• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Multiple Settings "Don't Get Bit"

In a world riddled by illness and disease, a group of underground scientists known as Black Claw work to find a cure - to find the cure. Their research is unconventional, humans being the main test subjects as they work to find a cure that works for all diseases. While their intentions are mostly good, their processes aren't. After trial after trial, a breakthrough finally happens. For once, things are going right for Black Claw and they can finally go public with their research. Just as they are about to announce their trials to the FDA, test subjects begin to die. Black Claw thinks nothing of it at first and accounts it to maybe just maybe they were too late. Maybe they didn't cure their host in time. That is until, the deceased test subjects come back. When the test subjects reanimate, they come back as vicious creatures that only have one focus in mind: carnage. It doesn't take long for these reanimated subjects to work their way through Black Claw and to kill and infect the scientists whom work there.

One scientist manages to escape but not before being bitten during their escape attempt. The infection sears through them within a matter of hours and they do what the test subjects did: they reanimate and infect many civilians within a train station. First responders do their best to keep things under wraps, but eventually the infected manage to escape the train station and to wreak havoc on New York City. In an effort to contain the situation law officials have begun to put New York City on lock down, requesting that nobody leave their homes. On top of putting the city on lockdown, they have also worked to keep anybody from coming in or out of the city in order to prevent further casualties.

1. All RPN rules apply here.
2. Be able to post at least once per day.
3. I'm looking for semi literate role-players. You must be able to post at least one well written paragraph in third person and past tense.
4. Relationships between characters must be pre-established between yourself and the person playing the other character.
5. Try to keep things PG-13. This includes romance and any violence and/or gore.
6. When posting, we will do things as a cycle. This means that for one of my posts, you get a post. This should help to avoid anybody getting left behind.
7. Your character is not invincible! They are human! Things will hurt them. They will make mistakes. Please play them as such. A bite is an instant death sentence for your character but a scratch is not! A scratch just means that they will get very very sick.
8. Please tag whomever you are interacting with!

Zombie information:
The zombies of this role-play will be loosely based off of the zombies from Left 4 Dead. They can and will mutate. Mutations will be based off of whatever illness they had prior to turning.

Boomer type thing: Tuberculosis

Gigantic mass: Cancer

Airborne virus spreader: Common cold/flu

Rabies: Hyper aggression (Think Hunters)
It's nothing serious. Just a hiccup with the treatment. That was what many of Black Claw's test subjects had been told shortly before they had died and before the virus had taken over.

Even the public was told that it was nothing serious. Soon enough, everybody would learn that such a statement was an absolute load of crap. Allana Schade's morning started out relatively normal up until the emergency broadcast aired over the television that sat in the lobby of the kennel that she ran. The sudden loud noise caused her to jump and look up from the dimmed screen on her phone, brown eyes following the alert message that was displaying over the television repeatedly. And the noise had kick-started a series of barks and howls from within the kennel, her clients' dogs not appreciating the sudden loud noise. The kennel was always loud but this time it was worse. She didn't have time to finish reading the message on the television nor to listen to the emergency broadcast as she dubbed the dogs to be more important than whatever false alarm was airing over the television this time.

She stood up from her leather office chair and went back into the kennel to see the dogs, each of them barking and whining in greeting. "Hush hush." She spoke softly, working through each kennel to soothe the animals inside. When she got to the end however she was greeted by a classic jump scare as "Howie" jumped at the door of the kennel. "Hey now! What's with the 'tude today?!" She exclaimed, kneeling in front of the kennel and looking at the Doberman inside. Her cell phone rang suddenly in her pocket and disturbed the dogs again and Allana sighed, rushing back into the lobby so that she could hear the caller. "Schade's Boarding. This is Allana speaking, how may I help you?" Standard greeting for her as she hadn't bothered to check the caller ID.

'Allana, honey! I'm going to need you to keep Howie for a few more hours. Something's happening in the train station - people are rioting. They're acting like they have rabies and... the cops.. the cops shot somebody! I don't know when I'll be there to pick him up.' The voice on the other end of the phone was clearly afraid and she could hear a lot of commotion in the background. And once again the television blared the obnoxious alert tone, the dogs in the kennel going berserk again. In an attempt to better hear the woman on the other end of the phone Allana went outside, staring at the gas station across the street whilst she spoke.

It was a mess there too it seemed as it seemed to be slammed. Maybe people were just freaking out. That's what she told herself anyways.

lilkitty lilkitty MainEventMan MainEventMan olive.tree olive.tree Simplymelsh Simplymelsh
It came as a surprise. The day started out like any other. Nedda went to work, donned on her uniform and withdrew her revolver from the armory as per usual. Security was to be tight this day and Nedda hyped herself up as she made her way to the spot near the checkpoint clearance area where they held their morning briefings before work started.

"Listen up, certain people had been reported with a strange virus so I need everyone up and alert today, even if traffic is slow I need all of you to be ready. If these people came from certain countries, please refer them to the office for them to be quarantined and checked for symptoms" one of the Inspectors shouted out. Feeling a little confused, Nedda turned to one of her workmates after they were dismissed to continue on with their job.

"What do they mean by that?" She asked worriedly.

"Oh, just some virus had been popping about lately. Didn't you hear about it?"

"Not really, I was home for a few days cause I took some time off from work"

"It's nothing serious, just be alert and if anyone looks funny, you know what to do"

Nodding at her coworker's statement, Nedda headed off to the direction when she could hear the panic alarm button going off.

The ringing was deafening as it should be and lots of officers could be seen rushing towards an area. Nedda started to run towards the area of the noise as well, as it was her job to see what happened and assess the situation. As she approached closer, she heard a mix of shouting and screaming. Feeling rather alarmed, Nedda ran even faster only to hear the voice of the Inspector earlier, shouting commands to the nearby officers.

"Everyone, make sure the safety of the civillains! Get them out of here, quick!"

