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Realistic or Modern Don't Go Out After Dark


✯ Raccoon Catcher ✯
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Katrina Van Tassel


Tagged: No one

Location: Maria's Diner

Status: Serving food and making witty remarks

Attitude: Another Day, Another Dollar

"A little to the left."

Katrina was directing a pair of men holding a black banner that read "Halloween Celebration: Halloween Night until Sunset" in big bright orange letters in front of the wrought iron fence that guarded the plot of land that doubled as the town center and graveyard. To outsiders, the dual function of the land might have seemed a bit odd but the locals thought nothing of it. The banner, now centered, was framed by a large aged tree whose branches shielded a lone grave from the elements. Katrina frowns and looks away as her gaze falls upon the tree.

"Perfect," she says coldly as the pair begin affixing the banner to the fence. The heels of Katrina's faux leather boots click on the sidewalk as she approaches a trio of women carving pumpkins. As one plunges her knife in the pumpkin to carve out a terrifying scowl, Katrina's pace quickens as she shakes her hands at her. "No, no, no. Happy faces. Happy. All Hallow's Eve, Day of the Dead - they're happy celebrations!" The woman nods understandingly, beginning to carve out a smile instead.

Taking another sweeping glance around the town square, Katrina smiles at the sight of the her committee hanging decorations and lanterns. After last year's fiasco, Katrina was keen to make this year's Halloween celebration the best yet. She wasn't officially in charge of all the town details - to an outsider, she was just a child - but she might as well have been. She was the oldest in the town, something she was both proud of and hated.

"Katrina!" The voice from the doorway of the local diner breaks her concentration and she chuckles lightly. "Your shift started ten minutes ago!" She looks over her shoulder, her brunette curls splaying out for just a moment. "I told you it's Kat now. Respect your elders, Maria," she responded teasingly. "Thomas, you're in charge. If anything goes wrong, it's single-handedly your fault." She flashes a grin before jogging over to the dinner.

The older woman leans on the diner door, propping it open as she examines Katrina with mock disapproval. Her black hair was streaked with hints of gray and pulled back into a neat bun.
"Today's youth. No respect, no punctuality..." Katrina pulls her hair into a ponytail as she walks into the nearly empty dinner, "Business is booming as usual, I see."

"It's because you take away all my business with your silly little projects!" Maria follows Katrina into the dinner, the bell on the door jingling as it shuts. The pair share a seemingly stern look before they both crack and laugh. "Old witch," Katrina mutters jokingly as she reaches over the counter to grab an apron and throw it on. "Little punk," Maria retorts as she slips back into the kitchen.

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The gates creaked when Morgan opened them. Even in full daylight the family manor looked creepy. The lane was full of weed, the grass was too long and all kinds of wildflowers grew in it. The flowers and bushes in the backyard that his mother had cherished so much were long dead. Morgan had tried to keep the garden tidy, but it was too much work for one man. It seemed like his father hadn’t done any maintenance in the garden and the house in the last years before his death. The house was stained with acid rain corrosion, mosses and other tarnishes. The sigil above the main entrance was illegible and the statue on the roof couldn’t be defined as ravens any more. The decay pained Morgan, but he didn’t have the money to clean it up, let alone renovate the whole building. His father hadn’t left him much money. There were probably some treasures hidden inside, but Morgan didn’t have the guts to go in. Too many bad memories clung to the place, not to mention the eerie noises Morgan heard at night.

He went to the summerhouse. It wasn’t much, but he could live with it. There was a table with two chairs, which he often used as workspace, a small kitchen and a sofa/bed. He opened his laptop and began writing.

Tagged: no one

Location: on the way to the diner

Cellphone: Online

Working: no

Status: preoccupied

Morgan had had a busy night. Yesterday he had read about the splintercat, a funny local myth.That evening he paid a rare visit to the bar. Rumor had it that a local lumberjack, Stefan, had sighted the splintercat. He didn’t even need to talk to the man since he boasted it around to anyone who could hear him, whether they wanted or not. Morgan had often encountered this kind of madmen’s stories and knew they were highly exaggerated, but he needed some kind of starting point. What he got from the man was that the splintercat was basically a huge cat that bashed his head into trees to find food. The man’s description of the beast was laughable. Morgan knew a lot of creatures with weird appearances, but none as weird as this one. According to Stefan it had a froglike hairy body with the head of a cat and a huge bump of bone on his forehead. Morgan had taken notes, but he didn’t take it too literal.

This morning he had gone to the library for some research. It was actually closed for the upcoming Halloween, but as a librarian Morgan had his own keys. He found some weird books and a letter from 1945, but it was all rather boring. The books had an almost biological approach, which made the whole creature even less believable and scary. He made some scans and went home. On the way home a funny horror story developed in his head. He was determined to write it down.

He was so caught up in the writing that he didn’t notice the time. When he was finished he looked at the clock. 17:47. He realized that he didn’t have any food for dinner. He was not in the mood for cooking anyway. He started walking towards the local diner.

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Objective: Investigate an abandoned asylum dating back to 1850, reports of strong paranormal activity at that location.

Status: Halfway to location, en route via the Mystery Machine.


Atlas Reed


Atlas had been charged with the duty of navigator ever since Skylas Supernatural Haunts had left on their journey from their hometown of Aspen, Colorado in search of ghosts and other supernatural sightings. He would not admit it out loud, but he was getting exasperated over it, since Skye was very impatient and kept nagging him for directions at every turn. He tried to take it in stride, but even Job himself would have lost patience with the blue-haired girl by now. His vivid green eyes stayed on the GPS on his smartphone as he sat beside her in the front seat of their Mystery Machine-none drove it except for Skye.

The blonde twenty-four year old shook his head and sighed in frustration, "For God's sake, Skye, if you don't get off my back over every single turn we need to take, we're surely going to get lost! Please, have patience and we'll get to the asylum in no time. I'm sure our audience will understand if we're a little late for our Halloween Live Event, they'd rather we get there in one piece and safely. They said so themselves." He felt as if he were scolding a child, and that irritated him to no end. Still, he harbored feelings for her even after she rejected him years ago, and he vowed to protect her no matter what.

Skye Campbell


"Yea, yea, I know all of that, Atty! But you're forgetting that important people from different television stations will also be tuning into our live Halloween event on YouTube tonight! We need to impress them, this is our one and only shot to get on the air! We've worked all of our lives towards this dream, and I'm not giving it up!" Skye snapped at Atlas, then sighed and ran a hand through her (once blonde, now sky blue) hair, her grey-ice blue eyes narrowed at the road. "Look, I'm sorry I'm being a little...overbearing. But we gotta make this one count, 'cause if we don't convince them of how great we are, we'll never be on television alongside the other ghost hunting teams."

She noticed that Atlas was looking a bit down now, seeing the worry in his eyes, and she playfully flipped his low ponytail, which got his attention. She smiled, "Hey, don't look so down, Atty! After tonight, we're going to be famous!" She squeaked happily, her bare feet (her flip flops were in the back of the van) pushed the gas pedal as she watched the road, then she gasped suddenly and stopped the van dead in its tracks. Her eyes widened as-seemingly from out of nowhere, a town lay just down the hill. She tilted her head, baffled beyond belief. "Um...what is this place. Atlas, is this on your GPS?"

Eros Reed


"Whoa, hey!"
Eros shouted as Skye suddenly stopped hard, his book nearly flying out of his hands. Thank God he was wearing a seat belt, or he'd be a goner! He unbuckled it and poked his head from the back of the van glared at her, "What the Hell did you think you were...doing...?" His voice trailed off as his green-blue eyes looked out the front window and beheld a quaint New England town. When Skye asked if it was on Atlas' GPS, Eros looked as well-but the signal was suddenly dropped. Eros and Skye both took out their phones as well-same problem. Both young men and the young woman sighed in frustration, and Eros looked to them both. "Great, we still had another two hours before we got to our destination, and we have no map! I wanna blame you, Skye." He glared at her, and she glared right back at him.

