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Fantasy Dragon Age

"You don't want to go and help it? Because if its left there ill go and sell its hide on the market." Carbon smirked and hoped she would not help the injured dragon.
Miya growled "of course i wont let you do that" she sttod and walked off toward the dragon.She hid in a bush and peeked out watching the dragon.
Dragonlover1 said:
Miya growled "of course i wont let you do that" she sttod and walked off toward the dragon.She hid in a bush and peeked out watching the dragon.
She's human right now xD
Carbon followed and sighed. "Well i would like if...." He stopped in his tracks at seeing Dota and Evician. "There is another dragon one..." He whispered.
"shh!" Miya covered his mouth, "do you want to get us caught?" she whispered quietly. She took her hand off his mouth and looked back at them.
Dota scooped her up in his arms. "Let's go to my cave." He said softly. He started walking north. Each foot print of his were on fire. In his cave were some herbs he could use to heal her wounds.
Akriloth turned back into a dragon, thinking about Miya he took off. He soared through the air before spotting Miya, Carbon, and a few other people. Akriloth roared loudly before landing between Miya, Carbon, and the two strangers. He looked back and forth between the four people.
Evician cocked her head as she was being carried, looking towards the nearby voices, completely ignoring the pain. "At least take me to dinner first!" she grumbled, half sarcastically towards Carbon's remark. "It'll take a lot more to get this hide." she said with a half-attempted grin, though the pain was still immense. Her hearing was truly incredible, especially for someone that was half deaf from a damn thunder crack.

"How am I doing, Doc?" she asked, looking at Dota. Her usual rather comedic demeanor seemed to be coming back to her. "Think I'll live?" she chuckled weakly.
"oh okay he's got her under....OH MY GOD!" Miya screamed as akriloth roared and landed between them. She breathed heavily and put her hand on her chest. "Don't scare me like that!" she sighed and took her hand off.
"Akriloth you stupid bird! They were easy targets!" Carbon rubbed his eyes then leaned against a tree. "We could have easily resolved this without you..." He mumbled then looked at Miya. "Can you tell him to be less.... him?"
Akriloth began to growl, toxic fog emanating from his mouth as he bared his teeth at Carbon. He was just about ready to finish off Carbon once and for all.
Miya walked in between them, she pushed akriloth away from Cabon. She whispered "he's not worth it" she glanced back at Carbon.
Dota looked down at her and chuckled softly. "It's not like that. You need some healing herbs for you." He looked back at the other dragons. "Who the hell are you?!"
"I could ask the same thing." Evician remarked, talking to Dota more than the others. "They said they were going to sell my hide! That's a bit rough."

The girl paused for a moment, before raising an eyebrow. "You don't plan on selling my hide, do you?" she questioned, more of a joking manor than any.
Akriloth, still a dragon, turned to look at Dota and roared. His toxic breath falling near Dota and draining all the life around before dissipating. The fog only 1 foot away from Dota before vanishing. Akriloth growled, listening to Miya and now focusing on Dota instead of Carbon.
Dota looked down at her. "No, it's silly for a dragon to sell another dragons hide." He slowly reached down and held the shaft of the sword with one hand. He out the young dragon behind him. He roared as loudly as he could.
"akriloth....remembering no hurting" she said looking straight into his eyes. She knew he could be a nice person he just sorta had a small temper. She sighed "come on let's go" She turned into her dragon form.
Evician coughed. "Listen to them rambling back there" she pointed out, shaking her head. "'We had the element of surprise'" she quoted Carbon's words, mocking him with a goofy voice.

"You can put me down, I'm not dying. If they decide to do anything stupid I don't want to drag you down." she suggested.
Akriloth roared back before raising his claw as he got ready to kill the two strangers. He was sick of people messing with him, he completely ignored Miya.
Carbon smiled and walked in front of Akriloth and Miya then looked at Dota. "This can be settled without violence..."
To show how ruthless and powerful he was, Akriloth made an example out of Carbon by smashing his claw against Carbon and sending him flying through multiple trees. Akriloth had no intention of having Carbon survive the event, but if Carbon did then Akriloth didn't mind either way. He roared angrily at Dota before growling in warning.
Dota pulled out his sword. It was a huge great sword. Ten foot long blade that was on fire. He held it up. He then swung the sword at him. Hitting the dragons chest.
Miya sighed and sat down going to watch the fight. If it got brutal she would join in but, well maybe she would fight. She growled at them, they had messed with them a bad decision.

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