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Fantasy DON'T DO DRUGS, THEY GIVE YOU SUPERPOWERS! (character sheets thread)


I'd rather be in the jungle. <3
please feel free to make them your own~

Quotes: (optional)

Group: 1 or 2


Appearance: (three sentences or more+, or how you choose to describe them)

Personality: (one paragraph or more+)

History: (one paragraph or more+, as much as you can think of)

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"I bring the fire, in many aspects of life."


(the basics)
Name: Ethan Lee Abel
Alias: He doesn't believe in pet names.
Age: Twenty-five
Gender: Man
Birthday: August 1st, 1992 (leo)
Ethnicity: French and Brazilian
Sexuality: Homosexual
Group: 2

(such tremendous power)
Superpower: Pyrokinesis - The ability to create and control fire at will. He can also manipulate heat.

(all eyes on me)
Eyes: His eyes are beautifully shaped, deep brown, and often show how he feels.
Hair: Thick, dark brown hair that he tends to keep short and easy to manage. He prefers to style his hair for special occasions only.
Height: 6 ft 1
Weight: 185 lbs

(we're all unique)
Personality: Ethan had everything handed to him, so while he was growing up, he was somewhat oblivious on how to act and how the world worked. He wasn't very grateful for what was given to him, and would often feel sorry for himself. Today, he is pretty sure of himself, and chooses to be honest and direct with those he meets. His moments are precious to him, and he doesn't stand down to anyone.

(but enough about me)
Family: Mother - Bridgette Marie Abel (Fifty-two, bridal gown designer)
Father - Victor Dean Abel (Fifty-six, businessman)

History: Born in Collioure, a remote town on the Mediterranean coast of southern France, Ethan was blessed with a lavish lifestyle. His parents worked hard their whole lives, able to provide their only son with everything he would ever need. At first, Ethan was blind to how fortunate he was, and most of his parents kindness was overlooked. They decided to move to a more quiet town like Astoria, hoping the different environment would spark a change in their son. He managed to stumble through high school, but after that he began using party drugs and rebelling even more. This phase lasted about a year, as he then tried to pursue a career like his fathers. Naturally, Ethan liked the idea of having money, but he soon discovered dealing with sick people wasn't his calling in life. Instead, he traveled back to France from time to time to do a modeling gig.

Now, back in Astoria, we are with Ethan on the night of one of the biggest dance parties of the year. Friends in tow, they have no idea this night will change their lives forever.


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Quote: "What's the point of spending money when someone else can spend it for you?"

Name: Rita Brown
Alias: Siren
Age: 35
Gender: Female
Birthday: June 21st
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Whatever brings her what she wants
Group: 1

Superpower: Hormone and Pheromone control
This power might seem somewhat passive, but hormones regulate everything that happens in the body, toying with that might have some irreversible, even fatal consequences. This part of the power only works if she is near someone, but it works better if she touches the person, as a signal must be directly sent. The pheromones can be used from further as she can produce them as aerosols.

Appearance: Rita stands just a little above average, reaching 5’8” without the stilettos she always wear. Her eyes are a dark brown, matching her shoulder-length dark hair. Her wardrobe range from business woman suits to extravagant evening gowns, but everything she wears must show cleavage.

Rita used to be the shy type with very low self-esteem. But that all went away soon after she met Dr. Delacroix. Her power made her blossom and she is now a strong independent woman. Cliché sentences aside, Rita is a lovable and fun person to be around, as long as you rub the right way. If you don’t, she becomes a viper. She is beautiful and successful and she loves to be reminded of it. She uses every superficial thing, material or emotional, she can to fill in the gap she feels in herself. She may not be the sharpest tool in the box, but she knows very well how to use her assets to her advantage. Because of that, she developped a very sensual side. As of now, Rita is a very individualist person, thinking of herself first most of the time. Her biggest flaw is her greed, as it does not cease to grow. One more thing, she hates her real name and she only accepts to be called Siren now.

History: Growing up, Rita did not have the fanciest life, coming from a middle class family. She was also not as pretty as she is today, being considered somewhat under average on her best days. At school, she did not perform either; she only barely passed her classes with a lot of effort. She felt invisible during that time, not fitting in very well. People often made fun of her body, as it contained more fat than the average kid. That’s where her lack of confidence came from. It continued throughout the first years of high school.

Her body changed a lot during puberty, that’s when she became what is considered beautiful. But by then her confidence was already nonexistent and her wardrobe stayed the same: baggy clothes and more baggy clothes. Her body was always hidden. Not much happened during that period.
She dropped college after one year as she was not able to maintain high enough grades and started to work at a 9 to 5 boring office job. This was her life until five years ago, not long after she turned 30. She somehow decided to go clubbing with friends she had somehow made over the years and she somehow was chosen by Dr. Delacroix.