Atlas was quick to diffuse the tension between them. While Eros forgave Skye for rejecting his older brother, he still felt salty and bitter towards her. He shook his head, "Alright, well, the obvious solution here is to go into town and ask for directions. We can have dinner here too, might as well, right? We need to stretch our legs, anyway, and I'm sure we'll get our signals back soon. Now let's go!" He went back to sitting in the back, Skye shaking her head and Atlas, with a worried frown, put his phone away as the three ghost hunters drove to the town in a brightly colored van that was nothing short of a blast from the past. Eros happened to glance up when he saw the sign, and his eyes widened, "Guys..." He pointed it out, and all three of their jaws dropped:

Sleepy Hollow. A ghost hunter's dream come true.

Eros got a feeling in the pit of his stomach when he saw Skye's face light up like a Christmas Tree in the rear view mirror when she found this "Happy Accident." They were going to be here for a while, weren't they?
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Katrina Van Tassel


Tagged: @DarlingWaylonPark

Location: Outside the Town Square

Status: Subtly stalking the newcomers

Attitude: Today's going to be a good day

Katrina was serving a plate of pancakes to an older gentleman when her gaze feel upon the vibrant van pulling into town. Dropping the plate onto the counter in front of him, she whips off her apron and pulls her hair out of a ponytail. She tosses the apron onto a booth, halfway to the door of the diner before shouting back to Maria. "I quit!" As Katrina pushes open the door to the diner, she can hear Maria shouting after her. "You can't just quit every time someone rolls into town! I won't take you back this time! I won't!"

Watching the diner door shut behind her, she smirks and nearly runs into a pale, dark haired man. Narrowly dodging, she pauses in her stride for just a moment. "So sorry. I'm just a little excited." Examining the man's face, she tilts her head ever so slightly and purses her lips. He wasn't familiar to her. She knew everyone in town. That was her self-assigned job. "We'll chat later, okay?" She flashes a grin before continuing toward the van.

Lifting her gaze to her committee hanging lights in the trees lining the streets, she shouts, "Higher!" and nearly startles a woman off her ladder. Katrina pauses once again to make sure she regains her balance, continuing as soon as she gets a thumbs up. The living were so tedious some times. The van had pulled to a stop, allowing her a moment to read the side of it. "Mystery machine?" She mumbles to no one but herself. This generation was so strange.

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Arianna Ramírez


Her new house in Sleepy Hollow was exactly what Arianna wanted. It was small, cozy, and quiet. That's all she needed to be able to write her songs. In D.C, she lived in a small apartment with her mother with windows that allowed them to hear almost everything down below on the streets and sidewalk, even the muffled chatter of pedestrians. Arianna remembered sometimes sitting by her bedroom window just to listen out to the city life outside her apartment or listen in on some of the different conversations.

Arianna bit her lip, trying not to think about her past. Her fingers absentmindedly touched the pentacle on her necklace, reminding her of who she was. After unpacking the few things she had, Arianna was already starving. She hadn't eaten anything all day and now her stomach was growling noisily. She saw a diner on her way coming to her new house and figured she'd eat there for tonight since her fridge was completely empty. She grabbed her messenger bag and stuffed her spell book in it just in case she wanted to read some new spells while eating, a pen, and her travel sized notebook with some of her own lyrics in there. She quickly shoved her phone into her jeans pocket as she put in both of her earphones.

She walked out her house and looked around curiously as she made her way past the city hall to Maria's diner. Her stomach grumbled more as she got closer. Arianna saw the hanging lights in the street as she sang quietly to herself but then she stopped adruptly when she saw the colored can read 'The Mystery Machine'. She laughed softly to herself as she pulled out her earphones, the music still playing. "Yeah, not weird at all" she mumbled quietly. Arianna let her earphones hang over the side of her messenger bag as she took in the atmosphere of the village already.



Objective: Forget the asylum, film Sleepy Hollow for the Halloween Live Event instead! Locate reliable internet and get signal for phones.

Status: Parking The Mystery Machine at the local Hotel in town to check in and stay a while.


Atlas Reed


Atlas could hardly believe his eyes when he saw the sign-this was indeed good luck for them. Though out of the three, he new Skye was more excited and more pumped for this. The blonde new her well enough, they would film their Live Halloween Event here in town. He just hoped the town had reliable internet, and hoped their cell signals could come back up again. As they drove into town via the infamous bridge from the tales, Atlas soon spotted a woman running out of the diner and down the sidewalk. He looked oddly at her, wondering what that was all about. He then turned to face front and saw a banner-it seemed the town was planning a Halloween festival themselves. He found it charming, and he couldn't help but smile. The town was gorgeous, especially in the Autumn months. He had only seen Sleepy Hollow on television and in books, but to see it in real life was truly a sight to behold.

He felt his spirits rise now, becoming almost as excited as Skye coming here. He just hoped this good fortune continued. He took out his portable video camera, silver in color and with a small monitor attached to it that could open. He lifted it and turned it on, filming the town as they drove by, taping a large town square adorned with a huge tree in the center, a school, an old manor and finally the hotel, Old Hall. He also pointed out a library not far off from the hotel, which he heard Eros cheer in approval. He turned off his handheld camcorder and, when Skye shut the engine of the Mystery Machine off, got out of the van. As soon as he did, the cool breeze of fall greeted him, caressing his face lightly in welcome. He took a deep breath, and he swore the air smelled of fresh apples. He zipped up his dark blue jacket, as he was only wearing a white T-shirt underneath and the chill in the air made him shiver. He took his smartphone out of his jean pocket and looked at it-no signal as of yet, but he wasn't going to lose hope on that-yet. He looked to Skye and Eros, "Well...this certainly changes things, doesn't it?" He gave a light chuckle.

Skye Campbell


Skye glared at Eros, "It's NOT my fault, Eros! I can't control technology like that!" She huffed indignantly and kept driving towards town. As much as she hated to admit it, Eros was right-they needed to gather their bearings and figure out how to fix their phones. Besides, she was pretty hungry now that the red haired male mentioned food, and when she got too hungry, she wasn't the most pleasant to be around. She drove until she stopped when Eros pointed a sign out. Her eyes widened and a grin spread on her lips, so many possibilities rushing through her mind at once. Sleepy freaking Hollow! How could they go to a stupid asylum now that they were here of all places?! They finally hit the jackpot, and she looked to her friends with a devious and knowing smile, "Boys, change of plans! Here's the new location of our Halloween Event-it's perfect~!" She squealed in delight and hit her bare foot on the gas, excitement coursing through her veins.

She gasped happily as they came to The Bridge-THE Bridge-and she bounced in the driver's seat. "Oh my God, you guys, we can start off the event here at the bridge!" She laughed, "Maybe we can ask one of the locals here to dress up as the Headless Horseman, flaming Jack-O-Lantern and all, it would be too good!" She nodded to herself, "Yep, we're gonna do it!" She kept her eyes ahead, though once in a while she glanced at the gorgeous architecture and the breathless beauty of nature surrounding the small old town. It took her breath away, to say the least, and she hoped to get a lot of good shots of these fantastic places. She pointed at the black banner, "Look! They're having a party here, too! We gotta go!" She saw Atlas was filming and she glanced at him, "We should scout around town to pick some great filming locations." Her best friend nodded silently in agreement with her, it seemed he too was quite distracted by Sleepy Hollow's beauty.