Confused by the sudden order, Nedda continued further until she reached the scene of the chaos. There was a group of four people, they were having a weird, expressionless look and they were moving rather odd. One of them was crouching down next to another person lying on the floor, doing something to them. The other three were crouched down too, but was not doing anything. Civillains nearby that saw the scene better were running off as if they were seeing a ghost. Upon having a better look, Nedda saw that the person on the floor had half their body gone and blood was slowly running down. Reaching down to grab her gun, she readied herself and pointed the gun at the person that seemed to be feasting on the half-bodied person. She glanced around and saw her other colleagues were trying to keep people calm and escorting them towards the emergency area as well as keeping them away from that zone.

"Ma'am, please step away from the.. body!" Nedda shouted, her voice loud and clear.

The person, thing whoever it was turned to face her slowly. Nedda shuddered at the sight of blood oozing out of her mouth as it continued munching on whatever it was eating.

"Ma'am I am warning you, please step away from the body!" she shouted again, her voice unwavering.

Without warning, the person came running towards Nedda, giving her a momentary shock. Hesitating slightly, she pulled the trigger on her gun, the gunshot making the other civillains scream even more. The thing then fell down immediately on the ground with a thud. The other three people that were crouching down seemed to hear the gunshots and looked up, locking their gaze towards Nedda and slowly started to get up.

"Oh crap. I shouldv'e never signed up for this job.." Nedda muttered to herself under her breath.
Theresa Murphy
Theresa had been in class when the alert happened. She liked having early classes, they allowed her to have time for herself in the afternoons. They had been discussing the nervous system when the first persons phone went off. The alarm had sounded so loud it almost scared her, prior to it the only sound in the room had been their professors voice.

"I know you students can't go an hour without you're phones, but I'd appreciate if you had your sound off." The professor said this more of a joke than anything, it was college you could pay attention or not. Everyone chuckled for a moment before the next alarm sounded, and then another and another until everyone's phone had made the blaring noise. Theresa glanced at her phone, expecting it to be a drill or a weather alert. Instead, her blood ran cold, the alert wasn't at all what she expected it to be. What were they supposed to do? There was some sort of infection running rampant but the alert didn't say how to avoid being infected. "Well." The professors voice rang again, "If anyone wants to leave they're free to do so, but as none of us are infected I'm going to keep teaching." There were a few students, who packed up with panicked looks on their faces. They hurried out of the classroom and didn't turn back. The rest of them however put their phones away and kept taking notes. Throughout the rest of the class the students slowly trickled out of the room. They had apparently been messaging people since the alert and decided that it was too dangerous to be there. An hour after the first alert, there were only a few other students besides Theresa that remained.

As soon as the professor finished lecturing the rest of them began to pack up. Theresa honestly treated it like an average day, she figured if there was something seriously wrong they'd send more than one alert. She pulled her hair back into the ponytail it had been tied back to earlier in the day. When she exited the classroom everything seemed normal, even walking down the hallways everything was normal. It wasn't until she was outside, on the sidewalk that she began to panic. It was empty. The streets outside of NYU were always always full to the brim with both pedestrians and cars. Instead it was silent, like everyone had been too afraid to leave their homes. "What the hell?" She whispered to herself.

Jasper Bennett
Jasper lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. He really didn't want to go to work, he never did, but this morning in particular he just had a bad feeling. Despite his reservations, he sighed and yanked his duvet off of his body. The cold air hit him like a wave, a huge contrast from the warmth the had just moment before. The young man rolled over with a groan, "I don't wannaa" he mumbled to the empty apartment. This was his routine every day, wake up, force himself out of bed, and then pretend he didn't hate his job, and that's what he did. It wasn't forty-five minutes before Jasper stepped off of the bus in front of his office building. Jasper worked on the third floor, doing basically nothing important. He glanced at the time briefly before he opened the program to begin his job. 6:58. Jasper had been awake for almost an hour and it wasn't even seven yet. He wished it was later but his stupid company had their employees work 7am to 3pm instead of the usual 9-5.

Jasper worked mindlessly for the first hour or so of work, that is until the alert sounded. He didn't really pay attention to it, all he knew was that an alert like that meant he could leave work. Actually he didn't know that for sure but everyone else seemed to be rushing out so he took the cue and grabbed his phone and wallet. Jasper didn't have anyone to call. He didn't have anyone to rush to, to make sure they were okay. There was no one for him to protect from the virus, and honestly that was the one thing he was fine with. Having no one meant that Jasper didn't have to worry about anyone during the emergency.

Jasper walked nonchalantly down the street toward the subway. He took the bus to work and the subway home, that was always his routine. Imagine his surprise when he reached the subway station to find it blocked off. "What the hell?" The subway was never closed. He contemplated jumping the barriers but he knew there wouldn't be any thing coming, of course if the station was closed the lines probably were too.
[[ Hello everyone! I just want to post an update to let you know that I'll be posting again tomorrow. I was trying to give others a chance to post and then some other stuff came up IRL. Long story short, my sister had her baby and I've been fairly busy trying to take care of him at night as well as my own daughter.

lilkitty lilkitty Simplymelsh Simplymelsh ]]

Joey Walters

Joey laid sleepless in her bed that morning. Usually she wouldn’t be awake until 12pm when she didn’t have class, but this particular morning she had been tossing and turning since 5am. Irritated, she rose to lean on her elbows. The dorm was dark, though the first light of the day was starting to sip in through the half-closed blinds, leaving some funky shadows on the floor. She groaned before sitting up and dangling her legs over the edge of the bed, leaning forward.

With slow and tired steps, she began her journey to the nearby grocery store. Her hair was tied in a low and messy bun, some front pieces hanging out since they weren’t long enough to be tied into it, and she was wearing a grey hoodie a couple sizes too big. She pushed the door to the small grocery store open and stepped inside, the faint smell of newly baked bread making its way to her nose. Joey assumed they had just finished baking the bread for the day. She spent some time walking down the aisles until she got to the thing she was looking for; the chips.