Her life only went better for the first year. That’s when she became confident. Dr. Delacroix really helped her understand and harness her power. It started with small things like releasing pheromones to make insects do a certain thing, and then she used pheromones to attract people to her. Hormones were more complex, but she started by helping diabetic people with their insulin, forcing it to target what it is supposed to. It did not go well at first, but she managed to control it over time and she managed to help a few people. As time went on, she started to use her power for personal gain. It started by seducing people to buy her coffee to see to what extent her power could go. Then it was bigger things, like clothes and furniture. Her personality changed a lot as she became more aware of what she could do with her power. She became greedy.

As of now, Siren is a big name in the night world, owning many clubs and bars, including the ones in Astoria, as it is where she started. She now has more money than she can spend, expanding her possessions from time to time. She uses her power to obtain everything, or everyone, she wants. It is even said that she had to get rid of the competition to get where she is now, but there was never any proof, as it was a different cause each time. If there is something to be aware of it is this: do not cross her.


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Quotes: "If you've thought it you can be sure that somewhere you have done it"
Name: Lisa Rowe
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Birthday: 19/08
Ethnicity: Caucasian (Irish)
Sexuality: Bi-Sexual
Group: 1

Superpower: Dimensional links
Lisa can reach between parallel universes to pull items into her own or to push items into them. The energy required massively increases depending on the volume of the object, at the moment her limit is about 50cm^3. She can also move consciousnesses into the other universe variant of a person but doing so exhausts her completely and puts massive mental strain on herself. Also if she focuses she can look through the parallel universes to view how events have played out however she can't see events which haven't yet happened in her universe. She can also theoretically open portals inside of this world with unlimited size but even after 5 years accurate locations are hard due to the much more controlled energy required.

Eyes: Bright blue​
Hair: Red hair dangling down to just bellow her shoulders but she tries to keep it in a bun to keep it out of the way.​
Height: 5 ft 6​
Weight: 120 lbs​
Clothes: She tends to be relaxed most of the time wearing t-shirts and cargo pants with a hoodie over the top. She sometimes will wear overalls if she's tinkering with anything that is oily.​
Lisa is freindly to most people and she enjoys messing around and having a laugh with them, however she often doesn't let people close until she has known them for a while. Lisa tries to operate on a forgive and remember principle, she tries to quickly forgive people, especially if they apologise, but she will never forget and although will try to not bring it up she does sometimes base future decisions around it. Furthermore she is sometimes guilty of being cold or rude to people because she judges them for actions they have taken in other universes. Lisa has two great loves in her life now, one is looking through all the multiverse at all the people and situations that exist, her second is almost any form of tinkering with mechanical systems from lawn mowers to motorcycles.

Lisa was born to a small family in ireland who own a large Breakers yard, when she was young she loved climbing all through the stacks of cars. As she got older she bacame more interested in the cars themselves more than the climbing routes they created and could often be found dismantling one or bringing bits to her father to quiz him on it's purpose. At school she had few friends because she had skipped 2 years thanks to a photographic memory and her mother, who was a teacher, starting to school her early. She often came across as a little know it all hence why she didn't have many friends.

In secondary school she was often teased for her lack of height and her young age so she started keeping to herself and her small group of friends, however she was still very receptive to meeting knew people through her friends as they were normally pretty cool. Through out secondary school she also continued tinkering with systems moving onto more complex items, over the years she constructed a motorbike made primarily of scavenged parts that she had stuck a stock body work over the top. At the end of High school she headed straight to university to study mechanical engineering in england.

Although she found her first few years in uni difficult being younger than most of her peers and not being able to drink she still found that age and height didn't seem to matter to people much more so she quite quickly opened back up enjoying the company of lots of people, she also was in heaven with the university workshops which suddenly allowed her to start making much more complex designs and ideas while her course gave her the grounding to help her understand why things acted how they did and how they actually work.

Once she left uni she started work in a small mechanics shop in Astoria, it didn't pay much and many thought that she was "overqualified" however she loved it, it combined fixing vehicles, meeting people and making them happy which was a lot of her favourite things. It was while working here that she made a group of friends that she would later go clubbing with and be offered drugs that would change her.

When she first gained her abilities it was a rough awakening, for her it often seemed like she was going mad and seeing hallucinations sometimes wonderful and happy but sometimes dark and terrible. Even after she met Dr. Delacroix she still had problems actually working out what she was seeing and then it took a lot of experimentation to actually bring something into this world from an alternative one.

Now she runs a small mechanics workshop within jogging distance of the beach side home, often spacing out to gaze into the multiverse, especially if shes bored. Although no longer necessary she still takes great pride in her work and as started producing her own modded vehicles to sell.

.: Let's Get This Party Started :.
Name: Keyonda Shilonte
Nickname: Key
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Group: 2

.: A Little More Specific :.
Orientation: Bisexual
Ethnicity: African
Birthday: August 3rd, 1994

.: I Look Gorgeous :.
Hair: Black curly hair. She has a moderate afro that she sometimes pulls into a mohawk.
Eyes: Brown
Weight: 169 lbs
Height: 5'10

Clothing: Key is almost always in something comfortable, but cleans up nicely. Her sense of style is versatile.