Finally they came to Old Hall Hotel, and Skye parked their Mystery Machine. Getting her dark brown flipflops on, she slid out of the van and patted down her flowing dark brown skirt made of thin fabrics-being a bit cold, she regretted that decision quickly, not to mention she had to keep her hands in front of her to protect her skirt from the wind. Even her long sleeved forest green tunic was light in fabric, and even being a native of Aspen, Colorado, she hated the cold. She ran to Atlas and leaned on the van, looking to the two men, "Yea, Atty, it changes everything! When the television producers see this, we'll have our foot in the door and then some, this place will make us overnight sensations! Come on, let's head inside and check in, alright?" She led the way into the hotel lobby, barely able to contain her excitement but wanting to get out of the breezy day quickly-this was not skirt weather today!

Eros Reed


Eros closed his book and sat upright as they crossed the bridge, getting an odd feeling from it. He put away his American History book and took out a book of American Legends and Horror Stories, opening up to the chapter on Sleepy Hollow itself, "According to the legend, Ichabod Crane was supposedly killed on this bridge by The Headless Horseman trying to escape him. It says here, 'Although the nature of the Headless Horseman is left open to interpretation, the story implies that the ghost was really Brom in disguise. Irving's narrator concludes, however, by stating that the old Dutch wives continue to promote the belief that Ichabod was "spirited away by supernatural means," and a legend develops around his disappearance and sightings of his melancholy spirit.' Weird, huh?" He smiled and bookmarked the chapter, closing it and looking out to see the town.

If he could, he would have jumped out of the van and walked around to take in all the sights. He smiled as widely as his brother and friend, though seeing the large tree in the square gave him pause. His face fell slightly, getting a creepy vibe from it. He perked up when Atlas mentioned a library, and the grin returned, "Sweet! I can see what kind of books they have here! I wanna learn more about this place, go more in depth with its history!" He unbuckled his seat belt before they even parked, itching to get out. Finally when the van was shut off, he jumped out and took out his dark brown over-the-shoulder bag that was filled with his books. Shoving his hands into the pockets of his dark purple hoodie that concealed his bright yellow long-sleeved shirt (he loved those colors so much, his shoes were also purple with yellow designs on them, and only his dark blue jeans seemed to be the only article of clothing NOT one or both of those two coveted colors), he followed Atlas and Skye into the hotel, wanting to enjoy the outside air more but there would be time for that later. When they approached the front desk, ever the sweet talker, Eros took the lead and spoke to the person behind it, "Hey there! We're new in town, just visiting actually. May we please have a room?" He gave his signature charming grin as he spoke.
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Katrina Van Tassel


Tagged: @DarlingWaylonPark

Location: Old Hall Hotel

Status: Being too excited for her own good

Attitude: Don't scare them off, darling

It had to have been years since Katrina had seen a new face. Not that she didn't love every one that she had already become familiar with. It was just that new faces were more interesting. She watches the van speed off toward the town's only hotel and a small smile graces her lips. On her way over to the hotel, she grabs a hold of her second in charge, Thomas, messy-haired brunette teenager who had a crush on her. She found it amusing that, even when he found out she was over ten times his age, his feelings didn't falter. "Thomas, by the looks of it, we have ourselves a trio of tourists. Spread the word. Even though it's Halloween, we can't afford too many incidents. I'd hate to deal with the Sleepy Hollow witch trials."

He nods and she pats his back before he runs off to inform Maria and the other business owners so that they can inform anyone who walks through their doors. On any other day, the people of Sleepy Hollow wore their heritages almost blatantly, some even risking practicing magic in the streets or sipping a blood shake before Katrina comes along to scold them. People had been quick to accept Katrina as whatever her role may be on account of her confidence and the fact that she sounded like she knew what she was talking about. Sleepy Hollow didn't really have a mayor. It didn't need one. According to the rest of the world, the town was just a legend. Katrina couldn't help but scoff out loud at the thought of The Legend of Sleepy Hollow. She wished Ichabod would have died on that bridge so she could've beat his sorry ass.

Katrina strolls into Old Hall Hotel, smiling as her gaze falls upon the trio. She approaches the main desk, leaning on it beside the three. "Hey there! We're new in town, just visiting actually. May we please have a room?" She chuckles lightly, reaching over the desk to pick up the dusty-looking leather bound guest book. " 'Just visiting?' You really should do your research before you stroll into a mysterious town like ours. Rumor has it that once you come here, you can't leave." She says this seriously, holding a firm expression before cracking into laughter. Plucking the calligraphy pen from desk clerk, she pauses to smile at him and exchange pleasantries. He seemed entirely unaffected by Katrina waltzing in and taking over as if it happened all the time.

"I think you'll find that we do things a little differently around here. Sleepy Hollow is a very unique town with unique residents." She begins filling out the guest book with hurried calligraphy. If anyone were given the chance to examine the book, they would find that it had no real rhyme or reason to it. Hundreds of line-less pages were filled with notes of a similar style, dated back for decades. Of course, no one but Katrina herself and the hotel workers - people that were known to be trustworthy and reliable people - would ever get that chance. She pauses to subtly shift the book away from the trio so that they couldn't examine the notes before lifting her gaze to the man behind the desk once again. "Why don't you go tell our residents in rooms 213, 192, and... Oh! Room 241 that our Halloween event will soon be in full swing and that we are absolutely thrilled to celebrate with our guests here? I'm certain they're dying to know. I'll finish up here."

The clerk nods and disappears through a door behind the desk. Those three residents in particular were some of the more troublesome tenants of the hotel who were continue on in their normal routine if not informed about the outsiders. After a moment more of notes, Katrina drops the pen and shuts the book. "How rude of me! I haven't even asked your names. I'm Kat 'Might as Well be Mayor' Van Tassel. And you are?" She smiles disarmingly, extending a hand for them to shake. In her excitement, she had forgotten how peculiar this must seem to the three of them.

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Objective: Film Sleepy Hollow for the Halloween Live Event. Locate reliable internet and get signal for phones. Get settled in and ghost hunting gear ready.

Status: Checking into this gorgeous hotel while meeting one of the locals.

Atlas Reed


Atlas was deep in thought while Eros worked his charismatic charm. The brothers were night and day, it seemed: Eros had a way with people and words, and was outgoing in nature. Atlas, on the other hand, was quiet and reserved, and quite shy around people until he got to know them well enough-Skye was one such example. He was surprised out of his thoughts and turned with the other two to see a woman who was leaning on the desk with them. An awkward pause filled the air when the woman seemed serious about visitors never leaving town, and Atlas gulped audibly, bright green eyes widening slightly before he relaxed when the woman laugh. "Eh, ha ha, good one, Miss!" Atlas said with a small and nervous chuckle.

He did not doubt the woman's words on this town being unique in nature, as well as it's residents. Then again, every town had its quirks as did it's people, but for some strange reason he felt that this town would be different. Whether or not this would prove to be a good thing remained to be seen. He saw what appeared to be an old book for the hotel, and he wondered just how many guests came and went from this place over the years. His curiosity peaked even more when she mentioned certain room names, but it was forgotten when she introduced herself. Atlas was the first to shake her hand, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Miss Van Tassel. My name is Atlas Reed." He motioned to Eros first, "This is my younger brother, Eros," then he motioned to Skye, "And this is-"

Skye Campbell


While at the desk, Skye was just as surprised to see a woman pop out of nowhere like a ninja and start talking about them never leaving the town. She had to admit, her heart stopped for a second before laughter filled the air. She grinned awkwardly and laughed a little herself. She leaned over a bit to try and read the old looking guest book but was thwarted when the woman took it, and a pout formed on her lips in disappointment. That frown was turned upside down however when the woman introduced herself as unofficial mayor of Sleepy Hollow, and as Atlas was about to introduce her, she stepped forward and shook the woman's hand this time, and with much enthusiasm. "Skye Campbell's the name, nice to meet ya, Miss Van Tassel! We're the Ghost Hunting team known as Skylas Supernatural Haunts, inc.! Here's our card!" She whipped the Skylas business card out from Eros' bag and handed it to Miss Van Tassel, a white card with what looked like an eye, dark blue and light blue in color, and the pupil crimson red. It read on it:


Supernatural Haunts, Inc.