With the bag of salt and vinegar chips under her arm, her finger scrolled down the various social media feeds on her phone as she was waiting in line to pay for her snacks. Her gaze looked up hastily as she heard someone’s phone go off, a blaring alarm ringing in her ears. She grimaced; it reminded her all too much of her morning alarm. She looked behind her shoulder as the phone belonging to the person behind her went off as well. “What the fuck…” she grumbled to herself as her own screen lit up.

Joey didn’t think much of it. Not at first. She had paid for her chips and went on her way back to her dorm. The way back there was what had really scared her, and once she was inside again, she locked her door and barricaded it with a chair. She sat down on her bed with the bag of chips still in her arms, trying to calm down and process what she had seen. People screaming and running out of the subway station. Close to her dorm she had seen someone bite another in the neck, that’s when she started running. A thousand thoughts were running in her head. Her first instinct was to stay in her dorm, Hold out as long as possible. She rose from the bed and walked over to her cabinet and minifridge. All she had was the newly bought bag of chips, her ramen noodle stash and a carton of milk well past its expiration date.

Anthony Wang

The morning air felt good as Anthony was on his morning run. He had woken up at his usual 5am, quickly changed into his running gear, forgotten his keys and having had to go back inside before finally being outdoors. As he ran he let his mind wander, thinking back to when he first started running in his late teens. A smile spread on his face. Back then he could barely run for more than five minutes without having to stop to catch his breath. Practice makes perfect, he thought to himself. It was still early, and the running tracks were rather empty still. Anthony always enjoyed the peace and quiet that came with running this early in the morning.

He usually ran for about an hour, before coming home and jumping right into the shower. This morning was no different. He walked out of the bathroom in his one-bedroom apartment with the towel around his waist and hair still wet. Whistling, he prepared the same breakfast he had almost every morning. Oatmeal topped with a variety of berries and fruits. The breakfast of a healthy man. Afterwards, he made sure to change into his uniform, grab his badge and check his phone. His partner had already texted him that she was downstairs, waiting for him.

Anthony alternated between taking the stairs and the elevator down, this morning was an elevator kind of day though. Once he exited his building, he could see the familiar police car waiting on the other side of the street. “Do you have everything?” Sarah, his partner, asked once he got into the vehicle. He sighed and nodded. It annoyed him that his colleagues didn’t trust him not to forget anything. Not that it was without cause, after all it wouldn’t have been the first time he forgot something.

The two police officers were driving through the city, on their way to NYPD headquarters over on Manhattan, when they got alarm about a virus being spread. They were being called to a nearby subway station, and when they arrived it appeared chaos had already ensued. They hurried to help civilians and their fellow police officers, though none of them knew what the hell was going on.
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Normally she was the one to listen to the emergency broadcasts, especially when the message said to "stay inside your homes" and "not to go outside". Both warning messages were ignored as Allana opened the door and took a tentative step outside. If she were to stay at the kennel she would need supplies for herself as the kennel had everything that the dogs needed. She had barely made it to the edge of her block when a car came flying past her. "Learn how to drive, ya prick!" She yelled angrily, throwing her hands up at the frenzied driver as they continued down the street at a speed that was much higher than the speed limit. Before she could do anything else, screams were heard from the gas station as what appeared to be a fight broke out.

She couldn't exactly see what was going on from her distance but from what she could tell a man was pinning a woman down and biting her. "What the fuck?" She questioned, watching as the people who were surrounding the pair backed away and ran. Why weren't they helping? It wasn't long before the attacker went for his next victim and Allana ran across the street once it was clear to do so, intending to help the woman. She had gotten close enough to get a better look at the carnage, Allana immediately gagging and staring in horror once she spotted the blood all over the woman's neck and the ripped skin. The man had tore into her throat like a wild animal or something. Nothing I can do for her. Or so she thought until the woman sat up.

"Ma'am? Are you okay?" Allana questioned in disbelief, daring to take a step forward until the woman started standing. Immediately Allana stopped in her tracks, doing her best to keep a reasonable distance between them. "Ma'am, stay there. I'll call help." But she wouldn't stop coming. It was when the woman stood and charged at Allana that she had the sense to run. She turned and ran back to the kennel. The infected woman chased her and Allana barely made it inside and managed to shut the door before the woman slammed against it. She quickly flipped the lock and went to her phone to call 911. Somebody had to help her, right? "There's a lady trying to attack me! She's trying to break into my kennel! Please send help!" Allana cried, staring in horror as the woman kept charging the glass door.

lilkitty lilkitty MainEventMan MainEventMan olive.tree olive.tree Simplymelsh Simplymelsh akeno akeno frogmilk frogmilk SweetSublime SweetSublime
Fallon grumbled rubbing her eyes. She sat up in bed as the first sun started to peek through the beat up blinds on the second floor of the garage. She had been sleeping there for about a week now after leaving her ex-boyfriends place. She stood up making her way to the small square mirror that was hanging on the wall. She examined her eye cringing at the now yellow skin, the bruise was slowly healing but still noticeable. She grabbed the concealer and started to work her magic on her eye wincing in pain as she gently rubbed in the concealer. She pulled her hair up into a messy pony tail and dragged her feet to the faded navy blue coveralls hanging on the back of the door. She climbed into them, right foot then the left and pulled them up pushing her arms through, she zipped it up halfway and slipped on the black beat up doc martens that sat by her bed. She looked at the time 6:45AM, it was just about time to open up the garage.

She flipped on the radio downstairs and turned up the volume as she placed a cigarette between her full lips. Without a struggle she unlatched and opened the garage door in one swift movement. This had become like second nature to her after working in the repair shop for years now. She turned back around as she heard the radio cutting in and out "outbreak......virus......riots". She shook her head dismissing what the reporters were saying and lit the cigarette as she looked at her appointment chart. This guy should be due any minute now she thought to herself peeking her head outside the garage. At that moment she noticed the commotion at the gas station. She rolled up her sleeves and flicked her cigarette away as she made her way over to get a better look as to what was going on.