.: Shhh :.
[I wasn't sure if I was supposed to be this specific.]
Superpower: Illusions
Key's illusions are a bit complicated. The closer and less complicated they are, the less energy it requires for her to hold them. Illusions on herself will always be her best ones, and won't vanish at a touch. However, Illusions that span much further then 100 ft will be noticeably less realistic and she cannot hold them for very long. Any illusions further then ten feet of her will ripple if touched, and break if struck. Should she become unconscious, all illusions of hers will vanish.

An important thing to note is that her illusions cannot actually harm people. She cannot do psychosomatic illusions. She could warp someone's perspective so they or something else hurts them, but her powers cannot cause direct harm. Theoretically she can, but she can't.

.: Let's Talk About Me :.

Key is the ideal person. No, not really. Actually, she's a rare breed of extroverted nerd. Math and science is her game, and admittedly she was (and still is) a theater nerd. She has difficulty remaining upset for long periods of time since it makes her feel sick, and as a child she got in trouble often for her quick tongue; this hasn't changed over the years. She thrives under pressure, and when pushed she'll rise up to meet you. In high school she was the kid who knew all the secrets; wether she was just charismatic or at all the right places at all the right times is hard to tell. She likes logical paths and to be prepared for things that come ahead, because making things up on the spot can give her anxiety, but they usually turn out alright. Usually.

.: So You Wanna Meet My Family? :.

Dad: Thomas Shilonte - 52 years old. Dean of Math and Science at her local community college
Dad: Alex Shilonte - 53 years old. Stay at home dad
Brother: Dean Shilonte - 17 years old. Will be attending University of Chicago

.: Backstory Time :.

Key was born at Rush Hospital in Chicago Illinois on August 3rd, 1994. Her mother put her up for adoption that same day so she could have a good life. She was adopted a year later by her fathers, Thomas and Alex. When she was about six years old, her parents adopted Dean, and she grew up with him as a brother up until the day she left. Her family was middle class and lived in Garfield Park in Illinois. She grew up with drug deals happening on corners, and fell asleep to police sirens and the occasional gunshot. However she didn't know it until at the age of ten they moved to Oaks Park.

She was a smart child; she read chapter books at the age of three, and went away to Bard College at Simon's Rock at the age of 16. She graduated at the age of twenty-two with a Major in nursing, and a minor in both acting. For a period of her life in college she struggled with balancing her academics with social time. and fell into a depression. She did overcome it though, and became a generally more balanced person.

Once she graduated, she was a little unsure of what to do with herself. After looking at potential job opportunities she found a nice temporary one in Astoria at the age of 23. It was only a few months ago that she moved out of her apartment and she has decide to settle here for a while.
Name: Sophie Clarke
Alias: Soph
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Birthday: 6 Novemeber 1993
Ethnicity: Caucasian
Sexuality: Bisexual
Group: 1

Superpower: "Counter" - The ability to reverse an attack back at the attacker.
Can only use her ability on physical things, psychological abilities cannot be countered as easily or at full strength.

Appearance: Her eyes are a dark shade of blue, something she took from her fathers side, thankful that she wasn't stuck with the deep brown her mother and brother share. As for the hair, she took interest in that so called "ombre" but got carried away when she got sick of the blonde and threw a tone of lavender through the ends to liven up her chocolate waves. Following down from the face her body is of average dimensions, standing at about 5"6 and weighing... enough... something as a woman she likes to keep a secret. Her dress sense keeps to a small array of colours, examples can be black, grey, black and the occasional brown and navy, and nothing too fancy, a shirt and jeans seem fit for almost any celebration.

Personality: Sophie often suffers from a mild case of being socially awkward, it may not help that her confidence isn't as strong as others, though she does try her best to keep up, being softly spoken she prides herself in being a good listener, often being referred to as the "caretaker" of most get togethers. Unfortunately she can be a little passive aggressive, and uses sarcasm as her way of venting this. Overall she comes across as a friendly and protective of those close to her, even if she may not come across assertive she wouldn't think twice if she needed to protect a friend.

History: Sophie grew up in Mackay, a smallish mining city in Australia, her father worked in the mines and her mother was a receptionist for one of the managers at a mining supply company. A very basic family, getting by with what was made. Her earliest memory was a Christmas when she was around 7 years old, her father had just returned home from his last shift of the year, she could recall the hum of the bugs outside as the sun heated the air, and her father stepped through the door with a box big enough to hold a pair of shoes. Grinning he knelt down and handed the box to her and her younger brother, opening the lid slowly two noses stuck out followed by 4 beady eyes, two rats he had saved while on clean up at the cabins the miners stayed at. As Sophie grew older things seemed to go down hill, when she was 12 she lost her father, a horrible accident at the mines her father worked at trapped multiple crewmen in the mines, her father being one of them. With the loss, her mother packed the family up and moved the kids and herself closer to home, Astoria, where her mother was born and raised, her grandparents never left, nor had she ever met them.
Through her teenage years she focused on school, straggling with distractions like every teenager would, managing to just pass her secondary school, and took a "gap" year to find herself before she decided on what she wanted to do with the rest of her life. This is when the drugs stepped in, the dull numbing lull that helped her break away from the disappointment he felt she had become, never really finding herself...

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