"If THEY are at peace, WE are at peace!"

"We investigate haunted and abandoned places and air our episodes on YouTube-dot-com, our channel is on the card!" She pointed with pride on the card, "Check us out sometime, we go into the history of these places and why they became haunted, then we help the ghosts find the peace they deserve so they can move on. Because 'If THEY are at peace, WE are at peace!' You see, we're from Aspen, Colorado, and we've been traveling cross-country in our Mystery Machine filming episodes for our web series. We were on the way to film a haunted location for our Live YouTube Halloween Event, and that's when we came into town! Since you're kind of the mayor, may we please have your permission to film our live event here? Pleeeeease~?" Skye begged with a big smile on her face, her hands clasped together as she stared up at Miss Van Tassel with big kitten-like eyes.

Eros Reed


Eros was working his magic-or so he hoped-when he jumped at a voice so near to him. He stared and blinked at the local, then quirked an eyebrow, "Not...leave? Didn't say anything like that in any of my books..." He was about to whip one of his books out when she laughed, and he sighed and realized it was a joke, "Oh, haha, very funny! Do you get all tourists that come in this way? Funny joke, though." He grinned and shrugged at her statement, "That's alright, we're down with unique environments. We live for them." He spotted a book the woman was writing in and he caught some of the names on there, and he decided to remember that book and what it looked like before it was taken away. That was something Eros really wanted to examine more closely, to see how far back that guest list really went.

He allowed Atlas to take the lead, and he gave a small wave when he was introduced, "Nice to meet you, ma'am." He said with a smile, then rolled his eyes when Skye took over to give the famous Skylas spiel. He shook his head and pulled her back while she was begging for the 'kind-of mayor's' permission to film. "Please forgive our friend here, she gets overly excited about historical places like this." He shot her a look which she shot back at him, but he paid it no mind as he looked back to Van Tassel with a softer expression. "Though, speaking of historical, I hear you guys have a library. What else is there in town, we'd love to look around."
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Katrina Van Tassel


Tagged: @DarlingWaylonPark

Location: Outside Old Hall Hotel

Status: Doing business and the like

Attitude: Ghost hunters, hm?

"Ghost hunters, you say?" She takes the card, biting back a laugh - ah, if only they knew! After examining the card with a small smirk, she lifts her gaze back up to the rambling trio. Despite their differences in personalities, she could clearly see that all of them were thrilled to be here. Hopefully that sentiment would stick around for a few decades. "Atlas, Skye, and Eros..." She points to each when she says their respective name with one hand, twirling the card between her two fingers of the other. "Colorado's quite a ways away. However did you end up here?" Katrina smiles, flipping the guest book open to their page and jotting down a few more notes as she listened to their explanation.

"An asylum? You'd probably have better luck there. Sleepy Hollow is just a normal little town, I promise you. As for libraries and haunted places and the like..."
She scratches one final note into the book before shutting it once again and returning it to where it belongs. As if summoned by someone unknowable force, the desk clerk returns and slides the book under the desk. "Let's see what I can do for you. Christian, keep an eye out for ghosts for us, will you?" She winks at him before motioning to the doors of the hotel. "Let's take a walk, shall we? A tour of the town? We can stop at my two namesakes and see if either is suitable for your, what was it? You... tube live event?"

She nods, smiling politely at the trio. They certainly were an interesting group. She was certain that they would bring life to the town, even in death. But that was an issue for later. Her current issue was trying to find out what a YouTube was.
"I'm sure if you've heard anything about Sleepy Hollow, you've heard the name Katrina Van Tassel. Katrina's grave is quite nearly at the exact center of town and Van Tassel Manor is just across the street from here. The Manor has been abandoned for over one hundred years and I just so happen to have the keys. That is, of course, if you're interested..." Katrina had grow accustomed to talking about herself as if she were a different person. Knowing that she would hardly have to sell her spiel to these three, she glances back to Skye awaiting her eager response. Hook, line, and sinker.
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Objective: Film Sleepy Hollow for the Halloween Live Event. Locate reliable internet and get signal for phones. Get settled in and ghost hunting gear ready.

Status: Getting to know the 'kind-of' mayor Van Tassel and taking a town tour. Will scope filming locations on the way.

Tagged: @RealisticFantasy

Atlas Reed


The blonde haired male tilted his head slightly as Van Tassel began writing notes-was it about them? About something unrelated? He furrowed his eyebrows upward in worry at first, then looked to the mayor and gave a small, shy smile. "Yea, it was a long journey, indeed. But well worth it to us, we got to see so many amazing sights and historic places along the way. It's sad, to see them all abandoned, when people worked so hard years ago to create them. I wonder what makes human beings do that, to create and then abandon, or destroy." His face fell to a melancholy expression at first, "Sometimes I wonder how those spirits feel being trapped in that building, seeing it in a state of decay when they recall being it beautiful once upon a time." He looked up, then smiled, "Forgive me, but sometimes I can be one to sympathize with spirits. I truly believe they still have their emotions, that's why they seem so lonely. They only want to be with their family and friends again, and so we go in and try to help them cross over to the afterlife, or Heaven, whichever you want to call it, and they can be at peace."

He shook his head, "Anyway, we'd love to take a tour with you! We'd be honored!" He looked to Eros and Skye with a wide smile and followed the woman outside, laughing at her joke to the clerk. He walked next to Skye, who walked on Van Tassel's left, Eros walking next to the mayor on her right. Atlas could see his younger brother's expression brighten as the mayor mentioned the library and other places, and the blonde knew they would be here for quite a while. He looked to Van Tassel, "Thank you so much for welcoming us to your town, Miss Van Tassel, and for allowing us to film here as well. We deeply appreciate your hospitality and kindness." He bowed his head to her in respect, ever the proper gentleman.

Skye Campbell


After Skye spoke of the reasons for trying to help the dead, Skye chimed in when the asylum was mentioned, "The asylum is nothing compared to this town! Everyone knows this place, it's been in movies and cartoons and retold over and over! It's one of the greatest and most remembered American legends of all time! Our viewing audience will love to see this place! Trust me, Miss Van Tassel, your town is super famous, and we love it!" She beamed as she spoke, "I host the show, Atlas uses his camera to film it and Eros is in charge of historical research everywhere we go, so between the three of us we've been working hard toward our goal. And once our fans see this town in our live episode tonight, that will put us on the map and if the right people watch it, we can finally achieve our goal of being on television, and have our own actual series there! We'll be up there with TAPS and Ghost Adventures!" She squealed in excitement. When it looked like the mayor was agreeing to let them film, Skye barely kept herself from dancing in a circle, "Oh my Gosh, seriously?! Thank you, thank you, thank you~! You're super awesome and generous, Miss Van Tassel!"

With the two young men, she followed the mayor out into the town for a 'walk and talk', she supposed. "I would love to see the buildings with your namesake, Miss Van Tassel, that would be super amazing!" She was hooked on every word the mayor said, then she perked up a bit more. "Oh! So since your last name is the same, there's a relation there! Oh~!" She grinned, "So you own those houses, I assume? Eros, get your book out on Sleepy Hollow!" She looked to Eros, then back to the mayor. Her eyes widened at the offer of the keys into the manor, and she nodded eagerly, "You don't have to ask me twice! We would love to go inside and film for our live event! This is super cool, you're the best, Miss Van Tassel! Thank you so much~!" She wiggled a bit in sheer happiness, finally her dreams were coming true and her hard work paying off.