She noticed pools of blood and people running in different directions. She grew puzzled scratching the top of her head. One man ran right past her almost knocking her over. "What where you're fcking going, huh!" She shook her head brushing herself off and did not bother to go any further. She turned around and made her way back to her shop. "F-that" she mumbled under her breath as she walked in and grabbed the wooden bat from the corner of the shop. She walked back out front and leaned against the brick wall outside the repair shop lighting another cigarette keeping a careful eye on the commotion around town when she noticed something odd across the street by the kennel. She gripped her bat and jogged across the street. "Ma'am...you okay there" she asked as she got closer. "Excuse me.... miss..." Fallons words were caught in her throat when the woman turned around and she noticed the blood now black surrounding the bite mark on her neck. The woman's eyes were turned completely black, the irises, sclera, everything was the color of her pupils. Fallon gulped as raised the bat in the air getting ready to swing. Make it count, Make it count Fallon repeated over and over in her head.
LittleAndClumsy LittleAndClumsy sorry forgot to tag ya
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Sitting in the office, Andrew is working on a newspaper report on Black Claw. He has been trying to expose Black Claw for years criticizing them for inhuman practices. This is another news article exposing Black Claw and their lies. Having to being working overtime already Andrew got up and went to the coffee machine to get more of his caffeine take. "It is empty damn!" Andrew muttered now he will have to walk down the streets to get his morning joe.

As Andrew headed outside he notices how empty the streets are, "Where the heck is everyone" Andrew said to himself. As Andrew walked into his favorite coffee shop he notices no one was inside and no staff around. "This is strange why is it so deserted and where is Ian? Ian always knows what Andrew's order is and now he is no where to be seen, As Andrew approached the counter, he hears a loud bang inside the kitchen area.... Andrew went inside and notices someone on top of Ian! " Andrew stood there shocked and in disbelief what he is seeing in front of him.....

Andrew backed up and almost stumbled and it attracted the menacing figure. The figure looked up and it's face covered in blood. The figure would focus it's attention on Andrew as it lunges...
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With each impact from the infected woman Allana could see the door shaking, a sign that it may not be suited for such events. In fact, the door was quite old and likely wasn't meant to handle any kind of impact. Realizing that the door may not hold, she had been smart enough to back off from the door and to even start towards the kennel where the dogs were going berserk. The dogs. What would she even do with the dogs? Surely their owners would be coming back for them. Suddenly the infected woman stopped charging the door and instead turned her attention on something else or rather somebody else. Stepping closer to the door, she was relieved to see that it was Fallon.

What happened next was a horrible surprise as she watched the other woman raise a bat over her head. Before anything could be said or done, carnage ensued. Once the infected was dealt with, Allana stepped outside unsteadily and looked at the other with wide eyes. "I.. Thank you." She spoke, unsure of if there was anything else for her to say. Thanks for killing that lunatic? That didn't sound right. Hell, nothing about this situation was right. "So uh.. The gas station is a mess... They.. That's where it started. I think its tied to whatever is happening on the news." Allana spoke nervously, not that she really knew just what was going on.

She turned back towards the building tentatively, trying to think of what to do with the dogs. It wasn't as if she could stay here with them and she knew that she couldn't just leave them cooped up either. "The dogs... I need to do something for them." They had better odds if she let them go. Maybe they'd go home. "We can't stay here. It's not prepared for this." Allana explained, hoping that Fallon wouldn't mind if she tagged along. The gas station was mostly quiet now as the infected had done their work and moved on.

SweetSublime SweetSublime
Morning classes. The mere thought had made Maverick uneasy at the beginning of the semester as early mornings didn't quite match up with a night owl but somehow despite his ability to stay up all hours of the night, he still made it work. The secret? Lots and lots of coffee. Much like many of his classmates and most of the general population he had been foolish to ignore the warnings that were coming through his phone. Probably just another test alarm. It couldn't be anything serious, especially if law enforcement wasn't around to ensure people were staying safe. Little did he know that the warnings were real. Very, very real.

He was on his way to get his daily dose of coffee when the first incident occurred, one that made even lighthearted Maverick uncomfortable. The normally busy streets of New York City were dead. There weren't very many others out on the streets and though it was early morning, there was always someone. He tightened his grip on his backpack, figuring that maybe everyone else was taking these alerts seriously. But even then, it just didn't feel right. He strolled into the coffee shop, the bell on the door chiming to alert his presence as he entered. Much like everywhere else, the lobby was empty. "Ey, Joe - are ya making more coffee? Did ya sell out already?" He called, listening for a reply.

The only reply he received was the sound of a collision in the back of the shop. Immediately he feared that the old man had fallen and so without hesitation Maverick had run back to the back of the coffee shop to see the owner charging what appeared to be another patron. He didn't hesitate to grab the man by the back of his shirt, pulling him away from the other who looked as if he saw a ghost. "What's the pro-" He had started, soon realizing what the problem was as Joe turned to face him. "H-hey.. You good man? What happened?" Maverick questioned, only to be lunged at by Joe.

He dove to the side and watched as Joe ran past him, his eyes wide as he looked around the shop for anything that could be used to protect him. Eventually his eyes settled on a small wooden stool and he snatched it up, soon slamming it down onto Joe's body. "Can I get some help here?" He yelled, looking to Andrew in hopes that he'd step up and help. Joe was already back on his feet and coming back for more.

Addicted to Coffee Addicted to Coffee
Seeing Maverick in danger Andrew would grab a nearby chair and hitting Joe with it. Joe looks unfazed and would get back up... "Dammit Joel stay down" Andrew would again hit Joel again repeatedly.... "Dude get out of here and call 911" Andrew yelled at Maverick! As Andrew was distracted Joe would lunge at Andrew almost taking him to the ground.... Andrew would wrestle and got the upper hand knocking Joe into the walk in freezer before shutting the door locking Joe inside...

