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Realistic or Modern Don't Go Out After Dark


Objective: Film Sleepy Hollow for the Halloween Live Event. Locate reliable internet and get signal for phones. Get settled in and ghost hunting gear ready.

Status: Gonna get dinner before Set-up for show in manor

Tagged: @Felix @The Awakened Moon @sitanomoto @Mitchs98​

Atlas Reed


Atlas' eyes widened slightly at those words, and a grin spread across his face, "No one's ever said something like that to me before, thank you so much for your kind words." His vivid green eyes brightened considerably, and for the first time since he arrived in this strange town he actually felt at ease. What sort of magic was this woman putting him under? Because he rather liked it, and he wanted more of it.

He put his hands in his pockets as he walked alongside Adrianna in the direction of the diner, feeling his cheeks heat up when she leaned in to him, "Maybe whatever spirits are here, we can help put to rest. Since this is Sleepy Hollow, there's bound to be activity of those who have unfinished business or need that extra push into the afterlife." He looked to her now, "Say, you've been here a while, right? Have you noticed anything paranormal since you've been here, as far as ghosts are concerned?"

Skye Campbell


"I'd love to stop by your shop to make you a necklace, Anya, that'd be super cool!" Skye beamed happily, and when Anya asked to tell Kat it was all a prank, the blue haired hippie female nodded, "Got it! You have my word as your BFF!" She looked to Hazel now, "Spook, huh? That's a pretty neat nickname! I'd love to meet him!" She led the girls to the sidewalk and started towards the diner, "Come on, gals! Dinner and pie await us!" She said with a dramatic and adventurous flair, and giggled immediately afterwards. She looked to both Hazel and Anya, "Once we're done at the craft shop, you guys can come with me to the van and get our ghost hunting equipment, and we'll head straight to the Van Tassel manor!"

She spun around as she walked in excitement and grinned from ear to ear, clapping her hands, "I am so psyched you guys, you have no idea! Or maybe you do-either way, our show's gonna get some great ratings tonight!" She looked and saw Atlas with Adrianna, the two talking and...flirting? She gave a soft smile, happy that Atlas was finally moving on with another woman. Good for him! Skye never believed in relationships and didn't want to be tied down-hence why she wanted to be always single and never looking.

Eros Reed


Eros could not stop grinning as Morgan spoke, he found this man instantly charming and amazing. "When what?" But they soon arrived at the diner, and he looked behind him to finally see Atlas and his new friend-teehee-coming towards them as well as Skye and her new friends picking up the rear, "Seems like our friends are coming, too, but that's okay." He walked in and went to the bar area of the diner with Morgan, seeing another cool-looking guy behind the counter. If he new Spooky Hollow of ALL places had some hot dudes living here, he'd have fought tooth and nail to get here sooner!

He waited patiently for Morgan to order, then looked to the guy behind the bar, "I'll have a cheeseburger and fries, and a water. Thanks dude!" He beamed and sat at said bar, giving Morgan a small but flirtatious smile. Yep, Eros was not ashamed of his sexuality and was very open about it, "So, when you said when...go on, I'd really love to know more!" He gave a lop-sided grin.
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Spook Curtis/Hazel Crane

At Maria's Diner/ Walking to Maria's Diner

@Felix, @DarlingWaylonPark @BloodyKharma @Mitchs98


Spook smiled, writing down Eros's order. "Alrighty," he turned and walked to the kitchen, putting another party on the grill. He kept his eye on it as he talked to the new person. "So, how long are you in town for? I know my friend Sarah's here for a while, how about you?"


Hazel smiled as she looked in the window. "Hey, look! There he is, behind the grill!" She waved through the window.


Spook noticed Hazel's wave and he waved back, mouthing "watch this" to her. He flipped the patty and caught it on the spatula behind his back.


Hazel laughed and clapped like a delighted child. She motioned for Sky and Anya to follow her in the door.

Tagged: @Felix @DarlingWaylonPark @sitanomoto @BloodyKharma

Status: Extremely excit- Oh dear god what is that smell.

Objective: Food.

Anya's expression changed from serious to her normal happy expression when Skye began to lead to way to the diner, Good, at-least now if Katrina throws a fit Skye can say I told her it was just a prank. She thought to herself, smiling happily. "Awesome! Sounds like fun!" She shouted excitedly at the mention of the two helping her with her show. She also wondered what this 'Spook' was like, she hadn't been to the diner lately so she didn't recall ever seeing him.

What she did know however was the sun was beginning to make her tired, yawning a bit she hoped they made got to the diner soon before her skin started burning causing an even bigger spectacle than earlier. It'd spread through the town like..for lack of a better word..wildfire if Anya suddenly anf inexplicably burned to death in the middle of the street.

It wasn't long before they entered the diner, the smell of pie filling her nostrils. A more prominent smell, however, was the prominent smell of raw meat. Meat, bloody meat. She thought to herself, practically ready to raid the kitchen for food at that point. She hadn't eaten anything the entire day and it was honestly starting to effect her more than she liked.

Anya had no trouble following Hazel into the diner, in fact if anything she would have had trouble following her in, she had practically ran into the diner. She waved at the cook whom seemed to know Hazel, she assumed he was Spook. Anya still never recalled meeting him before, oh well. She'd meet him now.

Noticing the rest an- Holy shit what is that smell. Amongst the smell of meat and pie Anya smelled was smelt like a bunch of wet dogs couped up in a pen that sat outside in the sun for five hours, and to be honest it kinda made her feel sick. "What the hell is that awful smell." She hissed, fighting back the urge to gag.
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