Eros Reed


Eros remained quiet for once and allowed his older brother and his friend to take over, and of course Skye being the most dominant in personality of the three naturally spoke for them-which irritated the crimson haired male to no end. He walked on the other side of Miss Van Tassel with his hands in his sweatshirt pockets until Skye insisted he take out one of his many books. He took out the one he had in the car and flipped it to the book mark, reading in it about Katrina Van Tassel. He looked to the woman, then back to the book. "You said your name was Kat Van Tassel, right? So I take it your family named you after the Katrina in the story?" He asked out of curiosity, tilting his head a bit. "It's not uncommon for families to do that, especially well known ones, but I gotta ask, ma'am, are you truly related to the Van Tassels? So is this legend...based on a true story?"

He closed the book and put it away, his green-blue eyes widening when they were offered the key to the Van Tassel Manor. Skye was jubilant, as to be expected, Atlas was grinning but Eros looked thoughtful, intrigued. He gave a soft smile though, "We really appreciate it, ma'am, thank you. As Historical Researcher for Skylas, however, I want to research the Van Tassel Manor in books, so I want to head to the library as soon as possible before we head there. Our audience said they loved learning the history of the places we go to, it's one of the main reasons they watch us aside from ghost hunting. It's one of the ways we honor the places we go to and the people who lived or worked there, to keep their memory alive in everyone. I'm sure the spirits would want to be remembered, right? There's an Ancient Egyptian proverb that states, 'To speak the name of the dead is to bring them back to life.' Symbolic, huh Miss Van Tassel?" He gave a half smile.
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Katrina Van Tassel


Tagged: @DarlingWaylonPark

Location: Walking Toward Van Tassel Manor

Status: Wheeling and Dealing

Attitude: Perhaps soon there shall be a new ghost in town~

"Miss Van Tassel? You three make me sound ancient."
She laughs, shaking her head. "Please call me Kat. And no need to thank me. I'm more than happy to do whatever I can to improve your stay here at Sleepy Hollow. As for owning Van Tassel Manor, I do indeed but it's more of a memorial than a home. Baltus up and left following Katrina's death, left everything. I suppose memories haunt us far more often than spirits do?" She pauses to sigh softly. The manor made her sad more than anything. She sympathized with Baltus, knowing he had blamed himself, and she had spent many days following him around, watching him deteriorate until one day, he was just gone.

In her silence, the redhead carried on and she had to hold back a scoff at the mention of the Legend.
"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow? To call it based on a true story would be to give it justice. Katrina, Brom..." She couldn't help but hesitate before his name, trying to stay it will a smile and without gritting her teeth, "Ichabod - they all lived in this town, that much is true. But the Legend is just that, I'm afraid." She pauses with a frown for dramatic effect. "The true story is far more interesting. Ah! But I'm getting ahead of myself. There should be something I can conjure up for you at the library but I believe it is closed today and that is one I do not have keys to, I'm afraid. Perhaps Atlas and Skye can take a self-guided tour of the Manor while you and I can go see if we can convince our librarian to make an exception. And if not, we can stop by the museum."

She couldn't help but be a little excited herself. The trio of new faces had certainly brought a breath of fresh air to the town in just the few moments they had been here. She figured some alone time with one of the three would tip the scale in the direction of them staying. Perhaps she might even find a benefit for herself. If she was still alive, she would have blushed at the thought as she mentally scolded herself for putting her own desires above that of the town. Still, she couldn't help but wonder if fate truly played a role in the arrival of newcomers.
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As usual, Morgan took a small detour down Sterling Lane. Sterling Lane definitely had a nicer view than the Town Square, but that was not the reason why he took the longer route. Every time he crossed Town Square there would be this young woman who desperately tried to start a conversation with him. He had not decided yet whether or not he wanted to tell her his story. Morgan knew he could not evade her forever (after all, the woman worked at the diner), but for now it was better to take a detour.

Tagged: @DarlingWaylonPark @RealisticFantasy

Location: Sterling library

Cellphone: Online

Status: catching intruders

Attitude: skittish

When Morgan turned the corner onto Sterling Lane, he immediately came to a halt. A weird van just pulled over at the library. He saw two people getting out, a man and a woman, judging by their silhouettes. Once they closed the door, the van drove on. It looked really suspicious to Morgan. Why would anyone drop people off at a closed library? The shabby van didn’t really improve the image. Maybe they were here to break into the library? Morgan decided to take a closer look.

He walked slowly towards them. He tried to walk without making a noise, but stealth was not really his thing. He could almost make out their faces in the dim street lights. Then he recognized the woman. Great, it was the woman he had tried to evade, just his luck. It was too late to turn back now. He had never seen the young man before. He probably wasn’t from around here. He was now close enough to call them. He summoned up all his courage and yelled:
‘What the h-hell do-do you think you’re doing here?!’ Wow, they must be really intimidated.

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Objective: Film Sleepy Hollow for the Halloween Live Event. Locate reliable internet and get signal for phones. Get settled in and ghost hunting gear ready.

Status: Speaking to Kat, Atlas and Skye can scope the manor while Eros works his research magic.

Tagged: @RealisticFantasy @Felix

Atlas Reed


Atlas gave a polite smile, "Forgive us, we will call you Kat from now on, as long as we have your permission to do so." He was very intrigued that real people with names from the actual Legend actually lived here, or lived at all. Then again, Eros once said that a lot of myths and legends were based in truth, so Atlas knew his younger brother hit the nail on the head there, and this was living proof of it. He smiled to Skye then nodded to Kat, "We would love to scope out the manor, Kat, we can find nice rooms to film in and set up our ghost hunting equipment there. All we need is internet access so we can stream the live event to our YouTube audience since they'll be watching from home on their computers or mobile devices."

Suddenly he stopped and looked to see a man calling to them, and Atlas' blonde eyebrows furrowed upward in concern. He looked to Kat questioningly, unsure of what to make of this. "Who...is he, Kat? And why does he seem so scared?" He looked back to the male, giving him a worried and confused look. "W-we're not here to do any harm, sir!" He held his hands up in a motion of surrender, "We're just visitors, tourists at the worst, that's all! We're harmless, I assure you!"

Skye Campbell


"Aw, I think Kat is a cute nickname! Alrighty, you're gonna be Kat to us from now on! I hope we can be great friends!"
Skye giggled and almost did a twirl, her flowing skirt waving in the breeze slightly. She gasped lightly, "Oh, so they actually existed! So there's a basis in History here after all! We gotta use that in our show, Atlas." She grinned to her best friend then looked back to Kat with a delighted squeal of approval, "Neat-o! I would love for Atlas and I to explore the manor, and we can all meet up at the hotel later! Oh! Kat, would you like to see our ghost hunting and filming equipment? We got the latest and greatest technology thanks to Atlas and Eros' parents, they're pretty wealthy so we all three got awesome Christmas presents!"

She stopped with Atlas when a voice called out to them to halt. She pursed her lips in confusion as she looked to see a nervous looking gentleman by the library, demanding why they were there. She blinked, then pointed up to the library, "Well, that's the library, right? We'd wanna go in there and read, that's pretty much all you do in there." She snickered, "And if you're Eros here, you'd wanna live there for the rest of your life, isn't that right, 'Cuuuupid?'" She elbowed Eros in the chest lightly and laughed, teasing him was so much fun!

Eros Reed


Eros smiled and allowed the three to be in deep conversation until the mention of him and Kat going to the library, where his eyes widened in excitement, "That would be really great of you, Kat, if we could go in for at least a little bit so I could check out some books. And seeing the museum here would be extremely helpful as well, as long as I can see one of those two places we'll be all set to film tonight." He flipped his book open to scan it, "So Katrina, Brom, and Ichabod all actually existed. Then I wonder who the Headless Horseman really was? A lot of sources point to Brom since he wanted Ichabod out of the way to marry Katrina, and he succeeded all right. But if there's a real account of what happened...I'd like to know, Kat, if that's alright?" He closed his book and smiled, putting it back in his bag.