Andrew would take a sharpie out of his pocket and wrote "Danger Do Not Open" at the freezer door

LittleAndClumsy LittleAndClumsy
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Fallon kept swinging at the human woman...or something maybe not human at all anymore. She knocked her over stepping over the woman’s body slamming the bat onto the corpses head. Black blood splattered all over Fallons blue coveralls. She couldn’t stop, she kept raising the bat over her head and smashing the corpses head until there was not much left but a gaping hole into the skull and mush. She breathed heavily as she brought the bat down to her side. She bent over inspecting the creature tilting her head to one side covering her nose from the smell.

She looked up as she heard the door cream open. Outside stood Allana, her face mortified. She stood up slowly “hey... uh yea the gas station...this thing came from that way?” She asked looking back down at the woman whose brains and blood were splatteredover the side walk. “Do you know what they are? They don’t seem very human like..:like cannibals but different” she said studying what was leftof the corpse.

“The dogs?” Fallon thought for a moment. If they let them out, they could get hit by a car or worse if there are more of these things. She scratched her head in thought. “I’m not sure letting them out is a good idea...but we can’t stay here either” she was exactly sure what to do. “Can we give em food and leave them here for a while on their own? Come back later for them?” She wasn’t quite sure that would be smart either but better thandogs all over the street.

LittleAndClumsy LittleAndClumsy
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Clarke was working on a car that was brought in a few days ago, he really liked that old retro car, so much that he actually sung while working on it. He heard Let's Stay Together by Al Green. He worked on his car while singing ''I-i-i, im sooo in loove with yoouu..''. Clarke's phone rang. ''Yup?'', the call was from his wife ''Hey honey, so im in traffic, it seems like the cars aint moving, i think it's gonna take some while before i come home to cook dinner''. Clarke replies ''Ah okay honey, well, im actually just working on the new car, so don't worry about me. I'll just eat some spaghetti from the fridge''. His wife replies ''Ok honey, the kids says they miss you, and they wants to play that new Mario game when they come home''. Clarke laughs ''Yeah we could do tha-'' as Clarke talks, his wife interrups ''Honey i have no idea what is going on, people is running away on the road screaming, wait a minute, i need to see what it is. OMG HONEY! There are some kind of monsters at the traffic light!''. Clarke replies ''Honey! What the hell is going on! Just drive! Come home now!''. Wife replies ''It looks like some kind of alie-''. The phone signal goes off.

Clarke looks at his phone shocked, he quickly steps into his pick up truck, and drives as fast as he can towards the city. He tries to call his wife several times, but it goes directly to voicemail. Clarke stumbles to himself ''Please, please, please don't be hurt, i beg you''. As Clarke is now in the city, he sees a lot of dead bodies laying around, and cars all over the place, ''Omgosh, what the hell happened here''.
What was this tiny old man made out of? Steel? Normally Maverick may have made some joke based on the Wolverine but now was not the time nor the place to be making cheesy jokes. As another chair was bashed over Joe's body he half expected the man to collapse and to have to report an attack on an old man who was merely acting crazy but despite the two harsh blows, Joe wasn't stopping. Call 911? What are they going to do? What the hell had Joe put in his coffee this morning? He stood and watched the fight in shock, not expecting Joe to keep coming after such hard hits.

He couldn't even move as Joe and Andrew got into another scrap, simply watching in shock until the heavy thud from the freezer door drew his attention. "Wait- what are you doing?! We can't just leave him in there, he'll freeze!" Mav exclaimed in horror, realizing that whilst something was horribly wrong with Joe - it wasn't right to just lock him in the freezer. He moved to the door of the freezer, speaking up. "Ey.. Joe.. I don't know what's goin' on with you man but you need to chill. We can talk this out." Mav spoke up loudly, trying to speak towards the shop owner through the door.

He was met with a loud bang followed by some growls. "I guess.. I guess we'll call for some help and let the professionals handle this? It still feels wrong though, man." Mav decided, unsure of what other options they had.


"I don't know what was goin' on over there but people were freaking out before they even started attacking one another. I bet this has something to do with those emergency broadcasts. I just know I walked over 'cause someone was down on the ground and I thought they needed help and then.. then
she chased me back over here and was trying to attack me." Really, Allana wasn't sure if attack was the right word after what she had seen. Cannibals was closer but still didn't sound quite right. She shook her head lightly and dared to look over at the person that Fallon had taken out. It was a grisly sight and she immediately regretted looking over there, a wave of nausea hitting her like a ton of bricks. Shouldn't have looked.

It came back to the dogs and she found herself looking at the blood stained door that led into the lobby, another thing she didn't enjoy looking at. "I've got enough for maybe two weeks max but.. Is anybody really going to come for them? For us? I don't think we can leave them here, not in that condition. One of the owners was trapped in the train station and said stuff was happening there too." Allana explained, at a loss for what to do. She couldn't possibly take all of them with her and she also couldn't fathom leaving them behind. The best option? Let them go. "I'll just.. I'll let them go and hope they find their way home. It's not safe here and I'd rather not leave them to die. If rescue services do come, I highly doubt they'll be coming for the dogs."

"It'll take maybe five minutes if you help? Then we can grab whatever is here and figure out where to go. Maybe they have a spot set up for those who aren't.. aren't like.. them." Allana spoke nervously, hoping that Fallon wouldn't just leave her behind.

Addicted to Coffee Addicted to Coffee SweetSublime SweetSublime
How can these people always find a reason to drink? Hell, the same question could be asked of Rosalee as she was stumbling downstairs from a hotel where she'd crashed with a handsome face. She didn't dare look at the man she had went home with, instead she had gathered up everything that belonged to her and scurried out as quickly as she could so that hopefully she could do her walk of shame in peace. The tv in the hotel lobby was blaring some annoying alert, the sound bothering her thanks to her hang over. Mostly everybody else was stopped in their tracks, staring up at the TV in shock whilst Rosalee eased past them and outside.

