or unmatched strength. Once this is achieved your beast will obey you without hesitation, completing the first category.

-Mount Synergy-

 In some situations you will have to fight while riding upon your companion through deserts, forests, and terrain otherwise impossible to scale. Due to this you must become one with your beast when it is your mount. Doing so takes finesse and understanding of your beasts physical capabilities, however it allows the tamer and beast to also expand their bond. There are many ways this is achieved, and many different ways in which the synergy forms over time. However once this category has been mastered, both beast and tamer will act as one.

-Soul Gems-

In order to attain your companion's passive strengths you must acquire its soul gem. However this is no easy feat, it is far from it. Not only must you complete the other two categories first, but you and your companion must push yourselves to the utmost limit. This is the most dangerous of the three categories and makes or breaks the graduation of a guard in the academy. Granted deaths of companion or guard have been few and far between, it is still a possibility that should be taken seriously. Once the companion's soul gem is attained, the tamer will have achieved complete taming of their companion, a skill that may be needed again.



The Chocobo is a large flightless bird with many strengths for any tamer and is fairly easy to tame. Even untamed chocobos will allow just about anyone to ride upon it making it the most common choice of companion for those who don't want to put forth much work or don't have the time. Although chocobos are almost exclusively yellow in coloration, there are rare cases of other colored chocobos. Common passive traits they give tamers are known to be 'Chocobo Speed', 'Weightlessness', and 'Temporary Flight'. Chocobo Speed gives the tamer a temporary speed boost, allowing them to move at speeds otherwise impossible. Weightlessness makes all equipment the tamer carries around lighter, and Temporary Flight allows the tamer to glide safely to the ground.



The okami is a revered figure among beasts seen as a protector, teacher, and figure of beauty. At once point they were myths, but with the increase of magic they became more common, spreading knowledge of their being. Due to their majestic nature tamers are rarely able to tame them, not fitting to the ideals of the Okami. The few tamers who have tamed an Okami have said they grant powers just as beautiful as their companions. Although no name sticks, their abilities grant their tamers a boost in their magical strength, give them brief moments of future sight, and even become immune to harm for a short period of time.

-Shadow Hound-

Shadow Hound.jpg

Shadow Hounds are known for their ferocity in battle and their malicious appearance. At one point they were a threat until one guard was crazy enough to tame these terrifying beasts. Upon success it was learned that Shadow Hounds are an excellent companion for combat and stealth. Their naturally dark coloration and ability to become one with the shadows they lurk in makes them versatile once tamed. Those brave enough and strong enough to prove their worth to these mischievous beasts explain their abilities as extensions of their being. Almost all tamers who tame a shadow hound are able to become one with the shadows, and other gain various other strengths such as power, increased senses, or near perfect eyesight.

-Silyca Wolf-

Silyca Wolf.jpg

The Silyca Wolf is a beast of honor and selflessness. They are one of the most common companions of guards and often have markings of some sort across their pelts. Their strength both offensive and defensive make them an ideal choice for guards who seek balance in fighting styles. Although not as fast as the chocobo or as ferocious as the shadow hound, the silyca wolf is a good choice for any guard who seeks an ally. Their abilities grant their tamer increased defense, increased offensive prowess, and increased speed, a trinity of balance in combat.

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