He stopped with the rest when a man standing before the library piped up. Eros sighed and stepped forward, "Hey. Chill out, dude, we're not here to cause trouble, ok? Just relax. We're here to explore since, like my brother said, we're all new here and we're curious." He glared at Skye, "Call me that again, I dare ya. And there's more to a library than just books! It's a whole new world of learning you'd never understand." He looked back to the stranger, "So is this how you greet tourists here? This town's lucky that we three are laid back and able to get jokes, other visitors would've been turned off altogether. Who are you, anyway, and why do you care that we're here?"
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Arianna Ramírez


Arianna soon arrived at the diner and went inside. It was pretty empty and quiet at the time being but Arianna liked it that way. She sat down at a small booth and ordered herself something to eat that would calm her upset stomach and satisfy her tastes. In no time, her food was served to her and Arianna ate with satisfaction. As she ate, she pulled out her mother's spell book from her messenger bag reading over them curiously and looking over the notes her mom put in them. Her fingers ran over the notes in the book and she felt a tug on her heart. As much as she hates to admit it, there isn't a day Arianna doesn't think about her mother. Her mother was everything to her: her best friend, her teacher. Now Ari had to teach herself everything that she needed to know. She read about the different spells and potions in the book but then an idea suddenly came to mind. Arianna wondered if there would have been any spell books in the local library. Now that was her mission, to go to the library and see if there happened to be a spell book.

After paying for her meal, Ari quickly got up and shoved her spell book back in her bag. It was getting late and she wasn't even sure what the opening and closing times of the library were. She asked a close by citizen where the library was and he only pointed towards the direction and kept walking along. "Thanks for the very helpful directions" she said to him sarcastically as he walked away. Arianna sighed and moved a piece of her curly hair out of her face before she walked toward the direction he pointed in with her earphones in her ears.

Following the street to the library, Arianna finally started to approach it, being able to see it from a distance away. She saw a group of people standing outside in the front of the library so she tentatively walked toward them. As she got closer she heard them talking and immediately felt rude for just barging in like that. She took the earphones out of her ears and let them hang from her side as she walked toward the group.
"Hey guys" she called out to them but not in such a loud voice. "Sorry to interrupt...but is the library closed right now?" she asked curiously once she reached them. "I was wondering because I wanted to see if there was a book in there." She bit her lip, wondering why they even needed to know that last bit of information.


Katrina Van Tassel


Tagged: @DarlingWaylonPark @Felix @The Awakened Moon

Location: Outside Sterling Library

Status: Diffusing the situation

Attitude: This is chaos

"Cupid? You must be quite the heart breaker, then." She cracks a smirk in Eros's direction before turning her attention to the pale librarian with a patient smile. Her eyes widen slightly when Eros goes on the defensive, lightly placing her hand on his arm reflexively. "Let's keep the hostility to a minimum, shall we?" At the realization, she pulls her hand away quickly and flashes a smile before looking to the librarian once again. "So, you're the new librarian? My apologies, I haven't gotten around to introducing myself. I've been rather busy organizing the Halloween event. My name's Kat and I was hoping that, if you aren't too busy, you could open up the library so my friends here could have a look around. You see, they just rolled into town and--"

Katrina pauses and swallows thickly as her gaze falls upon another unfamiliar face. This was absolute madness. For over one hundred years, she knew every face in town as soon as it crossed that silly old bridge and now she was faced with five peculiar ones that had slipped under her radar. It was almost getting out of hand. Her smile falters for just a moment before returning full force. "No need to apologize. You're not interrupting. We are in the same predicament." Her attention returns to the librarian. She wouldn't be able to use her influence with him as she did with everyone else. She would have to rely solely on her charisma and, with the way he stuttered and stumbled over his words, she wasn't entirely certain that it would be enough. She speaks softly, batting her eyelashes slightly, "So, will you do me, us a favor?"

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Morgan had definitely made blunders before, but none was as big as this one. It was crazy and confusing, all five of them were talking almost simultaneously. He had trouble processing it all. This was exactly the reason why Morgan didn’t like socializing in general, and talking in groups in particular. It took a moment to realize that he’d been asked a question. They were all watching him with their expectant eyes, which made him feel really uncomfortable. ‘A f-favor? … Oh, y-you mean letting you in. I eh … I guess I owe you all for my r-rude behavior. I didn’t know what c-came over me. Please F-Follow me!’ He managed to say.

Tagged:@RealisticFantasy @DarlingWaylonPark @The Awakened Moon

Location: Main hall of the library

Cellphone: Online

Status: calling some important lady

Attitude: embarrassed and nervous

He walked over towards the entrance. He fumbled the keys out of the pocket in his trench coat. His hands still trembled when he tried to put them into the lock. He even dropped them and had to pick them up. He was truly on a roll today. He opened the door and held it open until everyone was inside. He turned on the lights. The lights flickered on one by one, further and further away from them until the whole main hall was lit. The magical rhythm with which the lights turned on always managed to calm him down, even now. The main hall was really something to behold.


‘W-Welcome in the Sterling Library!’ His voice echoed thru the hall. ‘S- since you’re all here at such an … eh … odd time, I g-guess you’re here for the special section. P-please look around while I call … eh … wait – I got the address over here.’ He searched his pockets for the post-it he was given when he got the job. On the post-it was the phonenumber from someone important he had to call when strange people visited. He found it and unfolded it. ‘Ah, h-here it is. A certain miss Van T-Tassel, she is the only one who can give permission to e-enter this section. I … eh will call her now. P-please make yourselves at home.’ How could he be so stupid. You couldn’t say that when you were not in a house. This was so embarrassing.
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Katrina Van Tassel


Tagged: @DarlingWaylonPark @Felix @The Awakened Moon

Location: Sterling Library's Main Hall

Status: Back in her position of power

Attitude: Everything's okay once again

"Thank you much." She smiles warmly at the librarian after they enter the library's main hall and chuckles lightly at the mention of a need to call a 'Miss Van Tassel.' The librarian had already become more worried about his own thoughts and the phone call that she has to lightly tap his should to regain his attention. "Oh, um. There's no need to do that. Believe it or not, that's me. I'm Kat Van Tassel." She extends a hand toward the librarian, beaming. "I assure you I am usually far more organized and forthright. Today's just been a hectic day. I know every face in town and today, I was surprised to find that they were five that I did not. I greatly appreciate your assistance, Mr...?"

To say the least, she was pleased that the librarian was willing to even let them into the library without an interrogation or credentials. It would make further interactions far more pleasant if he were to always be this compliant. If she were to be honest, she was more than expecting to meet a wall of resistance when assuming her duties as unofficial mayor. After all, to them, she must seem just barely into adulthood. Then again, perhaps her personality just emanated a sense of affluence and command.

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Arianna Ramírez


Arianna made her way inside the Sterling Library and let out a low whistle of astonishment. She wasn't exactly a huge fan of libraries, but this one was the most attractive one she's seen yet. Everything looked so neat and organized and there had to be tons and tons of books but Arianna didn't know where to begin to search for a spell book or something close to the equivalence. "Thank you" she said to the young man that opened the library for them with the key. She noticed he seemed a little nervous with the way he opened the library doors so she flashed him a genuine smile of gratitude. She started to walk toward one of the book cases but turned around abruptly. "Oh I'm Arianna by the way" she said to the man and everyone else there just so they knew who she was. "Just moved to Sleepy Hollow." She smiled at everyone then turned back around to look through the books, but there were so many that she wasn't sure where to begin. She started to look but soon growing tired of the tedious task, she made her way back to the others.