She had a few blocks to walk to get back to her car and she was fully expecting to walk out onto the busy streets of New York but the city was like a ghost town. It was odd but she wasn't going to question it too much. It meant less people had to see her with her ruined make up and tousled hair, after all. She looked like a hot mess right now. She continued to walk through the empty streets, her eyes going wide as the sound of an engine revving sounded and she turned just in time to see a truck go flying past her. And as she got further into the city, approximately right around where the train station was she saw a horrifying sight. Traffic was now backed up, many cars abandoned and she could see signs of something going badly.

People were fleeing the train station and it appeared as if they were running from something. It was then that she saw the first attack, a child jumping onto the back of an elderly woman and attacking her. A cop erupted from the train station and instead of stopping to help the victims of the ongoing attack - he ran. He up and ran. Rosalee watched in pure shock and horror, clearly having expected the man to fulfill his oath to serve and protect. She dared to look at the pick up truck driver who was parked not far from her, daring to run over to him and knock on his window. "You've got to get us out of here! Please!" She cried, beating on his window desperately in hopes that he would let her in and get her off of the streets.

Zorgi Zorgi
Clarke was sitting in his red pick up truck wondering what the hell had happened. Dead bodies, blood everywhere, people fighting all over the place. It looked like something right out of a film. He tries to call his wife one more time, but it still goes directly to voicemail. Clarke mumbles to himself ''Oh dear god Mareen, please don't tell me something hurt you and the kids...''.

As clarke was sitting with his phone, trying to wonder about what was going on, hands smashed on his left window, as it shocked him greatly. He looked and saw a red haired girl, tears all over the face screaming "You've got to get us out of here! Please!". Clarke was shocked, his mouth stood right open as he was freezed. He yelled madly ''What the hell is going on at this place, is this some kind of those modern TV shows?''. Clarke spoke words, even though the girl could hardly hear him because of all that was going on outside. He looked at her sad face, and got a little empathy. Clarke doesn't normally talk to strangers, espesially not letting any into his car. But Clarke was also curious about what was going on, so he replied to the girl ''Alright get the fuck in, go around and do shotgun seat.'' As he waited for the girl to go around the car and in, he was freezed. He couldn't believe what was happening, he still thought that some of those popular film producers were shooting a very very realistic scene.

LittleAndClumsy LittleAndClumsy
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Chris made his way into the empty streets of New York and was shock how dead the city is... "The Streets are as dead as the highways I just came from" Chris said. He had walked
many days on the dead highways just to get to New York.... "isn't there no safe haven" Chris thought to himself.... He would make his way across the streets only to see abandon cars and smashed store windows from looters. Chris only goal is to find his sister Ellie who he has been searching for 5 years and he recently heard rumors she might be in New York.... "If I have to go though hell to find my sister I go though hell to find her" Chris said, As he walked further into the city he would see bodies on the streets.... "This can't be happening I thought the outbreak was contained and they found a cure?" Chris thought as he made his way into one of the shops that was broken into.... The shop was a mess the store shelves has been tipped over and the items been looted. "This is what humankind has become when all hope is lost they turn to looting and preying on the weak to survive" Chris said to himself with a sign

Chris only weapon is a .357 Magnum and some loot in his backpack.... Hopefully he can survive with only a limited items Chris thought

LittleAndClumsy LittleAndClumsy
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Jesus wasn't at the foster home that day. He had snuck out, right now there should be dinner. But Jesus didn't like the other kids, he never does at new foster homes. Instead of being at the foster home, Jesus was at the skate park where only 'big kids' were, by that he means teens. He wants to be like the teens as he thinks they are cool, but teens doesn't want to be together with Jesus.

He yelled up ''Hey guys! Wanna see some cool tricks i just learned on my skateboard!''. He got a reply: ''Go away kid, you are too young to hang out with us. Maybe you should go home to your moommaaa''. The other kids laughed, but Jesus didn't find it funny. He thought to himself ''Why is it always like this. I hate people sometimes''. As Jesus walked away from the skate park, he heard screams, crashes and gun shots. He was very curious so he began to run over to the sound. Jesus was now looking at people fighting each other, many people dropped down to the floor dead. Jesus had no idea what was going on, so he went closer. As he ran closer, a person at the side of the street began to walk towards him. Jesus stopped and looked at him and said ''Do you have any idea what is going on?''. Jesus got no answer, only steps closer to him. He now began to see that the persons eyes were yellow, and he had blood all over his face.

Jesus got very scared and ran away. He kept looking behind him at the man that looked weird. As he kept doing that, he fell. He tripped over something. Jesus looked to see what he had tripped over, and it was a dead body. The body began to move its face. Jesus was crawling all over the place as he saw two girls, with melee weapons talking to each other. Jesus yelled ''Hello? Are you guys not monsters? Do you know what is happening?''.
Fallon sighed nodding her head gently wiping the bat clean with her coveralls. The black blood stained the leg of her coveralls and let off a putrid smell. She wrinkled her nose in disgust and looked up at Allana nodding in the direction of the dogs for her to lead the way. Fallon didn’t always do much talking. She was the type to observe and listen, it’s helped her stay out of trouble in many situations.

As she started to follow behind Allana inside she heard a scuffle behind them and voices. She quickly turned around raising the bar over her head ready to swing at the next creature that was coming toward them. To her surprise she noticed a young boy tripping over the corpse she left on the road. “No buddy... we’re not monsters” She said as she dropped the bat to her side and cautiously made her way over to him trying not to startle him. She helped him up patting him clean “You alright?” She asked taking the sleeve of her coveralls and gently wiping away the blood from his cheek.