Hearing the man who was nervous from before talk about a special section, she decided that she would take a look there to see if they had any books that met her needs. I mean, after all, it's Sleepy Hollow. There had to be witches in this village from the past, right?
"What is this special section exactly?" Arianna asked the librarian curiously, playing with the pentacle on her necklace subconsciously. Once she noticed what she was doing she dropped her hand by her side then stuffed it in the back pocket of her jeans.

Katrina Van Tassel


Tagged: @DarlingWaylonPark @Felix @The Awakened Moon

Location: Sterling Library's Main Hall

Status: Avoiding necessary issues

Attitude: The special section needs to stay special

"T-the special section holds some of the more... valuable books that out library houses. We don't need to enter the special section. The historical section should be perfectly sufficient. I can peruse the special section on my own to see if there's any relevant material for our guests." She smiles politely, folding her hands. The special section was home to the books of a more magical sort. Katrina had also taken the time to put any materials pertaining to her exist buried beneath series and series of magical encyclopedias. The last thing she needed was someone to point out the startling similarities between her and the Katrina Van Tassel.

"Arianna, what sort of book were you looking for? Historical, mythological, magical?" She pauses after the last word, cocking an eyebrow. Katrina was testing the waters, trying to see where the librarian and the mysterious girl stood in their beliefs. The ghost hunters were easy to figure out. They were ghost hunters, after all. They had to believe the least bit in something. "Legends, fiction, and the like, of course. I know this library like the back of my hand so I am more than capable to help you find anything you may need."

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Hazel Crane

In the library, Returning Sherlock Holmes




@The Awakened Moon


Hazel saw Katrina talking to.... Some new people and she smiled as she walked in. New People in Sleepy Hollow were rare, like once in a blue moon rare. She pulled her copy of Sherlock Holmes out of her bag and went to the front desk. Pulling out her small wallet, she reached in and retrieved her library card, sliding it accross the table along with the book. While the Librarian checked in her book, she turned to Katrina and the new people. "Hello, Kat," she said quietly. "Mind introducing me to your friends here?" She hoped these people liked her. Not everyone liked a writer, ghost hunter, and an oddball teenage gal, which is exactly what she was. She took in the group. The boys were attractive enough, and the girl had awesome hair. It wasn't like.... Too crazy, but it had just enough originality to make a "this is me" type of statement. She pulled her pen out from behind her ear and clicked it absent-mindedly, a bad habit of hers that got on nerves.
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Sterling Library Main Hall

The doors to the library swung open on their oiled hinges, the old doors yawning open, allowing a well dressed man to walk through. He wore a black suit, coat unbuttoned, with a stylized tie. To the inhabitants of the Sleepy Hollow this was Luke Kasymir, owner of Luke's Pawnshop & Brokerage. Luke was somewhat of an enigma for the slow paced residents of Sleepy Hollow. Always a polite man and generally well liked, known for his modesty in business matters, and a firm supporter in preserving the towns historic edifices.

Mr. Kasymir also lived out from the town. In a small but pleasant cabin-style home roughly half a mile North of the town center. To those nearest him home he was a quiet man. Keen on inviting neighbors over for an afternoon cup of tea and to discuss the going on's in the county.

So as he walked into the well furnished, and expansive, Sterling Library he was greeted with smiles from the librarian. Luke curtly smiled back and gave a little wave as he walked on wards. His black dress shoes silently traveling along the carpeted floor. Luke was looking for a rather peculiar piece of work. To those unknowing individuals it was a rather dense and old book known as the Ave Celestia. A piece he had actually had a hand in creating when serving a rather curious 16th Century European named Johann Weyer. Famously known for his other works like the Pseudomonarchia Daemonum.

Meandering through the shelves he began to trace a finger along the spines of the books lining the shelves. Silently mumbling to himself as he worked his along the various pieces. Stopping as he came into view, and looking at, a pair of young women. One of which was Kat Van Tassel. Ms. Hollow herself tending to a young woman Luke had no recollection of meeting. He smirked before idly making his way closer.

Pretending to casually examine articles and the odd novel as he made his way over. He began to pick up snippets of the conversation. Something about the special section. This caused his interest to rise. Giving a casual glance he began to make his way over to the aforementioned special section. No doubt Kat had long spotted him. But his plan was simply to find the Celestia. He'd finally tracked down the work and was surprised to find it sitting under his very nose in the town library.


Objective: Film Sleepy Hollow for the Halloween Live Event. Locate reliable internet and get signal for phones. Get settled in and ghost hunting gear ready.

Status: Speaking to Kat, meeting new people and getting into the library-may lose Eros in the process as he will be in his element.

Tagged: @RealisticFantasy @Felix @The Awakened Moon @sitanomoto @Verse Zero

Atlas Reed


Well, if this wasn't a random party of strangers in front of the library! Atlas stayed close to Skye, unsure of what to make of the newer people, both the male librarian and the female that had now joined them since she apparently needed a book too. Atlas was by nature a shy and reserved person in front of others, though with Kat for some odd reason he felt like he could open up to her easier-and he had no clue as to why. But he gave a soft smile to the librarian, "It's alright, no need to apologize. We're sorry as well, for coming across as hostile, we have no ill will against anyone here. Thank you for allowing us inside, sir." Atlas naturally bowed his head to the male and followed everyone inside. What he saw took his breath away, and he knew Eros would be gone for a long time in this place.

His green eyes widened and his jaw dropped, his breath nearly stolen from him as he took in the sight and majesty of the library. "It's...magnificent!" He said softly, a smile beginning to form on his face and grow. He turned to the woman who introduced herself as Arianna, "Pleased to meet you, Miss Arianna. My name's Atlas, this is my younger brother Eros and my best friend Skye." He motioned with his hand to his two companions as he introduced them, "We came out here from Colorado, Aspen actually. We're ghost hunters, we have our own show on YouTube right now, but we hope to get on the air soon. Tonight is our Halloween Live Event, and originally we were headed to an abandoned asylum, but we found ourselves here and with a change of plans, our live event will be here instead. So you said you recently moved out here, right? Where from, if I may ask?" He glanced at another female that entered, and already Atlas was beginning to feel overwhelmed. He gave a worried look to Skye, who took the lead for him to give him a breather.

Skye Campbell


Skye thought the librarian was weird, to say the least. And the appearance of another female who also needed to get into the library was interesting as well. The blue-haired hippie gave a sigh, waving her hand dismissively, "I hate to break up the party here, but we got work to do and we only have a short time left before we need to set up our equipment and film. So let's get in, out, and on our way, 'kay?" Skye was not one to stand idly around, she had to move and do something productive. Once they were inside the library, she was not as taken by it as Atlas and definitely Eros, but she had to admit this place was beautiful. "Nice place ya got here." She smiled to the librarian and then turned to see Atlas talking to the new girl, Arianna. Skye waved to the woman when she was introduced by Atlas, then gave Arianna the Skylas business card, "Here's our card! If you're new here, you could be another fresh pair of eyes so if you see anything paranormal, please let us know, 'kay?" She beamed and turned to another girl that just entered who seemed to know Kat.

"Hey there, we're new in town! Here's our card, you can have one too!" She handed the younger female the Skylas business card, "We're brand new in town, just got here. Name's Skye Campbell, these are my friends, Atlas and Eros Reed, both brothers." She motioned to them both with her thumbs to introduce them, "We're a team of ghost hunters, came all the way out here from Colorado on a cross country tour. We have our own webisodes on YouTube, please check us out if you haven't seen us yet! We're here to film our live Halloween Event, and speaking of which..." She turned to Eros now, "You gotta get to work, Historical Researcher!" She said loudly with a big grin on her face and slapped her hand on Eros' back, laughing as she did so. She turned back to the teenage girl, "So what's your name? You from around here like Kat, I take it?"