She looked up to see Allana still standing at the door of the kennel. Fallon Instantly knew what she was thinking what are we to do with a kid? An additional person to watch and care for...to avoid those things... she quickly led the boy towards the kennel picking up her bat on the way. “What’s your name kid?” Fallon questioned as she shut the kennel door behind them and began to barricade it. She lowered the blinds peeking through them. The streets outside were dead, quite literally. She bit her lip nervously Where are these cops she wondered. She took a deep breath and put on a smile before turning back around to face the boy and Allana. “Alright...we’re going to need to set those dogs free...I want two of the bigger more ferocious ones leashed, they’ll be coming with us” she said handing two leashes to Allana. “I’ll stock up on whatever supplies there is in here...possibly make a quick stop by the garage as well.” She picked up a bag and started raiding the shelves. “Move quick kids. Chop chop”

LittleAndClumsy LittleAndClumsy Zorgi Zorgi
frogmilk frogmilk
Andrew was completely out of breath.... "Damn I am getting way too old for this" As Andrew tries to regain his breath.... "Look kid we need to get out of here got a ride?" Andrew ask Maverick
The howling and banging still coming from the freezer door.... "I knew something was off when the streets are like a ghost town.... There is something going on and I don't like it" said Andrew
As Andrew headed outside there was the smell of smoke near by as the once thriving city was empty....

LittleAndClumsy LittleAndClumsy

Status: 100%
Mentions: N/A

At the borders of the city, the faint 'whap whap whap whap!' of helicopter blades slicing through the air became more apparent as the black, bulky profile of a UH-60M Blackhawk soared into view. This was immediately apparent to not be like the traditional outfitting of the National Guard's icon, but on the tail was imprinted a strange blue diamond, with the lower right section a bright white. Inside the vehicle was a different story as four military-style figures were kitted up and seated in rigid chairs opposite of either bay door. With their rifles pointed downward toward the doors, the enigmatic soldiers were poised to make a landing; each of them sporting a strange armored helmet, goggles and tactically modified weapons. Despite the communications headset covering his ears, the air stress on the helicopter creaked the metallic frame; sending a drop through his stomach that the damned thing might tear itself apart any second. When the city became more defined, the Pilot's low grumble broke the dreaded news to everyone: "We're late."

Indeed, they had been. The once bustling and thriving Downtown of NYC was littered with abandoned cars congesting the streets; the lines of colored steel stretching as far as the roads. Bodies and rusted crimson flowed through the cracks of the cars; spilling out into the remainder of the unscathed streets into large swaths and even deep pools. As the pilot searched for a place to land, each Operator looked out the window. The scene was the same for everyone, however it was another slice of Hell contributing to the bigger picture. Despite the white Tyvek-ridden, red flecked emergency camps and decimated olive-drab barriers, it was safe to assume that the dramatic, draconian measures attempting to contain the outbreak were unsuccessful. Before anything further could be learned on the way down, the Helicopter's proximity alarm went off. As the team braced for a missile impact, something that of a blur flew into the windshield. A body? Joel looked out the pilot's window from the back of the chopper, and quickly found a gnarled, grey face sneering angrily back at him. The humanoid being let out a throaty screech, something that was heard even in the helicopter as the figure began to pound, claw and tear away at the pilot's windscreen as the helicopter lurched upward in a sharp incline. "Argh, Shit! I can't shake this asshole!" However laced in profanities the Pilot's response was, there was a heavy undertone of fear underneath his booming voice. One of the operators adjusted his position closest to the right-side door, aimed his rifle at the creature's head, and fired. The bullets narrowly missed the pilot's helmet; embedding themselves into the heavy windscreen and tearing through it before making hard-contact with the being's frontal plate. A jettison of crimson confirmed a headshot as the creature went limp, then up...

and rolled right into the blades of the Blackhawk. Turning the humanoid into meat confetti, the main rotor alarm sounded as an obstruction was detected. Now, the helicopter was deadlocked into a slow descent, and the pilot immedeatly cut power to the engine, raised the nose to allign with the nearest strip of pavement wider than a parking lot, and made a gradual descent- until the helicopter began to yaw right. "Something's got the tail rudder! It's stuck, I can't- BRACE BRACE BRACE!" The helicopter collided with the ground seconds after; immediately entering a roll as the tail detached from the body of the aircraft and flung several feet ahead of the Blackhawk. The rotor's propellers launched across the pavement when the main rotor collided with the ground; sending blades in random directions. After doing several more rolls and a violent filp, the helicopter slowly made its resting spot pinned up against a fuel truck as the lock to the doors broke; sliding the bay doors wide open. As one of the operators came to, he fought through the disorientation to find himself looking at an inverted world. Looking down and grogilly fumbling with the release of his belt, the soldier fell against the top of the helicopter as he released several barking coughs. "Ugh... Mason, Wilds, you good? Jack? ...Give- give me a sitrep... The man's heavy Texan accent cracked into another torrent of coughs as he looked up and around his environment, and his heart dropped. Only one other operator was alive, and the front windscreen had a human-sized hole where the pilot was. The man was taking agonal breaths; something he recognized as respirtory distress. Still pinned in his seat, the freed operative scrambled over to him and was about to undo his harness before he stopped himself. The seat hosting the man was nearly folded into a 45-degree angle at the waist, and cutting him loose could prove disastrous. The soldier shakily brought his head to eye-level with the operator, and croaked out the man's name in a pained whisper. "J-Joel? I..I h-h-hurt, Joel, I..."

"Shh, sh. You're alright buddy, I'm gonna figure out how to get you out of here, okay? Just.. Don't move man, focus on your breaths. Alright?" Joel responded, forcing a smile under his helmet. There was no way in hell Mason was going to make it out of this one, even if he'd be able to be removed. Joel's agitated search for anythign being a means of rescue stopped him when he locked up at the sound of a ungodly howl, having to be at least miles away, but horribly audible. Refocusing his attention, he nearly reeled back as he saw Mason's hands clenched around two items. His dog-tags in his left, and an M67 in his right. Mason was now staring directly at him, with a warrior's gaze that glistened through the wounded, fatigues stare of the soldier's eyes. "Y-you and I b-both know... H-h-how this e-ends, Joel. T-Take my... take my t-tags, and get the hell out of here. TH-the mission's l-lost, but it hasn't f-f-failed. You're still alive. G-go." Joel's brow twitched as he nearly screamed at the through of leaving his man to die alone after not being able to save them all, but it would have just caused more attention to be drawn to them. Reluctantly, Joel took the tags from Mason's trembling hands; claspign his other around the soldier as he offered a solemn nod. The others were dead, and Joel couldn't bear to look at them on his way out of the helicopter. As he turned, Mason's croak turned into a soft laugh. "S-See you on the other s-side Captain. It's b-been an honor serving with y-you." Joel glanced back, nodded once more, and took a step out of the helicopter. His knees flared in an angry protest of pain as he secured Mason's tags to his vest, and began making his way through the sea of cars. He'd appeared to have crashed a little ways back from Downtown; it looked as if several neighborhoods were close to the area. Joel's instincts kicked in, and the Marine knew that, just like with a previous crash in Kabul, it would only take a matter of time before either more of those creatures, or enemy activity began to arrive to the crash site. Retrieveing the rifle from his back, he gave the weapon a firm tug on the charging handle; chambering a fresh round as he now stuck to keeping a low, hurried profile away from the crash and toward the small outcropping of a suburban area in his general view. Shock and adrenaline coursed through his veins as his body was on autopilot, and Joel knew he'd have time to grieve later. He always did.
Before she could even speak up about going in the back, the sounds of someone falling were heard as well as a soft voice asking if they were monsters. Immediately, Allana turned around to see a semi familiar face, her face going soft as she realized who it was. She knew of this kid, she had fed him lunch a time or two and she looked to him and Fallon. "Uh, let's get inside." She spoke, seeing what he was talking about as the monsters started to fill the streets. The thought of going in through the back was thrown out the window as she opened the door to her kennel and ushered everybody into the office. Luckily Fallon seemed to have similar plans and she nodded at her instructions, only pausing at the mention of vicious dogs.

"We... We don't house vicious dogs but I'll see what I can do." Allana spoke, leaving Fallon and Jesus to their devices whilst she went to check to see which dogs were coming with her and which were leaving. One by one she would open the kennels and release the dogs out of the back door, trying to space it out enough to where they could avoid running into one another as she knew that not all dogs were friendly with one another. She also wanted to make sure that she wasn't drawing too much attention to the building itself whilst releasing said dogs. All that were left of the dogs were the two that Fallon had requested: Howie, the poorly trained Doberman who liked to try and intimidate others and another dog whom was meant to be in a single dog environment. The second option? A Cane Corso by the name of Loki. She released them from the kennel one at a time, leashing them individually and leading them out into the lobby to where Fallon stood.

"These are pretty much our only two options. You'll need to keep them separated as they don't exactly get along. We'll just need to work with them." Allana clarified, handing over the first leash which contained Howie before going back into the kennel to retrieve Loki . As suggested, she kept the two dogs far enough apart though they would both pull and try to get to one another. Loki was reprimanded with a harsh tug of the leash as well as a stern "no!" any time he would pull. She looked to Jesus with a kind smile despite straining to keep the stocky dog under control.

"Hey, bud? Mind getting some food for Loki and Howie? You remember where it's at, right? There's a few bags back there you can use. I'd say fill up at least two bags for us, yes?" She questioned, smiling at him before turning to look at Fallon as Jesus disappeared into the back of the kennel. "Those things are getting closer to the building. Once he gets the stuff we need to move." She spoke up, not wanting to discuss such matters in front of the kid.

SweetSublime SweetSublime Zorgi Zorgi
After banging on the man's window for what seemed to be ages, he finally noticed her and rolled down the window. The conversation was brief and she had tuned in enough to hear the order to get in the passenger side. That was enough for her and she wasn't going to second guess the fact that she was getting into a stranger's car. That didn't matter to her. All that mattered at this point was getting the hell out of dodge. She was quick to run around the large red truck and to carelessly throw the door open, soon jumping inside and slamming it behind her. She turned to face Clarke with wide, fear-filled teary eyes. "I don't know why this is happening. Everybody's turning on each other." She spoke, mortified by what she had seen.

However, before they had the chance to take off and to leave the city - a slam on the hood grabbed her attention as a brown haired male ran out in front of the truck and slammed his hands down onto the hood. "We've gotta help them! We can't leave them! Not out here!" Rosalee gasped, turning in hopes that Clarke would help this stranger and his friend. Realistically, she didn't want to leave anybody behind. At least, she didn't want to leave anybody who was normal behind. She was about to beg Clarke to help the strangers some more when she spotted a helicopter going down further in the city. It would be maybe two or three blocks away? "Should... Should we check that out?" She questioned, knowing that they didn't really have time to check on everybody nor was her newfound savior due to help everybody but she wanted to try.

Zorgi Zorgi Specialist Specialist

[[ Hoping to bring Joel in with this group. <3 ]]
Even though it was a bad idea to stick around and let the man out of the freezer, Maverick still felt awful about his morning interaction with Joe. After all, he had been coming to the man for his daily morning coffee for over a year and something just felt wrong about attacking the old man whether it had been in self defense or not. And yet, whatever sounds were coming from within that freezer didn't sound human. "This can't be happening. He was normal yesterday. Hell, I stopped for a second coffee yesterday afternoon and he was okay! He wasn't like this! Joe wouldn't do this." He was in shock but he looked up as Andrew announced that they needed to go and asked if he had a ride. "N-no I don't." He spoke, following Andrew outside in hopes of finding somebody who could help them.

The streets were filled with chaos. Many other survivors were running from things like what Joe was turning into and he was desperately scanning the area for any signs of life that didn't have one of those things attacking them already. He watched with many others as a Helicopter swooped low over the city before crashing a few blocks north of their location. "Woah." Mav gasped, turning to face Andrew with big eyes before he looked past him and saw a red haired girl banging on the window of a red truck and begging for help. And as the girl got in the truck, he had the same idea and he ran over.

He threw himself in front of the truck carelessly, banging on the hood to grab the driver's attention. "Hey! Help! Give us a ride, please! Don't leave us here!" He begged, banging on the hood once more and staring at Clarke and Rosalee. "Please!" He pleaded, looking around him at the ensuing chaos. They couldn't stay here! They'd die!

Zorgi Zorgi Addicted to Coffee Addicted to Coffee

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