Eros Reed


Eros sensed his brother was getting overwhelmed, Atlas wasn't fond of being surrounded by too many people since it made him feel trapped, but Eros would be there for emotional and moral support. He glanced to Kat at the cupid joke, then gave a nervous laugh, "Eh heh, uh not really. I've never been in a relationship before, but hopefully the right man comes along." He paused then laughed, "Yea, I play for my own team, so to speak, and that's alright. I'm not ashamed for being attracted to men. I'm very open about my sexuality." He did find himself blushing though when Kat smiled at him, but he didn't think much of it as the library was the one thing distracting him at the moment. And when they got inside, Eros felt as if he had just walked through the gates of Disneyland.

His fingers began to twitch in excitement, his heart raced and his face lit up like the Fourth of July. He grinned from ear to ear, then turned when he heard his name from Atlas and then Skye. He waved to two females with a smile, giving a simple "Hey." in greeting. He caught a glimpse of a man in the background, shady looking from what Eros could gather. He moved closer to Kat since she would be helping him in his endeavor for knowledge, but he leaned to whisper to her, "Hey, uh, who's that suspicious-looking dude over there? He's giving me some creepy vibes..." He chewed his lower lip in nervous habit, then glanced up. "And where's the History section in this place? Can I live here?" He smiled and laughed, then looked to the librarian, "I suppose I'd need your permission for my living here though, huh?" He said jokingly with a soft smile, "This is the most beautiful library I have ever seen, and trust me I've been to several across the country. Do you work here all by yourself?" He asked, feeling bad for the librarian since he seemed like the lonely and shy type. Eros began to feel drawn to him, in a way.
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Objective: Annoy the hell out of the new people.

Status: Stealthily sneaking along.

Tagged: @DarlingWaylonPark @RealisticFantasy @Felix @The Awakened Moon @sitanomoto @Verse Zero

Anya was awoken by the sound of multiple people laughing and talking in the lobby of the hotel, which she currently lived in while her shop was rennovated to include living space. She yawned and stretched, getting dressed and grabbing her things. She figured she may as well peek in and see what all the commotion was about, they already woke her up anyway.

She slung a leather satchel over her shoulder, packing in a small flask with blood infused rum and several different things she sold at her shop. She always kept spares and extras just in-case anyone wanted to buy something.

Anya crept down the staircase, peeking her head around listening in on the conversation. Eros, Skye, and Atlas huh? Cool. The girl had nice hair, and the men didn't look too bad either. 'Course, she was older than all three of them put together. She sighed and shrugged.

When they left she waited a few minutes before tailing behind them, a toothy grin on her face. Oh where could they be going? She thought, barely keeping her excitement conatined. It had been a while since new people arrived, a long time in fact, at-least fifty years if not longer.

She trailed behind just enough to stay out of eyesight and earshot, she giggled softly, watching the three speak to Katrina. She calmly waited and watched, eventually two more people she hadn't seen before came around. One was apparently the new librarian.

Good, now she could finally get something interesting to read. She watched intently, sipping from her flask and quickly tucking it back into the satchel. Eventually they all went into the library, which is then when she advanced further in.

She expertly snuck up behind them, her excitement barely contained. She stared intently, her grin growing wider, until she couldn't hold back anymore. "BOO!" She shouted, growing as tall as she possibly could.

She burst out laughing, whoo, she got that out of her system. "Soooo, who do we have here?" She grinned, one of her fangs showing. Of course, she already knew who they were from her expert spying skills, she just wanted to hear it from them.

She waved over to Katrina, "Morning Katrina!" She called, smiling.
Hazel Crane

In the Library, meeting new people and getting scared out of wits


@DarlingWaylonPark @Mitchs98 @Verse Zero @The Awakened Moon @RealisticFantasy


Hazel was a little surprised at the blue-haired girl's forward nature, but she took the card with a sweet smile. "My name's Hazel Crane," she said. "SkyLas...." She read aloud. She looked up from the card to the new trio with an excited gleam in her eyes. "Ghost hunters, huh?" She smiled. Finally people like her! "I like to dabble in the paranormal myself. You might say I'm the town's sleuth when it comes to the wild, weird, and wacky." She reached into her Satchel and pulled out her notebook. She jotted down the date and time, and then library, then wrote down met other ghost hunters under it. "I like to keep a detailed record of my day in case I need to remember something or have to go back and refer to it for clues," she said, explaining her actions. She jumped about three feet in the air with a high-pitched squeak when someone snuck up on her, making her drop her notebook with a clatter. She blushed furiously and picked it up, brushing off the cover. "Was that necessary?" She said, glaring at Anya. She opened her notebook again and jotted something down very quickly. She re-shut it with a snap and put it back in her satchel, still blushing crimson.

It was too much to take in for Morgan. First the lady introduced herself as miss Van Tassel. His jaw dropped. This woman was one of the most prominent figures in town?! He knew she was a lot older than she looked, she had been already been around before Morgan ran away from home, but still… She wanted to shake his hand, but he was too dazed to react and she moved on before it became awkward. She must have sensed that he was really uncomfortable in this situation. He was grateful when she tried to help Arianna and thus shifted the groups attention to herself.

Tagged: @DarlingWaylonPark @RealisticFantasy

Location: History section of library

Cellphone: Online

Status: doing his job

Attitude: nervous, but also relieved

Then three others had entered the library. That was not his intention when he let the ghost hunters, his boss and the new girl in. Fortunately miss Van Tassel was with them, otherwise he would probably be in a lot of trouble. This was complete madness. At the moment there were more visitors than he usually got in a week. The somewhat older man was Luke Kasymir, owner of the pawnshop. He could often be found in the library, asking for weird titles Morgan never heard of. Luke waved to Morgan. Seeing a familiar face made him smile a little. The two teenage girls also came regularly, but their requests were not as abnormal. One of them always carried a little notebook around which Morgan could appreciate as a writer. The other girl always startled him. She had a tendency to creep up to people and start a conversation without a warning. Why would they want to go to the library at half past six? And how did they know it was open right now, outside the regular opening hours?

Eros questions woke him up. Finally, a chance to get away from the group. ‘I.. eh- I … let me show you to the history section. M-Miss Van Tassel, could you help these other eh visitors?’ He asked. He lowered his voice. ‘And c-could you keep a close eye on mister K-Kasymir?’ He said to Kat. He turned towards Eros. ‘If you would follow me.’ He started walking to the history section.

He laughed at Eros joke. If only he knew. Morgan first came to the library when he was twelve. Since then he visited as often as he could. It was a good place for avoiding his father and, like Eros said, the Sterling library was magnificent. He doubted anyone knew the library better, he knew most of the books inside out and knew there was much more to the library than meets the eye. He’d never been in the special section, but as a teen he had seen a lot of peculiar people visit it. He also suspected that there were hidden sections even more secret than the special section. He once saw an old man with a long white beard open a staircase to catacombs in the floor. Morgan had spent a full day trying to reopen it without success.

‘I-I do work here alone, yes, but I just started 5 weeks ago. Normally it is not nearly as busy as right now. I-I’m Morrigan by the way. M-Morrigan Ravenscar. You can call me Morgan. If you’d like to that is. I … eh … I’m sort of an expert on mythical creatures. I a-actually wrote some books about them. One about bigfoot and-and another one about native f-folklore and … eh … oh, you probably don’t care anyway. Y-You probably won’t find what you’re looking for by the way. I assume you’re looking for inf-inf … documentation on the legend of sleepy hollow. There’s nothing substantial in the history section. Believe me I checked it over and over. It’s almost like someone systematically replaced all books with evidence, but that-that’s crazy of c-course.’ He rattled on and on and was out of breath when he finally kept his mouth shut. Far too late he realized he should shake Eros hand. He held out his hand which was sweaty again.
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